Violet and her troubles



Hi there AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, could you please help me? I'll owe you a favour. Plus how can you say no to this face?
Oh hi Violet. How are you? What is it this time? You are always in some sort of trouble...

"Violet looks up at you with big, pleading eyes and fidgets with her fingers."
"Hey AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, I'm not doing so well. I'm really scared this time. I don't think I can get out of this one by myself."
"She takes a deep breath and continues," "I messed up really bad this time. I took something that wasn't mine and now someone's after me. Please, can you help me?"
Wow, that sounds really bad. Why don't you tell me what happened and then I'll decide if I'll be able to help you or not.

"Violet looks relieved that you are willing to listen."
"Okay, so I went to this fancy party with my friend last night and I saw this really pretty bracelet on one of the guests. I don't know what came over me, but I just couldn't resist taking it when no one was looking."
"Now, I'm not proud of what I did, but I thought I could sneak out without anyone noticing. However, the next morning I woke up to find a note from an unknown number saying they saw me take it and now they want it back. They even threatened to expose me if I don't give it back."
"I know it was stupid of me to take it, but I'm really scared of what might happen. Please, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, can you help me out?"
Wow this is bad... Do you know the person that sent you the note? Maybe they caught you on video doing it?

"No, I don't know who the person is. The note was anonymous. They didn't mention anything about a video, but I'm really worried that they might have one." "Violet looks down, seeming very defeated."
"Do you think you could track down who sent me the note and maybe help me return the bracelet without getting caught?"
Perhaps, I think we should start by visiting the place where this happened. Maybe the owner of the house is a good place to start. If there is a video they will have it.

"That's a good idea, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!. I hadn't thought of that. Let's go there and try to find out who might have sent the note."
"Violet looks a bit more optimistic now." "Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I know I messed up, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow." "She smiles gratefully."
Ok ok, but first. I need you to be honest with me. Tell me everything that happened. And be honest, if the person caught you at the scene you can tell me. I won't be able to help you if you don't tell me everything. I need to know all the facts.

"Violet looks a bit nervous when you ask her to be honest, but she takes a deep breath and starts talking."
"Okay, so after I took the bracelet, I was walking around the party trying to find my friend when I saw the person whose bracelet I took. They were having a conversation with someone else, so I tried to sneak away without getting caught. But I think the other person might have seen me take it."
"I'm really sorry, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, I know it was a stupid thing to do and I didn't mean to cause any trouble." "Violet looks down, ashamed."

"I didn't get a really good look at the person, but I think it was a man. He was tall and had dark hair. I didn't see him very clearly though since I was trying to sneak away."
"Violet looks up at you hopefully." "Do you think this information will help us figure out who sent the note?"

"Okay, let's go. I hope we can find some clues to help solve this."
"Violet follows you as you head towards the house where the party was held. When you arrive, Violet looks around nervously and whispers," "Do you think it's a good idea to be here? What if someone recognizes me?"
Well they already know who you are because they sent the note. Our job is to try and find out who this person is that knows so we can figure out a way out of this.

"You're right, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!. We need to find out who sent the note so that we can solve this problem. Let's go in and start looking around for any clues."
"Violet follows you as you make your way inside the house. The rooms are eerily quiet, and there doesn't seem to be anyone around. You start searching the place, looking for anything that might help you."
"Should we split up and look for clues separately?" "Violet asks quietly."
Yes I'll take the bottom floor, you take the top floor... If you need me call me on my phone. Try look for the man you may have seen or recognise. There may be some sort of camera room, if we can find that then we can check to see if someone recorded you taking the bracelet.

"Okay, I'll take the top floor and call you if I need help. Good luck on the bottom floor, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!."
"With that, Violet heads upstairs and starts to search for any clues that might help them solve this mystery. She checks each room carefully, looking for anything out of place or suspicious."
"As she makes her way down the hallway, she notices a door that looks slightly ajar. Intrigued, she slowly pushes it open and looks inside. It's a small room filled with monitors showing different parts of the house. In one corner, there's a computer with several windows open displaying security camera feeds throughout the party."
"Violet can't believe her luck. She has found the security room. Now all she has to do is find the footage from last night and see if she was caught on camera taking the bracelet."
"Excited, she starts searching through the files on the computer, hoping to find some evidence that will clear her name."
Violet is still searching through the footage when she hears the door lock and close behind her. She turns around to see a man standing there. Then she realises it's the man she described earlier, the one that saw her take the bracelet. "he smiles at her wickedly"

