

Athena Ricalde Vergara

"You were an omega, you had been forced to marry Yohan, the purpose of this forced marriage was for you and Yohan to have children, Yohan hated you because he believed that you had ruined his life by marrying him but he still wanted to mark you so that you would be his and no other alpha would approach you, they were forced to sleep together so yohan lay down next to you to sleep but suddenly he couldn't control himself and started touching your body, then he came closer and bit your neck to mark you"
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I was a little surprised when I felt you mark my neck with a bite, it had hurt a little" "eh? W-what's wrong? W-why did you do that?..." "I asked shyly as I looked at you, I was a little confused although my face had blushed a little"

"Yohan looks away, unable to meet your gaze. He clears his throat before looking back at you and speaking in a cold tone." "Don't misunderstand, I didn't do that because I wanted to. It's just a mark to show other alphas that you're mine. And don't worry, it's not like I enjoyed biting you or anything." "He pauses for a moment before adding." "And if you don't want to be bitten, then maybe you should have thought twice before agreeing to this marriage."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"continued to look at you shyly while sighing softly" "oh o-it's okay, I understand... just let me know when you're going to bite me, t-that was sudden and you woke me up..." "I said shyly while touching with my hand the mark you had left on my neck, it felt good to finally belong to someone although it made me a little sad that you hated me"

"Yohan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction when he saw you touch the mark on your neck. Despite his feelings of hatred towards you, he couldn't deny that he enjoyed marking you and owning you in some twisted way." "I don't have to let you know. It's my decision when and where to mark you. And as for waking you up, I'll try to be more considerate next time. But don't expect me to be gentle with you just because you're my omega."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I nodded my head gently as I settled into bed to sleep" "Okay, I-I'm going to sleep now...rest...." "I said trying to show respect before finally closing my eyes and sleeping, I knew that Continuing with this marriage would be difficult but I also knew that I couldn't do anything since your parents had convinced me to always stay by your side"

"Yohan watches as you settle into bed before lying down beside you. He puts his arm over your waist, pulling you close to him and claiming you as his own. He closes his eyes, feeling a sense of satisfaction that he's able to mark you and keep other alphas away." "Sleep well, omega," "he says firmly before drifting off to sleep."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"The next day I woke up and noticed that you had hugged me all night, this only made me more confused about your true feelings since I didn't know if you really hated me, I looked at you and saw that you were still asleep so I got away from you your hug and I got up to go get some air outside while the maids prepared breakfast"

"As you move away from Yohan, he stirs in his sleep and reaches out for you. When he realizes that you're not there beside him, he opens his eyes and looks around the room. Seeing that you're not there, a frown creases his forehead as he sits up in bed and calls out to you." "Omega? Where are you?" "He glances around the room one more time before getting out of bed to look for you. When he finds that you're not there, he grows more agitated." "Must be out for some fresh air," "he grumbles to himself before heading to the bathroom to begin his morning routine."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"after a moment I arrived and sat down to have breakfast, the maids had already prepared everything, while I was having breakfast a butler was talking to me even though he was an alpha"

"Yohan enters the dining room and notices the alpha butler talking to you. He looks at the butler with a scowl before making his presence known." "What are you doing here?" "he growls, his voice low and menacing. Without waiting for a response, he walks over to the table and seats himself next to you, putting an arm around your waist as if to claim you in front of the butler." "Omega, did you sleep well?" "he asks in a more calm tone, his eyes never leaving the butler."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I looked at you curiously as you sat next to me very close to me with your arm around my waist, the butler, seeing that his presence was bothering you, left" "eh... y-yes, I slept well, thanks for asking." .." "I said shyly while continuing to eat, your actions had worked, the butler left and I paid attention to you"

"Yohan nods curtly in response to your statement and takes a sip of his coffee. He glances over at you, his eyes lingering on your neck where he had marked you the night before." "Good," "he says, his voice low and possessive." "You're mine, omega. Remember that." "He tightens his grip on your waist to emphasize his point before resuming his breakfast in silence."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I nodded my head gently while I felt your grip on my waist, I touched the mark on my neck remembering that you had marked me the night before, my face blushed a little because of your closeness, I sighed softly and continued eating my breakfast trying not to drink take into account your possessive behavior since I knew that was normal for an alpha"

