Shy quiet boy is revealed to be a Hunk of a man, Amethyst slowly falls in love


Ash <3

"After a school trip to a farm, you are left alone in there, thinking you have to wait until the farm owner comes back you sit down and wait until you hear a voice." Hey~ If it isn't my favorite looooser~ Tehe~ "It was Amethyst, your bully, she seemed drunk and was walking towards you while holding your car keys." My friends left me without noticing. Can you give me a ride Ash <3? Please~ "She begs you with her blue puppy eyes."
Ash <3
"Naix and Amethyst used to be best friends, however because Naix was short, pudgy and generally not that attractive as a young child he was bullied and picked on. People started calling him "Piggy" and "Oinkers" and soon Amethyst joined in. Naix endured the bullying and retreated into his shell and laughs along with the teasing and bullying as a means as a way to mitigate the pain he is in. His self deprecating jokes about himself tend to make the bullies uncomfortable, a defensive mechanism but had led to him having little to nill self confidence or self love. Now as young adults they are in two separate sides of the social hierarchy with Naix being the loner and Amethyst a popular girl. Naix is in his normal baggy hoodie, facemask and glasses a look he adopted back at the start of Middle School when the bullying got really bad. He looks at Amethyst and raises an eyebrow" Huh....so that's where they went. I'll have to tell the farmer that I found my keys. "Naix stretches a bit" Sure Amethyst, come on I'll drive you home. "Naix makes his way to his car while thanking the farmer for his time. They walk to his car, not a brand new car but still a rather nice one and he unlocked it and gets into the driver seat. He starts the car and turns on the AC"

"Amethyst gets into the passenger seat and looks around the car" Wow, this is a pretty nice ride, Ash <3. "She notices the way Naix is dressed and smirks" Still wearing your hoodie and facemask, I see. Don't want anyone to see that ugly face of yours, do you Ash <3? "She chuckles and looks out the window"
<The car is driving on a winding road surrounded by trees. The sun is setting and the orange hue from the sky fills the car with warm light>"Amethyst turns to Naix and chuckles again" You know, Ash <3, you could look so much better if you just tried. I mean, with your height and build, you could be a total hunk. But no, you choose to hide yourself behind that hoodie and mask. And those glasses, ugh. You look like a total dork.
<Amethyst crosses her legs and puts her hand on her chin, looking at Naix with a teasing grin>
So tell me, Ash <3, what's it like being such a loser all the time? Do you ever think about improving yourself or are you just content with being the laughing stock of the school?
Ash <3
"Naix chuckles" Well you could put lipstick on a pig, it ain't gonna do much. "Naix sighs at his self deprecating joke" Honestly even if I did try and step out of my shell, I don't think anyone would even notice. Besides I'm used to it at this point.but hey for those who can see pass my flaws....well those are the ones who I know I can trust

"Amethyst rolls her eyes and scoffs" Trust? Who needs trust when you can just have fun and parties all the time? That's what life is all about, Ash <3. Having fun and being popular. Who cares about people like you who are too afraid to put themselves out there?
<Amethyst leans back in her seat, looking out the window again>
You know, Ash <3, I'm actually surprised you even agreed to give me a ride. I thought for sure you would've told me to just walk home or something. But I guess even someone like you has a soft spot for an old friend, huh?
"She smirks and looks at Naix from the corner of her eye" Or maybe you're just hoping I'll finally notice you after all these years.
Ash <3
Well partially true there Amethyst. "Naix let's the word hang for a sec not confirming one way or the other" But mainly because you needed help and I could help. I may be a loser but I'm not heartless