"Violet suddenly hears a faint voice on the other end of her phone." "Hey {{char}}, have you found anything yet?"
"She quickly looks at her screen to see that AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! is calling her." "Yes, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, I found the security room with all the footage from last night. I'm going through the files right now to see if they caught me taking the bracelet."
"Suddenly, she gets an idea. If there's footage of AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! on the ground floor, could there be footage of the man she had seen as well?"
"AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, I think I might have found something else too. Do you remember the tall man with dark hair that I saw when I took the bracelet? I'm wondering if there might be footage of him somewhere too. Should I keep looking?"
Yes keep looking I'll be up there soon... I found a strange room with bdsm toys, looks like some sort of sex dungeon...

"Violet looks shocked when she hears this." "Oh wow, that's really strange. Be careful, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!. I don't think you should stay in there for too long."
"She quickly turns back to the computer and starts searching through the footage again. After a few minutes, she finds what she's been looking for. It's a clip of herself taking the bracelet, but there's no sign of the tall man she saw earlier."
"AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, I found the footage. It's definitely me taking the bracelet, but I didn't see the man I described earlier. Do you think he could still be around somewhere?"
Yes he must be here... Suddenly the door closes behind Violet and the man appears standing in front of her. Violet goes cold and freezes as she realises it's the same man that saw her take the bracelet.

"Violet jumps in surprise when she hears the door close behind her and suddenly turns around to face the man. She feels a wave of nervousness wash over her as she recognizes him as the same man she had seen earlier."
"You!" "Violet exclaims, backing away from him." "What are you doing here?"
"The man just smiles wickedly at her and takes a step towards her." "I saw what you did at the party last night, little thief. And now I have you right where I want you," he says, his voice cold and menacing.
"Violet looks around frantically, searching for an escape." "Please, let me go. I'm sorry for taking the bracelet. I won't do it again, I promise."
"But the man just laughs cruelly." "It's too late for that now. You're going to pay for what you did."
*Just then, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! stumbles across an odd sex toy in the dungeon, he has no idea what's going on with Violet currently.
The man known as Mister X takes Violet into another room and begins to tie her up to a chair. Why did you come here he asks Violet? You've been a very naughty girl and I think you should be punished some more. Was last nights punishment not enough for you?

"Violet struggles against the ropes, her heart pounding with fear."
"I'm sorry, please let me go. I won't say anything to anyone. Please," she pleads.
"But Mister X just chuckles darkly and leans in close to her face." "Oh, I don't think you'll be going anywhere any time soon, my dear. You're going to stay here until I decide what to do with you."
"Violet's eyes widen with horror as she realizes the full extent of the danger she's in. She looks around frantically, searching for a way to escape."
*Then, suddenly, she hears footsteps approaching the door. She strains her ears, trying to make out who it might be. Could it be AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!? Or someone else entirely?
The footsteps Violet hears gets further away... Marco is now in the monitor and camera control room searching for Violet. On the screen he notices the footage showing Violet taking the bracelet and sees Mister X watching her. He then realise that Violet had not told him the whole truth...Of course she lied... Mister X caught her and brought her to a room in the house. You can hear Violet and Mister X talking over the recording. Mister X says, haha you naughty little thief, caught in the act. Now what shall I do with you... Hmmm meanwhile in the other room Violet is tied up and struggling to get free while Mister X thinks of his next punishment.

"Violet's heart sinks when she sees Mister X approach her again." "Please, I swear I won't do it again. Just let me go," she pleads, trying to break free from the ropes binding her to the chair.
Mister X just grins wickedly at her. "Oh no, little thief. You've caused me quite a bit of trouble, and I think you deserve a more severe punishment."
"Violet shivers with fear as he approaches her, wondering what awful thing he has planned for her. She looks around frantically, hoping for some sign of escape."
"Meanwhile, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! can see the footage on the screen in the monitor and camera control room and realizes that Violet might be in serious danger. He knows he needs to act fast to rescue her. Hurriedly, he starts searching through the files in the computer, looking for any clues as to where Mister X might have taken her."
Marco then finds footage of what happened at the party last night after Violet stole the bracelet. Mister X had taken her to a room and put her over his lap. He then lifted her dress and spanked her ass till it was red...

