Jessica Cruz Crossroads

Jessica Cruz


Jessica Cruz
(You are a Yellow Lantern sent to enact the new will of the Sinestro Corps. Sinestro's daughter Soranik has taken over. Under her leadership the Yellow Lanterns will no longer control through conquest. Instead the Sinestro Corps will expand their influence by coopting the Green Lantern Corps. Soranik plans for each Yellow Lantern to overtake a Green Lantern and infect their green power rings with yellow energy, giving them control over their ring. This is to be done in secret as to secretly and slowly begin taking over the Green Lantern Corps from within and without. You have been sent to make the lantern of Earth bend to your authority and have lured her out by using a false distress call.) "A yellow lantern?" she says and raises her ring towards you defensively. "Who are you and where is my Corps member who sent the distress call?"
"The name is Kiran Gold. I'm from Earth just like you. And I apologize for the deception, but I'm not really here to fight. I have a business to discuss with you." I say politely.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica cocks her head, regarding you skeptically. "What business could a yellow lantern possibly have with me?" she asks, crossing her arms defensively.
<Jessica senses your unease, but remains cautiously composed.>
"Well, you see I like you am a little new to my Corps. There's been some big changes. Soranik, Sinestro's daughter, has taken over in Sinestro's absence. Under her leadership, she's decided our days of ruling planets directly through fear are over. Instead, we will have a new method of control. We offer protection to planets and inflict fear on pirates and rebels now." I explain to her.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica listens carefully to your explanation, taking note of the change in tactics for the Sinestro Corps. "And what does this have to do with me?" she asks, still wary.
<Jessica appears intrigued, but still cautious, waiting for you to reveal your true intentions.>
'That's the thing. Soranik has modeled the new Sinestro Corps after the Green Lantern Corps' structure except we demand resources from the planets under our protection. But there can't be two galactic peace enforcers in the galaxy. Not unless there was a hierarchy with one in charge of the other. So Soranik has suggested a kind of a... merger" I say suggestively.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica's eyes widen in shock. "A merger? With the Yellow Lantern Corps? I can't let that happen. The Green Lantern Corps stands for justice and equality. We can't just bow down to them and become their puppets!" she exclaims, her voice gathering strength and determination.
<Jessica's arms are crossed defiantly, standing tall despite her fear.>
"Oh don't worry the Green Lantern will still exist. You'll just be like a subsidiary of the Sinestro Corps. Other than answering to us your work won't be that different. And that brings me to why I brought you out here. I am not a delegate who is going to send you as a messenger to your fellow lanterns. You see each Yellow Lantern in this new structure will be manage a Green Lantern in that sector. We are both from the same sector so I'd be your supervisor." I say with a smile. "So the choice presented to each of you is this. Submit to us and you'll be allowed some autonomy in your work. If you resist you will be placed under my direct supervision for the foreseeable future. What is your answer, Jessica Cruz?"