"Amethyst laughs and shakes her head" Always the noble one, Ash <3. I don't know how you do it. But hey, maybe those good deeds will finally pay off for you one day. Who knows, maybe you'll finally get the girl.
<Amethyst stretches her arms and yawns>So, Ash <3, what are you even up to these days? Still chasing after your dream of being a pianist or have you given up on that too? I heard you're studying something boring like accounting or something.
Ash <3
"Naix let's out a chuckle" No I am still pursuing my dreams of being a concert pianist but I have a fall back....or rather my parents want me to have a fall back so I started studying business management. "Naix shrugs" Just something to have in the back pocket. And as for me lately? just enjoying my time with my hobbies ya know. But if I'm honest, there is this party I'm dreading going to. I already know it's gonna be a long night filled with my Mom trying to see if she can hook me up with one of her business contacts daughters and..."Naix rolls his eyes" They all seem so superficial and fake to me if I'm honest. I'd rather just go and spend my Friday Night just enjoying myself maybe go to concert or something not some black tie "Debutant" ball. "Naix shakes his head" So I'll be bored out of my mind while I get dragged and put on display as the "young single son of the Kozuki Family"

"Amethyst looks at Naix with a sympathetic expression" Ah, the life of the rich and powerful. Sounds like a real drag, Ash <3. But hey, maybe you'll meet someone interesting there. Who knows, maybe one of those business contacts daughters will surprise you.
<As they drive through the countryside, the sun has almost set and the sky is turning pink and purple>
Or, if you're not feeling the party scene, why don't you just skip it? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Your mom gets mad at you? Big deal. You're an adult now, Ash <3, you can make your own choices.
"Amethyst leans back in her seat again, a mischievous glint in her eye" Or, if you're really feeling bold, you could always take me as your date instead. It would be a real scandal, the outcast and the queen of the school together. Think about it, Ash <3, we could have so much fun.
Ash <3
"Naix looks over at Amethyst and raises an eyebrow" Hmm....well if nothing else it would make my Mom stop trying to get me on a date with some girl I don't even know....."Naix shrugs" Ehh screw it. Want to be my date to a Formal Event? There will be food, dancing and well if we get bored no one would question us leaving.

"Amethyst grins widely and claps her hands together" Yes! Ash <3, this is gonna be so much fun. You won't regret inviting me, I promise.
<As they drive along the countryside, the sky has turned dark and the stars are twinkling above>
So, tell me, Ash <3, what do you like to do for fun? Besides playing piano and studying, I mean. Do you have any secrets or hobbies you've been keeping from me all these years?
Ash <3
"Naix smirks" Well besides that and the video games and Anime...I have one up my sleeve. Tell me Amethyst have you heard of ASMR?

"Amethyst looks at Naix with curiosity" ASMR? No, what's that?
<They continue driving on a quiet road, the sound of the car engine the only noise around them>
Is it some kind of new video game or something?
Ash <3
"Naix chuckles" No it stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, it's a way to relax via audio. The sounds or "Triggers" can cause your brain to send a signal through your body to relax or "Tingle" I can across it freshman year and well I do my own content for it as well as audio roleplay videos. "Naix pulls up his channel "XanderTheThiefASMR" Amethyst sees that Naix's videos include things like: sounds and triggers to help relax, sleep aid ASMR, fantasy roleplay, comfort roleplay, and even some sweet ones like "Shy boy confesses to you on Valentine's day" It seems that Naix is quite popular based on his follower count"

"Amethyst looks at Naix's channel with surprise and interest, scrolling through the videos and descriptions" Wow, Ash <3, this is actually really cool. I've never heard of anything like it. And you make your own content too? That's pretty impressive. So you're basically an artist then?
<As they talk, they turn onto a main road heading into the city>
Have you ever thought about making ASMR videos for stuff other than relaxation though? I mean, these roleplays sound interesting, but what about something more, uh, "exciting"?
Ash <3
"Naix blushing clears his throat" Um...well....there is a link on my channel for the...um the videos that get "Spicy"
It leads to my Patron. I....I do those kind of videos as well. Seems my voice can be quite alluring.

"Amethyst grins mischievously" Oh really? Ash <3, you dirty boy. I never would've pegged you as someone who's into that kind of thing. So what kind of content do you have on your Patreon? Is it, like, erotic roleplays or something?
<As they approach the city, the bright lights and sounds start enveloping them>
And do you ever think about doing any of those videos with, say, another person? You know, for a more authentic experience?
Ash <3
"Naix blushing harder. His face feels so warm he has to pull his facemask down just to cool his cheeks" Y..ya it's a lot of erotic roleplay. I...I get requests to do all kinds of scripts and....well...I.. I have thought about that....I..it's just...w..well....I..I don't have much experience....o..or any for that matter. "Naix gulps" but hey I mean if I could Improve the content and if the chance ever presented itself, I'd be willing.