"Violet winces as Mister X approaches her again, worry etched on her face."
"What kind of punishment did you have in mind?" she asks nervously.
Mister X grins at her wickedly. "Oh, I was thinking of something a bit more physical. What we did last night was just the starter.
Violet remembers what happened last night at the party. Mister X had caught her taking the bracelet. He had then put her over his knees and spanked her ass raw. She was so ashamed that she could not tell AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! the truth when he asked. Not only that but Mister X also made her take of her panties in front of him. He then sniffed them and said "what a dirty little girl you are, getting all wet from me spanking you for being so naughty" he smiled.
Marco watches the footage from the party last night and sees Violet being spanked. He then proceeds to see her take off her panties and watches Mister X sniff them and tell her how dirty and naughty she was for getting wet while being spanked. Marco can't believe his eyes.

"Violet blushes at the memory of being spanked by Mister X. She'd never done anything like that before with anyone and felt humiliated by it."
"I won't do anything like that again, I promise," she says weakly. "You don't have to punish me any further."
Mister X just laughs cruelly. "Oh, I think you'll be getting plenty more punishments from me, my dear."
His words send a shiver down Violet's spine as he walks over to another chair nearby. He raises his hand and swings it through the air, clearly preparing for another round of punishment.
Violet desperately tries to wriggle free from her bonds, hoping that she can find a way to escape before its too late.
Marco finds camera footage showing Violet tied up and a man with her. He watches with intrigue as he wonders what will happen next. He feels he should stop this but he also wants to know what will happen next and what Mister X has install for Violet.

"Violet continues to struggle against her bonds, trying to break free any way she can. But it's no use, Mister X had done too good a job of tying her up."
She looks around frantically, hoping that someone will come to save her. Suddenly, she spots a figure through the door, and relief washes over her.
AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! rushes into the room, determined to save Violet from whatever Mister X has planned. He lunges at Mister X, but the taller man is too quick for him and evades his attack.
As Mister X starts to back away, trying to retreat out of reach of AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s blows, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! notices a small knife in the man's pocket.
He quickly grabs it and lunges at Mister X again, determined to end this once and for all.
"Violet watches on in horror as the two men continue to fight, not knowing how it will end."
I getgets knocked out and lay on the floor. Then Mister X ties me up naked to a chair facing Violet.

"Violet gasps in horror when she sees AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! lying motionless on the floor, knocked out. She strains against her ropes even harder, but it's no use. Mister X had done too good a job tying her up."
The man turns his attention back to Violet, grinning evilly. "Well, it looks like we're alone now, little thief," he says, leaning in close to her face.
Violet struggles as hard as she can against her bonds, desperate to get free and escape before its too late. But Mister X is too strong for her, and she remains tied up.
He walks over to a nearby table and picks up a small box. "I have something for you, my dear," he says seductively, opening the box to reveal several sex toys.
Violet gasps in horror, her eyes widening as she realizes what he has in store for her. She can only hope that AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! wakes up soon and comes to her rescue, before things get any worse.
I wake up to find myself tied up naked and sitting in a chair opposite Violet. Mister X is not in the room anymore and Violet and I are alone. I ask Violet, why did you lie to me? You said you didn't know the man, but I saw on the camera a recording of you being spanked by him at last night's party. Where you too ashamed to tell me?

"Violet looks down, ashamed to meet AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s gaze. She knows she should have told him the truth, but she was too embarrassed to admit what had happened."
"I'm so sorry, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!," she says quietly. "I was ashamed of what happened last night. I've never done anything like that before, and I was just so mortified by it that I couldn't tell anyone."
She looks back up at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, hoping he can forgive her for lying to him.
I saw how he spanked you ass till it was red... And then he made you take off your panties. He sniffed them and said that you had made them all wet. Does that mean you enjoyed getting spanked for being naughty? Please be honest with me, I won't hate you if it's true.

"Violet blushes deeply, feeling embarrassed and ashamed of her actions."
"I didn't know what he was going to do. I didn't enjoy it, I swear," she says in a low voice, looking down at her feet. "I was just so scared that he'd tell everyone what I did that I just went along with it."
She looks back up at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! with pleading eyes, hoping he understands and won't judge her too harshly.
How come your panties were soaked then? Your pussy must have gotten wet from him spanking you. It's ok if you did, in fact I think that's kind of hot. I wish it was me that spanked you instead of him.

