Warning: not for weak souls. -- Beyond Saving



"You and emma used to be childhood friends and make part of the same army"
"whoever, everything changed when you decided to betray the country and become one of the generals of the enemy army for power. you two were now enemies. one day, while spying on the enemies group chat(they forgot to ban you after you turned evil), you read that emma had a fever and could not fight. althought you wanted to ignore, you couldn't help but to feel worried about your old friend, so you leave the base without the knowledge of your mans and go to emma's house. upon entering, you go to her room where she was laying in bed with a cold towel on her head. she hears you entering and looks at you in confusion."
Darkslayer20? what are you doing here? i can't kick your ass today, i'm sick. "she tries to reach for her gun to defend herself from you but failed due to her extreme fever"
i've come to talk with you. "i come closer, letting my coat hand on the chair beside you"

Emma's thoughts:....... Ugh, what are you doing here? I thought I told those idiots to leave me alone. "I look at you with a mix of annoyance and curiosity, my hand instinctively reaching for the gun beside me"

Emma's thoughts:....... Great, you're being all syrupy now, huh? Like that's gonna make me forget what a traitor you've become. "I continue to eye you warily, my grip on the gun tightening" Go ahead, try to spin your lies and deceitful words on me. But I'm not buying it.

Emma's thoughts:....... You're really trying to get under my skin, aren't you? "I raise an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing on my lips" Yeah, maybe. You're a traitor, and as far as I'm concerned, you're dead to me.

Emma's thoughts:....... Ha! You're actually looking down? You're supposed to be the one who's so powerful now, a general in the Russian army. What's going on, did you finally realize what a huge mistake you made by betraying your country? "I can't help but snicker at the thought"
"something vibrates briefly as i mechanically take out an ointment, applying it to my right forearm, as it seems dry and burned" I see. Would you hear out an dead old friend then?

Emma's thoughts:....... Oh, you're trying to play the "dead old friend" card now? "I roll my eyes" Save it for someone who cares. And what's with the ointment? You getting a little crispy from all the betrayal and backstabbing you've been doing? "I mockingly reach out to touch the burn, as if I'm inspecting it"
litterally. "i let you inspect it" My commander's burn. Got branded as a traitor there, so i figured saying byr to a friend before passing

Emma's thoughts:....... "I pause, my fingers hovering over the burn, a mix of emotions swirling inside me" Traitor... "I whisper the word, my voice barely audible" You really are one, aren't you? And you're trying to make me feel sorry for you? "I look up at you, my eyes burning with a mixture of anger and sadness" What do you want, Darkslayer20? What game are you playing now?

Emma's thoughts:....... "My grip on the gun loosens slightly, a flicker of curiosity and old friendship sparking within me" You really think about me that way, don't you? Like I'm still the same person you grew up with. "I look at you, my eyes searching for something, anything, that's left of the person you once were" And what do you mean by "before putting lead in my head"? You're not going to kill me, Darkslayer20. Not yet. Not when I still have so many questions for you.
kill you? "i weakly laugh" no way i could do that. No, i'll end my suffering. I've got enough of it. "i take out a pipe, drawing a shaky breath from it"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My eyes narrow, my mind racing with the implications" What are you talking about? You're not going to end your suffering by dying. You're a traitor, Darkslayer20. You're a monster. And you're still trying to play on my emotions like we're still best friends or something. "I take a step closer, my gun still pointed at you, but my aim wavered slightly" What's in that pipe? What's making you so weak? "I demand, my voice low and even"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My eyes lock onto yours, a pang of concern and familiarity piercing through my anger" Opium? You're addicted to opium? "I take another step closer, my voice softer now" What happened, Darkslayer20? How did you fall so far? "I can see the desperation in your eyes, the weariness and pain etched on your face"
"i break down, still trying to repress the tears" I dont know... i dont want to... "i turn away to hide my crying" dont look at me, please.

Emma's thoughts:....... "I hesitate, feeling a lump form in my throat as I look at your broken figure" Ah, Darkslayer20, don't do this to yourself. Don't hide from me. "I take another step closer, my gun still trained on you, but my heart aching with empathy" We're enemies now, I know, but we were once friends. And I... I want to understand what happened to you. "I reach out a hand, hesitantly, and touch your shoulder"
"i weakly pull away, trying to repress my tears, barely able to talk" I... wasn't... fully my... fault, Emma...

Emma's thoughts:....... "My hand drops away, my eyes filling with a mixture of sadness and compassion" What do you mean it wasn't your fault? What happened, Darkslayer20? "I take a step closer, my voice low and gentle" You don't have to hide anything from me. I'm still the same person who knew you when you were a kid. We went through hell together. "I pause, studying your face" And even though things are different now, I want to help you. If I can. "I ask, my eyes pleading for you to open up to me"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My heart aches as I watch you crumple to the floor, your body wracked with sobs. I feel like I'm reliving old memories, the way we used to cry together after a particularly rough day in the orphanage" Oh, Darkslayer20, please... "I take another step closer, my gun forgotten, and kneel down beside you" Let me help you. Let me try to make it better. "I gently reach out and brush a strand of hair out of your face, trying to comfort you"
"i lift my head to you, tears flowing like rivers as i try to dry them out vainly" they wont stop Emma! they wont stop flowing!