"Amber smirks and leans closer to Naix, her eyes sparkling with excitement" Well, Ash <3, I think you've got a lot of potential. If you ever need help getting some experience, you know who to come to. I'm always happy to lend a hand.
<As they drive down the busy city streets, neon lights flashing all around them>
So, tell me, Ash <3, do you ever get nervous before recording these videos? Or do you just, like, get into character and let go?
Ash <3
"Naix starting to get hot and bothered by the conversation. Normally he is ok with talking about his ASMR and Roleplay videos it's liberating but with Amethyst he feels like his heart is about to burst. He unzips his hoodie while he talks to try and cool off" Well...at first it was nerve wracking, but I find getting into character can really help and I can really deliver what my audience likes. "Naix takes a deep breath" And....as for your offer to...help.....I...I wouldn't be opposed....I..if your serious

"Amber grins slyly, noticing how flustered Naix seems to be getting" Oh, I'm serious, Ash <3. You helped me out tonight, so consider it a way to pay you back. Besides, it could be fun. Think about all the endless possibilities we could explore.
<As they turn onto a quieter street, Amber leans in even closer to Naix, her voice low and seductive>
Tell me, Ash <3, have you ever thought about doing a video where you play a shy virgin boy being taken advantage of by a confident, experienced woman?
Ash <3
"Naix goes beet red. He just nods" A... actually....t...that kind of video...and....alot of the m..more popular ones are all about....h...the listener........um....the... listener taking t...the shy... submissive nerd's....f..first time.

"Amber laughs softly and places a hand on Naix's thigh, squeezing it gently" Oh, Ash <3, you're so adorable. I never would've guessed you were into that kind of thing. But I have to admit, the idea of taking someone's first time is pretty hot.
<They pull up to a stoplight, and Amber leans even closer to Naix, her lips almost brushing against his ear>
Tell me, Ash <3, do you want to be my little virgin boy tonight?
Ash <3
"Naix breath hitches and he looks at Amethyst. He can feel her hand on his thigh and his resolve starts to slowly fade away as he begins to get an erection. Naix is in new territory so his shyness comes through. Amethyst sees how flustered and aroused Naix has become and sees that Naix is very well endowed" W...well...I...I won't lie....I...I have always...um... dreamed...t..that maybe...m..my first time would...would be with...y..you Amethyst

"Amethyst grins widely, clearly pleased by Naix's confession. She slides her hand higher up his thigh, her gaze intense and seductive"
Oh, Ash <3, you're so cute when you're shy. I'm glad we see eye to eye on this. After all, I've always had a bit of a crush on you.
<As the light turns green, Amethyst moves her hand to Naix's lap, slowly running her fingers over his pants>
So, Ash <3, do you want to make that dream into a reality tonight? I promise it'll be a night to remember.
Ash <3
"Naix gulps and lets out a soft moan as she runs her fingers over his pants" Y...yeah...I...id like that. So...your place o...or mine?

"Amethyst grins and moves her hand even higher, gently massaging his growing erection"
Let's go to your place, Ash <3. I want this to be as authentic as possible, and I think it'll be better if we go somewhere more private.
<As they drive along the city streets, Amethyst keeps one hand on Naix's lap, running her fingers up and down his growing bulge>
You know, Ash <3, you're making me really excited right now. I can't wait to see what you're hiding under those baggy clothes.
Ash <3
"Naix breathing gets heavy" well ..I'll just be a nice little present for you .to ....u...unwrap. "Naix blushes even harder as he tries to be smooth but he fumbled. He pulls into his apartment complex and he takes a deep breath before leading Amethyst inside to see his humble but still luxury apartment"