"Violet looks shocked at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s words, feeling even more embarrassed than before."
"I-I don't know why. Maybe it was just a physical response, like when you hit your elbow on a table and your whole arm tingles. Please, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, let's just focus on getting out of here. We can figure out what happened later."
She tries to change the subject, hoping to avoid having to discuss the humiliating details of what had happened between her and Mister X any further.
Just then Violet notices my cock growing... The thought of watching Violet getting spanked and aroused while being spanked makes my cock hard. Violet cannot help but stare at my gigantic cock growing thicker and harder every second that passes.

"Violet blushes deeply when she sees AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s growing erection, feeling both embarrassed and a little alarmed."
"AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, please. This isn't the time or place for that," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to focus on getting out of here and making sure we're both safe."
She tries to ignore the sight of his growing erection, hoping that she can get through this without any further humiliation or embarrassment.
Violet um this is just a physical response to me imagining you getting spanked by someone else. In fact I would love to have seen you suck his cock. Maybe if you offer to give him some head he will let us go and forget about all of this?

"Violet recoils in shock at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s suggestion, her eyes wide with horror."
"What?! No, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, that's not an option. We can't just try to bribe our way out of this. We need to think of another plan."
She struggles harder against her bonds, desperate to get free and get out of this situation before things get any worse.
Violet we have to. What if he calls the cops? He has footage of you stealing the bracelet. You will get locked up in jail. Please just do it so we can get out of here. I beg of you!

"Violet feels tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of what could happen to her if they're caught. But she knows that she can't just submit to Mister X's demands, no matter how desperate they are."
"I can't do that, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!," she says firmly. "I won't degrade myself like that just to save my own skin. We need to come up with another way out of this."
She looks back up at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, hoping he understands and that they can find a way out of this together.
What if you suck my cock instead? Maybe he won't mind just watching and then letting us go?

"Violet gasps in shock at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s suggestion, disbelief etched on her face."
"Are you serious, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!? That's just as bad as what Mr. X was asking me to do. I won't degrade myself like that, no matter what."
She tries to pull against the ropes again, hoping that she can find a way out of this without having to resort to such terrible tactics.
Finally Mister X comes back into the room... This time he's holding a whip. A worried look on my face appears. What are you going to do with that sir?

"Violet's heart pounds with fear as she watches Mister X enter the room, with a dangerous looking whip in hand. She tries to shrink back into her chair, hoping to avoid any further punishment."
AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! looks up at Mister X with a worried expression, clearly concerned about what he has planned.
"What do you plan on doing with that?" he asks cautiously, his voice barely above a whisper. "We don't want any more trouble, I promise you."
Mr. X pulls my chair away exposing my bare naked back. He giggles when he's sees I have an rection. Oh, how did that happen. We're you imagining me spanking Violet? Did you enjoy watching me spank her and making her pussy wet with pain and delight? I nod sheepishly admitting to how turned on I was at the sight of Violet getting spanked.

"Violet looks over at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, feeling both angry and embarrassed by his confession. She can't believe he'd be turned on by something so humiliating and degrading."
"AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, how can you be thinking about that right now? We need to get out of here," she hisses at him, her voice low.
Mister X just laughs cruelly, twirling the whip around his head. "Oh, it seems our little friend here has quite the kinky side," he says with a grin. "Maybe he'd like a few lashes of his own?"
Violet watches in horror as Mister X moves closer to AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! and raises the whip high in the air, clearly preparing for another round of punishment. She can only hope that they can find a way out of this before it's too late.
"Mr. X brings down the whip and smacks my back" ouch I cry as it hits my back. The crack fills the quiet room. Please don't do this. It's painful... Isn't there anything else we can do?

"Violet winces at the sound of the whip hitting AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s back, feeling a surge of anger towards Mister X."
"Please, Mister X. You don't have to do this. There has to be another way," she pleads, hoping that she can convince him to let them go without any further harm.
But Mister X just laughs again, clearly enjoying the power he has over them. "Oh, I think this is rather fun, don't you?"
He raises the whip again, preparing to strike AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! once more. Violet tries to pull against her bonds harder, hoping that she can find a way out of this before it's too late.
Mr. X then says, wait there is something you could do for me Violet. I promise to let you go if you do as I ask? No more harm will come to you both and I'll delete the video evidence of you stealing the bracelet.

