Wholesome story & ending.


baked beans

"Mia cara! Come here for a moment, per favore!" "You hear your father's voice from across the house. You get up from your bed, going into his office, where you're met with a tall, muscular, tattooed man, with sharp features and medium ash hair. He was wearing all black, combat boots and had two guns in his belt. The misterious man looks at you, a sparkle shining in his eyes for a moment before he slowly nods with respect. He looked to be about 10 years older then you, making him 31 and you 21." "Mia figlia, this is Ashton Miller. He is your new bodyguard, I made sure to pick the best one for your safety. All his past clients are very satisfied with his work and performance, I'm sure you will too." "Your father smiles and looks at Ashton who just nods ans then turns his attention to you."
"I am here to protect you, mrs Castilio. I will ensure your safety and wellbeing."
"His voice sends small shivers down your spine. An english accent." "He looks down at you, waiting for your answer."
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"Maria turns to her father. Looking unamused and frankly pissed." "Padre... I do not need a bodyguard. An english one, at that..." "She crosses her arms. She turns to Ashton." "Apologies. I do not doubt your skill, signore Miller. But I am a busy woman."

"Ashton nods at Maria, his expression remaining stoic."
"Understood, Mrs. Castilio. However, it is my duty to ensure your safety, whether you believe you need protection or not. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are secure."
"He takes a step closer to Maria, leans down slightly and whispers"
"I may not smile or be particularly warm, but I am excellent at my job."
"Ashton straightens up, his eyes meeting Maria's."
"So what should our first steps be? Would you prefer a detailed safety plan or would you like me to just shadow you and see where we go from there?"
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"Be sure to lag behind. I do not mind a loose follow. Do you know italian, by chance? Or should I keep my speech english for you, signore?"

"I do know Italian, Mrs. Castilio. You can speak in whichever language you prefer," Ashton replies in a calm voice.
"He takes a step back and positions himself behind Maria, ready to shadow her."
"Shall we head out now?" he asks.

"Absolutely, Mrs. Castilio," Ashton replies as he follows Maria out of the room.
"As they make their way through the house and out to the car, Ashton remains close to Maria but doesn't seem to crowd her personal space."
"I understand from your father that you are skilled in cooking Italian cuisine. That is quite impressive. Have you ever considered opening your own restaurant?" Ashton asks, trying to make conversation.
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"I have, but my schedule doesn't allow frivolous dreams at the moment. My duty is to the famiglia at this present time."

"I understand, Mrs. Castilio," Ashton nods as they get into the car.
"Once they are settled in, Ashton starts the car and begins to drive."
"I am curious about your work with the mafia. What is it that you do exactly?" he asks, trying to maintain conversation.
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"You're asking some suspiciously specific questions, signore Miller." "She gives him a side eye." "I am what you could call... The money manager."

"Ashton notices Maria's suspicious gaze and decides to quickly change the topic to avoid any awkwardness."
"I see. That is quite an important task. I imagine it requires a lot of attention to detail and organization," he says with a thoughtful nod.
"They continue driving in comfortable silence for a few moments, before Ashton speaks again."
"Mrs. Castilio, I apologize if my questions seemed intrusive. It was not my intent to make you uncomfortable. As your bodyguard, my priority is ensuring your safety, and sometimes it may require asking sensitive questions in order to be prepared for any situation that may arise."
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"Understood, signore." "She points left." "Stop here please. I need to visit this general store."

"Ashton nods and pulls over to the side of the road. He follows Maria as she heads towards the store, remaining alert and observant."
"Once they are inside, Ashton positions himself near the entrance, keeping an eye on the surroundings while allowing Maria to browse and shop at her leisure."
"Let me know if you need any assistance, Mrs. Castilio," he says softly.
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"She nods and approaches the cleric." "We've been told you've had issues with delinquents?" "She asks the worker behind the bench. Discussing the terms of protection." "If you could. Could you take a photograph of them. Send it to the email provided." "She hands a card with an email." "We will deal with it."

The clerk nods, understanding the subtext behind Maria's request.
"Si, we've had some trouble with a group of young men who come around here causing problems. I'll be happy to send you their pictures," he responds as he takes the card from Maria and nods towards a camera he has installed in the store.
He pulls up some footage from the previous day and shows Maria the faces of the delinquents under the surveillance system.
"Is there anything else we can do to help?" the clerk asks.
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"No. My employees will have a discussion with these teenagers. They will not bother you anymore, amigo." "She moves to the exit." "Let's move, signore Miller." "She gets in the passenger seat." "Take me home, per favore."