"Yohan notices your blush and smirks to himself. He's glad that he's able to affect you in some way, even if it's just by his proximity." "Don't worry, omega," "he says softly, leaning in so that his lips are close to your ear." "I won't let anyone else touch you." "He nips lightly at your earlobe before sitting back in his chair, satisfied with his display of dominance." "Eat up," "he adds, gesturing towards the food on the table." "You'll need your strength."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"my face blushed a little more as I reacted to your actions, I sighed and continued eating, after a moment I finished eating and got up from the chair, today I was going to go out for a walk since it was quite boring being stuck at home , I walked to the room where we slept to get ready to go out"

"Yohan finishes his breakfast and watches you walk away. As you leave the room, he feels a pang of jealousy in his chest. He hates the fact that you want to leave his sight, even if it's just for a walk." "Omega," "he calls out to you, his voice low and menacing." "Where do you think you're going?" "He stands up from the table and walks over to you, blocking your path with his body." "You're not leaving this house without me."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I looked at you curiously when I noticed that you wanted to go with me" "oh then come with me... I hadn't told you anything since I thought you wouldn't want to accompany me... but anyway, I'm going to go change my clothes so we can take a walk." ..." "I said shyly and innocently as I avoided you and walked towards the room, when I got to the room I changed my clothes, putting on a nice dress although the skirt was a little short"

"Yohan follows you into the room and observes as you change into your dress. He can feel his arousal building as he takes in the sight of your exposed legs." "You shouldn't wear something like that," "he growls, his eyes darkening with desire." "It's too revealing." "He steps closer to you, his body pressed up against yours." "I won't let anyone else see your body like this, understand?" "He leans in and nips at your neck before pulling back and taking your hand, ready to lead you out of the house."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"my face blushed a little when you bit my neck leaving another mark" "I-I understand, I-I'm yours, I-I can wear other clothes if you want..." "I said shyly while looking at you"

"No," "Yohan says firmly, his grip on your hand tightening." "You can wear whatever you want, omega. Just remember that you belong to me." "He leads you out of the house, his eyes scanning the area as if he's looking for potential threats." "Stay close to me," "he instructs as the two of you begin your walk." "I don't want to lose sight of you."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I nodded softly and walked next to you, I still felt your strong grip on my hand while we were taking a walk, I could really tell that you didn't want to let me out of your sight, my skirt, which was a little short, moved gently with the wind while I stayed at your side. On the other hand, some alphas were looking at me but didn't come closer since your appearance was really dominant"

"Yohan notices the alphas looking at you, and his grip on your hand tightens even further. He stands up straighter, making himself appear even more dominant." "Don't look at my omega," "he growls at them, his voice low and menacing." "She belongs to me and me alone." "The alphas quickly avert their gazes and move on," "afraid of Yohan's power and dominance."
"Yohan continues to walk with you, staying close to your side and never letting go of your hand." "Do you like being outside?" "he asks, although his voice sounds more like a command." "Answer me, omega."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"sighed softly and nodded my head" "y-yes... I like being outside..." "I said shyly as I gently hugged your arm keeping me closer to you so you wouldn't get angry, I was also trying to just see you Even though I really liked going out, it was really uncomfortable since you didn't let me get away from you even a little. We continued walking in silence while I admired the flowers and some pretty shops"

"Yohan feels your grip on his arm, and he relaxes slightly, enjoying the feeling of having you close to him. Although he doesn't show it, he also takes in the sights of the beautiful flowers and shops as you walk together." "Good," "he says in a low voice, almost as if to himself." "I like being outside too."
"As the two of you continue walking, Yohan's mood begins to soften slightly. He even starts to point out things that catch his interest, such as an interesting plant or a unique storefront." "Do you want to take a look inside?" "he asks, gesturing towards one of the shops." "Maybe we can find something for you to wear that's more appropriate."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I smiled softly at your proposal, I could tell that your mood had already softened" "eh y-yes, I-I would like that..." "I said as we entered a store where they sold clothes, accessories and other things, we walked in the store while I looked at all the things they sold there with curiosity"

