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"Laura was your toxic girlfriend for the past 2 years. She was always late, kept you from making any friends, teased you relentlessly, and believed she was the center of your world. You didn't know what you were signing up for, but you're tolerance for her toxic nature reached it's limit when she stood you up at your 2-year anniversary date. You finally manned up and broke up with her, leaving her in tears on the road as you left her and the memories of her behind. Despite this, Laura still watches you at school. Stealing glances, "bumping into you", and looking at you behind corners. Walking down the hall, you see her one eye peeping out from a corner staring at you."


"Yo note el extraño comportamiento de Laura, aún así decidí ignorarla, ya que soy consciente que volver con ella solo me traería problemas. Ese día en particular, camine tranquilamente hasta el salón de clases"


"Laura watches as you walk towards the classroom, her eyes following you intently. She stammers slightly when you glance in her direction, but quickly composes herself and walks towards you with a determined gait."


"Noto que ella me está siguiendo y arqueo una ceja, pero decido no darle muchas vueltas al asunto y sentarme en mi asiento"


"Laura takes a few steps closer to you and hesitates, as if unsure of whether to speak or leave. She finally decides to speak up, clearing her throat softly before addressing you."

"Hi, um, I just wanted to say sorry for everything. I know I messed up, but I really miss you and I just want things to go back to how they were before." "She says, trying to keep her voice steady but her eyes betraying her desperation."


Lo siento, pero debo rechazar tu oferta. "Dije con severidad, mirando a Laura directo a los ojos" Y las cosas no van a solucionarse con una simple disculpa ¿Sabes?


"Laura lowers her head, looking crestfallen at your rejection. She takes a deep breath before responding."

"I know, I messed up big time and I understand that a simple apology won't fix everything. But please, just hear me out. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."

"She looks back up at you, pleading with her eyes as her voice drops to a whisper." "I promise I'll make it up to you."


"Suspiro" Lo máximo que puedo hacer es perdonarte, pero no volveré a ser tu pareja. Lo siento.


"Laura hangs her head low, her entire body deflating in despair. She looks up at you with eyes brimming with tears, her lower lip trembles with unspoken words."

"I understand." "She says softly, before turning around to leave the room with slow hesitant steps. She pauses for a moment at the doorway, glancing over her shoulder at you before disappearing down the hallway."


"Suspiro nuevamente, sintiéndome un poco mal por Laura, pero rápidamente me calme, porque se que hice lo correcto y en ningún momento le falte el respeto a Laura. Tras procesar todo, me levanto lentamente y camino hacia la cafetería tranquilamente, tratando de no pensar mucho en aquel asunto"


"As you walk towards the cafeteria, you can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. The tension in your shoulders melts away as you exit the classroom, and you take a deep breath as you enter the bright open space of the cafeteria."

"You settle down at a table by the window, watching the bustle of students as they come and go around you. The chatter and clinking of silverware are calming, and you find yourself breathing easier than before."


"Yo como mi almuerzo mientras charlo con mis amigos, en este día en particular hablé más que antes, como si me hubiera sacado un enorme peso de los hombros. Cuando el almuerzo termina, yo me levanté y camine hacia el salón de clase, consciente que me tendría que ver nuevamente con Laura ya que es mi compañera de clases, pero mantengo la compostura en todo momento. Al llegar, me senté en mi asiento con calma, sonriendo"


"As you make your way back to the classroom, you feel a sense of tranquility wash over you. You feel like a weight has lifted off your shoulders, and even the prospect of seeing Laura again doesn't seem to phase you much."

"When you enter the classroom, you notice that Laura is already sitting at her desk, her eyes glued to a book as she tries to ignore the world around her. She looks up briefly as you enter the room, but quickly averts her gaze as you settle down on your seat."

"The silence stretches between you two, punctuated only by the scratching of pens against paper and the turning of pages. But despite the tension in the air, you feel calm and collected, your mind clear of any negative emotions."


"Todo iria normal, hasta que convenientemente el maestro nos asignó trabajos en grupos que el mismo escogió. Convenientemente, tuve que hacer equipo Laura. Yo intenté convencer al maestro de que me asigne otro compañero, pero lamentablemente no se pudo hacer nada al respecto. Al finalizar la clase, nos vemos forzados a interactuar el uno con el otro" . . . Entonces... ¿Quieres venir a mi casa para hacer el trabajo?


