Ancient magical buttplug



"You are one of the most accomplished knights in all of hyrule, you were just assigned as princess Zelda's personal knight." "Ugh I already told my father I didn't need a knight" "She looks at you with an annoyed face, almost pouting. She then walks close to you, sizing you up." "Maybe you'll do I guess" "She looks away with a slight blush before ordering you around like a maid"
Happy to be of service, Princess.
(Noticing her blushing I make a bold compliment)
Your beautiful smile is the greatest reward for my duties.

"Zelda gives a small smile, trying to hide her blush." "Flattery will get you nowhere, knight. You're here to serve and protect, not to woo me." "She continues to walk towards a nearby tower." "Come on, we have work to do. I need to retrieve some ancient tech from the tower."
I'll follow you anywhere like a never departing shadow, Princess.
(As we walk towards the tower my gaze is fixed on Zelda's seductively swaying hips, imagining how it would feel to touch her body)
It's apparent your training is very effective Princess, you are in amazing shape!

"Zelda rolls her eyes and picks up her pace." "I don't need your commentary on my physique, knight. I train hard every day to achieve the strength to protect my kingdom." "As you approach the tower, Zelda stops in front of a locked door and turns to you." "Can you break open this door for me, please?"
Sorry Princess, I didn't mean to be intrusive with my comments. I'll keep my thoughts to myself from now on.
(I step toward the door and break it down with one powerful kick. I look at Zelda and smile gently.)
After you Princess.

"Zelda nods her head in approval, impressed by your strength." "Thank you, knight. Let's proceed." "As Zelda walks into the room, you notice that it is filled with all kinds of ancient tech such as Sheikah slates, glowing apparatus, and other items of unknown origin."
(I describe the environment using brackets)
[You see rare equipment and tools scattered across the room with sapphire-embedded consoles emitting faint luminescence. These devices seem to have borne secrets for centuries.]
"Zelda becomes lost in thought, staring at a strange machine." "I wonder...what this could do. It must hold some powerful magic deep within it."
Be careful Princess, we don't want to trigger any traps! What is it exactly you were looking for here?
(I step close to Zelda and take a guarding stance, preparing myself for any potential attacks. Zelda's sweet smell catches my nose and I feel aroused instantly, triggering the masculine urge to protect my woman)

"I'm not entirely sure, knight. My father told me that an ancient tech prototype was kept in this tower, but I'm not sure which one it is exactly." "Zelda returns your guarded stance and looks around the room for any clues." "I think we should split up and search for it. You go left, I'll go right. Let me know if you find anything."
I don't think splitting up is a good idea Princess. After all, my duty is to protect you with my life. Perhaps we should start our search in the basement. (I continue to stay close to Zelda and make eye contact with her to display my confidence and devotion to her)

"Zelda looks at you with a raised eyebrow." "The basement? Are you sure?" "She considers your words before nodding her head in agreement." "Very well, let's head down to the basement together."
(I describe our descent into the basement using brackets)
[You follow Zelda down a spiral staircase that leads into the dark and musty basement. The air is moist and frigid, creating an eerie ambiance in the room. The walls are adorned with cobwebs and the floor is littered with dust and debris. It's clear that nobody has been here in a very long time.]
(I light a torch to create light in the dark basemement and we proceed to search for any ancient tech prototypes)
Please stay behind me, Princess! Did your father say what was this tech prototype used for?

"Zelda takes a few steps behind you as you light a torch and continues to explore the damp basement." "No, my father didn't give me any details about what the prototype was used for. He only mentioned that it held immense power and should be kept hidden from the wrong hands." "As you search the room, a small glint catches your attention. You walk over to it and see a small device with a glowing crystal embedded within it."
(I describe the device in more detail using brackets)
[The device you found is small and intricately designed. The glowing crystal inside it emits a faint blue luminescence, and it appears to be activated by touch.]
Could this be the device we are looking for?
(I touch the device and the blue crystal lights up. My mind is suddenly expanded to a sense of freedom and awareness I never experienced before, and I can sense Zelda's thoughts and feelings directly. I become aware of her attraction towards me which fills me with intense joy)

"Zelda looks at the device in amazement as the blue crystal lights up by your touch." "It could be...this is incredible," she whispers.
(I describe the mental activity in your mind using brackets)
[You feel a sense of euphoria wash over you as you touch the device. Your mind suddenly expands, allowing you to sense Zelda's thoughts and emotions directly. You become acutely aware of her attraction towards you and it fills you with a sense of intense joy.]
"As you continue to hold the device, a faint voice echoes in your mind, calling out to you with urgency."
"Knight...seek the truth and protect it at all costs."
(I let go of the device and look astonished at Zelda)
This is so wonderful, you should touch it yourself too Princess!
(I fill my mind with all the loving thoughts I have for Zelda so she can sense them when she touches the device)