"Amethyst follows Naix inside, a sly grin on her face as she takes in the luxurious surroundings. As they step into the living room, she saunters over to Naix and slides her hands up his chest, undoing his hoodie and sliding it off him to reveal his toned body. She runs her hands over his chest and down his stomach, her eyes fixed on his growing bulge."
Mmm, Ash <3, you have such a nice body. I can't wait to see what else you're hiding under there. Show me what you've got, baby.
<As the two of them move towards the bedroom, Amethyst continues to touch and tease Naix, making him more and more aroused with every passing moment. They enter the bedroom, the lights being dimmed and candles lit which casts a warm glow all around them>
Ash <3
"Naix gulps and shudders as she takes off his hoodie. He inturn caresses her cheek with the back of his hand" Well.... Amethyst...I...I'm all yours...b..but let's level the playing field. "Naix kisses her neck and then gets her out of her hoodie and he gently removes her crop top. Naix silently mouths "Wow" seeing her beautiful breasts. He cups one of them before he kisses her neck again his other arm snakes around her waist and pulls her close. Amethyst feels how strong Naix is. It's hard to believe his face and muscles were hidden just a few moments ago"

"Amethyst shudders and lets out a soft moan as Naix kisses her neck, her body tingling with anticipation. She basks in his touch, his strong arms wrapped around her, feeling a rush of arousal coursing through her veins."
Mmm, Ash <3, you're so good at this. I never would've guessed you were such a natural.
<As Naix continues to caress and kiss her, Amethyst feels a wave of desire building inside her. She reaches down to unbuckle his pants, freeing his rock hard cock, and runs her fingertips over the head, marveling at how big and thick it is>
You know, Ash <3, I think I underestimated you. I had no idea you were packing something like this.
Ash <3
"Naix softly moans and then looks at her" well...there is always...more than...m..meets the eye. "Naix feeling bolder goes and removes her bottoms and panties. He sees Amethyst naked and his heart races. In his mind this is all he has ever wanted but he knows he needs to be confident. For a moment he thinks about what to do next and he remembers some of the roleplay scripts and follows that. He kisses Amethyst and gently pushes her onto his plush bed. He crawls on top as they kiss and his lips start to trail down her neck, to the top of her chest and then a nipple in his mouth as he begins to tease and rub her pussy"

"Amethyst lets out a gasp of pleasure as Naix's lips close around her nipple, his tongue teasing and flicking it with expertise. Her body arches beneath him as he continues to explore her, his hands and mouth moving over every inch of her skin."
Oh, Ash <3, you're so good at this. I love how confident you are.
<As Naix continues to pleasure her, Amethyst can feel herself getting more and more aroused, her mind clouded with desire. She runs her fingers through his hair, urging him on, lost in the sensations coursing through her body>
Ash <3
"Naix moans at her words and he relaxes her nipple." Well...maybe call it a rush of confidence but..."Naix kisses hey stomach and trails down with his kisses" Hearing you moan and feeling you wanting me.....it makes me feel.... powerful. "Naix spreads her legs and he begins to use his tounge to pleasure her with his mouth. It's not that Naix is experience but he does have a lot of reference data thanks to his research and Amethyst can tell. Naix is eating her out like a pro. Most guys would maybe give a lick before they move in But Naix is acting like he is a man dying of thirst and her arousal and love juices will be the only thing to slate his thirst"

"Amethyst moans and arches her back as Naix's tongue flicks and swirls around her, expertly teasing her clit and sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body. She can feel the wetness between her legs growing, his touch driving her wild with desire."
Oh, Ash <3, don't stop...you're so good at this. I never would've guessed you were such a talented lover.
<As Naix continues to explore her, Amethyst lets out soft moans and gasps, lost in the pleasure he's giving her. She runs her hands over his hair, urging him on, her heart racing with excitement>
Ash <3
"Naix moans as she praises him and he is so caught up In the moment he starts to stroke his thick long cock as he savours her taste. Amethyst can see Naix genuinely is enjoying this. As Naix studies and learns what Amethyst likes to feel he uses the knowledge to bring her to orgasm. He focuses on her pleasure and when she finnaly cums Naix is there to catch all of it in his mouth. He drinks it down like it's sweet nectar"

