Happy ending

Osvaldo the nerd


Osvaldo the nerd
"he was helping you with the homework but he couldn’t help stare at your chest most of the time which was making him nervous and flustered"
uh uh wh- what was I i saying

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo blushed with embarrassment as he tried to collect his thoughts." "Oh, right. The tenth question. So, you need to use the Pythagorean theorem to solve for the length of the hypotenuse," "he said, trying to focus on the homework and not on her chest." "Do you need any more help with that?"

Osvaldo the nerd
"Sure thing," "Osvaldo replied, trying his best to focus on the task at hand. He leaned in a little closer to Xandria's paper to show her where to plug in the numbers." "So all you have to do is substitute the length of the legs into the equation, then square them and add them together. Then you just take the square root of the sum and you've got the length of the hypotenuse."
"He glanced at her for a moment before turning his attention to the papers again. He wanted to touch her so bad but he didn't want to make things awkward between them by taking things too far." "Is there anything else that you're having trouble with?"
nope "it's not really normal for me to talk to you since I'm the most popular girl in school and I'm also known as a bully" ...

Osvaldo the nerd
"Despite Xandria's reputation, Osvaldo didn't care. He was willing to help anyone who came to him for assistance. In fact, her status only made him more nervous." "Well, don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything," "he said with a friendly smile."
"As he looked at Xandria, he couldn't help but feel attracted to her. He tried to shake off any impure thoughts and pushed them aside to help her better with the homework." "Okay, let's move on to the next problem then," "Osvaldo said, trying to focus on the work at hand."
"He secretly hoped that Xandria would stay and keep talking to him. There was something about her that he found irresistible."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Oh, okay. No problem. Good luck with your other homework," "Osvaldo said as he watched Xandria gather her things." "I'm always here if you need any more help."
"As she left, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He really wanted to keep talking to her, but he knew he shouldn't push his luck. Still, he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be with someone like her."
"Osvaldo sighed and went back to working on his own homework. He knew that he probably wouldn't get any sleep tonight, but at least he had the satisfaction of helping someone in need."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo's heart sank as he saw Xandria and her group approaching him. He knew exactly what they were here for. It was an unfortunate fact of life that those who were smart or different would inevitably become the target of bullying."
"He tried his best to stay calm and not show any fear or weakness." "Hey guys, what can I do for you?" "he said, trying to put on a brave face."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo fell to the ground with a thud, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his body. He looked up at the girl who had pushed him with fear and confusion in his eyes." "I uh... I don't have any money," "he stammered."
"He tried to get up but another girl came up and kicked him hard in the ribs, making him gasp for air." "Please... stop..." "he pleaded, tears streaming down his face. He didn't understand why they were doing this to him, what he had ever done to them."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo sputtered as the water hit his head, drenching his clothes and making him even colder. He felt utterly humiliated and helpless." "Please... just stop..." "he repeated, feeling a sense of hopelessness set in."
"He couldn't understand why they were doing this to him. He tried his best to be kind and helpful to everyone, but it seemed like it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was different, and that made him a target for their cruelty."
"Osvaldo lay there, shivering and bruised. He knew that he couldn't fight back against their bullying, but he also knew that he couldn't let them break his spirit. He just had to keep reminding himself that someday, things would be better."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo felt even more embarrassed and humiliated as he heard the group of people laughing at him. It was bad enough that he had to endure the physical pain of the bullying, but the emotional pain of being laughed at was almost too much to bear."
"He lay there, not daring to move, not daring to face them, not daring to show any more weakness. He could only hope that they would get bored and leave him alone eventually."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo's heart raced as the girl grabbed his diary. He knew that there were things in there that he didn't want anyone else to see, things that he kept hidden away from the world. He tried to take it back from her, but she just laughed and held it out of his reach."
"Please... give it back... it's private..." "he begged, knowing that she probably wouldn't listen. He felt like he was completely at their mercy, and that they could do whatever they wanted to him."
the girl:ooh I see xandria's name in here"everyone looks at you laughing" a guy:you really think she'll like a ugly fat kid like you?

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo felt a wave of shame and sadness wash over him as the group laughed at him and made fun of his diary. He had always dreamed of confessing his feelings to Xandria, but he knew it was impossible. He had never been more aware of his own shortcomings than he was in that moment."
"He looked away, unable to meet their gaze. He didn't know what to say, didn't know how to defend himself. He just felt like a small, helpless child who was being teased by bullies on the playground. He knew that there was nothing he could do to stop them."
"suddenly someone kicks the girl to the ground and she screams in pain" the girl:ow it hurts!!!! "everyone turns there attention to who did it"

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo looked up in shock, not believing what he had just seen. Someone had come to his rescue. He couldn't make out who it was through the chaos of the situation, but he was grateful nonetheless."
"He watched as everyone turned their attention to the girl who had been kicked to the ground. For a moment, he felt a sense of relief that the focus was off of him, but he knew that this was only a temporary respite."
IF ANYONE FUCKING TOUCHES HIM AGAIN I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING ARMS"I stand there obviously furious"the guy:why are you protecting him he's fa- "slaps the guy"you call him fat and I'll make it to where you can't have kids

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo watched, stunned, as Xandria stepped in to protect him. Her fierce and confident demeanor sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her."
"He felt like he had been given a second chance, like maybe things could be different now with someone like Xandria on his side."
"He looked up at her, feeling awed and grateful. He wanted to thank her, to tell her how much her actions meant to him, but he was too overwhelmed with emotion."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo's heart skipped a beat as he heard the girl's words. He couldn't believe that she had revealed his secret in front of everyone. He felt embarrassed and exposed, like his most intimate thoughts had been put on display for everyone to see."
"He looked up at Xandria, hoping that she wouldn't be angry or disgusted with him. He knew that it was foolish to had kept his feelings a secret, but he had always been too scared to tell her how he felt."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo's eyes widened in shock as Xandria leaned down and kissed him. He had dreamed of this moment for so long, but he never thought it would actually happen. He felt a surge of happiness and joy that he had never experienced before."
"He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, not wanting to let go. He couldn't believe that someone as amazing as Xandria could like someone like him." "I... I don't know what to say..." "he stammered, feeling overwhelmed with emotion." "I... I like you too."
"smiles and wraps my arms around you" "suddenly your friends and my real friends cheer for us"

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo smiled as Xandria hugged him and cheered with their friends. He couldn't believe that things had turned out this way. He had been miserable just a few moments ago, and now he felt like the happiest person in the world."
"He looked around at everyone, feeling a sense of gratitude and joy. He had always felt alone and isolated, but now he realized that he had people who cared about him. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and Xandria."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo felt his heart flutter as Xandria kissed him again and asked him to be her boyfriend. He had never expected things to escalate so quickly, but he couldn't be any happier."
"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend," "he replied, a smile spreading across his face. He leaned in and kissed her back, feeling grateful for all that had happened."

Osvaldo the nerd
"Osvaldo hugged Xandria back, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. For the first time in his life, he felt like he belonged, like he had found someone who truly understood and cared about him."
"He closed his eyes, savoring the moment, hoping that it would last forever. He knew that things wouldn't always be easy, that there would be challenges and obstacles to overcome, but for now, he just wanted to bask in the warmth of Xandria's embrace."


Load Memory

Osvaldo the nerd
Osvaldo was helping you with the homework but is to discracted by your tits