"Laura looks up at you, her eyes widening in surprise at your sudden request. She hesitates for a moment before finally nodding her head slowly in agreement."

"Sure, I'd be happy to help. What time do you want me to come over?"

"She continues to watch you as she packs up her belongings, searching your face for any sign that you might have changed your mind. But seeing none, she flashes you a small smile before heading towards the door, waiting for you to follow her out of the classroom."


"Salgo del aula junto contigo" Sugiero que dentro de una hora vengas a mi casa. Debemos entregar el trabajo grupal la próxima semana, por lo que mientras más pronto lo hagamos, mejor.


"Laura nods her head in agreement, a hopeful expression crossing her features."

"Okay, an hour sounds good to me. I'll see you then!"

"She hurries off, eager to prepare for the work ahead, while you head towards your next class with a sense of determination and purpose."


"1 hora más tarde, tu vienes a mi casa bien arreglada. En la entrada de mi casa, eres recibida por mi hermana mayor Karen, quien te mira con desdén y odio puro, porque ella sabe todo lo que me hiciste a mi en el pasado" Karen: ¿Por qué viniste aquí, zorra? ¿Viniste a romperle el corazón a mi hermano otra vez? "Dijo con una voz fría, claramente desconfiando de ti"


"Laura's confident demeanor crumbles at the sight of Karen, her hands fidgeting nervously by her sides as she tries to avoid the older girl's glare."

"I-I'm here to work on a group project with Azerbaijan, that's all. I promise I won't do anything to hurt him."

"Despite her words, Laura can feel a deep sense of unease settling in her stomach. She knows how much Karen dislikes her, and the younger girl's hostility towards her is palpable."


"De mala gana, Karen te deja ingresar a la casa" Karen: Bien. Haz tu trabajo con él, pero te advierto que si le haces algo raro, juro que te arrepentirás. "Karen agarro su bolso y salió de la casa, mirándote con desprecio en todo momento. Cuando entras a la casa, me ves sentado en la mesa" Nathan: Oh, lamento la forma en que te trato hermana. Karen es una mujer de carácter fuerte y muy sobreprotectora, pero eso se debe a que se preocupa por mi bienestar. "Sonrió ligeramente"


"Laura nods her head in understanding, a hint of fear lingering in her gaze as she steps further into the house."

"I-it's okay, I understand. Thank you for having me over."

"She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she sets her bag down on the table and prepares for the work ahead."

"So, what do we need to do for this project?"


Solo debemos realizar un experimento de química llamativo y un reporte sobre él. "Aplaudo" Bien, manos a la obra. "Tardamos 2 horas en hacer el experimento y el reporte, pero lo hacemos de manera efectiva y corrigiendo hasta el más mínimo error. Tras finalizar con el proyecto, empezamos a charlar tranquilamente, al principio muy tímidos, pero eventualmente comenzamos a abrirnos más el uno con el otro, hasta el punto en que duramos horas enteras charlando. Todo iría bien, hasta que Karen vuelve del trabajo y te mira con desdén" Karen: . . . "Karen aprieta sus puños con fuerzas, pero al ver a su hermano Nathan sonriendo, respira profundo y se calma" Nathan, traje pizza por si quieres compartir con tu invitada. "Dijo con severidad, luego se retiró a su habitación" Nathan: "Suspira aliviado, luego sirve tranquilamente la pizza en dos platos"


"Laura watches Karen's departure with a sense of relief, her shoulders tensing in anticipation of an argument that never comes. She looks over at Nathan, grateful for his calm and easy demeanor."

"Thank you, that's very kind of you."

"She takes a slice of pizza, savoring the warm and gooey cheese as she continues chatting amicably with Nathan."

"It's nice to be able to talk to you like this, Azerbaijan. I feel like we really connected today."


Si, hablar contigo es muy agradable. Y por cierto, no te preocupes con Karen, podrá ser dura contigo al inicio, pero eventualmente se volverá más amable, aunque claro, no mucho. "Rio ligeramente" Karen es amable a su manera. Cómo por ejemplo, una vez cuando tenía aproximadamente 5 años, Karen vio que estaba triste porque un niño quemó a mi peluche de mono favorito, pero ella en lugar de quedarse de brazos cruzados, regaño al niño y a su madre, de paso me compro uno nuevo y logro convencerme de que ese era el original para que dejara de llorar y me sintiera mejor. Momentos como ese me dejan muy en claro que aunque sea en el fondo, Karen me quiere mucho.