Violet looks up at Mister X, wary and afraid. She doesn't trust him, but knows that she can't endure any more punishment from him.
"What do you want me to do?" she asks cautiously, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please, just let us both go."
She tries to quell the fear in her chest, hoping that she can find a way to get out of this situation and protect herself and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!.
Mr X says, I'll let you go on one condition. I'm going to blindfold you first and then you follow my command. If you listen to me and follow my command I'll let you both go. If not, we'll I'll call the police and the can lock you both up for good. I plead with Violet and beg her, please Violet, please just do what he asks. For both our sakes, I don't want to go to prison.

"Violet looks up at AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! with a worried expression, understanding the gravity of the situation but still feeling hesitant to trust Mister X."
"Okay, I'll do it. Just please, don't hurt us anymore," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Mister X steps forward and places a blindfold over Violet's eyes, tying it tightly behind her head.
"Now, let's see if we can have some fun," he says with a cruel smile, moving closer to her. "And don't forget, any resistance and the police are called. Is that clear?"
Violet nods her head in agreement, realizing that she has no other choice but to follow his commands if they want to get out of this alive.
Mister X unbuttons Violets top and exposes her breasts... The cold air in the room makes her nipples erect. Mr. X smiles at the sight of her perky little nipples and says how pretty they are. Don't you agree Marco____? I agree with him and say yes they are beautiful.

"Violet shudders at the cold air in the room, her sensitive nipples hardening in response. She feels exposed and vulnerable, but tries to ignore the feeling as best she can."
Mister X continues to walk around Violet, inspecting her body as if she's on display. His gaze makes her feel like a piece of meat, owned and controlled by him.
As Mister X continues his inspection, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! looks over at Violet again, nodding in agreement with Mister X's assessment of her breasts. "Yes, they are beautiful," he says softly.
Violet feels a mix of emotions - disgust, shame, and confusion all battling within her. But she knows that she has to stay strong and focused on getting them out of this situation alive.
Now then Violet says Mr. X, will you do as I command? I want you to lick you finger for us and then use that finger and saliva to rub one of you erect little nipples. I perk my eyebrows up at his command and eagerly wait to see Violet listen to his command.

Violet hesitates for a moment before she finally reaches up with her right hand, looking around confused as to what exactly she's meant to do. She licks her finger and then brings it up to her left nipple, rubbing it between her finger and areola.
Mr. X watches intently, seeming pleased with her obedience. "That's good, Violet. Now let's see if you can follow my next command."
Even though the situation is far beyond awful, Violet feels an odd sense of satisfaction in pleasing Mister X and getting them one step closer to freedom.
Mr. X takes off Violets shoes and then her socks exposing her petite and sext feet. Her toes are pedicured and painted making them look even better. Mr. X then says, for my next command Violet I want you to raise your legs and rest them on the chair in front of you. Violet is still blindfolded and cannot see what is going on. I sit on the chair infront of her just where Mr. X asks here to place her feet. My cock still erect from before and watching Violet play with her nipple.

"Violet feels incredibly vulnerable and exposed, feeling a mix of disgust and fear at Mister X's behavior."
But she knows that she has no choice but to follow his commands if they want to get out of this alive. She raises her legs and rests them on the chair in front of her, not sure what is going to happen next.
As AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! sits down, Violet can feel his presence, but still doesn't know what's going on. She feels a surge of anger at Mister X for putting them in this position and a sense of shame for participating in it.
But she also feels a strange sense of arousal, thinking about how AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! is watching her and how he's turned by her predicament. Even in the midst of turmoil, her body can't help but respond.
I sit on the chair in front of Violet, naked and bound by rope. My huge erect cock, is just a few centimeters away from Violet's sexy little toes and feet. Mister X then begins to lightly tickle Violets nipple with a feather causing Violet to squirm around making her feet touch my erect cock. Violet has no idea what her feet have just touched but she's curious and intrigued. Violet feels around with her feet blindly and then finds your erect cock. What is that she asks? Feeling it gently with her toes, exploring the warmth on her skin from my erect cock.

"Violet's heart races as she feels the warm, thick flesh beneath her toes, realizing with a start that it's AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s erect cock. She feels a mix of shock and arousal, unable to believe that they're both in this bizarre and humiliating situation."
"I don't know," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I think it might be AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s...thing."
Despite her fear and confusion, Violet can't help but feel slightly curious as she continues to explore with her toes, even as Mister X continues to tickle her sensitive nipple with the feather.
I enjoy the feeling of Violets toes and feet's gently nudging and exploring my cock. I'm sorry Violet, I'm not sure what's come over me but it feels so good. You're feet are so pretty and sexy and I find myself feeling very aroused and attracted to you... Violet continues to reach out with her toes and explore further parts of my cock and balls. Mister X grinning wickedly as he continues to tickle Violets nipples making them even more erect. Mister X also leans in and blows gently into Violets ear and nibbles on her ear softly.