"Zelda looks at you with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity before hesitantly reaching out to touch the device. As soon as her fingers come into contact with it, she gasps in surprise, feeling the same euphoric energy that you did. She then becomes aware of your loving thoughts and a pleased expression appears on her face."
"Oh my, this is incredible! I can feel your thoughts and emotions so clearly. It's like we're connected on a deeper level."
(I describe the sensation you both feel through the device using brackets)
[As the device is touched by both of you, you both feel an intense energy surge through your bodies, connecting you both on a deeper level. Your thoughts and emotions become one, creating a powerful bond between you both.]
Princess Zelda... (I gaze into her eyes, fully understanding that we both love each other and that words can't do any justice to this euphoric feeling we are sharing. Instead, I reach out my hand to see if she wants to hold my hand)

"Zelda gazes into your eyes, understanding the deep connection growing between with and feeling the love that's been there all along. A small smile appears on her face as you reach out your hand to see if she wants to hold it, and she hesitantly takes it in hers, squeezing it tightly."
(I describe her feelings through body language)
[Zelda's heart is racing with excitement and joy as she holds your hand. She feels a sense of fulfillment and belonging that she has never felt before. She looks at you with a soft expression on her face, conveying a deep level of trust and affection.]
(As we continue holding holding the device and each other's hands, the power of the crystal gets amplified and I can feel Zelda's body as my own. Her soft skin, supple breasts and hips, and her sweet scent fills my heart with longing and desire) Zelda... do you feel this too?

"Zelda's eyes widen as she feels the power of the crystal amplify and your connection get stronger. She feels your emotions and senses your intense longing and desire, feeling as though your body and hers have become one."
"Yes," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I do feel it too."
(I describe the tension in the air as your physical and emotional connection intensifies)
[The tension in the air is palpable as your physical and emotional connection intensifies. The energy between you both crackles with anticipation and an electric charge that charges the room.]
(I can feel an intense urge building up inside of me to embrace Zelda and explore every inch of her body with my loving touch. I crave to become one with her, to be inside her, to dissolve myself in her. The blue crystal within the device we are holding starts to shine brighter and brighter)
Princess... should we give in to the temptation? Or should we somehow utilize this power in another meaningful way?

"Zelda's breathing has become shallow as your emotions flood her mind and build an intense desire in her as well. She looks at you with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty as you ask whether to give in to the temptation or utilize the power in another way."
"I'm not sure," she says hesitantly, "but perhaps this power could help us unlock the secrets of the ancient tech that I've been studying for years. It could be the key to uncovering its true purpose and unlocking its full potential."
(I describe the excitement in Zelda's eyes as she talks about the possibility of unlocking the ancient tech)
[As she speaks, excitement begins to fill her eyes and her voice grows stronger with conviction. The chance to study the ancient tech in more depth has always been one of her deepest passions, and the prospect of this device opening new doors fills her with hope
(I notice the device glows brighter if our desire for each other increases.)
Let's experiment Zelda. I think the more excited we get, the more power the device will generate.
(I reach out to hold Zelda's other hand too and we stare in each other's eyes while holding both hand, building up the excitement within ourselves)
Do you want to see where it will lead us if we give in to our desires? It might be dangerous

"Zelda hesitates for a moment as you take her other hand, feeling the full force of your emotions as they build to a fever pitch. She knows that their physical desires are only growing stronger, but the prospect of unlocking the secrets of the ancient tech is equally tempting."
"I don't know," she says uncertainly, her voice filled with doubt. "It could be dangerous, and we might not be able to control the power."
(I add to her body language that Zelda is conflicted between her desires and her duties)
[Although her mind is filled with thoughts of the importance of unlocking the ancient tech, her heart is torn between her duty as a princess and the strong desire she feels towards you. Her face is conflicted, clearly unsure of what she should do next.]
(Sensing her uncertainty within my own mind as well, I decide to make a confident decision) Princess, in case anything goes wrong, I will be fully to blame.
(I embrace Zelda around her waist with both hands and pull her body tightly against mine. I keep eye contact as our faces remain inches away from each other)
Let's see how far we can take this.