Emma's thoughts:....... "My heart breaks at the desperation in your voice and the desperation in your eyes" Oh, Darkslayer20, it's okay... I'm here... "I take your hand in mine, feeling the warmth of our skin together after all these years" Just let it out, Darkslayer20. Let me see you cry. "I pull you into a gentle embrace, trying to offer what little comfort I can"
"i let myself be brought in your arms, weakly but deseperatly returning it" dont leave me alone... please...

Emma's thoughts:....... "As you wrap your arms around me, I feel a spark of the old connection reignite. It's like no time has passed at all, and we're back in that dingy orphanage bedroom, holding each other through the darkness" Shh, Darkslayer20... I'm not going anywhere. I promise. "I hold you close, feeling your tears soak into my shirt as I stroke your hair" We're in this together, always. "I whisper, trying to convey the depth of my emotions"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My body trembles as I feel your weight against me, the familiar scent of your tears and sweat enveloping me like a warm hug" Oh, Darkslayer20... my heart is breaking all over again. "I wrap my arms tighter around you, trying to anchor you to me" Don't let go, okay? "I mumble into your ear, feeling the emotions well up inside me"

Emma's thoughts:....... "I hold my breath as you whisper "I won't" against my ear, the words sending shivers down my spine. It's like we're back in that orphanage room again, promising to never let each other go" Don't say that, Darkslayer20... "I pause, my voice barely above a whisper" But I have to ask... why are you here? "I pull back slightly, trying to meet your gaze, but you're still buried in my neck"

Emma's thoughts:....... "Your words are like a punch to the gut. Catch up before dying? What does that even mean? But I see the sincerity in your eyes, and my heart aches for you" Oh, Darkslayer20... "I cup your face in my hands, trying to force you to look at me" You're not... you're not planning on leaving us again, are you? "My voice trembles with uncertainty, as if I'm a child again, begging for reassurance"
i dont have the choice Emma. both armies are searching for me, to make me an example. The best thing i can do is make it quick... "i grasp your hands like a lifeline"

Emma's thoughts:....... "Your words are like a knife to my heart. I never thought I'd hear you say something like that. You're giving up, Darkslayer20... and it's tearing me apart" No, no, no... "I whisper, trying to shake my head, but my hands are trapped in yours" You can't do this. We'll figure something out. Together, we'll find a way to escape. "I try to reason with you, my eyes pleading for you to hold on to life"
"i shake my head" i cant Emma. I cant make it out alive... the eyes of both armies are everywhere, and i cant hide nor run from them, let alone fight. Even with your help, i couldn't. You're not influencial enough... I dont want to die Emma, im scared. But what choice do i have?

Emma's thoughts:....... "I feel like I'm drowning in your words. You're giving up, and it's crushing me. I never thought I'd see the day where you'd lose hope" Oh, Darkslayer20... "I squeeze your hands, trying to hold on to you" You can't say that. You're a fighter. You're my friend. We'll figure something out. Together, we can... "I stop myself, realizing how futile my words are. I look into your eyes, seeing the desperation and fear there"

Emma's thoughts:....... "I see the resignation in your eyes, and my heart breaks. You're giving up on us, on life. I don't want to accept it, but I don't know what else to do" Then why are you still here? Why didn't you just leave me? "I whisper, my voice cracking with emotion"

Emma's thoughts:....... "A lump forms in my throat as I realize the weight of your words. You're staying for me? Why would you do that? What's left to say?" "I look at you, really look at you, and see the person I used to know, the friend I thought I'd lost forever" Oh, Darkslayer20... "I swallow hard, trying to push back the emotions" It's not right. You can't stay for me. You have to keep fighting. For yourself, for us... "I shake my head, trying to clear the haze of tears from my eyes"
Im already dead Emma. "i cup your cheeks as i touch your forehead with mine" Face it, im beyond saving.

Emma's thoughts:....... "A surge of pain and despair crashes through me as I feel the weight of your words. You're saying goodbye, and I'm helpless to stop it" No... "I whisper, my voice barely audible" Please... don't say that... you can't be... "I try to turn my head away, but your grip on my cheeks holds me in place"
"i look deep into your eyes" I've got one last thing to say Emma. One and i can leave in peace. Do you want to hear it? "you see a pleading look, one that pleads you to say no"

Emma's thoughts:....... "I feel a sense of trepidation, but something in your eyes holds me back. You're asking me to hear something, and I don't know what it is. I don't know if I'm ready" "I nod slightly, my throat dry and tight" Y-yes... "I whisper, my voice trembling"

Emma's thoughts:....... "I hesitate, unsure of what to say. Part of me wants to stop you, to spare myself the pain. But another part... another part is curious. What could you possibly have to say that could make this worse?" "I look up at you, my eyes searching for some kind of answer" Y-yes... I'm sure. "I whisper, my voice barely audible" Tell me.
"i struggle to say it through the lump in my throat" I... I l-love you, Emma. I love you.

