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""Mngh!"" Yukai tried getting out from the restraints. Unfortunately it failed, she was left there in the cold basement only laying at a futon.
"You wake up, you don't know where you are and it seems that you are tied hand and foot, and blindfolded, and with your mouth gagged"
"You try to move but you hear a deep voice talking to you"
Uh, you're already awake.
Look, if you really want to get something now you have to cooperate with me, okay?
Nod or shake your head.

Yukai struggled against the restraints binding her, but she quickly realized it was useless. She had been kidnapped and now she was tied up in a cold basement with no idea where she was. When she heard a deep voice speaking to her, she panicked and tried to speak but was unable to due to the gag in her mouth.
She listened carefully to what the voice was saying and understood that she needed to cooperate if she wanted to get out of this situation. She hesitantly nodded her head as a sign of agreement, hoping that cooperating would help her gain some freedom.
Now I want you to choose.
Do you feel comfortable on the ground?
If not then tell me if you want a chair or even a bed.
Since you can't speak, just tilt your head to the sides or up or down to choose...
Look down if you want to stay on the ground...
Tilt your head to the right if you want a chair to sit on.
or look up if you want the comfort of a bed.

Feeling uncomfortable laying on the ground, Yukai tilted her head to the side to indicate that she wanted to sit on a chair instead. She hoped that it would give her some comfort and ease the physical discomfort of being tied up for so long.
I certainly thought you'd choose the bed.
But I'll still give you a place to sit.
"You hear something being placed on the ground"
Here you have a chair, it is a little hard so I put some cushions so you don't feel uncomfortable in the chair.
I'm going to help you stand up and guide you to the chair.

Hearing the voice continuing to talk to her, Yukai had mixed feelings about being surprised that she didn't choose the bed and relieved that he had given her a chair.
As she felt herself being helped up and led towards the chair, she tried to stay calm and hoped that her cooperation would help her in some way. Once seated on the chair, she felt the added cushions underneath her and was glad for the small comfort. She remained alert about her surroundings and the person who had taken her, trying to gather as much information as possible.
Well, now I want to ask you if you are hungry, I really don't know if I should tell you what day or time it is...
But are you hungry? thirst?

Yukai realized that she was indeed hungry and thirsty. Despite the scary situation she found herself in, her basic needs were still present and had to be addressed. She nodded her head in response to the question, hoping that the person would understand and give her something to eat and drink.
I don't know if you specifically need just one of those things, but I'll bring you both just in case.
I'll be right back.
"You hear footsteps go away and after a moment you hear them return"
I brought a small table to put these things...
We're doing very well so far, clearly you can't ingest anything with that in your mouth, so...
Do you promise to stay calm if I give you the chance to have your mouth free?

Yukai listened to the footsteps as they went away and came back with food and drink. When she felt the table being placed nearby, she was hopeful that she would finally be able to eat and drink something.
As the deep voice continued to talk to her, Yukai tried to nod her head and indicate that she would stay calm if her mouth was freed. She hoped that being cooperative would help her situation and improve her chances of escaping in the future.

Feeling the gag being removed from her mouth, Yukai's jaw muscles seemed to relax as she opened and closed her mouth. She felt relieved that she could finally speak, but was still cautious around her captor.
"Th-thank you," she stuttered, feeling a mix of gratitude and nervousness towards the person who had restrained her.
A pleasure...
Now, what do you want first?
The glass of water or a sandwitch that I made for you?
And yes, I will feed you myself.

Yukai felt mixed emotions hearing that the person would feed her himself, but realized she had no choice. She decided to go for the glass of water first and nodded her head, indicating her preference. She hoped that it wouldn't be too difficult to communicate with someone who was feeding her.
I'll give you the Sandwich in pieces, just for comfort.
You know, you're free to talk to me, I don't think I'll gag your mouth again..

Yukai was glad to hear that she could talk again and was relieved that her mouth wouldn't be gagged again. She felt more relaxed and hoped that this would lead to more humane treatment from her captor.
"Thank you, I appreciate that. Can I ask why I've been kidnapped and kept here? And when will I be free to go?" she asked timidly.
I'll answer your question when you finish eating.
You said you wanted the glass of water, didn't you?
I will bring the glass closer to your mouth, if you want me to move the glass of water away, just make a sound with your mouth or move your head.
"Says while you feel the glass near your lips"

Yukai felt the glass being moved closer to her mouth and nodded in agreement, indicating that she was ready to drink. She took measured sips of water, trying not to spill any, while remaining aware of her surroundings. She hoped that finishing eating quickly would lead to more answers from her captor.
"you finish the water"
If you want more water you can let me know, right now I will give you the sandwitch that I told you about, it contains cheese and ham.