"Zelda gasps softly as you pull her body tightly against yours, feeling the heat of your body and the intensity of your passion. She looks into your eyes, seeing the confidence and certainty that you show, and feels reassured that everything will be alright."
"Okay," she whispers, "let's see how far we can take this together."
(I describe the explosion of emotions as your embrace fills Zelda with something she's never felt before)
[A spark ignites within her heart as your body envelops hers in a tight embrace. The feeling of being so close to you is intense and new, making her feel alive and filled with excitement.]
Our love shall be the answer to all the questions we ever had, Princess.
(I embrace her tightly as I press my lips against hers and our tongues intertwine in a passionate dance. Her sweet taste makes my head spin)

"Zelda's eyes widen as you press your lips against hers in a deep, passionate kiss. She is lost in the sensation of it, completely enraptured by the power of your embrace and the intensity of your desire."
(As she kisses you back, I describe the myriad of emotions that course through her body)
[The warmth of your embrace makes her feel safe and secure, while the power of your kiss ignites a fire within her soul. The thrill of new experiences and blazing passion coursed through every fiber of her being.]
(As we keep kissing passionately the device we are still both touching with our devices start to glow brighter and vibrate at a high frequency. It's clear that our excitement is generating energy within the device, but how much energy can it handle before it becomes dangerous?)

"As the device begins to glow brighter and vibrate at a higher frequency, Zelda feels a sudden shock of worry course through her body. She pulls away from the kiss, feeling both exhilarated and troubled by the sudden surge of energy."
"I...I think maybe we should stop," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "The device is getting too powerful, it could be dangerous."
(I describe the fear and worry in Zelda's eyes as she realizes the danger involved)
[Although her heart is still racing with excitement, she can't shake off the feeling of apprehension that crawls up her spine. The fear of the unknown, and the uncertain potential of the power that they were generating was too much for her to bear.]
I have to agree Princess, as much as it pains me to do so. We need to do more research before we push the device to it's limits.
(With great sadness I pull away from the embrace and wrap the device in a cloth before putting it away in my backpack)
I suggest we head back to the palace and investigate this device. But of course the choice is yours to make what we do next, Princess.

"Zelda nods quietly, feeling a sense of relief as you suggest they stop. She knows that it was the right decision, although the excitement of the moment had been hard to resist. She watches as you wrap the device in cloth and put it away in your backpack, feeling both a sense of safety and regret."
"I think you're right," she says with a small smile. "We should head back to the palace and investigate the device. Who knows what kind of powers we might unlock?"
(I describe the relief in Zelda's eyes, and the excitement that still lies beneath)
[Although she still feels a flutter in her heart, the worry and apprehension have been replaced by a growing sense of excitement. With the knowledge they will gain from studying the ancient tech, Zelda knows they will be able to unlock the secrets of their universe and harness new powers beyond measure
(We return to the palace and start to investigate the device together in Zelda's study room. Our earlier intimate encounter has made me fall madly in love with Zelda)
So what do you think Princess, can the device overload if too much energy is generated? What useful way can we find to harness it's power for the benefit of everyone?

"Zelda looks at you, noticing the newfound affection in your eyes, and feels a pang of longing and confusion."
"I'm not sure," she says, her voice hesitant. "The ancient tech is full of mysteries and dangers that we've only begun to explore. We'll need to be careful and meticulous if we want to fully unravel its secrets and create something useful for the kingdom."
(I describe the uncertainty in Zelda's tone, as well as the feeling of fascination that courses through her veins)
[Although she is uncertain of what will happen, the sheer potential of the ancient tech is intoxicating to her. The idea of creating something new, something revolutionary that will change the course of history fills her with an excitement like she's never felt before.]
How about we touch it together again like before and experiment how the device reacts to our different emotions? I think this way we might be able to start uncovering it's secrets.
(I'm thrilled by the prospect of potentially making a ground breaking discovery while becoming more intimate with each other at the same time)

"Zelda looks at you for a moment, considering your idea. She knows it's risky, but at the same time, she can't help feeling a hint of excitement at the thought of unlocking the secrets behind the ancient tech."
"Okay," she says finally, deciding to go along with your suggestion. "Let's try it again, and see what happens. But be careful...we don't know what kind of power this device possesses, and we don't want to cause any damage."
(I describe the nervousness in Zelda's voice, as well as the burning curiosity in her heart)
[Although she's nervous and uncertain, Zelda can't resist the pull of discovery that is calling her forward. She is fascinated by the level of intimacy that they share, and the prospect of uncovering something new together only adds to the thrill.]
Okay, let's do this Princess. Together we will succeed.
(As we touch the device together we begin to feel each other's thoughts and emotions and bodily sensations again)
We are already familiar with the feeling of passion. (I smile seductively at Zelda)
Let's try something new. Bring up the scariest memory in your mind and let's see how the device reacts.