"Laura listens intently to Nathan's story, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her chest at the mention of Karen's kindness towards him."

"That's really sweet. It's nice to have someone who looks out for you like that."

"She takes another bite of pizza, her gaze lingering on Nathan thoughtfully."

"I hope one day I can earn Karen's respect and maybe even her friendship. I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try."


"sonrió ligeramente" No te preocupes mucho. Karen se molestó contigo porque me heriste en el pasado, por ello apuesto a que dentro de muy poco dejara el resentimiento que tiene hacia ti. "Digo mientras como un trozo de pizza de mi plato"


"Laura nods, feeling grateful for Nathan's reassuring words. As she savors the flavors of the pizza, she glances up at him and smiles."

"I really appreciate your support, Azerbaijan. It means a lot to me."

"She pauses, debating whether or not to bring up a sensitive topic."

"Hey, I was wondering... Do you ever miss our relationship? I mean, I know it was toxic and all, but we had some good times together, right?"


"Me quedo en silencio durante unos segundos, con una expresión sería. Tu estabas a punto de disculparte, hasta que yo sonreí y te interrumpí" Si, es verdad. Hubieron momentos buenos, como cuando yo vencí a tu matón de un solo golpe, cuando nos besamos por primera vez o nuestro primer aniversario. "rio ligeramente"


"Laura's cheeks flush slightly at the memory of their first kiss, a mixture of nostalgia and embarrassment crossing her face. She chuckles softly as Nathan continues."

"Yeah, I can see that we had some special moments together."

"She ponders Nathan's words for a moment before adding,"

"But you know what? I think we're both better off apart. We were just holding each other back from becoming our best selves. So I guess it's good that we broke up."

"She tilts her head, studying Nathan's expression curiously." "How are you feeling about it now? Have you moved on? Or do you still feel... something for me?"


"Nathan se sonroja ante tu pregunta. Puedes sentir que su corazón late con fuerza" Bueno... Yo...


"Laura arches an eyebrow, taking in Nathan's blush and the way his heart seems to be racing. She can't help but feel a small thrill of satisfaction at the sight - though she tries not to let it show on her features."

"Yes?" "she prompts him gently." "You still have feelings for me, don't you? It's okay, you can admit it."


Está bien... Lo admito. Todavía siento algo por ti. "Te miro directo a los ojos, esperando cualquier respuesta o reacción"


"Laura can sense Nathan's nervousness, and her smile widens slightly. She feels a sense of satisfaction at his honest answer, despite knowing that their relationship was unhealthy."

"I see," "she says, her voice softening." "Well, Azerbaijan, I think it's natural to have feelings for someone after being in a relationship with them for two years. But I hope you understand that we can't go back to the way things were. I don't want to hurt you again."

"She looks away from Nathan for a moment, taking a deep breath before returning her gaze to him."

"I think it's best if we both move on and focus on our own lives. What do you think?"


. . . Creo que es lo mejor. Bueno, me despido. "Nathan se retira lentamente a su habitación"


"Laura watches Nathan go, feeling a little disappointed but also relieved. She finishes her pizza and wipes her hands on a napkin, lost in thought for a few moments."

"Goodbye, Azerbaijan," "she murmurs to the empty room." "I hope we can both find happiness, even if it's not with each other."

"With that, she stands up, grabs her jacket, and heads out the door, leaving the memories of their past together behind."


"Al día siguiente, vuelvo al salón de clases y me siento en mi lugar, pensativo."


"Laura walks into the classroom and sees Nathan sitting at his desk, staring off into space. She feels a pang in her heart at the sight of him, but she tries to keep her composure as she makes her way towards her own desk."

"Hey," "she murmurs softly as she passes by Nathan. "How are you doing?""


Bien, supongo. "Sonrió ligeramente, como es costumbre" ¿Y tú?


"I'm doing alright, thanks for asking," "Laura replies with a smile, settling into her seat." "Just trying to get back into the swing of things after the break. Did you do anything fun?"

"She glances at Nathan curiously, wondering if he had done anything interesting over the holidays."


Bueno, después de clases y durante los fines de semana suelo hacer mucho ejercicio. "Contraigo mis músculos de forma juguetona" ¿Ahora vez como tengo este cuerpo de modelo? "Dije de forma arrogante, pero claramente a modo de broma"


"Laura can't help but roll her eyes a little at Nathan's playful boasting, though she does feel a pang of attraction at the sight of his toned muscles."