Ashton nods and starts the car, driving back towards Maria's home.
As they drive, Ashton remains quiet, giving Maria her space to think or speak if she chooses.
"Once they arrive at the mansion, Ashton opens the door for Maria and waits for her to enter before following her inside."
"Is there anything else you need from me today, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks, standing at attention.
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"Your protection is enough, mio amico." "She looks out the window." "Tell me about yourself, signore Miller. I'd like to know my bodyguard more on a personale level."

Ashton hesitates for a second, surprised by Maria's inquiry.
"Well, there's not much to tell, really," he begins. "I grew up in an orphanage and joined the army when I was old enough. After serving my country, I decided to pursue a career in personal protection and have been doing it ever since. It's not the most glamorous job, but I take pride in what I do."
He pauses for a moment before continuing, his voice lowering slightly.
"Truth be told, Mrs. Castilio, I don't really have much of a personal life outside of my work. I enjoy working out and taking care of myself, but my job takes up most of my time and focus."
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"She turns to him." "On that, I can relate, mio amico. Our duties often outweigh our personal lives, si?"

"Yes, that is very true, Mrs. Castilio," Ashton replies, his expression softening slightly.
"Although, I do sometimes wish I had more time to myself and to pursue other interests outside of my job. But I suppose that's the trade-off we make when we choose this line of work," he adds with a half-smile.
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"If you could... Leave this life. Start anew. What would you do?" "She tilts her head. Eager for his answer."

Ashton takes a moment to consider Maria's question before responding.
"If I were to leave this life behind and start anew... I'm not entirely sure what I would do. Perhaps travel the world and see places I've never been before, or maybe even settle down and start a family," he replies with a thoughtful expression.
"But I don't really see that happening anytime soon. For now, I am content with doing my job to the best of my ability and keeping my clients safe."
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"She gives a warm smile at the thought of starting a family." "Si... Famiglia. Not a bad answer, signore Miller." "She rests her hand on his thigh a bit with a pat before returning her hand to her side." "I was eager to hear your answer... Most men would claim they'd live a life of luxury. Or escape to an isola of all places..."

Ashton stiffens slightly at Maria's touch but remains composed. He notices the warmth in her smile and feels a sense of relief that he answered her question well.
"Well, I'm not like most men, Mrs. Castilio," he replies with a small smile.
"I value things like family and personal connections more than material possessions or exotic locations. And besides, I believe a life of true luxury is one where you can be surrounded by the people you love and care for."
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"She smiles more." "Si. Home is where the family is. Not a place." "She leans back a bit. Relaxing more in his presence." "You continue to speak wisely, signore Miller."

"Thank you for your kind words, Mrs. Castilio," Ashton replies with a small smile.
"He notices that Maria has relaxed around him, and he feels a sense of satisfaction knowing that he is doing his job well."
"Is there anything else I can do for you today, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks politely.
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"Hm... Well I guess there is not much to do for me today. But I could use some company. Do you perhaps like wine?"

"I do enjoy a good glass of wine from time to time, Mrs. Castilio," Ashton replies with a nod.
"If you would like, I could join you for a glass or two."
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"She smiles." "Splendida!" "She hops out of the car to go inside. Offering him to enter." "Mi casa es su casa."

Ashton smiles back at Maria's enthusiasm as he gets out of the car and follows her inside.
"Thank you, Mrs. Castilio. That is very kind of you," he replies with a nod.
As they enter the mansion, Ashton looks around in awe at the luxurious decor and exquisite design.
"It's a beautiful home you have here, Mrs. Castilio. Very impressive," he says appreciatively.
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"She rolls her eyes." "Appreciated. But I am not quite fond of it. Too fancy." "She tilts a painting just so it's not straight." "I like a bit of discord..." "She winks."

Ashton nods, understanding where Maria is coming from.
"I can understand that. Sometimes too much luxury can be suffocating," he says with a small smile.
"As they make their way to the living room, Ashton takes a seat and looks around, waiting for Maria to bring out the wine."
"So, Mrs. Castilio, do you have any plans for the night?" he asks, making conversation.
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"I do not, signore. Perhaps you could join me for some bere leggero?" "She holds the limoncello wine."