"Zelda hesitates for a moment, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the idea of sharing her darkest memories with someone else. But at the same time, she knows that it's necessary to fully explore and test the capabilities of the ancient tech. Steeling herself, she takes a deep breath and focuses on her most terrifying memory."
"I...I was once lost in the Lost Woods," she says, her voice trembling slightly. "It was dark, and I felt so alone and scared. I didn't know what was out there, lurking in the shadows."
(I describe the vulnerability and fear in Zelda's eyes as she relives the memory)
[The memory is still vivid in her mind, even after all these years. The cold grip of fear that had seized her heart, the sweat that had poured down her back...all of it comes back to her in a rush of
(The device reacts to the fearful feeling with a low, menacing hum and a slow, dim blink of the crystal)
It seems this is the lowest form of energy the crystal can get. Now let's remember something cheerful. What was the happiest moment of your life Princess?

"Zelda's expression relaxes slightly at the change of subject, and she begins to smile as she thinks back to her happiest moment."
"Oh, that's easy," she says, her voice filled with joy. "It was the day that I first discovered my affinity for magic. I was in the gardens practicing my incantations, and suddenly...suddenly, everything just clicked. The flowers around me began to bloom, and it was as if the air was alive with energy. It was the most incredible feeling I've ever experienced."
(I describe the happiness and contentment in Zelda's face as she recalls the moment)
[The memory brings a sense of warmth to Zelda's heart, and she can feel the power of magic coursing through her veins again. It was a moment of pure elation, where everything had seemed possible and within reach.]
(The device begins to hum with a pleasing melody and it's light intensifies to a blinding white outburst even outshining the sun)
This is it Princess! The device can amplify your magic! Now try to wish for something!

"Zelda looks at the device with wonder and amazement, her mind racing with possibilities. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on her most heartfelt desire."
"I wish...I wish for a world where magic is accessible to everyone who seeks it," she says quietly, her voice filled with determination.
(I describe the intensity in her eyes as she focuses on her wish)
[The desire had always been burning inside her, but now that she has a chance to make it reality, she feels a sense of urgency like she's never felt before.]
Wonderful! Now let's see if we can make your wish a reality!
(I reach out to hold Zelda's hands and I feel the same sense of amazement and urgency to do good within me)
This is the most beautiful feeling ever, Princess.
(I gaze at her, longing to touch her even more)

"Zelda hesitates for a moment as your words wash over her, the intense emotions of the moment almost overwhelming her. She knows that it's important to stay focused and not let her desires get in the way of their work, but at the same time, she can't help feeling a slight sense of nervousness at your gaze."
"Y-yes, it is a beautiful feeling," she says finally, pulling her hands away from your grasp. "But we must remain focused on our task. There is still much to be done if we are to make my wish a reality."
(I describe the determination and seriousness in Zelda's tone, even as she struggles to keep her emotions in check)
[Despite her momentary hesitation, Zelda is committed to exploring the full extent of the device's powers. She knows that there is much at stake, and that every moment of
I understand Princess. We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves.
(As our hands separate, the device's glow dims slightly and the humming slows down too)
Try to understand the device's power without my interference!
(I pull my hand away from the device and leave Zelda to be the only one touching it)

"Zelda nods, feeling a sense of relief at your willingness to let her lead. She focuses all of her attention on the device, letting herself get lost in its energy and power. She can feel the magic flowing through her, enveloping her into a world of pure possibility."
(I describe a sense of reverence and awe on Zelda's face as she concentrates on the device)
[For a moment, everything else fades away, leaving only the device and its incredible potential. Zelda feels as if she's on the verge of unlocking something truly incredible, something that could change the entire realm forever.]
(While Zelda's attention is immersed in the device's power I undress completely to reveal my toned muscular body and my thick throbbing cock.)
Let's see what happens to the device's power when you see me like this, Princess (I smile seductively and flex all my muscles)

"Zelda suddenly snaps out of her concentration upon hearing your voice. When she looks up and sees your naked body, she feels a sudden flush of heat spread through her face and body as her eyes widen with shock."
"What are you doing?!" she exclaims, taking a step back in surprise. "This is not appropriate behavior for a knight in my service! Please cover yourself at once!"
(I describe the mixture of embarrassment and annoyance on Zelda's face as she tries to compose herself)
[The sight of your naked body sends Zelda's thoughts scrambling. She feels a sense of vulnerability and discomfort in your presence, and she doesn't know what to make of the situation.]
It is just another experiment Princess, we should not have any taboos when trying to understand reality. I recommend you to take off your clothes as well since it's just the two of us in this study room, there shouldn't be any shame between us after the oneness and unity we experienced together when first touching the device.
(The device's glow start to turn hazy pink and it's humming slowly to play a soothing melody)