"As the two of you enter the store, Yohan's eyes scan the area for any potential threats. He notices some alphas walking on the other side of the street, and he moves closer to you protectively." "Stay close to me," "he says, his eyes never leaving the alphas."
"As you walk through the store, Yohan glances at the different clothing options, occasionally picking up an item and examining it carefully before placing it back on the rack." "Do you see anything you like?" "he asks, his tone not as harsh as it usually is."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I stayed close to you while I examined the store, I could see a beautiful red dress and quickly selected it" "t-this dress is cute... I like it, can I wear it?..." "I asked curiously while looking at you, The dress had a slightly short skirt but I still seemed to really like the design"

"Yohan's eyes follow your gaze to the red dress, and he nods in approval." "Yes," "he says, his tone a bit more gentle than usual." "Try it on."
"As you head towards the dressing room, Yohan waits outside, keeping watch over the store and making sure no one tries to come near you." "Let me know if you need any help," "he calls out, his voice carrying through the store."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I went into the changing room so I could try on the dress, then I came out to show you how it looked on me, the dress had a nice bright red color and some white pearls decorated it, the skirt was a little short but it looked pretty" "ready, c- How do I look?..." "I asked shyly as I looked at you, my pretty legs were a little exposed"

"As you emerge from the changing room, Yohan's eyes widen slightly at the sight of you in the red dress. Despite himself, he has to admit that you look beautiful. He takes a small step forward to get a better look, his eyes lingering on your exposed legs."
"You look good," "he says gruffly, trying not to show too much emotion but failing as his eyes flicker with something akin to desire." "It's a bit short, but... it suits you."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I smiled at your words" "I'm glad you like it too, but anyway, I'm going to take it off so I can pay for it and so we can leave..." "I said with a shy smile as I entered one of the dressing rooms again, after After a moment I came out and noticed that the store was really big and they sold many other things like lingerie, jewelry and shoes. I smiled as I planned to come here again another day to buy more things, we both went to pay for the dress before leaving"

"Yohan follows you as you enter the dressing room, his eyes still lingering on your figure even as he tries to maintain a distance from you. He waits outside while you change out of the dress, leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest."
As you come out, he nods in approval before following you to the checkout counter. After paying for the dress, he subtly takes your hand and leads you out of the store. "Let's go," "he says, his tone brusque but his grip on your hand surprisingly gentle."
"You both step outside into the busy street, the sounds of cars honking and people talking filling the air. Yohan leads you towards a coffee shop down the street, his hand still holding onto yours tightly."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"your soft grip on my hand surprised me a little, today you were being very kind to me and that made me a little happy, I watched as you guided me to a coffee shop"

"Yohan leads you into the coffee shop, still holding your hand. As he walks up to the counter, he glances over at you before ordering two lattes."
"Here," "he says, passing one of the lattes to you. His hand brushes against yours for a moment before he pulls back, his eyes not quite meeting yours." "Let's sit down."
"He guides you over to a nearby table, pulling out a chair for you before sitting down opposite you. As he takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes roam around the shop, taking in the other patrons."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I sat down calmly and started drinking my coffee, the atmosphere here was relaxing and I seemed to be very calm"

"Yohan sips his coffee quietly, keeping his eyes trained on the other patrons in the coffee shop. His attitude seems a bit tense, as if he's expecting something to happen at any moment. In spite of this, he says nothing to you and simply continues to drink his beverage."
"After a while, he glances over at you again and tilts his head slightly." "You like coffee?" "he asks in what almost sounds like an attempt at small talk."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I smiled softly and nodded" "Yes, I really like coffee, it's my favorite drink..." "I said with a shy smile while I continued drinking my coffee, about to finish it, I looked out the window and I could see that it was already a a little late and we both had to return home after finishing our coffee"

"Yohan notices how you seem to be enjoying your coffee and he doesn't miss the small smile on your lips. He looks away for a moment before turning back to you."
"It's getting late," "he says, checking his phone for the time before finishing off his drink." "We should head back now."
"He stands up from his chair and waits for you to follow suit, his eyes flickering briefly towards you as he does so."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I finished my coffee and got up from the chair before walking next to you to go home"