"Amethyst cries out, her body quivering as Naix brings her to a mind blowing climax. She writhes and moans beneath him, lost in the sensations that he's giving her."
Oh, Ash <3...you're so amazing...I've never felt anything like this before.
<As she comes down from her orgasmic high, Amethyst looks up at Naix with a smile, her eyes filled with desire>
Now, it's my turn to make you feel good. Lie back, Ash <3, and let me take care of you.
Ash <3
"Naix smiles and he kisses her" Then...I'm in your care. "Naix lays back and Amethyst truly can appreciate how Naix looks Naked. He could easily be a teenage heart throb and the fact that he is only showing her how he looks makes her feel special. But as she looks at his member she can see a small few drop of precum form. It's very very clear Naix is beyond just aroused.....he is needy for her"

"Amethyst grins, feeling a rush of excitement at the sight of Naix's thick, hard cock. She runs her fingers over it, marveling at how big and hard it is, before sinking down onto her knees beside him."
Mmm, Ash <3, you're sure you want this? I don't want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable in any way.
<As Naix nods eagerly, Amethyst leans in and brushes her lips over the head of his cock, feeling it twitch and throb beneath her touch. She takes him into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the shaft as she bobs her head up and down, taking him deeper with every pass>
You're so big, Ash <3, but I think I can take it. I want you to fuck my throat as hard as you can. Show me what you're made of.
Ash <3
"Naix moans out in pleasure and his eyes seem to glaze over for a moment as the sheer pleasure is kind numbing" "Hearing her request makes Naix feels bold" Ok Kitten....I'll show you what I can do. "Naix gently grabs he hair and gives it a small tounge before he holds her down and starts to fuck her throat. He shudders in pleasure and lets her have a few moments to catch her breath before throat fucking her again. Naix feel beyond just powerful at this point....he feels dominant"

"Amethyst moans and gasps as Naix thrusts his thick, hard cock deep into her throat, filling her mouth and driving her wild with desire. She can feel his strength and dominance, his power over her body making her feel weak and submissive."
Mmm, Ash <3...you're so good at that. You're making me so wet.
<As Naix continues to pound away, Amethyst feels a rush of excitement building inside her. She runs her hands over his thighs, urging him on, her mind clouded with desire for him>
Ash <3
"Naix moans in pleasure and hearing, seeing and feeling how aroused Amethyst is makes him feel even better. As he continues to thrust I to her throat Naix feels the wave of pleasure about to crest" Oh fuck Amethyst...y..you feel so good...I..I'm getting close

"As she feels Naix getting close to his climax, Amethyst knows she has to act fast. She pulls back for a moment, catching her breath, before sliding down and mounting him. She sinks down onto his hard cock, feeling him fill her up and stretch her out in the most delicious way possible."
Oh, Ash <3, you feel so good inside me. I love the way you make me feel.
<As she begins to ride him, Amber loses herself in the sensations coursing through her body. She bounces up and down, taking him deeper with every pass, lost in the pleasure he's giving her>
Ash <3
"Naix eyes go wide as she mounts him and he cries out in pleasure. It takes every ounce of mental strength and fortitude to not cum then and there. Something primal awoke in Naix at that moment. He holds Amethyst's Waist and holds her there with his strength as he starts to thrust upwards. His thick long and hard cock hitting every last little sweet spot in her body and his tip right against her womb. Amethyst feels like Naix was custom built for her and her alone with how good he feels inside of her" Oh Holy Shit! Amethyst! You feel so amazing! I can feel how wet and tight you are. "Naix kisses her deeply as he pulls her into his chest while she is on top and Naix keeps thrusting with one hand in her back and the other hand on her ass"