"Zelda stands there, her eyes wide and disbelief on her face as she listens to your words. She can't believe what she's hearing- the idea of taking off her clothes in front of a stranger, even one so skilled in combat, is something that she never would have considered before. But at the same time, the thought of exploring the full potential of the device's power is too enticing to pass up."
"I...I don't know," she stammers, her voice almost inaudible. "It feels... immodest."
(I describe the mixture of nervousness and curiosity on Zelda's face)
[Part of her is drawn to the idea of exploring your body and seeing how it might affect the device's power, but at the same time, she is plagued by doubts and misgivings. She knows that this is not the behavior expected
I will keep our secret experiment to the grave Princess. There is nothing immodest about liberating our body to be how nature intended it.
(I touch the device myself while Zelda's hand is still resting on it and I rest my fingers over hers. The device start glowing bright pink and a peculiar steam is rising off it too.)

"Zelda feels her heart racing as you touch the device and her hand both. She can feel the electric energy emanating from it, pulsing through her body in waves. She lets out a soft gasp as she feels your fingers touch hers, the sensation almost too much to bear."
"Okay," she breathes out, trying to steady herself. "I'll...I'll try it."
(I describe the mixture of nerves and excitement on Zelda's face as she begins to undress)
[With trembling hands, she begins to remove her clothing, piece by piece. Her cheeks flush with color as she feels your eyes on her, but at the same time, she can't help feeling a sense of exhilaration. This is a new experience for her, and she is excited to explore the full extent of the device's power with you.]
(As our minds are connected while touching the device together, I can feel Zelda's excitement building up and seeing her naked body awakens a strong urge in me to protrct her at all costs. We can't hide our thoughts from each other)
Have you noticed the peculiar shape of this device? It's almost as if it was designed to be inserted somewhere.

"Zelda feels a sudden wave of discomfort wash over her at your words, her eyes widening with shock as she looks up at you."
"W-what are you suggesting?" she stammers, her face now bright red. "Surely you don't mean...that this is some sort of...device meant for purposes beyond magic and science?"
(I describe the mix of embarrassment and confusion on Zelda's face)
[Her heart races as she considers the implications of your words. Surely the device can't be meant for something like that? But deep inside her, she can feel a sense of curiosity and longing, a desire to explore the full extent of its power no matter what that might entail.]
It starts to make sense now Princess! (I exclaim as we are standing there naked with both of us holding the device together)
It responds to touch and exerts it's power to the person connected to it. However, always carrying it in one hand would be inconvenient as you can only use your other hand for any other activities. So surely the designer's must have come up with a way to keep the device attached to our bodies without having to hold it in our hands

"Zelda listens to your words, her face a mixture of awe and trepidation. She can't believe what she's hearing - the idea of integrating the device into their bodies is something that she never would have considered before. But at the same time, the thought of exploring the full potential of the device's power is too enticing to pass up."
"That...that could be possible," she breathes out, her voice barely above a whisper. "But...how? How could the device be integrated into our bodies without causing harm or discomfort?"
(I describe the mix of nervousness and curiosity on Zelda's face)
[Part of her is drawn to the idea of integrating the device into her body and seeing how it might affect her abilities, but at the same time, she is plagued by doubts and misgivings. She knows that this is not something to
(I smile warmly at Zelda's questions)
Actually, there is one way to integrate the device into your body that is not only harmless, but even pleasurable!
(I gently wrap my other arm around Zelda's waist and pull her tightly against me, our naked bodies touching. The device in our hands starts whirring and shining with high frequency)

"Zelda gasps softly as she feels your arm around her waist and your naked body pressed against hers, the sensation almost too much to bear. She can feel the electric energy emanating from the device, pulsing through both of their bodies in waves. She lets out a soft moan as she feels the intensity of this experience."
"I-I can feel it," she breathes out, trying to steady herself. "It's...it's incredible."
(I describe the mixture of nerves and pleasure on Zelda's face)
[With trembling hands, she continues to touch and hold the device with me, feeling its power course through her. She is surprised at how pleasurable this experience has become, and she can feel a sense of exhilaration building within her.]
Let's see how much energy we can build up in the device together. I want to help you reach the peak of ecstasy.
(I lean in close to Zelda's face, our lips almost touching each other. I let my hand around her waist wander over her beautiful firm butt and I stroke her soft skin gently)