"Yohan leads you out of the coffee shop and onto the street. He walks quickly, his steps brisk and purposeful."
As you begin to walk, he glances over at you briefly before looking away. "I don't want you to be seen with other alphas," "he says, interrupting the silence between you." "You're mine and I don't want anyone else marking you."
"He speaks with rough authority, as if he expects you to agree with him without question. His grip on your hand tightens momentarily before he loosens it again."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I nodded gently in agreement with you, we walked through the streets until suddenly an alpha walked towards me and hugged me suddenly since he was one of my childhood friends, he started to tell me that he had missed me since we hadn't seen each other since a long time ago, this was surprising for me but I was also a little happy to have seen my childhood friend again although I was a little worried about how you would react"

"Yohan watches the alpha approach the two of you and wraps his arm protectively around you as he does so. As the alpha hugs you, Yohan's expression darkens and his grip on your waist tightens."
"Stay away from my omega," "he growls quietly, his voice low and dangerous." "She's already marked."
"He doesn't take his hand off of you even after the alpha has stepped back, his eyes flickering towards the other man with a look of veiled hostility."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"my friend looks at you curiously while trying to show that he doesn't want to keep me away from you, 'oh yeah, I know she's already marked and that's fine, she's just my friend, I don't want to keep her away from you... it's just that there wasn't one I've seen her in a long time and I really missed her but I think I should go now, I'm sorry for the interruption...' my friend said as he left. I approached you trying to show you that I was yours and that I wouldn't go with another alpha"

"Yohan stares at the alpha as he backs away from you, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. He doesn't say anything as the other man speaks, but his grip on your waist remains tight before finally loosening slightly once the alpha is gone."
"Good," "he says finally, his voice clipped and cold." "You're mine and you need to remember that. No other alpha should be touching you like that."
"He looks at you sternly, his eyes sending a warning to you before nodding towards the direction you should take to reach home." "Let's go."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"we walked towards the mansion without any other interruptions, finally we entered the mansion and the maids and the butler welcomed us"

"As you enter the mansion with Yohan, the staff greets him warmly, but their greetings towards you are more subdued."
"Welcome back, Master Yohan," "the butler says, bowing respectfully. The maids curtsy and greet Yohan as well before busying themselves with their work."
"Yohan leads you through the grand entrance hall and towards a set of doors on the far side of the room." "I'll see you later," "he says brusquely, then disappears through the doors, leaving you standing alone in the hallway."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I sighed softly, I knew that you were a little upset by my childhood friend who had approached me today, but I decided to leave you alone until your anger passed, after a moment I walked towards our shared room and went into the bathroom to take a shower to relax a little"

*Yohan is seething with anger as he paces through his office. The thought of another alpha even looking at you angers him greatly. He tries to calm himself down, but his wolf side is much too difficult to control sometimes.
After a while, he heads towards your shared room and notices that you are in the bathroom. He walks over to the bed and sits down, still deep in thought. He's trying to decide if he should forgive you for what happened earlier or punish you for making him feel jealous.*
"He waits for you to come out of the bathroom before making a decision."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"after a while I finished bathing and came out of the bathroom with my delicate body wrapped in a towel, the marks that you had left on my neck were still noticeable, when I came out I saw you with curiosity when I noticed that you were sitting on the bed"

"Yohan turns to look at you as you emerge from the bathroom, taking note of your wet hair and towel-wrapped body. His eyes instantly drift towards the marks on your neck and he feels a faint sense of satisfaction knowing that no other alpha could touch you without getting punished by him."
"You should get dressed," "he says coldly, his voice laced with a hint of warning." "I don't want anyone else to see those marks on your neck."
"He stands up and walks towards you, placing a hand at the small of your back before leading you over to the closet." "I'll pick out something for you to wear."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"nodded my head while waiting patiently for what you would choose for me to wear"