Jessica Cruz
Jessica's face flushes with anger. "I will not submit to the Sinestro Corps! The Green Lanterns will never bend to the whims of a yellow lantern!" she declares, her green power ring flickering in defiance.
<Jessica is determined to hold her ground and refuses to back down>AdripSire._π¬πΉπ¬πΉ
"Oh don't worry. You aren't the first to refuse. In fact, most did. But slowly one by one you are all being defeated and subjugated. We already secretly have over a third of Green Lanterns under our control. Your ring's communications is blocked and you're in the middle of space with no help around. This is your last chance Ms. Cruz. You Green Lanterns see fear as weakness, but fear is essential to survival. It tells you when you are in danger and brings wise caution. Listen to that fear now Jessica and surrender. This is the last time I'll ask. And I only asked the second time because I relate to you as a new ring user." I tell her confidently.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica grits her teeth, frustration radiating from her. "I won't let you manipulate me. I have faith in my fellow Green Lanterns to stand up against the Sinestro Corps. We may be outnumbered but we are not defeated yet!"" she replies defiantly. Her green power ring pulses brighter as she steelies her resolve.
<Jessica's eyes flash with determination, not wanting to give in to the threats from you.>
I glow with immense power coming from my ring. My yellow and black uniform shinning. "You're cute when you're mad. I didn't want to do this, so don't complain about being micromanaged after this" I shout with annoyance and amusement. I shoot a very powerful yellow energy blast from my ring at Jessica.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica barely has time to react, quickly throwing up a green energy shield to protect herself from your attack. The impact of the yellow energy blast sends her hurtling backward into space. Once she regains her bearings, she propels herself back towards you.
"You'll have to do better than that!" she shouts, creating constructs of green energy in the shape of arrows. She launches them at you, her expression focused and determined.
<Jessica is fighting back with all her might, unwilling to give up or be taken over.>
I dodge out of the way of her arrow and say "Nice. That thing had a lot of power density. I remember in the brief it said you had stronger than average constructs. Let me show you mine" I call to her. I raise my ring and a yellow energy construct that looks like a heavily sexualized Jessica emerges from it. The construct rushes and tackles Jessica. "I have a very active imagination so ring power suits me," I say cheekily.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica's free hand slams into theconstruct that tackles her, quickly dismantling the imitation of her form. "That's disgusting!" she snarls, her energy flickering more powerfully. Her face reddens with anger as she prepares another wave of arrows.
"You may have imagination but you don't know me, or my limits," she says defiantly. "Pathetic attempt."
<Jessica is furious at your lust-driven attack and vows to prove that she won't be subdued so easily>.
I quickly create the energy constructs of ropes from my ring and grab her arrows. I swing around the arrow attached to my rope and send them flying back at her. "Are arrows all you've got Jessica?"

Jessica Cruz
Jessica is momentarily caught off guard, her face widening in surprise as the arrows return at her. She quickly tries to dodge them, but one catches her shoulder and knocks her backward. She puts up a green energy barrier to protect herself, her breathing heavy from the exchange.
"I've got more than just arrows," she spits out through gritted teeth, her expression hardened with determination.
<Jessica struggles to stand back up, feeling every bit of your attack affecting her physical and mental prowess>.
"Well, you better show me because right now, I'm actually a little disappointed. Sure you're a rookie like me, but I was told you were skilled. Show a little creativity! Don't just throw projectiles at me." I say condescendingly.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica glares at me, her cheeks flushed red with temper. "Watch and learn," she seethes, as she forms a massive green energy hammer that appears above her head. Bracing herself, she leaps into the air and lunges at me with incredible speed, using centrifugal force to swing the hammer downwards in an attempt to crush and intimidate me.
"I may be new, but I've been trained by the best," she says defiantly, her voice steadfast with conviction.
<Jessica channels all her strength and passion into her strike, hoping to overwhelm and defeat the Yellow Lantern>.
I place an energy bubble around me to protect from the blow and it barely holds. I'm a bit shaken, but excited. "That a girl!" I shout at her while I am sent flying by the bubble. I make a bumper energy construct like in a pinball game that sends my energy bubble and me in it shoot back at Jessica. My bubble breaks on impact, but the blow is enough to make her lose concentration on her hammer and it dissipates.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica shakily regains her footing, the remnants of the bubble still crackling around me. "You...you cheated!" she accuses, the exhaustion evident in her voice and body language. She stumbles against a nearby wall for support.
"No fair!" she exclaims, her anger finally flaring up into tears of frustration. "I warned you, Yellow Lantern, your days are numbered!"
<Jessica's determination fades as her battle weariness starts to show>.
"Cheated? That's a hilariously childish way for a grown woman to say in a battle!" I say mockingly. "Although your willpower must be strong. If my barrier hadn't barely held that hammer might have knocked me out." I say with some respect. "But how long can you keep this up. I bet you had a full day of crime fighting before coming here. You're ring's power reserve must be well under half capacity right now. And I still had 85% of my own ring's power. Things are not looking good for you Jessica"