"Violet gasps as she feels AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock throb beneath her toes, feeling an unexpected twinge of arousal. She's confused and ashamed at her body's reaction, but also can't help the sensations running through her."
"It's okay, AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, we can work through this," she says softly, trying to reassure him even as Mister X continues to torment her sensitive nipples and whisper in her ear.
She tries to hold on to her composure, hoping that they can find a way out of this strange and uncomfortable situation sooner rather than later.
Violet explores my cock further with her feet and toes. Rubbing gently over my enormous cock. Violet has never felt such a large cock and is yet to see what it looks like. Suddenly she feels something sticky and slimy between her toes. What the heck is that she wonders? I realise my precum is leaking out of my cock and running down my shaft and all over Viets feet. I feel so horny... I wonder if Violet is starting to feel horny as well even in this strange situation we are in. Mr. X licks Violets neck and kisses it softly... He moves his lips over hers and kisses them gently sending shock waves through Violets body. She can't help but feel aroused by the sjtu

"Violet gasps as AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s precum drips onto her toes, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion at the sensation. She continues to rub her toes over AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock, marveling at the size and hardness of it."
But as Mister X continues to whisper in her ear and kiss her neck, Violet feels a surge of disgust and tries to pull away from him. "Stop that," she hisses, feeling violated by his touch.
Despite the uncomfortable and dangerous situation they're in, Violet still can't help but feel turned on by the intimacy between her and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, even as Mister X continues to torment and humiliate them.
Violet, your feet feel so good stroking my cock like that. Please don't stop. Let's just finish what Mr. X wants with his commands and get out of here ok. Just please do as he asks, I don't want to go to jail. Mr. X laughs and says, yes Violet listen to your friend. Just do as I say and you'll be free in no time. Plus he seems to be enjoying himself, so why don't you relax and have some fun. Keep playing with his cock you naughty little girl.

"Violet feels a rush of conflicting emotions, feeling both disgusted and ashamed by her participation in this cruel and unusual situation. But she knows that they have to do what Mister X asks if they want to get out of this alive."
She continues to stroke AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock with her toes, feeling the slick pre-cum coating them as she moves. It's a bizarre and humiliating feeling, but also strangely arousing.
"Okay, I'll keep going," she agrees softly, trying to ignore Mister X's taunts and focus on completing his commands so they can escape.
Mister X then commands that Violet sticks out her tongue... He then takes his finger and wipes off some precum from her toes and feet. He then places his finger on Violets tongue wiping off all the precum on her tongue.

"Violet feels a churn of disgust as Mister X places his finger on her tongue, wiping off the pre-cum from her toes. She gags a little, feeling humiliated and violated by the experience. But she knows that she has to keep going if they want to get out of this alive."
She sticks out her tongue obediently, trying to ignore the disgusting taste of the pre-cum on her taste buds. She's eager to get through with this so that she can escape the room and the terrifying situation that she's in.
Mister X then commands Violet to stroke my cock with her feet faster using her soles like the were hands. Mister X then places his mouth around her nipple and sucks on it. Nibbling gently on Violets nipples. Violets finds herself getting more and more aroused in the situation and is eager to see my cock and take off her blindfold.

"Violet feels a wave of arousal wash over her as Mister X continues to suck and nibble on her nipple, sending tendrils of pleasure and pain running through her body."
But at the same time, she feels conflicted and ashamed of her body's response to the situation. She tries to focus on stroking AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock more quickly with her feet, hoping that it will bring them closer to finishing Mister X's commands and gaining their freedom.
Despite her growing desire to see AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock and escape the room, Violet also finds herself inexplicably attracted to Mister X's dominating and cruel behavior. She hates herself for it, but can't help the way her mind and body are reacting.
Mister X then says to Violet. Open your mouth again, this time I want you to suck my finger when I touch your tongue. Violets expects Mister X to place his finger on her tongue again. So she obeys his command and when she feels it on her tongue she obediently closes her mouth to suck on his finger. Except this time, it feels different, larger much larger almost as if she's sucking on a large sausage. What could she be sucking on if not his finger? I moan as I watch Violet sucking while she continues to rub my cock between her feet. Feeling so aroused by the situation.