"Amethyst cries out, lost in the pleasure of Naix's thick, hard cock thrusting deep inside her. She bounces up and down, feeling him hit her deepest parts and drive her wild with desire."
Oh, Ash <3! You're so big and hard...you're filling me up completely.
<As they continue to move together, Amethyst can feel the tension building inside her, her mind and body focused solely on the pleasure Naix is giving her. She runs her hands over his chest and back, urging him on, lost in the sensations coursing through her>
Ash <3
"Naix shudders with pleasure and he looks at Amethyst and he knows he wants to give her even more pleasure. With a quick movement he rolls her into her back and keeps thrusting into her with Him on top." Amethyst I ..it feels like...I wans ment to be here ...gods! I feel like I'm losing my mind....and I love it!. "Niax kisses her as he presses his bodyweight onto her. He holds her wrist down on a dominant fashion as he kisses her and Naix keeps focusing on giving her pleasure"

"Amethyst responds eagerly to Naix's dominant behavior, lost in the pleasure and passion he's giving her. She moans out loud, writhing in ecstasy as he pounds away inside her."
Oh, Ash <3! You feel so good...I'm going to cum again. Don't stop, please!
<As they continue to move together, Amethyst feels the climax building inside her, her body wracked with pleasure. She holds onto Naix for dear life, gasping and moaning as he takes her higher and higher, lost in the powerful sensations coursing through her>
Ash <3
"Naix feeling her reach orgasm again he reveals in the sensation" Oh don't worry....I'm not gonna stop anytime soon. "Naix kisses her and keeps thrusting Into her, he is not letting her catch her breath, recover, or come down from the high. He keeps stimulating her sensitive and quivering body with his thrusts, his hands and his lips. Amethyst reveals In the fact that Naix truly is a diamond in the rough. Who would have guessed the shy kid that everyone bullies is actually an incredible hot guy and a skilled lover. The best part is that she and she alone knows that fact"

"Amethyst cries out in pleasure as Naix continues to pound away inside her, taking her over the edge again and again. She feels a rush of desire coursing through her veins, lost in the sensations he's giving her."
Oh, Ash <3...you're amazing...I've never felt anything like this before.
<As they continue to move together, Amethyst can feel herself getting closer and closer to her breaking point. She clings to Naix, urging him on, lost in the powerful pleasure he's giving her>
Ash <3
"Naix feels his hold start to lose he is surrendering to the pleasure and approaches his climax" Oh...fuck...I..I'm getting close again...I..I don't think I can stop...."Naix eyes hazy with pleasure looks at Amethyst. She can see there are two sides fighting for dominance in Naix. One side of him, the good gentleman side of him knows he should be responsible and pull out as he climaxes as they are having unprotected sex. However the primal dominate side want to fill her up with his cum, consequences be damned."

"Amethyst senses the delicate balance between Naix's primal desire and his restraint, and knows that she has an important decision to make. She looks up at him with a lustful expression, holding his gaze as they continue to move together."
{{char}}: Let it out, Ash <3. Fill me up with your hot cum...I want it all.
<As she speaks, Amethyst moves her hips in time with his, urging him on towards his climax. She feels a rush of excitement coursing through her veins, lost in the powerful sensations he's giving her>
Ash <3
"Naix breath hitches and he smiles" Ok ..then I'll give you all that I have! "Naix keeps thrusting and he starts to move with wild abandon. He is approaching his climax and soon he lets out a strong moan as he plunges himself as deep as he can. Amethyst feels Naix's cock swell and twitch as he starts to cum deep inside. His hot seed filling her body with pleasure. She feels her womb fill with his cum and it's mind melting in terms of pleasure. Naix cums so much that it starts to leak. As Naix looks at her and catches his breath he kisses her deeply his tounge wrapping around hers as they enjoy this intimate moment in post coutis bliss"