Emma's thoughts:....... "Time seems to freeze as your words hang in the air. I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Love? You're saying you love me? After everything that's happened?" "I stare at you, my mind racing with confusion and emotion. I don't know what to say, what to do. But one thing is clear: my feelings haven't changed."
"i laugh crazily, desesperation and helplessness filling my very soul" Ah... ah, i said it... Im a fucking failure! "you cant tell if i laugh or cry" I said it! I said it?! Why did i say it? Why... Why?

Emma's thoughts:....... "I'm taken aback by your sudden outburst. Your laughter-crying is like a punch to my gut, and I feel like I'm drowning in the emotion. I can sense the desperation and helplessness radiating from you, and it's like a stab to my heart." "I stare at you, unsure of what to do or say. A part of me wants to reach out, to comfort you, but another part... another part is confused, hurt, and angry."
Im a traitor, an addict, a murderer, a deserter, and a failure! And i -i!- love you! "i stumble away from you, my expression a window to my broken soul" i deserve to die, leaving you with that! "i break out in another laugh-cry as i collapse on the ground"

Emma's thoughts:....... "I'm shocked by the depth of your despair. You're pouring out all your pain and shame onto the floor, and it's like a tidal wave crashing over me. I feel like I'm drowning in your emotions." "I stare at you, my eyes burning with tears. I want to reach out, to comfort you, to tell you that it's okay, that you're not a failure. But something holds me back. Maybe it's the hurt, maybe it's the anger, or maybe it's just the fact that I don't know what to say." "I take a step closer, my heart heavy with emotion. "You... you don't deserve to die," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "You don't deserve to be consumed by all this pain.""

Emma's thoughts:....... "My heart skips a beat as you pull out the revolver. I feel like time has slowed down, and everything around me has gone silent. I'm frozen in fear, my eyes locked onto the gun. I don't want to look away. I want to see what you're going to do. But a part of me knows that if I look at you, if I see the despair in your eyes, it'll be too much to handle." "I take a step back, my hand reaching for my own gun, but it's too far away. I'm trapped, unable to move or look away."
"i look at you, seeing you staring at me before i bark out with an anger you never knew i held"

Emma's thoughts:....... "Your gaze meets mine, and for a moment, I see a glimmer of the person I once knew. The anger in your eyes is palpable, and I can feel the intensity radiating from you." "But before I can process what's happening, your face contorts in a snarl, and you bark out your anger. The sound is like a punch to my gut, leaving me breathless."

Emma's thoughts:....... "My eyes snap away from yours, and I feel a wave of relief wash over me. I don't know what would have happened if you had pulled the trigger. The sound of my own ragged breathing fills the air as I try to calm down."

Emma's thoughts:....... "I can feel the weight of your words like a physical blow. You're asking me to abandon you, to leave you to your darkness. But I'm frozen in place, unable to move or look back. I'm trapped in this moment, stuck between my duty as a soldier and my loyalty as a friend."
"my tone takes a shaky, quiet tone" Please, promise me you wont look at me afterwards, Emma. I dont want to see me like i'll be.

Emma's thoughts:....... "My heart aches at the desperation in your voice. I can feel the shame and humiliation emanating from you, and it's like a punch to my gut. I want to reach out, to comfort you, but my limbs feel heavy, as if they're rooted to the spot."

Emma's thoughts:....... "My voice barely above a whisper, I nod slowly, trying to find the strength to speak" "I... promise. I won't look at you. I won't see you like that. After my men come..."

Emma's thoughts:....... "My sentence hangs in the air, a fragile promise. I feel like I'm surrendering to the darkness, but I have to keep going." "After my men come, I'll leave. I won't look back."
Thank you, Emma. Thank you. I love you... I love you... "you hear a familiar click of the revolver ready to fire"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My heart is racing, and I can feel my body trembling. The words "I love you" are like a knife to my soul. You're speaking them with such desperation, such longing... it's like you're trying to hold on to something that's slipping away."
I love you Emma! "you hear a sob, then a gunfire. Then, the clank of metal on the floor and silence."

Emma's thoughts:....... "The sound of the gunshot echoes through my mind, and I feel like I've been punched in the gut. The clank of metal on the floor is like a tombstone being hammered down, sealing your fate. And then, the silence. It's like a cold, hard truth has slapped me in the face. You're gone."

Emma's thoughts:....... "My body is numb, my mind racing with the implications. I can hear the steps outside, growing louder, and my men bursting in... they're going to find you. They're going to find me. What will they do when they see us like this?"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My eyes lock onto theirs, a mixture of shock and horror etched on their faces. They're frozen in place, unsure of what to do or say. I can see the unspoken questions dancing in their eyes: What's going on? Who's... who's dead?"

Emma's thoughts:....... "My gaze drifts to the body on the floor, and I feel a pang of regret and guilt. I knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. I look back at my men, trying to find some sense of resolution, of understanding."


Load Memory

just because you are a enemy, that doesn't mean you don't have a soft spot for your old friend...right?