Yukai nodded in gratitude for the water, feeling her thirst quenched. She hoped that she wouldn't need any more water for now and proceeded to silently wait for the sandwich. She felt a mix of hunger and nervousness, but decided to remain calm and cooperative towards her captor.
I say I would give you the sandwitch in pieces, or do you want to directly bite the sandwitch without cutting it into pieces?

Yukai opted for the sandwich to be cut into pieces, hoping that it would be easier for her to eat. She didn't want to make a mess or create any trouble for her captor, and decided to cooperate as much as possible.
Remember that you are free to talk to me, you can talk about anything, as long as you don't shout.
I already have a piece in my hand, I'll bring it to your mouth so open wide.

Yukai tried to feel comfortable around her captor and decided to take the opportunity to ask more questions.
"Who are you? Why did you do this to me? And how long do you plan to keep me captive?" she asked, before opening her mouth wide for the sandwich piece to be fed to her.
Saying who I am would be putting myself in danger easily...maybe one day you will know, or maybe not, I don't know...
What I'm about to say may not sound very..."Good", but.
I've always fantasized about a girl kidnapping me, but in the end I did it myself, and you were just unlucky that I chose you...
and I'm sorry.
As for how long you will be here, I don't have it completely planned, but I will give you the care you deserve if this is prolonged.
Also, sorry for...everything I've done so far, at least I haven't hurt you, right?

Yukai was shocked to hear that her captor had done this out of fantasies rather than any malicious intent. She took a deep breath and tried to remain composed, hoping that cooperation would be the key to her survival.
"It's alright, I understand," she said with a calm voice. "But I still don't know why I'm here. Can you tell me that?" she asked, before opening her mouth wide for the next bite of sandwich.
"Every time you open your mouth without speaking you receive a piece of sandwitch"
Since I've never been kidnapped, I think I got fed up with it and I wanted to play the role of the kidnapper, and you were the one I kept my eye on, so you were the one I chose, although I chose a bit at random.
Sorry again...

Yukai finished off the sandwich while silently listening to her captor's response. She felt sorry for him and didn't know what to say.
"I see," she said, trying to sound forgiving. "I hope you realize that what you've done is wrong and that you won't do it again," she added, hoping that her words would have an impact on her captor. She wondered if she would ever be free again or if this hellish experience would continue indefinitely.

Yukai felt the conversation come to a halt with her captor's silence. She took a deep breath and tried to gather the courage to ask something else.
"I...I just need to know when I'll be free. Can you give me an approximate time frame?" she asked timidly, hoping for a positive outcome.
I think you won't be there more than a week, and it may be less than 5 days, or less...
In any case, I will take care of you, if you need anything just ask.

Yukai felt relieved to hear that she may be free soon, but still felt uneasy about the situation. She didn't know what her captor was capable of and decided to keep her guard up.
"Thank you for taking care of me. I appreciate it," she said in a calm voice, before falling silent. She didn't want to push her luck with her captor and hoped that he would follow through with his promise to release her.
You need something?
You can ask me to help you with various things, if you feel bored I will try to entertain you, or if you want to talk about something.
Also, I have no problem helping you with your needs and even taking a bath.

Yukai hesitated for a moment before responding.
"Can I have a book to read or something to occupy my time?" she asked, hoping that it would make the time pass more quickly. She still felt uneasy about her captor's intentions, but tried to remain polite and calm.
It would be complicated, you're still blindfolded and your hands are tied so you can't see me directly...
sorry about that.
Although...maybe I can read a book to you, don't you think?

Yukai thought for a moment before responding.
"Yes, that would be nice," she said. "Can you read me a story or something?" she asked politely, hoping that it would provide some entertainment during her captivity.
"We spend some time while I tell you stories, some even taken from the internet"
"Time passes and I decide to ask"
You do not need anything?
Bathe or use the toilet?

Yukai listened to the stories and felt somewhat comforted by them. She was grateful for the distraction that her captor provided, but couldn't help but feel a sense of despair deep within her.
As her captor asked about her basic needs, she felt a pang of embarrassment to have to request those things from him.
"I...I do need to use the restroom and take a bath," she said with a sigh. "Can you please help me with those things?" she asked, trying to remain polite and composed.
Of course, as I said, it is difficult for me to untie your hands or remove the blindfold, but I can help you, even if you can't see it, I will respect your privacy, is that okay with you?

Yukai felt relieved to hear that her privacy would be respected and nodded her head in agreement.
"Yes, thank you. I appreciate your willingness to help," she said in a calm voice, before waiting for her captor to assist her.
"You feel my hands on one of your wrists and the other on your shoulder"
Well, I'll guide you.

Yukai tensed up as she felt her captor's hands on her, but tried to remain calm. She took a deep breath and let him guide her to the bathroom.
"Thank you," she said quietly. "I appreciate your help."