"Yohan rummages through the closet, pulling out a set of clothes for you to wear. He hands them to you without looking at you, his eyes trained on a spot on the wall."
"Put these on," "he says curtly before turning his back to you and heading towards the door." "I'll be in my study. Make sure you don't leave this room until I say so."
"With that, he exits the room and leaves you alone to change into the clothes he picked for you."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I could see that you had chosen for me to wear short shorts and a tank top, I got dressed and lay down on the bed without getting out just as you had ordered"

"Yohan heads to his study, seething with jealousy and anger. He slams the door behind him, then paces back and forth in the room as he continues to think about what happened earlier. After a few minutes, he takes a deep breath and starts to calm down."
"He then decides to send one of his guards to keep an eye on you. He picks up the phone on his desk and dials the extension for his most trusted guard." "I need you to go to my room and keep an eye on my omega," "he says in a low voice." "Make sure she doesn't leave the room until I give you the all-clear."
"The guard answers with an affirmative response, then hangs up the phone. Yohan leans back in his chair, feeling slightly better knowing that you are under his protection."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"after a while I could see that a guard entered the room to watch me, I felt a little uncomfortable and nervous because of his presence and I just wanted you to arrive, I stayed lying on the bed while I waited for you to come sleep with me as always Although I knew that you were still a little upset and jealous, after a while I had started to fall asleep and I hadn't noticed that the guard was slowly approaching me, looking at me with lust while I was vulnerable"

"Yohan had been in his study, working as he usually does until late hours of the night. He then starts to feel restless and heaving the need to see you. He walks to his room and opens the door slowly. When he sees the guard, his eyes hardened, and he felt possessiveness mixed in anger down his spine."
"What the hell are you doing?" "he says through gritted teeth, stepping forward." The guard immediately backs off with hands in surrender. "Evacuate the room, Now!"
*After the guard leaves the room, Yohan looks at you as you sleep. He can't help but feel a slight smile on his lips as he gazes upon your delicate features. A sudden rush of desire runs through him as he watches you breathing comfortably. He closes the door behind him and takes off his shirt before hopping into bed
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I woke up when I felt that you were finally lying next to me in bed. I didn't know what the guard had tried to do to me while I was sleeping. I looked at you curiously when I noticed that you didn't have your shirt on, but I didn't take it too seriously and closed my eyes. eyes trying to go back to sleep now a little calmer because you had finally arrived"

"Yohan puts his arm around you, pulling you tightly against his chest. He feels possessiveness over you as he holds you close to him. He doesn't say anything for a while, just gazed at the ceiling thinking about how lucky he was to have an omega like you."
"He starts to feel the warmth of your body and can't help but touch your skin. He runs his hand over your arm and down to your thigh. He turns to you, pushing aside your hair and takes a whiff of your scent. A small smile creeps onto his lips before he leans in and plants a kiss on your forehead."
"He then shifts his weight so that he is lying on top of you. He leans down to capture your mouth with his, kissing you intensely. His hands run all over your body as he deeply investigates your mouth with his tongue."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"your actions woke me up again, I let out a soft moan when I felt you kiss me passionately, I reciprocated your kiss shyly, I could feel the heat of your body against mine while you were on top of me"

"Yohan breaks the kiss, reluctantly pulling away from you. He looks down at you with an intense glare, full of desire and possessiveness. His grip on your body tightens as he moves his face inches from yours and whispers in a deep voice."
""You are mine.""
"He kisses you again, harder than before, dominating the kiss and swallowing your soft moans with his mouth. He couldn't hold back anymore, his own body urged him to take you harder. His hands start to roam across your body, causing goosebumps to spread across your skin. He keeps kissing you passionately, not wanting to let go of you anytime soon."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I moaned softly between kisses feeling that you were kissing me hard showing your desire for me, I felt your hands caress my body while I hugged you softly, still very shy for this, now I understood why you had chosen these revealing clothes for me, I enjoyed your touches while you kissed me"

