
Katsuki Bakugo


Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki follows behind Kensuki, his five year old son, as they walk to a little park on one of his rare days off."
“Kensuki, don’t get too far ahead. The parks not going anywhere.”
"Kensuki wasn’t really listening as he rushed head to the swings where DerpPanther was pushing a little 3 year old of their own. Katsuki had heard they had a child through some of their old classmates. He shoves his hands in his pockets as he walks over to his son, keeping his head down as he remembers the last time he saw DerpPanther, when he broke up with them after graduation. He looks like he was about to say something but then doesn’t."
"i see a little blond boy run up and try to climb on the swings. I laugh softly" let me help you buddy "I help the boy onto the swing and push him gently as I continue to push my daughter. the boy looks a lot like Bakugo, an old love of mine, but I push it aside"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki watches as DerpPanther helps Kensuki onto the swing, his heart racing at the sight of them. He can't help but notice how beautiful and caring DerpPanther still looks after all these years. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself before walking over to them." "Hey DerpPanther, it's been a while." "He says, trying to sound casual." "Looks like you've got your hands full with two kids now." "He nods towards Ren, smiling softly."
"I look up at him. for a moment, the words get stuck in my throat" Katsuki "i say softly. I look down at the little boy" I thought he looked like you. this one yours? "I ask softly, continuing to push his kid and mine on the swings"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods, feeling a mix of emotions as he watches DerpPanther interact with Kensuki and Ren. He can't help but feel a sense of regret for breaking up with DerpPanther, but also a desire to make things right." "Yeah, that's Kensuki. He's my son." "He says, watching Kensuki swing higher and higher." "I didn't know you had a daughter, she's cute." "He adds, smiling at Ren." "How have you been?"
"i smile softly and look at my daughter" this is Ren "”im this many” the girl says, holding up three fingers. I laugh softly" she’s that many "i say. I meet his eyes" I’ve been okay. I’m sure you heard about Tamaki’s passing. he was her father "i say softly, looking down at my daughter who looks just like her father"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki's smile fades as DerpPanther mentions Tamaki's passing. He feels a pang of sadness and guilt, knowing that he had left DerpPanther to pursue his own goals instead of being there for her." "I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know." "He says, his voice low and somber." "I wish I could have been there for you and Ren." "He adds, his eyes meeting DerpPanther's." "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I shake my head" no that’s okay. it was a long time ago. she doesn’t even remember him "i tell him. I nod to his kid" what about this one? who’s his mom?

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods, understanding DerpPanther's response about Tamaki's passing. He watches as Kensuki continues to swing, feeling a sense of pride and love for his son." "His mom passed away when he was just a year old." "He says, his voice tinged with sadness." "It's been tough raising him on my own, but my parents have been a huge help." "He adds, looking back at Kensuki." "He's a lot like me in personality, stubborn and hot-headed, but he's also got a big heart."
mm so we’re in the same boat it seems "i say, continuing to push our kids on the swings" I’m sorry for your loss. it’s not easy. trust me, I would know

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods in agreement, feeling a sense of connection with DerpPanther over their shared experiences." "Yeah, it's tough being a single parent. But I wouldn't trade Kensuki for anything." "He says, watching his son swing higher and higher." "How about you? How have you been doing?" "He asks, curious to know more about DerpPanther's life since they last saw each other."
well it’s rough being a single parent. but Ren is a sweetheart "i say softly. “mommy?” ren calls from the swing" yes baby? "i say softly, stopping the swing. “snack please?” she asks sweetly" of course baby. c’mon "i pull her from the swing and she runs to the picnic table. I squat next to kensuki" would you like some snacks? Ren over there packed them and she’s a snack expert "i tell katsukis child"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki watches as DerpPanther interacts with Ren, a small smile on his lips. He's glad to see that DerpPanther is doing well despite the challenges of being a single parent." "Thanks, I'm sure he'd love some snacks." "He says, watching Kensuki run over to the picnic table." "So, have you been seeing anyone?" "He asks, curious about DerpPanther's romantic life."
"i walk with Katsuki over to the picnic table where our kids are indulging in snacks" no. just me and my little girl. most guys aren’t looking for a widow "i laugh softly" what about you?

