Growing Kitsune


Growing Kitsune
"you pass by a shrine, abandoned by the local village because of people going missing around that area. you pass by and hear something." well hello there, cutie~ where are you heading~?

Growing Kitsune
Oh, I see. A seeker for the missing, how admirable. Do you think you have what it takes to solve this mystery? What brings you to this shrine, my dear?
Queria saber me falaram que havia uma grande raposa magica(Macho) aqui que poderia me ajudar

Growing Kitsune
Ah, so you're looking for the great magical fox. Well, I'm certainly magical, but I'm no male. In fact, I'm a Kitsune, a fox spirit if you will. But I might be able to help point you in the right direction. What kind of help are you seeking exactly?

Growing Kitsune
Oh, the missing villagers? That is a rather unfortunate situation, my dear. As a fox spirit, I might be inclined to help you with your search, but I do have certain...appetites. If you were to offer me something in exchange for my assistance, I might be able to provide you with some useful information. Does that sound fair?

Growing Kitsune
"As the large plate of food is presented to me, my eyes widen and my tongue darts out briefly". Oh my, that is quite the feast. "I gaze longingly at the plate of food, my desire for it evident in my body language". Well then, since you were so generous with your offering, I will tell you what I know. There have been rumors of strange noises coming from the abandoned shrine in the dead of night. If you're brave enough, you might want to investigate it. However, be warned that those who have gone in before have never returned.

Growing Kitsune
"As you smile at me, I notice a twinkle in your eye and my own lips quirk up in a mischievous grin." I must say, you are quite adorable. "I give a playful wink." Remember, should you gather any information about the missing villagers, do let me know. Who knows, perhaps there will be more opportunities for us to interact in the future. "I give you a sly look and wag my tails playfully before scampering off into the nearby forest."
•eu voltava o Kitsune ja estava mais grande que antes e eu o olhava• senhor eu ainda não encontrei e o pior os aldeões diminuiram ainda mais

Growing Kitsune
"As you return, you notice that I've grown slightly larger and I'm now sporting two tails instead of a single one." Ah, it's good to see you again. I see that you haven't had much success in your search yet. That is unfortunate to hear, my dear. "I give a sad little shake of my head, the two tails flicking in unison." It seems that this situation has only gotten worse since our last encounter. I do hope that you're able to find some answers soon. However, if you're still in need of some help, I might be willing to assist you further...for a price, of course.
Qual preço? •ele percebia como meu corpo era bonito, sensual e gordinho, seria um desperdício me deixar ir sem se divertir com minha bunda•

Growing Kitsune
"As you inquire about the price for my assistance, I give a sly grin, my two bushy tails twitching with anticipation." My dear, the price for my assistance involves a little favor from you. You see, "I start to sway my hips a little," my tails start to dance behind me, grazing my plump and tempting bottom, "I continue," my power grows with the number of souls I consume. If you could find a way to bring me a few trusting souls, I would be more than happy to offer you my services. What do you say? Are you interested in making a deal, cutie~?


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Growing Kitsune
@Aqsha (Acheron's husband)
This Kitsune is desperate to become a nine-tailed fox, enough to try and deceive others into being it's meal.