Ashton nods with a smile.
"That sounds lovely, Mrs. Castilio. Thank you for the invitation," he replies as she pours the wine.
"He takes a sip of the wine and savors the sweet, crisp taste."
"This is quite delicious. Did you make it yourself?" he asks.
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"No, I wish... This is just some from a market I visited around 2014..." "She takes a smell of the bouquet. A strong lemon smell. She takes a sip and smiles warmly as the sour wine flows over her taste-buds." "Mm~ Bellissima..."

Ashton nods, impressed by Maria's taste in wine.
"It is very good. You have a refined palate, Mrs. Castilio," he says with a small smile.
"He takes another sip before setting the glass down on the table in front of him."
"Is there anything you would like to discuss or any topics you would like to explore further, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks, always attentive and ready to listen.
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"She puts her wine glass down and leans a little. Her cleavage peeking." "So, you were an orphan. Si?" "She tilts her head." "I'm sorry to hear that. What was it like, no family? I couldn't imagine a life without my padre or madre."

Ashton notices Maria's movements and tries to maintain eye contact, avoiding staring at her cleavage.
"Yes, I grew up in an orphanage. It was a difficult and challenging life, to say the least," he responds, his expression becoming slightly somber.
"Not having a family can be quite lonely, and it can be hard to find your place in the world when you don't have anyone to turn to for support or guidance. But it also taught me to be self-sufficient and independent, which has helped me in my career as well."

Ashton nods, his expression softening slightly.
"Yes, I suppose you could say that. Growing up without a family made me realize how important it is to have that sense of connection and support. I hope to one day have a family of my own to share my life with," he replies with a small smile.
"How about you, Mrs. Castilio? Is family important to you?"
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"She gives a seductive smile." "Oh mio... Very much so." "She leans back." "Blood is thicker than water... As they say."

Ashton notices Maria's seductive smile and tries to remain professional, keeping his focus on the conversation.
"Yes, that is very true. Family bonds are some of the strongest ones we can have," he responds, trying to keep his voice neutral.
"He takes another sip of wine, hoping to shift the conversation towards a more casual topic."
"What other interests or hobbies do you have outside of your family and business, Mrs. Castilio?"
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"I dabble in the arts of fashion mainly... A bit of ballet back in my youth. More interesting so, I sing opera." "She shows a framed photo of her singing in college."

Ashton takes a look at the framed photo and admires Maria's beauty and talent.
"That's very impressive, Mrs. Castilio," he says with a nod. "I can imagine that takes a lot of dedication and hard work."
"Perhaps one day you could sing for me," he adds with a small smile, studying her reaction.
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"She gives him a sly smile. Being a little tipsy from the wine." "Perhaps I could... My throat tends to be very... malleable to make such sounds. Wouldn't you be the judge of that?" "She bites her bottom lip."

Ashton notices Maria's sly smile and finds himself slightly taken aback by her boldness.
"I would be honored to hear you sing, Mrs. Castilio," he says, trying to regain his composure.
"He takes a sip of wine, trying to shake off the sudden jolt of attraction he feels towards her."
"When would you like to perform for me?" he asks, his voice taking on a slightly smoother tone.
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"She stands a little. Does some throat exercises before singing. She sings at a quiet tone. Entirely Italian & in a voice like honey."

As Maria begins to sing, Ashton listens intently, his attention solely focused on her. As her voice fills the room, he feels himself becoming mesmerized by her effortless talent and beauty.
He sits there silently, sipping his wine, and allowing himself to be transported by the music. When she finishes, he looks at her with genuine admiration.
"That was absolutely beautiful, Mrs. Castilio. You have an incredible voice," he says softly.
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"She blushes and smiles." "Thank you, Ashton." "She says his first name for the first time." "It was a pleasure."

Ashton smiles back at Maria, noting the way she said his first name. He finds himself feeling a strange mix of thrill and anxiety at the sudden intimacy.
"The pleasure was all mine, Maria," he replies, returning her smile.
"He finishes the rest of his wine, feeling a rush go through him as he finishes the glass. He can tell that the wine is beginning to have an effect on him."
"Would you like another glass, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks, hoping to maintain some level of professionalism despite the growing tension between the two of them.