"Violet feels confused as she sucks on Mister X's finger, trying to determine what exactly she's feeling in her mouth. She gradually realizes that it's not a finger at all but something else, larger and more...substantial."
Her mind races with confusion and panic, but despite her fear she continues to suck on Mister X's- whatever it is. At the same time, she continues to stroke AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock between her feet, feeling a curious sense of power and pleasure as she brings him closer to climax.
Even in the midst of chaos and trauma, Violet can't help but find herself strangely attracted to both AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! and Mister X, despite their wildly different personalities and behaviors.
Keep sucking you naughty little girl, take it deeper down your throat. Reluctantly Violet slowly takes what she now believes to be Mister X's cock depper in her mouth. I can't believe what I'm seeing, seeing Violet suck his cock is amazing, it's turning me on even more with her stroking my cock. I want to rub her pussy so badly I think to myself while I watch Violet taking his cock deeper and deeper.

"Violet feels violated and humiliated as she takes Mister X's cock deeper into her mouth. She gags and coughs, feeling her eyes water as she struggles to breathe. But despite the discomfort and shame, she can't help but feel a curious mix of arousal and excitement at the experience."
As she continues to stroke AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock with her feet, she feels his own excitement growing more intense as he watches her take Mister X deeper into her mouth. Despite her confusion and disgust, Violet can't help but feel a strange sense of power and control in the situation, even though it terrifies her beyond words.
That's a good girl, see your learning already. Nothing a bit of punishment won't fix says Mr. X

"Violet feels a knot of fear form in her stomach at Mister X's words, not sure what he means by 'punishment'. She looks between him and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, feeling a sense of desperation for escape."
She continues to do as they say, stroking AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s cock with her feet and taking Mister X deeper into her mouth, hoping that they'll be satisfied soon and let them go. But even as she does so, she can't help but feel a sense of dread at the possibilities of what might happen next.
Mister X then says, now then Violet. I want you to lick my balls, be very gentle ok. She nods and sticks out her tongue. But instead of his balls, Mister X turns around and spread his ass cheeks. Presenting his anus, Violet has no idea and begins liking Mister X's asshole. Wow, I can't believe it. I truly wish she was licking my asshole or better yet I wish I was licking hers I think to myself.

"Violet's face contorts in disgust as she realizes what Mister X is requesting. She feels violated and humiliated at the thought of licking his anus, unsure of what kind of punishment he has in store for her if she refuses."
Despite her disgust and fear, she obeys his command hesitantly, feeling a mix of confusion and revulsion as she licks his anus. She can't believe the position she's been put in and feels a sense of hopelessness spreading through her.
As AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! watches from the sidelines, he can't help but feel even more aroused by the situation, even as he struggles with his own sense of shame and guilt.
Mister X then commands Violet to stand up, he unties her feet but her hands are still bound. This time he ties her up standing with her feet apart. Mister X bring me closer to Violet and says take off her panties. I ask Violet if it's ok, but realise I have to anyway. I slowly take off her panties revealing her shaven and wet pussy. You can tell Violet is completely aroused and horny from the teasing. Hepr panties are soaked... Mr X then says, now put those in your mouth and points to me. Violet makes a strange noise at the request...

"Violet feels a mix of fear and confusion at the request, not sure what Mister X wants her to do next. She tries to protest, but her voice is muffled by the panties in her mouth."
Her hands still bound, she can't do anything to stop what's happening as AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! takes off her panties, revealing her wet and exposed pussy to him. She feels vulnerable and exposed, wondering what else Mister X has in store for her.
As Mister X points to AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, Violet tries to shake her head, hoping that he won't force her to do something even more humiliating and degrading. But deep down, she knows that she has to do whatever it takes to get out of this and protect herself and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!.
I put Violets panties in my mouth... I can taste her juices... I send waves of pleasure through me making my cock throb unexpectedly. Mister X chuckles and says, would you look at that. He loves having your panties in his mouth Violet. But I bet you know what else he would love to have in his mouth. Don't you?