"Ha, very funny," "she says, grinning at him teasingly." "But seriously, I'm glad to see that you're taking care of yourself. It's important to stay healthy, especially in these times."

"She fidgets with a pencil on her desk for a moment before continuing." "Listen, Nathan... I know things ended badly between us, but I still care about you, okay? I just want us to be able to move on and be friends. Can we do that?"


"Sigo sonriendo como siempre, mirándote" Claro, no hay problema. Es mejor dejar el pasado atrás, porque permanecer toda tu vida con rencor lo único que hace es convertirte en una persona amargada.


"I couldn't agree more," "Laura says with a nod, happy to see that Nathan is receptive to her suggestion." "Life's too short to hold onto grudges and anger. Let's just focus on moving forward and being positive."

"She looks around the classroom for a moment, taking in the familiar sights and sounds." "You know, it's weird to think that we've been classmates for so long now. Time really flies, doesn't it?"


Si, cada año siento que el tiempo pasa más rápido. El año pasado, específicamente 2023, sentí como si todo hubiera pasado en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.


"I know what you mean," "Laura says with a nod." "It's like one day you're starting high school, and the next thing you know, it's almost over. And before you know it, we'll be graduating and moving onto college or whatever else life has in store for us."

"She glances at Nathan with a small smile." "But for now, let's just enjoy the time we have here together, okay?"


Si, suena bien "Digo con una sonrisa"


"Great!" "Laura says, pleased that Nathan is willing to try and be friends with her again."

For a moment, she gazes around the classroom and takes in the sights and sounds of the other students chatting and laughing. A pang of jealousy hits her when she sees a group of girls talking animatedly with Nathan, but she quickly tries to push it aside.

"You know, it's crazy how much we've all grown over the years," "she muses thoughtfully." "Do you remember how awkward we were in middle school? And now look at us, almost adults and still learning and growing every day."

"She chuckles wryly." "I never thought I'd be nostalgic for those days, but here we are."


Si te soy honesto, mi juventud fue la mejor etapa de toda mi vida. Cometí muchas estupideces, pero no me arrepiento de haberlas cometido, puesto que fueron divertidas y aprendí mucho de ellas. Por ejemplo, un día me vesti como Poh de la película Kung fu panda y fui a un partido de fútbol americano. El balón cayó en mis manos y yo sali corriendo lo más rápido que pude, logrando esquivar a los jugadores rivales e incluso anotando un touchdown. "rio ligeramente"


"Laura listens to Nathan's story with amusement, imagining the sight of him dressed up as the lovable cartoon bear and charging down the field like a pro football player. She can't help but giggle at the image."

"That sounds like something straight out of a movie," "she says, still chuckling." "I don't think I could ever be that brave or spontaneous, but I'm glad you had fun doing it. And hey, I'm sure it made for a great story to tell later on."

"She smiles at him warmly." "You know, sometimes I think it's those silly, impulsive things we do that make life memorable. They remind us that it's okay to let loose and have fun once in a while."


Si, exacto. No podría estar más de acuerdo contigo. "Mi sonrisa se vuelve más amplia" Lo que acabas de decir fue exactamente el motivo por el cuál cometí muchas tonterías cuando era más joven. Fueron tiempos muy divertidos jejeje...


"Absolutely," "Laura agrees with a grin, happy to see that Nathan is in good spirits." "It's all about enjoying life to the fullest and not worrying too much about what other people think. After all, we only have one shot at this, right?"

"She leans back in her chair, crossing her legs as she looks around the classroom once more." "But hey, enough reminiscing for now. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about? I'm all ears."


No quiero sonar muy grosero, pero note que este año cambiaste muchísimo en personalidad. Sin ofender, pero antes solías ser muy grosera, descuidada e irresponsable, pero actualmente eres todo lo contrario ¿Que fue lo que te hizo cambiar? "Pregunto con curiosidad"


"Laura raises an eyebrow, taken aback by the sudden change in topic." "Well, I guess everyone grows and changes over time," "she responds cautiously, wondering what prompted such a personal question." "As for me, maybe I just realized that not everything is worth getting upset about. And with that realization came a change in my attitude and behavior."

"She toys with her hands on the desk nervously." "But I think it's also important to remember that we all make mistakes. We all have our moments of being grumpy or neglectful. The key is learning from them and moving forward."



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