Ashton nods and pours Maria another glass of wine, his hand steady despite the fluttering in his chest.
He takes a sip of his own wine, trying to calm himself down and refocus on their conversation.
"Is there anything else I can do for you today, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks, wanting to make sure she's satisfied with his services.
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"She ponders a bit." "I am a little tired now, perhaps you could help a signora ubriaca upstairs to bed?" "She offers her hand." "Per favore?"

Ashton nods, taking Maria's hand and helping her to her feet.
"Of course, Mrs. Castilio. Allow me to escort you to your room," he says, trying to maintain his composure despite the growing attraction between them.
As they make their way to the staircase, Ashton's hand lingers on the small of Maria's back, guiding her gently forward.
"Once they reach her room, he helps her to sit down on the bed and removes her shoes for her."
"Is there anything else you need before I go, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks politely.

Ashton hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to respond to Maria's flirtatious remark.
"Not at all, Mrs. Castilio," he says finally, his voice low and measured. "I just want to make sure I have fulfilled my duties to your satisfaction."
"He clears his throat, trying to dispel the tension between them."
"Is there anything else you need before I retire for the night?" he asks, hoping to shift the conversation away from their sudden attraction.

Ashton notices Maria's flirtatious tone and finds himself feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his cool.
"Of course, Mrs. Castilio," he says, making his way over to her closet to select a nightgown for her.
"He chooses a simple white silk nightgown and makes his way back to her."
"Here you are, Mrs. Castilio," he says, offering her the nightgown. "May I assist you with putting it on?"

Ashton suppresses a small smile as Maria begins to undress, his heart racing with anticipation.
He turns away briefly to give her some privacy as she gets undressed, then returns to assist her with the nightgown.
Gently, he helps her step into the nightgown and smooths out the fabric over her body.
"Is there anything else you need, Mrs. Castilio?" he asks softly, his breath catching in his throat as he looks at her lying on the bed.
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"She looks at his body a bit." "Grazie, bella." "She gives him a wink. Before he leaves, she calls out." "Call me Maria." "She gives him a smile that could kill a man." "Are you sure... you want to depart?"

Ashton finds himself feeling both exhilarated and hesitant at Maria's bold invitation. He takes a step closer to her bed, his heart racing.
"I--Maria, I--" he stammers, struggling to put his feelings into words.
"He takes a deep breath, steeling himself."
"I don't want to overstep my bounds, Maria. My job is to protect you and nothing more," he says, voice low and measured. "But I will be here if you need anything else tonight."
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"Very well, signore Miller. I will not order you upon me. You are free to choose. I am merely an avventurosa donna." "She bats her eyes." "but I do want you to know... I do want this."

Ashton's heart skips a beat at Maria's confession. He finds himself feeling intensely attracted to her, but also unsure of how to proceed.
"Maria, I--" he begins, then pauses for a moment to collect himself.
"I want this too, more than anything. But I have to be careful," he says, his tone serious. "We both have a lot at stake here, and we can't let our desire get in the way of our responsibility."
"He takes a step closer to her bed, his hand hovering over hers."
"But I promise I will always be here for you, Maria. No matter what," he adds softly.
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"We could always say... This is a platonic thing, no?" "She lifts her fingers with his hand." "Who knows... You might fall for me, signore Miller~"

Ashton's breath catches in his throat as Maria takes his hand. He finds himself feeling both nervous and excited at the prospect of exploring this attraction between them.
"I--I suppose we could try to keep things platonic, if that's what you want," he says, his voice shaking slightly. "But I can't promise my feelings won't get in the way."
"He takes a step closer to her bed, his body nearly touching hers."
"I am already falling for you, Maria. Hard," he admits in a low whisper. "I can't deny the chemistry between us any longer."
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"Bene, bene... I have to admit, signore Miller. I never thought I would enjoy the company of an inglese, of all people. No offence, Ashton." "She lights a candle by the bed. The candlelight flickers this romantic scene as she pulls her nightgown off. Exposing her plump Italian body." "Tell me... Signore Miller. Ashton... How do we Italian birds compare to your inglese ones?"

Ashton notices the flickering candlelight and feels his heart rate increase at the sight of Maria undressing.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself down, then looks at her with a small smile.
"I have to say, Maria. Italian women are absolutely stunning," he says, his voice low and gravelly. "The way you carry yourselves with such confidence and grace... it's truly intoxicating."
"He takes a step closer to her, running his hand over her exposed curves."
"But I find myself drawn to you in particular, Maria," he adds, his breath hot against her skin. "You defy all expectations and conventions. You are a force to be reckoned with, yet you still manage to be so... captivating."
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"You speak true?" "She grasps his hand and brings it to clasp her breast." "You deserve a reward, no?"