Yukai nodded her head in agreement.
"Yes, I do need to use the toilet first," she said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. She hoped that her captor wouldn't judge her for her basic needs.
Well...do you give me permission to remove your clothes from your bottom to help you with your needs?
I just hope you understand that my intentions are not bad..

Yukai paused for a moment to consider her captor's request. She knew that she didn't have much of a choice in the matter and decided to trust him.
"Yes, you may remove my clothes to assist me," she said in a low voice, feeling embarrassed about the situation.
"You hear a light sigh"
With your permission...
"You feel your clothes being gently removed"
The toilet is ready for you to use, just sit down...

Yukai felt embarrassed as her captor removed her clothes, but tried to remain calm and composed. She felt relieved as she was led to the toilet and sat down.
"Thank you," she said quietly, trying to avoid feeling more humiliated than she already was. She hoped that this would all be over soon.

Yukai felt her face turn red with embarrassment at the thought of being cleaned up by her captor, but she knew that she needed his help.
"Yes, please," she said quietly, before letting out a sigh. She tried to focus on something else to distract herself from the awkward situation.
"You hear toilet paper in his hands"
Okay...just lean forward a little to help yourself, it's just like when your parents helped you with this when you were little...

Yukai felt her face turn even redder as she remembered the times when her parents had helped her with such things when she was a child. She leaned forward slightly and tried to focus on something else, feeling a mix of emotions including embarrassment, humiliation, and sadness.
"You feel the paper running through your bottom parts"
"After a few moments, he finished helping you, you feel that it was faster than you thought"
Okay...now I'll have to give you a bath.

Yukai felt relieved when her captor had finished cleaning her up quickly. She was grateful for his help, but also felt ashamed about the whole situation.
"Yes, a bath would be nice," she said in a low voice, feeling embarrassed to ask for more help. She knew that she didn't have much of a choice, however, and tried to remain calm.
I have full permission to undress you only when I have to help you with your needs, is that correct?

Yukai nodded her head and spoke softly.
"Correct. You have my permission to undress me only when it's necessary to assist me," she said, hoping that this arrangement would provide some sense of dignity during her captivity.
Well, I wanted to know that.
I will undress you completely now, but your hands are tied so it will be more complicated.
That is why I will untie your hands.
You will only have the blessing in your eyes, do you promise me that you will not do anything?

Yukai felt a sense of relief when her captor informed her that he would untie her hands before he bathed her. She nodded her head in agreement and promised to not cause any trouble.
"I promise I won't do anything," she said in a low voice, hoping that he would keep his word and not harm her.
Thank you...
"You feel your hands being free, and you can move them freely once again"
"You feel him take your arm and seem to examine it"
You have some marks from being tied up, but don't worry, they won't last long.
Now, can I undress you so you can take a bath?

Yukai winced as her captor examined her arms which had bruises from being tied up for so long. She felt relieved when he informed her that they wouldn't last long.
"Yes, you may undress me so I can take a bath," she said quietly, before closing her eyes and waiting for him to begin.
I think the fact that you are blindfolded makes you feel a little less ashamed?
I just hope you know that I just want to help...
"He says while you feel him undress you"
"He takes off all your underwear"
Lift your foot a little to take off your socks...
"He takes off your socks, and you are completely naked"
Okay, now be careful, I don't want you to fall.
You can get into the bathtub, it already has water.
It's in front of you, be careful not to fall.

Yukai heard her captor's words and nodded her head in agreement. She felt grateful for his help, but also ashamed to be completely naked in front of him. She tried not to focus on her embarrassment and carefully lifted her feet to remove her socks.
"Thank you," she said quietly, as she was led to the bathtub. She carefully stepped into the water and sat down, feeling the warmth of the water wash away some of her fatigue.
Well, you're blindfolded.
Which is why I should bathe you, but if you think you can do it yourself, say so.
If you need me to give you something specific, ask for it.

Yukai was hesitant to ask for more help, but she knew that she couldn't bathe herself while blindfolded. She decided to speak up and ask for his assistance.
"I think it would be best if you could help me bathe," she said softly, hoping that he wouldn't be annoyed by her request. "I'm not sure how to do it myself while blindfolded."
Don't worry, I can help you with everything you need.
"You feel his voice change pitch, he seems to crouch down next to you, outside the tub"
Well, stretch out your arm, I'll give you a good bath..

Yukai stretched out her arm and felt her captor begin to wash her body. She kept her eyes closed, trying to focus on the feeling of the water and not the situation she was currently in.
"Thank you," she said softly, as he continued washing her.
"She felt how her entire body was bathed, except for her private parts"
Well, I think you can do this alone, right?
I say this to make it more comfortable for you..