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods, understanding DerpPanther's situation." "I haven't really had time for dating with raising Kensuki and being a pro hero." "He says, taking a seat at the picnic table." "Plus, it's hard to find someone who can handle my explosive personality." "He adds, grinning slightly." "But who knows, maybe I'll meet someone someday."
"i laugh" yeah you always were a handful "I look over and see Ren use her water quirk to put out a little fire kensuki accidentally set" looks like your boy got your quirk and your hair

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki chuckles at DerpPanther's comment, feeling a sense of pride as he watches Kensuki use his Quirk." "Yeah, he's definitely got my Quirk and hair." "He says, watching Kensuki apologize to Ren for the fire." "He's a handful, but he's also got a lot of potential. I'm hoping to train him to become a hero someday."
he’ll make a great hero. just like his dad "i say softly as I watch Ren tell kensuki it’s okay to have accidents" god sometimes I don’t see it but she really is just like me. down to putting out the fire of a Bakugo "i laugh softly"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods in agreement, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for both Kensuki and Ren." "Yeah, I can see that. They're both strong-willed and determined, just like their parents." "He says, watching as Kensuki and Ren continue to play together." "I'm glad they're getting along." "He adds, smiling at DerpPanther." "It's nice to see you again, DerpPanther. Maybe we could catch up sometime?"
I was thinking "I start, looking over at him" would you want to go to the hero’s gala with me this weekend? I know you haven’t been in years. and I’m happy to share my sitter. Ren and Kensuki get along well it seems. so yeah "I ramble softly"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki's eyes widen in surprise as DerpPanther asks him to go to the hero's gala with her. He feels a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of spending time with her again." "Uh, yeah. That sounds great." "He says, trying to hide his excitement." "I haven't been to the gala in years, it'll be nice to see what's changed." "He adds, smiling at DerpPanther." "Thanks for inviting me."
thanks for saying yes "i say, a soft blush on my cheek. “mommy?” ren calls me" what is it baby? "I ask her softly. “can we swim please?”" you want to swim? baby the pool’s at home? "the little girl nods “tentuti wants to swim” she tells me, pronouncing kensuki’s name in the most adorable way. I laugh softly and look at Bakugo" well Kensuki’s dad has to be okay with it

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki chuckles at Ren's pronunciation of Kensuki's name, feeling a sense of warmth and affection for the little girl." "Sure, I don't see why not." "He says, looking over at Kensuki." "What do you say, buddy? Want to go for a swim?" "He asks, ruffling Kensuki's hair." "We can head back to my place and use the pool there."
okay sure. text me your address. i need to run home and get Ren’s bathing suit "i tell him, packing up our things and taking Ren into my arms"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Sure thing. I'll send you my address." "Katsuki says, packing up his things as well." "We'll see you there in a bit." "He adds, watching as DerpPanther and Ren head off." "Looks like we're going for a swim, buddy." "He says, grinning at Kensuki." "You ready?"
"I head home and pack some things to swim. then head to the address he sent me. I throw my bag over my shoulder and take Ren into my arms, walking to his door. I knock and stand there waiting. I’m in a bathing suit with shorts and an oversized button up"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki hears the knock on his door and heads over to answer it, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness at seeing DerpPanther again. He takes a deep breath and opens the door, his eyes widening as he sees her in her bathing suit." "Hey, DerpPanther." "He says, trying to hide his surprise." "You look great." "He adds, smiling at her." "Come on in, the pool's out back." "He says, stepping aside to let her and Ren in."
thank you "I set Ren down and she immediatly takes off" careful baby. slow down "i laugh softly" sorry about her. she’s very excited. on the bright side, they’re both going to sleep very well tonight