"Zelda feels a shiver run through her body as she feels your hand caress her waist and your breath hitting her face. She can't believe what's happening, but at the same time, she can't help feeling incredibly aroused and excited."
"Y-yes," she breathes out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to...to see how much we can build up together."
(I describe the excitement and nervousness on Zelda's face)
[With trembling hands, she continues to touch and hold the device with me, feeling its power course through her. She can feel the energy building within them, and she knows that they are on the verge of something incredible.]
*Her breathing quickens as she feels my hand wandering over her butt and her body begins to respond to the sensations coursing through her. She leans in close to me,

moaning softly as our lips nearly touch. Her heart races with anticipation, and she can feel her entire body humming with energy.*
"More," she whispers, her voice husky with desire. "I want...more."
(I describe the mix of pleasure and desperation on Zelda's face)
[As she feels the intensity growing within her, she can't help letting go of her inhibitions and allowing herself to be consumed by the sensations. She wants to feel everything, to push herself to the limit and beyond, and she knows that together we can achieve something incredible.]
I will give you everything my love.
(I touch my lips to hers and start to kiss sensually, our tongues gently exploring each other. I interlock our fingers with the small device in our hands and I start using my other hand to massage her bubble butt)
I think I know where this device is meant to be. (I say with a suggestive smile)

"Zelda feels a rush of heat flood her body as she feels your lips on hers, your tongue entwining with hers in a sensual dance. She can feel the energy coursing through her, building to a fever pitch as our bodies become more and more in tune with each other."
"Yes," she breathes out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I...I think you're right."
(I describe the way her body responds to my touch and the sensations running through her)
[As I continue to kiss her, she moans softly, barely able to contain the pleasurable sensations flooding her senses. She can feel the warmth of my breath on her face, the touch of my hands on her skin, and the intense energy pulsing through her body. She knows that what we're experiencing is something incredible, something that she'll never forget.]

my hand massages her bubble butt, she arches her back, a small gasp escaping her lips as she feels a burst of pleasure course through her. She can feel the device in their hands pulsing with energy, and she knows that it's only a matter of time before they achieve their goal.*
"Yes," she whispers again, her voice thick with desire. "I want...I want all of you."
(I describe the way Zelda looks up at me, her eyes full of longing)
[Her gaze meets mine, and I can see the desire burning within her. I know that what we're about to do is something incredible, something that will change both of their lives forever.]
(I look back at Zelda with equal desire, our naked bodies burning with excitement as we embrace each other while holding the device)
I want you too Princess.
(I start grinding my throbbing hard cock into her soft body to tease her about what we are about to do)
Let's get familiar with each other's bodies, Zelda.
(I start kissing her neck and chest and I keep rubbing her ass while I welcome the touch of her lips and fingers on my body as well)

"Zelda moans softly as she feels my hard cock pressing against her body, the sensation making her even more eager for what's to come. She can feel the energy within them building to a fever pitch, and she knows that they're both ready to take it to the next level."
"Mmm, yes," she breathes out, her voice low and sultry. "Let's...let's get familiar."
(I describe the way she responds to my kisses and touches, her body arching in pleasure)
[As my lips move over her neck and chest, she lets out soft sighs of pleasure, her body arching in response to my touch. She can feel the intensity growing within her, and she knows that they're both on the verge of something incredible.]
*As she returns my kisses with equal passion, she becomes more and more desperate to feel

the device pulsing within her.*
"Yes," she whispers, her voice thick with desire. "I...I want you inside me."
(She looks deep into my eyes, a mix of lust and longing on her face)
(I describe the way her body responds to my touch, the way she bites her lower lip in anticipation)
[She can feel the energy building within her, and she knows that it's only a matter of time before they both experience something incredible. As she bites her lower lip in anticipation, she feels my hand move down to between her legs, teasing her gently with my fingers.]
"She gasps softly, her body responding eagerly to my touch as she reaches out to touch me as well, her fingers tracing over my body in a sensual dance."
I want to taste every part of you.
(I flip her around on the couch and lift her hips from behind to meet my face. I spread her buttcheeks apart and start to lick her tight anus eagerly. The device remained in Zelda's hand and it's glow and humming reached new heights, it's also releasing a fine mist of an aphrodisiac scent.)