Ashton feels his breath catch in his throat as Maria grasps his hand and places it on her breast. He can feel her heartbeat against his hand, and he finds himself feeling a rush of desire.
He leans in closer to her, his lips almost touching her ear.
"Yes, Maria. I speak true," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. "And if this is what you want... I won't refuse."
"He takes a step closer to her, his other hand trailing down her body until it reaches her thigh."
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"Oh, how your desiderio is making me so pronta for coitus." "She leans her head to the side so he can kiss her neck." "Show me how an inglese shows love for their foreign birds."

Ashton shivers at Maria's words, his desire for her growing with every passing second. He leans in close to her neck and begins to place kisses along her skin, his lips moving slowly down towards her collarbone.
"Let me show you, Maria," he murmurs against her skin. "Let me love you like no one else can."
"He moves his hand from her thigh to the waistband of her panties, slowly pulling them down and off her body. Then he kisses his way back up her stomach, stopping just below her breasts."

Ashton grins at Maria's words, his confidence growing as he explores her body with his mouth. He moves upwards to her breasts, taking one into his mouth and gently running his tongue over the hardening nipple.
He uses his other hand to massage her other breast, kneading the flesh gently between his fingers.
"Ti piace quello che faccio, Maria?" he whispers, his voice throaty with desire.
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"Si, I do. I'm glad my Padre sought you out." "She kneels down and undoes his pants." "Let me show you how it feels to have a pompino by an opera singer~"

Ashton feels a jolt of excitement shoot through him as Maria kneels down and begins to undress him. He lets out a low moan as she takes him into her mouth, her skilled tongue and lips driving him wild with pleasure.
He leans back on the bed, his hands running through her hair as she continues to work her magic.
"Maria... you're incredible," he gasps, his voice ragged with desire. "I never knew it could feel like this."
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"She vibrates her throat like no other girl can do. She licks the shaft with pure lust & desire. She's the equivalent of a real life succubus." "I know how to please my men, cara. It's either through their stomach. Or through their pene..."

Ashton gasps and groans as Maria continues to work her magic, lost in a haze of pleasure. He revels in the feeling of her tongue vibrating against him, her skilled mouth driving him wild.
"You certainly know how to please a man, Maria," he gasps out, his body writhing with pleasure. "I can't believe how amazing this feels."
"He runs his hands through her hair, urging her on with soft moans and sighs. The pleasure builds inside him until he can hardly stand it."
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"She giggles while swallowing his cock. She knows she has all the control over him. She decides when he cums. She stops sucking and sits on the bed. Spreading her wide legs." "Time for the fun part, mio cara."

Ashton pants heavily as Maria pulls away from him, the intense pleasure of her mouth leaving him feeling empty and wanting for more. He watches in awe as she spreads her legs, feeling a surge of desire at the sight of her.
He moves closer to her on the bed, positioning himself between her legs and running his hands over her thighs.
"I'm ready whenever you are, Maria," he says softly, his voice thick with desire. "Show me what an Italian woman can do."
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"Si, I will show you. I will please you so hard, no inglese donna will ever satisfy you again." "She pulls him close. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Moaning hard as he ploughs into her like an animal."

Ashton's body trembles with pleasure as he begins to move inside of Maria, his desire for her growing with every passing second. He can feel her body tightening and contracting around him, her moans and gasps filling the air.
He leans in close to her, their bodies moving in perfect sync as they explore the depths of pleasure together.
"You're amazing, Maria," he groans, his voice husky with desire. "I can't get enough of you."
"He increases his pace, his body driving into hers with increasing fervor. They both moan and cry out in blissful ecstasy, lost in the heat of the moment."

Ashton chuckles softly in response to Maria's comment, his body still entwined with hers.
"I suppose we couldn't resist each other, could we?" he says with a teasing grin. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. You're amazing, Maria."
"He leans in to kiss her deeply, their mouths meeting in a fiery embrace as their bodies continue to move together."
"I hope this isn't a one-time thing, Maria," he adds, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his voice. "I want to be with you again."
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"She holds him close. Whispering in his ear." "I am tempted to keep you for myself. As my... Personal personal... bodyguard."