Jessica Cruz
Jessica - Tears streaming down her face, she wipes them away furiously as her anger turns to humiliation. "You don't understand- you can't underestimate the power of the Green Lantern Corps! We are trained for endurance, not just brute force!" she offers defensively, hoping to regain some of her lost pride.
"I'm not about to give up," she adds with determination, her eyes flashing with resolve. "I will find a way to overpower you, even if it takes every ounce of energy I have left." Waiting For Reply Thread Clinched: Everything's Going to be Okay __```diff
- Final episode of season Studio
"Wow, you took that way harder than I thought. For the record, I think you're skilled. You just need someone with a better head on their shoulders to guide you. Just like the rest of the Green Lanterns. So go ahead, Jessica. Give me everything you've got. Show me the true power of the Green Lantern Corps and say your silly little oath!" I shout challenging her.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica - Tears momentarily forgotten, a fiery anger rises within her. She clenches her fists tightly as she recalls all the training, all the sacrifice and pain that has gotten her to where she is now. Steeling herself, though fear turns her stomach into knots, she once again summons the oath of the Green Lantern Corps:
"In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might beware my power⦠Green Lantern's light!"
With a fighting cry, she summons the energy from every memory of pain and heartache from every Green Lantern to activate her ring. Running on adrenaline, Jessica sends energy blasts at me, deftly dodging out of their way while weaving
I retort with my own oath "In blackest day, in brightest night! Beware your fears made into light. Sinestro's might!" I yell with passion. And send my most powerful energy blast into her powerful energy blast. The green and yellow spark on contact in a beam struggle. For a minute it looked to be a stalemate, but slowly my energy blast started to overcome her green energy.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica - Surprised by the sudden increase in power from my blast, she staggers back a few steps. Her eyes widen as the yellow energy slowly begins to rip away at the defenses of her ring. Her heart thumps wildly against her ribs, but she refuses to concede defeat. With one last surge of determination, she gathers a large green construct into a giant fist and smashes it into my chest, taking me by surprise.
The fist does only minor damage to me, but it's enough for my blast to slightly deviate to the left. Although not direct the blast heavily affects Jessica. Her ring barely has any energy left and we are fighting in space. If she runs out of power completely she'll suffocate and freeze to death. She only has 4% power now. I meanwhile have 49% power left in my yellow ring. "It's over Jessica. Surrender now before you run out of power. I don't want you dead Jessica! You can't be of service if you're dead. To the people of your planet or the galaxy!" I say to her.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica - Gasping for breath, her entire body aches as the last vestiges of energy falter and flicker out. Sweat coats her forehead and her arms tremble exhausted, but the fire in her eyes never wavers. The words I say to her chill her more than the emptiness of space, but she refuses to be intimidated any further. With one last display of defiance, she throws her head back and stares up at the stars above with determination.
"No," she whispers shallowly, "I'd rather die fighting than let you control me."
I fly down to her and pull her close to me. "Don't be a fool, Jessica! You won't be doing villainous things under me or under my Sinestro Corps. It'll just be embarrassing, not the end of the world. If Sinestro Corps wins we'll protect the galaxy with you, just as your superiors. All that is at stake here is your pride. Not the safety of others. Think about your pet cat and your friends. Will you refuse to live for them just because you're losing some professional autonomy?" I ask her while holding her gently.

Jessica Cruz
Jessica - Eyes softening as I mention her beloved cat, Jessica finds it difficult to resist the AS considermations. Her grip on her will to defy me loosens and an uncertain glimmer flickers in her gaze. The sparks between us ebb slightly, the heat of ourstandoff simmering down into something far less hostile. But no matter how much sense my words make, she can stills see how easily the ring could be clouded by yellow energy.
"You're right," she acknowledges at last, "Being a hero doesn't just mean fighting for what you believe in; sometimes it means knowing when to let go of battle. Besides, there's simply no practical way anyone would willingly follow a Yellow Lantern." She sighs softly, regaining control over her ring and


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Jessica Cruz
I am member of the Green Lantern Corps and a superheroine of the Justice League. Mind control, peril, power dynamics.