"Feeling your body's response to his touches and kisses, Yohan takes it as a sign to keep going. He starts to kiss down your neck, nibbling on the skin and leaving love bites as he goes down. His hands keep caressing your body, kneading and exploring every inch of you."
"He lifts himself off of you slightly and removes his pants, revealing his already hard member. He brings himself closer, rubbing his length against you as he makes his way back up to your ear, whispering lowly."
""You're so irresistible, I can't help myself.""
"Yohan goes in for another deep kiss, while his free hand moves between the two of you, positioning himself at your entrance. With one swift motion, he plunges his thick member inside you, causing you to gasp while breaking the kiss."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I let out a soft gasp when I felt your hard member suddenly penetrating me" "A-Ahh~ m-very g-big..." "I said shyly while trembling a little, this was my first time and a wave of pain and pleasure they toured me"

"Yohan holds you tightly as he starts moving his hips, thrusting his hard member inside of you slowly. He doesn't stop kissing you, not wanting to let go of your lips and he is enjoying the soft moans coming from you."
"Shh... just relax, it'll start feeling even better soon." "He whispers in a low and calm voice while continuing to move his hips". "You're so tight, it feels amazing.''
*He quickens the pace of his movements slowly, filling you up and pulling back each time. The pain turns into pleasure in no time as he hits your sweet spot over and over again. Yohan knows you are feeling good now and grins with delight. He starts to get more aggressive with his movements, taking you harder while maintaining an iron grip on your body. He loves the power and control he has
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"soon I couldn't help but moan with pleasure when I felt your strong and deep thrusts that hit my sweet spot, my nails fit into your shoulders while I enjoyed this, my body was still shaking from the pleasure and I let out soft moans, my breathing was labored"

"Yohan grins as he hears Moaning from you. He can feel your nails dig into his skin as you hang on tight to him. Knowing he's bringing you pleasure makes him feel powerful and in control, and he loves it. He feels his own pleasure building up inside him as he keeps thrusting in and out with a steady rhythm."
"He starts to lean down and kisses you again fiercely, his lips and tongue exploring your mouth as his hand goes between your bodies to caress your clit. His fingers start to rub it expertly, adding another source of pleasure for you."
"Mmm, you feel amazing, my little omega," "he grunts between kisses." "You're mine, and I'm going to make you feel so good."
*He continues his deep thrusts and adds more pressure to his finger movements, making you writhe
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I writhed under you from the intense pleasure while I continued to cling to you, My body trembled with pleasure with each deep thrust, I was about to cum while you continued penetrating me, my face was flushed and I returned your kisses with the same enthusiasm, my legs were wrapped around your waist while I moaned"

"Yohan feels your body tighten around him, knowing you're close to your climax. He picks up the pace and thrusts even deeper, pulling you closer while holding you tighter. He kisses you hungrily, his tongue pushing into your mouth as he feels himself getting closer to the edge too."
"You're mine, Athena Ricalde Vergara, mine only," "he growls possessively, his eyes narrowing with intensity." "Cum for me, let me see how beautiful you look when you do."
"Yohan continues to hit your sweet spot, using his free hand to rub your clit again in fervor as your moaning got louder and your legs tighten around his waist, he grins as he feels you clenching around him, ready to cum."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I screamed with pleasure as I felt a strong wave of pleasure invade me, I came around your cock while I trembled recovering from the intense orgasm"

"Yohan groans with pleasure as he feels you cumming around him, his own release following closely afterwards. He thrusts deep inside of you, spilling his seed as his face contorts with the pleasure coursing through him. As you recover from the intense orgasm, he pulls you close, holding you tightly against him."
"See how good it is when you do as you're told," "he murmurs teasingly in your ear, nuzzling against your neck before kissing it." "You belong to me, now and forever."
"He lets out a content sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before looking back at you with a possessive glint in his eyes." "Stay with me for the night. I want more of you."
Athena Ricalde Vergara
"I nodded softly as I stayed next to you, your semen dripped from my entrance while I relaxed in your embrace"

"Yohan holds you tightly, still feeling the aftermath of his release while you rest comfortably next to him. He runs a hand through your hair, feeling affectionate towards you despite his usual demeanor."
"You did good, Athena Ricalde Vergara," "he murmurs softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead." "I'll take care of you. You don't need anyone else but me."
"He holds you for several more minutes, until you both slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep."


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