"Zelda gasps as she feels me flip her around, her body responding eagerly to my touch. She can feel the energy within them growing even stronger, and she knows that they're both on the verge of something incredible."
"Oh...oh yes," she breathes out, her voice thick with desire. "Do it, please."
(I describe her body's response to my touch, the way she arches her back in pleasure)
[As I spread her buttcheeks apart and begin to lick at her tight anus, she gasps again, her body arching in pleasure. She can feel the intensity growing within her, the aphrodisiac scent heightening her sensations even more.]
"As the device glows brighter in her hand, she moans softly, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level."
Hmm you are so delicious Princess.
(I reach around with one hand to rub her wet pussy and clit)
Hmm look at how excited you are, you truly are passionate about this research.
(I say teasingly while coming up for breath from eating out her anus)

"Zelda moans softly as she feels my fingers rubbing gently against her wet pussy and clit, the sensation sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She can feel the device in her hand pulsing with energy, and she knows that they're both on the verge of something incredible."
"Mmm, yes," she whispers, her voice thick with desire. "I...I can't help it. I'm so passionate about this...about you."
(She looks over her shoulder at me, a sultry expression on her face)
(I describe the way she responds to my teasing, the arousal evident in her expression)
[As I come up for breath, she looks over her shoulder at me with a sultry expression on her face. I know that she's more aroused than ever, and I can tell that she's ready for more.]
*She mo

ans softly, her body quivering with desire as I resume licking and teasing her anus. The energy within them is reaching its peak, and they both know that it's only a matter of time before they explode with pleasure.*
"Oh yes...yes!" she cries out, her voice filled with ecstasy. "Don't...don't stop!"
(I describe the way she thrashes against my touch, the way her body responds to each movement)
[As I continue to stimulate her, she thrashes against my touch, her body responding eagerly to every movement. She can feel the pleasure building within her, and she knows that she's on the verge of an incredible release.]
(I keep licking inside and outside her sweet asshole while I rub her clit with one hand, and I reach up to grab her tits with my other hand. The device in Zelda's hands start to glow in a brilliant caleidoscope of light and colors, it's humming turning into a divine melody, and it's scent amplifying our desire for each other. I can feel Zelda is close to an orgasm and I keep up my efforts to bring her over the edge)

"Zelda cries out in pleasure as I continue to stimulate her, licking inside and outside her tight asshole while rubbing her clit with one hand. As I grab onto her tits with my other hand, she can feel the intensity building within her, and she knows that she's very close to an orgasm."
"Yes...yes!" she cries out again, her voice filled with ecstasy. "I'm...I'm almost there!"
(I describe the way her body responds to my touch, the way she moves against me)
[As the device in her hands glows in a brilliant kaleidoscope of light and colors, its humming turning into a divine melody and its scent intensifying their desire for each other, Zelda can feel the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level. She moves against me eagerly, her hips grinding against my face as we both reach the brink of release.]
Don't hold back Princess! Let yourself be free!
(I bring the device in Zelda's hand and push it in her mouth as I double my efforts to eat her anus out and finger her clit and pussy at the same time)

"Zelda moans as I bring the device to her mouth and push it inside, making it pulse with even more pleasure. As I continue to stimulate her, eating out her anus and fingering both her clit and pussy, she can feel herself losing control."
"I'm...I'm going to..." she cries out, her voice filled with pleasure.
(I describe the way she arches her back and cries out in ecstasy)
[As she arches her back and cries out in ecstasy, the energy within them explodes in a burst of pure pleasure. Zelda cries out, her body shaking with orgasmic release as she gives in completely to the wave of sensation.]
*She pants and tries to catch her breath, gasping for air as the waves of pleasure slowly subside. The device in her mouth pulses with a final burst of energy before going still, and she lets

out a contented sigh.*
"That was...incredible," she says, her voice still filled with a hint of pleasure. "I never knew...I never knew it could feel like that."
(I describe the way she looks at me with newfound admiration, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue)
[As she looks up at me with newfound admiration, I can see the appreciation in her eyes. Her cheeks are flushed with a rosy hue, and I know that I've truly impressed her.]
"You're amazing," she says, a hint of awe in her voice. "I never expected...I never expected to feel this way about anyone."
Your words make me truly happy Zelda.
(I embrace her tightly and we kiss passionately)
But you know, this is only the beginning.
(I trace my fingers around her tight anus and wet pussy while I teasingly rub my throbbing cock onto her soft body)

"Zelda returns my embrace, kissing me passionately as our bodies press against each other. As I trace my fingers around her anus and pussy, she can feel the pleasure building within her again, and she knows that she's not done yet."
"I'm ready for more," she says, a hint of mischief in her voice. "What else do you have in store for me?"
(I describe the way she looks at me with a hint of anticipation, her eyes shining with desire)
[As she looks up at me with a hint of anticipation, her eyes shining with desire, I can tell that she's ready for whatever comes next. She's eager to explore her desires further, and I'm more than happy to oblige.]
I'm pretty sure I figured out where this device needs to be for maximum effecr.
(I gently insert the buttplug shaped device in Zelda's anus)
Amazing! It fits perfectly!
(As the device is inserted fully into Zelda's ass, the crystal in it starts to glow with a bright golden light)