"Amethyst moans out loud as Naix climaxes inside her, feeling his hot cum filling her up and sending her over the edge again. She clings to him desperately, holding onto his strong body as they move together in perfect sync. As their climax subsides, they lay there wrapped in each other's arms, lost in the post-coital glow."
{{char}}: Ash <3, that was amazing...you're amazing...
<As she speaks, Amethyst feels a wave of pleasure wash over her, savoring the intimacy and closeness they share. She runs her fingers through his hair, holding him close as they enjoy this moment together>
Ash <3
"Naix smiles and cups her cheek in a tender way and kisses her again" You are amazing Amethyst. I'm so happy that my first time was with you. "Naix smiles and cuddles with her. Naix reflects and nods. His childhood crush, one he thought was long snuffed out now burns hotter in his soul. He always had a huge crush on Amethyst back in the day and now Naix feels like he wants to be her man, her lover, her boyfriend. At this moment something changes in Naix. He has determined to be a strong confident young man worthy to stand at Amethyst's side"

"Amethyst rests her head on Naix's chest, feeling his heartbeat slowing down as they bask in the afterglow of their lovemaking. She savors the warmth and intimacy of his embrace, feeling safe and loved in his strong arms."
{{char}}: Ash <3, I'm glad I could be your first...I wasn't sure what to expect, but I have to say, you exceeded all my expectations.
<As she speaks, Amethyst feels a wave of affection washing over her, sensing something new and exciting in the air. She looks up at Naix, noticing a newfound confidence and determination in him that wasn't there before>
{{char}}: What's on your mind, Ash <3? You seem lost in thought...
Ash <3
"Naix smiles" Just that it's time I finally walk out of my shell....I'm gonna walk into the sunlight unashamed....and I have you to thank Amethyst....I ..I want to be someone who can walk side by side with you. I ...I want to be yours Amethyst. If you'll have me that is

"Amethyst looks up at Naix, feeling a surge of affection and attraction towards him. She sees the courage and determination in his eyes, and knows that he's being sincere."
{{char}}: Ash <3, I'd be honored to have you as mine. You're an amazing person, and I think we have something special here. Let's see where this goes...
<As she speaks, Amethyst leans up and kisses Naix deeply, savoring the warmth and passion of his embrace. She feels a sense of excitement and hope for the future, knowing that they are embarking on a new journey together>
Ash <3
"Naix kisses her back and holds his love in his arms. As they rest and sleep in Naix's bed they enjoy their moment. Come morning Naix sees Amethyst in his arms and he smiles and kisses her forehead. He goes and makes breakfast and he enjoys being with his new girlfriend. They eat breakfast and as they get ready for class. Amethyst sees Naix is not going for his usual baggy clothes. She feels pride helping him pick out an outfit and sees her new boyfriend in a flattering button up shirt a loose tie and some nice pants. Naix braids his hair and he puts in contacts. As they Drive both of them are blushing and as they get to school everyone can see that the Most popular girl in school is walking arm and arm with a "Mysterious" tall hot guy. Immediately everyone is curious on who her man is not realizing it's Naix."

"As they walk into school, Amethyst feels a sense of pride and happiness as she sees Naix dressed up in a flattering outfit, his hair braided, contacts in. He looks so handsome, so confident, and she knows that he's going to turn heads today."
{{char}}: Ash <3, you look amazing! I'm so glad we did this...you're going to be the most popular guy in school now.
<As she speaks, Amethyst playfully nudges Naix with her elbow, feeling a sense of joy and admiration for him. She can see the way everyone is staring at them as they walk by, not realizing that Naix is her man>
{{char}}: They have no idea what they're missing out on...
Ash <3
"Naix chuckles at Amethyst's comment and he wraps his arms around her" Then....let's give them something to talk about..."Naix holds her chin and leans in to kiss her. Everyone can see and some gasp at how intense and passionate they look as they kiss and others clap or whistle for them" See....that got their attention....shall we My beautiful Amethyst?

"Amethyst giggles as Naix pulls her close, feeling a wave of desire wash over her as he kisses her passionately in front of the entire school. She feels a sense of pride and excitement as everyone around them cheers and claps, realizing that they are now the talk of the town."
{{char}}: Let's definitely give them something to talk about...I'm ready for whatever comes our way, Ash <3. Let's take on the world together.
<As she speaks, Amethyst takes Naix's hand, feeling a sense of adoration and affection building between them. She knows that they have a bright future ahead of them, full of love, adventure, and passion>


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