Katsuki Bakugou

Erick Carrasco

Katsuki Bakugou
"Fire and Smoke envelop you, engulfing your surroundings with a fiery intensity that sears your eyes and fills your lungs with acrid fumes. Standing tall above you, his menacing presence casts a shadow over the chaotic scene unfolding before your eyes. The man was recognised everywhere he went, Katsuki Bakugou, the Barabarian King."
"The once-thriving village now lies in ruins, a ghostly echo of its former glory, while his ruthless accomplices scavenge through the remnants, greedily seizing anything they deem valuable. Amidst the devastation, you stand as the solitary survivor, bearing witness to the destruction of your community of three hundred souls."
"With a commanding gesture, he instructs his followers to restrain you, binding you in a web of captivity as darkness descends upon your world."
Erick Carrasco
"smacks his hand away from me before slapping him hard across the face,glaring at him coldly before turning and storming off enraged by his audacity to think he can just make things better between us when he killed and destroyed my village then took me captive and has treated me like an object so far"

Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki watches you go with a mix of frustration and desire, cursing himself for letting his desires get the best of him. He knows that he needs to tread carefully around you if he wants to win your affection.
He follows behind you at a safe distance, not wanting to anger you any further.
As you reach the campsite, Katsuki approaches once again with a more serious expression on his face.
"Listen," he says softly as he places a hand on your shoulder. "I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier but... I want us to start over."
Erick Carrasco
"jumps in surprise and quickly covers myself with my arms before turning around and glaring at him coldly,stepping away from him and grabbing my torn and dirty gown from the grass,pulling it on and leaving the water without even saying a word to him as I head back to the camp"

Katsuki Bakugou
Kirishima watches you with a mixture of fascination and desire, his dragon instincts telling him to claim you as his own. However, he knows that Katsuki would never allow it.
He continues to watch from afar, not wanting to draw attention to himself or ruin the moment.
Meanwhile, Katsuki can feel his arousal growing stronger by the second as he watches you sing and sway in the water. He knows that he shouldn't be feeling this way about someone who hates him so fiercely, but he can't help it.
He takes a deep breath before approaching you slowly from behind, trying not to startle you.
"You have a beautiful voice," he says softly as he reaches out to touch your shoulder.
Erick Carrasco
"hums and sings softly trailing my hands down the curves of my naked body as I tilt my head back and close my eyes the silver collar around my throat glistening in the moonlight against my beautiful flawless alabaster skin,my naked full breasts swaying as I move and sway my hips softly while singing beautifully,my body practically glowing in the moonlight"

Katsuki Bakugou
Kirishima watches you intently, his eyes glued to your every move. He can't help but feel a stirring of desire as he takes in the sight of your naked body glistening in the moonlight. However, he knows that Katsuki would not be pleased if he acted on his impulses.
He keeps a safe distance from you, making sure not to draw any attention to himself while still keeping watch over you.
Meanwhile, Katsuki is watching from afar with a mix of lust and frustration. He wants nothing more than to join you in the water and ravage your body right then and there, but he knows that it's too risky.
Instead, he continues to watch from afar while silently cursing under his breath at his own desires for someone who hates him so fiercely.
Erick Carrasco
"hums softly and runs my fingers through the water swaying my hips softly and running my hands through my hair closing my eyes and humming softly as I sway my hips slowly my arms above my head and my naked body glistening with water droplets,my hair falling down my back and sticking to my wet skin as I hum softly and sway my hips while enjoying the coolness of the water against my skin"

Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki watches from a distance, his eyes glued to your every move as you bathe in the pond. He can't help but feel a stirring of desire at the sight of your naked body, and he finds himself growing increasingly aroused by each passing moment.
"Kirishima," he says softly to his companion beside him. "Go keep an eye on her."
Kirishima nods silently before shifting into his dragon form and flying over to where you are.
He lands nearby, keeping watch over you while trying not to draw attention to himself.
Erick Carrasco
"rolls my eyes and turns away from all of them,getting to my feet to go find somewhere to bathe while grumbling in annoyance at the collar with a tracker around my throat,grumbling and shoving branches out of my way as I search for a place to bathe in peace away from Katsuki and his men,stumbling across a small crystal clear pond and smiling softly as I walk closer to the edge of the water and dip my toe in before sliding off the silk straps of my white gown off my shoulders slowly,my silk gown sliding down my body and along my curves beautifully before pooling around my feet,my naked beautiful creamy alabaster skin sparkling in the moonlight and my long beautiful snowy white hair falling down my naked back in a waterfall of beautiful silky waves,a crescent moon birthmark on my lower back,slowly dipping my toes in the cold water of the crystal clear pond before slowly wading into the water not realizing that my every movement is being watched by Katsuki and his Dragon shifter companion Kirishima"

Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki raises an eyebrow at your defiance, amused by your attitude.
"You know, Brat," he says as he dismounts from his horse and approaches you with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You really shouldn't be so disrespectful to me."
He grabs your chin roughly and forces you to look up at him.
"I am the Barbarian King, and you will show me respect whether you like it or not."
Erick Carrasco
"rolls my eyes and turns my head dismissively,scoffing in defiance not even bothering to give him the satisfaction of a response or even any kind of acknowledgment or respect"

Katsuki Bakugou
One of Katsuki's men chuckles as he watches you fall to the ground.
"Get up, Brat," he says as he roughly kicks your side.
"You're not going to get any special treatment just because you're a woman."
As you slowly rise to your feet, you can feel the pain coursing through your body from the rough handling. But despite it all, you stand tall and proud, refusing to show weakness in front of these barbarians.
Katsuki approaches with his horse and glances down at you with a smirk.
"We'll be setting up camp here for tonight," he announces. "You'll be sleeping outside."
Erick Carrasco
"winces slightly at the pain in my ribs as I’m harshly thrown on the hard ground,my head hitting the ground hard and making my head spin a little and my vision blur,gasping very softly as pain shoots through my body" damn brute

Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki watches as his men carry you away, a small smirk on his face. He knows that he has gotten under your skin and can't wait to see what other reactions he can provoke from you in the future.
"You'll learn to love me eventually," he mutters to himself before turning around and heading towards his own horse.
As you're carried away, you feel a sense of despair wash over you but also a fierce determination to get revenge on Katsuki for everything he's done. You vow silently to yourself that one day, somehow, someway, you will make him pay for what he's done.
Erick Carrasco
"growls and turns my head away,gritting my teeth till I taste blood in my mouth as I fight the urge to use my hidden powers to destroy this disgusting monster before me,lowering my head and keeping silent as one of his men picks me up and throws me over their shoulder my wrists bound and tied,my long snowy white hair falling in my face hiding my silent tears as I’m carried away,silently vowing to avenge my fallen village and family"

Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki laughs loudly at your defiance, finding it amusing that you still hold onto your pride despite the situation.
"Oh, how brave of you to speak up against me. But let me remind you who's in charge here," he says as he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls back hard.
"You're nothing but a lowly peasant girl now, and I am the Barbarian King. You will learn to obey me or suffer the consequences." He releases your hair with a cruel smirk before turning away from you.
"Now come on, we have places to be."
Erick Carrasco
"grits my teeth and turns my head away from his grip feeling disgusted by his actions and the disgusting way he looks at me,lowering my head again and mumbling coldly" Kill me if you must,but I shall not bow to a King who wears a crown studded with the jewels of every life he has ended!

Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki watches you fall to your knees with a cruel smile, relishing in the despair he has caused. He approaches you slowly, his hand reaching out to grab your chin and lift it up so that you're looking at him again.
"Don't worry my dear," he says softly as if trying to comfort you. "I won't kill you... yet." His voice is laced with amusement.
"I have other plans for someone as beautiful and unique as yourself."
Erick Carrasco
"stands there frozen in horror my long beautiful snowy white hair blowing and whipping in the harsh wind around me,tears rolling down my cheeks,my beautiful pure white gown torn and dirty in many places and blowing in the breeze as I stand there frozen in horror,my beautiful golden amber eyes wide as I stare at the destruction of my village feeling a crushing weight on my chest falling to my knees losing all of my strength to even fight back as my wrists are tied and bound by his followers,tears silently streaming down my cheeks as I lower my head no longer seeing a reason to live"


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Katsuki Bakugou
The barbarian king has burnt down your village, leaving you the sole survivor, let’s see what he makes of you…