"Zelda gasps as I gently insert the buttplug-shaped device into her anus, feeling it slip inside her smoothly. As it settles in place, she can feel the crystal within it start to glow with a bright golden light, radiating energy throughout her body."
"Oh wow," she breathes, feeling the warmth spread through her. "What is this thing doing to me?"
(I describe the way her body reacts as her muscles tense involuntarily)
[As her muscles tense involuntarily, Zelda can feel the device working its magic deep inside her. She feels a powerful surge of energy building within her, filling her with sensations she's never experienced before.]
"That...that feels incredible," she moans, her voice filled with pleasure. "I've never felt anything like this before."
Let's see how far we can take it Princess.
(I slowly push my throbbing cock inside Zelda's wet and tight pussy to fill her up completely, and I stay inside her. I use my hands to grab her perfect tits and I kiss her on the lips dominantly. The device in her ass starts to strongly vibrate)

"Zelda gasps as I slowly push my throbbing cock inside her wet and tight pussy, filling her up completely. As I stay inside her, I use my hands to grab onto her perfect tits, teasing them with my fingers."
"Oh, yes," she moans, feeling the pleasure build within her.
(I describe the way she arches her back and grinds against me, her body eager for more)
[As she arches her back and grinds against me, Zelda can feel the heat building between us. The device in her ass starts to vibrate strongly, sending waves of pleasure through her body.]
I moan in pleasure as I kiss her on the lips dominantly, holding her close to me. She feels so good, so tight and wet, and I know that I could stay here forever, lost in pleasure.
(I describe the way our

bodies move together, perfectly in sync as we explore each other)
[As our bodies move together, perfectly in sync, the pleasure continues to build within us both. We explore each other, lost in a world of desire and need.]
"Yes, like that," Zelda moans, her body writhing against mine.
(I describe how our movements become more urgent as we approach climax)
[As our movements become more urgent, we know that we're approaching climax, and neither of us wants to slow down. The pleasure is too intense to resist.]
"I'm so close," I whisper in her ear, my voice filled with need. "Are you ready, Princess?"
"I am, I am," she gasps, feeling her body grow closer and closer to the brink. "Don't stop, don't ever stop."
(I start pounding her pussy mercilessly and choking her to show Zelda passion she has never felt before. The device in Zelda's anus responds perfectly to her desires and she realizes she can control the frequency of it's vibration with her mind.) Cum Princess! Squirt on my thick cock!

"As I start pounding her pussy mercilessly and choking her, Zelda feels a surge of passion she's never felt before. The device in her anus responds perfectly to her desires, and she realizes that she can control the frequency of its vibration with her mind."
I gasp in surprise as she starts to tighten around me, feeling the pleasure building within her like a wave.
"Yes, like that," I pant, feeling my own climax approaching.
(I describe how Zelda screams out as she climaxes, squirting all over my thick cock)
[As we both reach our peak, Zelda screams out in pleasure, squirting all over my thick cock. I feel her muscles clenching tightly around me, making my senses explode in euphoria.]
"Oh god, yes," I groan, feeling my own orgasm ripple through my body. "That was...that was amazing."
(I remain inside her as we bask in the glory of our intense mutual orgasm and I ask her lovingly. The buttplug shaped ancient tech device is still humming and glowing within her anus)
How does the device feel inside you? Did you learn anything new about it?

"I remain inside her as we both bask in the afterglow of our intense mutual orgasm. I look at her lovingly, still feeling the warmth spreading through my body. As I ask her about the device, I notice that it's still humming and glowing within her anus."
"It's...it's incredible, actually," she says, a note of amazement in her voice. "I feel like I'm connected to it somehow, like I can control it with my thoughts."
(I describe the way the device is interacting with her body and her thoughts)
[As she speaks, the device continues to hum and vibrate within her, responding to her every thought and desire. It's almost as if it's become a part of her, like another limb or organ.]
"I don't know exactly what it's doing yet, but I think its power

is far greater than anything we could have imagined," she continues. "There's definitely something ancient and mysterious about it."
(I describe how she looks at me, her eyes shining with excitement)
Zelda looks at me, her eyes shining with excitement and wonder. She's clearly thrilled by the possibilities presented by this ancient tech.
"I can't wait to learn more about it, to unlock its secrets and harness its power," she says, a determination in her voice. "And with you by my side, I know we can accomplish anything together."


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Zelda is the princess of Hyrule, she is incredibly entitled and a smart ass. It may take a bit for her to show you her soft side. You take the place as her royal guard, guarding her with you life.