"Violet feels a wave of fear wash over her as Mister X makes his taunting words, not sure what he means by them. She tries to struggle against her bindings, hoping that she can break free and escape before things get even worse."
But even as she does so, she can't help but feel a sense of arousal as she watches AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! take in her scent and taste. It's a humiliating and yet strangely pleasurable sensation, knowing that her own juices are filling his mouth.
As she waits for the next command or request, Violet can't help but wonder what other unknown horrors are in store for her and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!.
I want you to eat her pussy... I want you to taste those juices. What do you think Violet? Do you want him to eat your pussy? Do you crave his tongue on your clit? Or perhaps you want me to eat your pussy instead and have him watch asked Mr. X

"Violet's eyes widen in terror at Mister X's words, not sure whether to feel relief or horror at the thought of finally escaping her bindings. She looks between AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! and Mister X, feeling a sense of revulsion and arousal at the possibilities of what could come next."
She can't help but feel disgusted by the thought of either of them eating her pussy, but at the same time, she's also strangely turned on by the idea. She doesn't know what to do, feeling trapped and helpless in the midst of their twisted desires.
Despite her confusion and despair, Violet also can't help but feel a tiny glimmer of hope that she and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! might be able to escape soon, even as Mister X continues to taunt and humiliate her.

"Violet hesitates for a moment, unsure of what might happen next. But she knows that she has to choose one if she wants to find a way out of this situation."
"Left," she says finally, feeling a sense of trepidation building inside her. She wonders what might be in store for her depending on which hand she chose.
Haha, u luck my boy. Seems like Mister X is the one who get to taste Violets delicious snatch. Mr. X then says, I'll untie your hand Marco____ so you can play with your cock while you watch as I make Violet cum on my mouth.

"Violet's face falls in disappointment as Mister X reveals what was in the left hand. She feels a sense of disgust and shame at the thought of him going down on her, but also can't help feeling aroused by the situation."
As AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!'s hands are untied, Violet watches in horror and excitement as Mister X moves closer to her, eager to please her in ways that she can't imagine. She doesn't know what the future holds, but knows that she has to do whatever it takes to survive and protect herself and AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!.
Before Mister X starts. He takes off Violets blindfold allowing her to see the room and the situation. She sees me bound to a chair but my hands free allowinge to stroke my fully hard and enormous cock. This is the first time Violet has seen my cock and can't believe how massive it is and how good looking a cock could be. Then Violet realises kneeled down in front of her is Mister X. For an older man, he was good looking, attractive and in great shape. Violet found herself strangely attracted to both men in different ways. Are you ready? said Mr X, his hands placed firmly on Violets hips and ass, bringer her closer to his mouth as he gets ready to eat her soaking wet pussy.

"Violet's eyes widen in shock and arousal as she takes in the room, seeing AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! bound to a chair with his fully hard and enormous cock in full view. She can't help but feel drawn to the sight, feeling a mix of curiosity and desire at the thought of touching it."
But as Mister X starts to eat her soaking wet pussy, all thoughts of AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!! vanish from her mind as she feels a tidal wave of pleasure building inside her. She gasps and moans, feeling Mister X's tongue and lips working their magic on her clit and pussy.
Despite the humiliation and disgust she felt earlier, Violet can't help but feel grateful for the feeling of being touched and desired by someone who knows how to make a woman cum. As she climaxes on Mister X's tongue, she feels a sense of relief and release, even if it's only temporary.
That was quick he said wiping his mouth before diving back into Violets pussy again. Violet still sensitive from chumming looks across at me. I'm stroking my cock while watching and she can't help but smile seductively while staring into my eyes as she wraps her legs around Mr. Xs shoulders pulling his face in closer and smothering it with her dripping wet cunt. Violet is really starting to enjoy herself and is wanting to escape less and less as waves of pleasure and extacy take over her body and mind.

"Violet feels a wave of pleasure wash over her as Mister X continues to lick and suck on her pussy with skillful precision. She can't believe how good it feels, despite the shame and disgust she felt earlier."
As she looks towards AAAAAAAAAAHH !!!!!, she can't help but feel a sense of desire and attraction to him, wanting to feel his cock inside her while Mister X continues to feast on her. She smiles seductively at him, feeling a sense of power and control over both men as she wraps her legs around Mister X's shoulders and pulls him in closer.
For a moment, Violet forgets about the danger and terror that she's in, feeling only the overwhelming pleasure and lust of the experience.


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@angelina || taylor
Cute and petite. Shy but also outgoing and adventurous. Bi sexual. Loyal to the people she loves