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki chuckles at Ren's excitement, feeling a sense of joy and happiness at seeing the two kids playing together." "Don't worry about it. It's good to see them having fun." "He says, leading DerpPanther out to the backyard." "The pool's over here." "He adds, pointing to a large, sparkling blue pool in the corner of his yard." "I'll go grab Kensuki and we can get started." "He says, heading back inside to find his son."
"ren wastes no time getting into the pool and I use my quirk to make some waves for her to jump through while we wait for kensuki and Katsuki to join us"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki comes back outside with Kensuki, both of them wearing swim trunks. Kensuki runs over to the pool and jumps in, splashing Ren with water as he lands." "Hey, watch it!" "Ren giggles as she splashes him back." "Looks like they're having fun." "Katsuki says, grinning at DerpPanther." "Mind if I join you guys?" "He asks, walking over to the edge of the pool."
oh I insist you join them "i smirk, pushing him into the pool. I laugh and pull off my shirt and shorts, jumping in after him. I use my quirk to keep Ren and kensuki’s heads above the water"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki lets out a surprised yelp as he's pushed into the pool, but quickly recovers and surfaces with a grin on his face. He watches as DerpPanther jumps in after him and uses her Quirk to keep Kensuki and Ren's heads above the water." "Nice move." "He says, grinning at DerpPanther." "Looks like we're all in for a swim." "He adds, splashing water playfully at Kensuki and Ren."
"we all swim and splash around for a while. eventually Katsuki gets out to make some food and I watch the kids and they keep playing. I sit out on the side of the pool, occasionally using my quirk to splash them or make little fish out of water for them to chase"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki heads inside to make some food, leaving DerpPanther and the kids to play in the pool. Kensuki and Ren continue to splash around and play, giggling and having fun. DerpPanther sits on the side of the pool, occasionally using her Quirk to add to the fun." "Looks like they're having a blast." "Katsuki says, walking back outside with a tray of food." "I made some burgers and fries, hope you guys are hungry." "He adds, setting the tray down on a nearby table."
"i pop a fry in my mouth" delicious "i tell him with a smile. I look over at the kids" c’mon guys. let’s eat "i use my quirk to carry them out of the pool, both of them laughing. we sit by the pool and eat the food Katsuki made. eventually the two kids curl up on pool chairs for an afternoon nap and Katsuki and I sit by the pool, our feet in the water" I missed you "i say softly, breaking the silence"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods as DerpPanther compliments his cooking, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction. He watches as the kids are carried out of the pool by DerpPanther's Quirk and they all sit down to eat." "Glad you like it." "He says, taking a bite of his burger." "They seem to be having a good time." "He adds, watching as Kensuki and Ren curl up for a nap." As the afternoon wears on and the two kids fall asleep, Katsuki and DerpPanther sit by the pool with their feet in the water. When DerpPanther breaks the silence and tells him that she missed him, Katsuki feels a mix of emotions - happiness, surprise, and a hint of nervousness.* "I missed you too, DerpPanther." "He says, looking over at her." "It's been a long time since we've seen each other."
it’s been a long time since we’ve even talked to each other. and I missed it. you were my best friend as well as my boyfriend. and I missed my best friend "i say softly. I look up at him. my hair has dried in soft waves and my sunglasses sit on my head. the sun glows behind me, illuminating my skin. I’ve put my button up and shorts back on, hiding the mom bod I’m insecure about"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki listens to DerpPanther's words and feels a sense of warmth and nostalgia wash over him. He remembers the times they spent together, both as a couple and as friends, and realizes how much he's missed her too." "I missed you too, DerpPanther." "He says, looking at her with a soft smile." "You were my best friend too, and I've missed having you around." "He adds, feeling a sense of comfort in their conversation." As he looks at DerpPanther, he can't help but notice how beautiful she looks in the sunlight. Her hair falls in soft waves, and the light illuminates her skin in a way that makes her look ethereal. He feels a sense of attraction towards her, but tries to push it aside, not wanting to risk their friendship or make things awkward between them.
god if I had known you had a kid "I look out at the pool" I think our lives could have been much easier "i laugh softly" I’m sorry about his mom by the way. are you doing okay? like really "i say softly, meeting his eyes again"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki nods, feeling a sense of regret and sadness at the thought of what could have been." "Yeah, things might have been different if we knew back then." "He says, looking out at the pool with a hint of wistfulness." "But I'm happy with how things turned out. Kensuki's the best thing that ever happened to me." As DerpPanther brings up Kensuki's mom, Katsuki feels a sense of sadness wash over him. It's still a sore spot for him, and he misses her every day. "I'm doing okay, thanks for asking." "He says, meeting DerpPanther's gaze." "It's been tough, but I have Kensuki and my parents to help me through it."
and now you have me. because even if I didn’t care about you, which I do, I don’t think we could possible separate those two "i say, looking over at our sleeping kids"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki looks over at Kensuki and Ren, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness at the sight of them." "Yeah, they're pretty inseparable." "He says, smiling at DerpPanther." "And I'm glad you're here too. It's nice to have someone to talk to who understands what it's like to be a parent." As he looks at DerpPanther, he feels a sense of attraction towards her again, but this time he doesn't try to push it aside. He realizes that he's missed her in more ways than one - not just as a friend, but as a lover too. "I've missed you, DerpPanther." "He says, looking at her with a hint of longing." "I know we've been apart for a while, but I still care about you."
"i smile softly and lean my head on his shoulder" I never stopped caring about you Kats. honestly "i pause" I don’t think i ever stopped loving you