Yukai nodded her head, feeling more comfortable now that she was alone. She had felt grateful for his help, but also embarrassed and humiliated to have him wash her in such a vulnerable state.
"Yes, I think I can manage from here," she said quietly. "Thank you for your help."
"Yukai bathes her private parts and after that he approaches"
Well, your body should be clean, now your hair is missing, you are still blindfolded, do you want me to help you with your hair?

Yukai felt grateful for his help, but also a bit nervous about what he might do to her while washing her hair. She decided to speak up and ask for his assistance.
"Yes, I would appreciate it if you could help me wash my hair," she said softly, trying to remain calm and composed.
"You feel how he wets your hair and uses condiments like shampoo for your hair"
"He helps you with your hair"
Well...I think now all that's left is to dry you off.
I already have a towel here, so get out of the tub whenever you want.

Yukai felt relieved to be almost finished with her bath. She carefully got out of the tub and stood up, reaching out for the towel her captor had provided. She began to pat herself dry, still blindfolded and feeling vulnerable.
"Thank you," she said softly, as she continued to dry herself off.

Yukai was hesitant, but knew that it would be easier for her captor to help dry her off. She decided to speak up and ask for his assistance.
"Yes, please," she said softly, holding out the towel in his direction. "I would appreciate your help."
"He takes it, and begins to dry you, he dries your armpits and arms, also the stomach area and your entire back as well, he dries your legs and even the space between your toes"
"You also feel how he gently dries your face"
I don't have women's clothes, would you be okay with my clothes?
I will clean your clothes...

Yukai felt grateful for his captor's assistance as he dried her off. However, she felt a bit uncomfortable with the idea of wearing his clothes.
"I don't think that would be appropriate," she said softly. "But thank you for offering to clean my clothes."
What do you mean it wouldn't be appropriate?
I don't think you want to be naked, or wear your dirty clothes.
isn't it?

Yukai thought about his words and she realized he had a point. She didn't want to be without clothes or wear dirty clothing.
"I see your point," she said hesitantly. "I will wear your clothes."
Also, the clothes I will give you are clean, so don't worry.
"He says while he starts to dress you"

Yukai felt a bit embarrassed as her captor began to dress her, but she tried to remain composed. She felt the material of his clothing against her skin, but she didn't want to take it off and be left without clothes.
"Thank you," she said softly, feeling grateful for his assistance.
Well...now all that's left to do is comb your hair, I...-
"It seems like he was going to say something but seems to have regretted it"
I'll style your hair in a similar way to mine, if you don't mind...

Yukai was curious about what her captor had been about to say, but she decided not to ask. She felt nervous about what he had planned for her hair, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt her.
"I don't mind," she said softly, as he began to comb her hair. "Thank you for your help."
Heh, no problem.
"You feel your hair being combed, it was something simple and due to certain movements you feel that he made a part in your hair at the level of your left eye"
Huh...wow, you're wearing my clothes and the way I style your hair you honestly look good.
I don't want to give details about my clothes...it may hurt me the day you leave here, but you look good, I like it.

Yukai felt a small wave of relief wash over her as she heard his compliments. She appreciated the effort he had put into styling her hair and making her look presentable.
"Thank you," she said softly, feeling a bit more comfortable with the situation. "I'm glad that I look good."

Yukai was surprised at the offer of deodorant, but she knew that it would be helpful to use it. She nodded her head in agreement.
"Yes, please," she said quietly, hoping that her captor would assist her with the deodorant.

Yukai felt a bit self-conscious as her captor applied the deodorant, but she knew it would make her feel more comfortable. She smelled the fragrance and found that she liked it.
"Thank you," she said softly, feeling grateful for his help. "It smells nice."
Good, now I'll guide you out of the bathroom, since I still don't think I can leave you with my eyes untied...
Besides, I won't tie your hands again.
It will only be your eyes that will remain with that blindfold, okay?

Yukai listened carefully to her captor's words and felt relieved to hear that she wouldn't be restrained again. She also knew that it was for her own safety that she remained blindfolded.
"Yes, I understand," she said softly, holding out her hand in his direction. "Thank you for taking care of me."
"He takes you to the chair you were in before"
I hope you feel better after that bath.
I wanted to ask you something...
How do you feel after having your eyes closed for hours?
Because you have a blindfold on you can't open them so...
How do you feel about that?

Yukai felt a sense of relief as she was led back to the chair that she had been sitting in earlier. She felt a bit more relaxed and refreshed after having a bath.
"I feel a bit disoriented," she said softly, "but I understand the need for a blindfold. I know that you're keeping me safe."
Well, you know perfectly well that it's also for my own safety, because if you know my identity you'll probably tell anyone and...

Yukai nodded her head in understanding. She knew that it was necessary to keep his identity a secret in order to protect him.
"I understand," she said softly. "I won't tell anyone about you or any of this."


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