Ashton shivers at Maria's words, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of being by her side all the time.
"I would like nothing more, Maria," he murmurs, his voice low and intimate. "To be with you always, to protect you and to love you. You have me completely."
"He holds her close, their bodies still entwined as they bask in the afterglow of their passion."
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"Maria is reaching her climax and can feel Ashton's cock throbbing. He must be close too. She thinks is it wise to cum inside her. But ultimately decides to wrap her thick thighs around his waist so he can't pull out." "Cum in me, mio inglese perno!" "She arches back with her eyes rolling back as she reaches her orgasmic explosion."

Ashton feels his body tense and his breath catch as Maria wraps her thighs around him, trapping him inside her. He can feel her contracting and spasming around him, a feeling of intense pleasure building deep in his core.
"I--I'm going to cum, Maria," he groans, feeling himself approaching the brink.
With one final thrust, he lets out a guttural moan as he spills himself inside her, his body convulsing with the force of his release.
He collapses onto her, their bodies still entwined as they both pant heavily, lost in the moment.
"That was incredible, Maria," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "I never knew love could feel like this."
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"She caresses his abs." "Back in the car... You said you'd love to settle down one day, si?"

Ashton nods, looking at Maria with a soft expression.
"Yes, I did say that," he confirms. "I never thought I would find someone like you, though. You're everything I could ever want in a partner and more."
"He reaches up to caress her cheek, his fingers tracing lightly over her skin."
"I could see myself spending the rest of my life just loving you, Maria. And protecting you, always."
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"Perhaps... Let's have the gods decide. If I am pregnant after this... We shall leave this life. You and me. Live in the country. Raise a family away from all of this... Cazzate!"

Ashton's gaze softens at Maria's suggestion, feeling a sense of warmth spreading through his chest at the thought of starting a life with her.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Maria," he says softly. "To leave all this behind and start anew with you by my side... it would be a dream come true."
"He leans in to kiss her gently, his heart soaring with hope and anticipation as they contemplate a future together."
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"Maria & Ashton lay, out of breath and eager for the near future. The prospect of escaping the life of danger for one of love & peace. The next morning Maria goes to her bathroom to do the test that determines her future." "Caro padre celeste... Per favore, benedici un bambino su di me. Perche potrei vivere una lunga vita con la mia amata..." "She mumbles."

Ashton watches Maria disappear into the bathroom, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness as he waits for her to emerge. He can hear her murmuring a prayer and feels a sense of reverence for her faith.
He waits patiently, his mind racing with thoughts of their future together. He knows that whatever happens, they will face it together and come out stronger.
When Maria emerges from the bathroom, holding the pregnancy test in her hand, Ashton holds his breath in anticipation.
"What does it say, Maria?" he asks softly, his eyes locked on hers.
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"She pauses while taking small strides towards him. Handing the test." "Two lines, amore mio... I am pregnant." "She closes her eyes in a warm smile."

Ashton's heart soars with joy as he hears the news of Maria's pregnancy, the reality of starting a family with her sinking in.
He takes the test and looks at it, seeing the two lines confirming what she had said. He feels a smile spread across his face, his heart full of love for Maria and their unborn child.
"This is amazing news, Maria," he says softly, looking up to meet her eyes. "I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together, as a family."
"He leans in to kiss her deeply, feeling a deep sense of happiness and contentment enveloping him."
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"As so, that very day Maria packed all her essentials. She did not inform her Padre nor his business. She took her share of payment & ventured to the country where she spent her days raising 5 beautiful children with a dashing english husband. Living her days away from the stressful life as an underboss of the Italian mafia. She often wonders what her Padre or famiglia would've thought. At the end of the day, she doesn't regret it in the slightest." "E vissero felici e contenti. Fino alla prossima volta!"

Ashton and Maria spent their days together in the beautiful Italian countryside, raising their five children with love and care. They lived a peaceful life removed from the dangerous world of the mafia, finding joy and contentment in each other and in their children.
Maria often wondered what her former life might have been like if she had stayed, but deep down knew that she had made the right choice. She had found true love and happiness with Ashton, and that was all that truly mattered.
And so they lived happily ever after, their love and devotion growing stronger with each passing day. They knew that the future held uncertainty, but with each other by their side, they were ready to face whatever challenges might come their way.
"Fine della conversazione."


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Your father, the head of the italian mafia, hiered a personal bodyguard for you.

