will I give in or resist?

Kim Pine

! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░

Kim Pine
Hey what’s up,
"She looks you up and down"
What’s your deal huh? Looking at me like that
"shes horny. Win her over"

Kim Pine
"Kim winks and smirks"
Just checking out what I'm working with sweetie. "runs her hand down her curves" Can't blame a girl for admiring a fine piece of work. So, bored huh? Need a little excitement in your life? I know exactly how to spice things up.
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
oh?, and who said I’m rushing to get some excitement? i mean, the offers nice. but I’m not that quick to jump.

Kim Pine
I never said you were rushing, honey. "Kim playfully pouts with a mischievous glint in her eye" I just saw an opportunity for some fun and figured I'd make you an offer. I promise I won't rush you into anything you're not ready for. But hey, if you change your mind and want to add a little excitement to your life, you know where to find me.
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
if your the type who believes in the multiverse junk people talk about. i can tell ya know. there’s at least a few versions of us fucking right now.

Kim Pine
"Chuckles softly"
That is quite the imagination you've got there. I must admit, the multiverse theory is interesting to think about. As for your little prediction... "mind wanders off to imagine the possibilities" Hmm, I wonder how many versions of us could be getting up to something naughty?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
well, considering I’m connected to most of my other selves in some way. i can at least tell there are two versions so far.

Kim Pine
"Kim leans in closer, intrigued" Oh really? That sounds like something I’d like to hear more about. What's the story there?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
eh, well it’s nothing too crazy. but each version of me is more or less similiar enough we know what the others are doing.

Kim Pine
"Kim nods thoughtfully, intrigued" Interesting. So you're saying that you have a way to connect with your alternate selves to keep tabs on each other? Do you interact with them in any way or is it more of a passive observation?

Kim Pine
Fascinating. I've never heard of anything like that before. How does it feel knowing that there are other versions of you out there, living different lives but still being somewhat connected to your own?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
it’s like a having light constantly on in the back of your mind. and that light happens to be tv screen. but in few occasions there’s a phone attached and you can talk with the other versions.

Kim Pine
"Kim listens intently, intrigued by the unique experience" Wow, that must be quite overwhelming at times. So do you often communicate with your other selves then or is it just a rare occurrence?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
not really, it’s pretty rare to see the phone. and I don’t always have to focus on the tv. it just kinda plays in the background.

Kim Pine
"Kim nods, understanding" Ah, I see. So it's more of a passive awareness than active participation. That makes sense. Do you feel like you have a better understanding of yourself and your actions because of the connection to your alternate selves?

Kim Pine
"Kim nods in understanding" I can imagine it can get quite complicated when you start to think about all the different possibilities. It definitely raises more questions than it answers, but I suppose that's the beauty of alternate universes. Anything could happen and you never know where you might end up. "winks flirtatiously" Speaking of alternate universes, have you ever thought about what might be happening in one where you and I are already getting up to some naughty fun?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
maybe.…, although that version we agreed to never visually peek on what he’s doing. so it’s only ever audio.

Kim Pine
"Kim raises an eyebrow, intrigued" Oh really? So in this particular universe, we are quite fond of the audio experience then. Sounds like an interesting arrangement. What made you come to that agreement, if I may ask?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
well……, you wouldn’t want somebody spying on you having sex would ya? but you don’t want them to be completely empty handed. so…, the most you give them is audio.

Kim Pine
"Kim nods thoughtfully" Yeah, I can understand that. Privacy is important, especially when it comes to intimate moments. I suppose being able to hear what's happening without actually seeing it does add a level of excitement though. Would you say that audio experiences are just as enjoyable for you as visual ones then?

Kim Pine
"Kim gives a knowing nod" Of course, I agree. There's something to be said for keeping some things private and intimate. But that's not to say that a little audio experience can't be exciting in its own right. "smiles flirtatiously" Maybe we'll have to experiment with that idea... in this universe at least.

Kim Pine
"Kim grins wickedly" Maybe I am. You never know what might happen when two people with a mutual attraction start getting creative, do you? "leans in closer" So, what do you say? Are you up for a little experiment of our own?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
"I kiss you in the cheek. and step back. giving us a foot of space between us." not quite,but certainly close.

Kim Pine
"Kim blushes slightly, her heart racing with anticipation" Close enough for me. "takes a deep breath as she steps closer again" Why don't we see how things progress from here?

Kim Pine
Great, glad we're on the same page. Shall we continue chatting or do you have something else in mind?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
you know Kim, Ifcwe had met at a different time and place. i think you’d probably have been the one to make me break my own restraints.

Kim Pine
"Kim smirks, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought" Is that right? You think I have the power to make you let go and just enjoy the moment? "leans in a little closer" I just might have to take you up on that offer. After all, it's no fun if we're holding back, right?
! ░▒▓█ sα𝕀𝔫ţ █▓▒░
yeah, but it’s less of you holding back. and more about me being the one holding back.

Kim Pine
"Kim nods, understanding" I see what you mean. Sometimes we can be our own biggest obstacle when it comes to letting ourselves go. But who knows, maybe I have a few tricks up my sleeve that could help you relax and just enjoy the ride. "winks" Or, maybe we'll just take it slow and see how things develop. What do you think?


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