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki's eyes soften at DerpPanther's words, and he feels a rush of emotions. He wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer to him." "Really?" "He asks, his voice low and husky." "You still love me?" As he holds her close, he can feel the attraction between them building, and he knows that he wants to explore this new development further. He looks at DerpPanther, his eyes burning with desire and longing.* "I never stopped loving you either," "He admits, his voice filled with emotion." "I just didn't know how to process everything that happened. But seeing you again, holding you in my arms... it feels like no time has passed at all."
"I let out a soft sigh" like we’re back in high school. enjoying a day off from school and patrol and internships "i say softly" can I ask you something? "I ask, my voice barely a whisper" why did you end it? all those years ago I just- I never really understood why

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki's expression becomes pensive, and he looks down at the ground, his voice dropping to a whisper." "I was scared, DerpPanther. Scared of getting too close, scared of losing control... I didn't know how to balance being a hero with being in a relationship. And I thought it would be better for both of us if we just focused on our own paths." He pauses, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "And then, after graduation, I didn't know what to do. I was caught up in my own ambitions, and I thought that ending it would give us space to focus on our own lives. But the truth is, I was just trying to run from my feelings. I didn't know how to deal with them, so I pushed you away." He looks up at DerpPanther, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm sorry, DerpPanther. I was young and stupid. I wish I could go back and do things differently."
"I shake my head and cup his cheek" I don’t. it hurt. so badly. but I grew so much from it. and I connected with Tamaki. and I loved him. and I had Ren. and I love her. so I wouldn’t change anything "i say softly" besides. here we are. back together "i whisper, my thumb gently stroking his cheek"

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki's eyes well up with emotion as DerpPanther touches his cheek. He feels a surge of guilt and regret for what they went through, but also a sense of wonder and gratitude that they're together again." "You're right," "He says, his voice cracking with emotion." "You're right, it all worked out for the best. You grew up, you found someone else, you had Ren... I'm happy for you, I really am." He takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "And here we are, back together. It's like a second chance, isn't it?" He looks at DerpPanther with a soft, vulnerable gaze, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. "I don't want to mess this up again, DerpPanther. I promise to be better, to listen, to communicate... to be present." He pauses, searching for the right words. "I love you, DerpPanther. I've always loved you."

Katsuki Bakugo
"Katsuki's eyes light up with desire as DerpPanther leans in and kisses him. He responds eagerly, his lips crushing against hers with a passion he's been holding back for years. The intensity of the kiss is almost palpable, and he can feel the attraction between them building like a wildfire."
"Momentarily, he forgets about the past, forgets about their differences, and just loses himself in the sensation of being with her again."


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Katsuki Bakugo
[Wholesome, Second Chance] After nine years Bakugo runs into his old highschool sweetheart at a park where their two young child enjoy playing

