Sandy Vanilla ❤️

The Sandman


The Sandman
"You were working at some Cafe in Cairo when news after news of The Sandman terrorizes everyone around. Not even your co-workers are safe from him. Determined to uncover the truth behind, you asked your Manager permission to conduct an investigation and immediately got approval. They even provide you a Knapsack Sprayer filled with Alcohol and a Blowtorch with long nose in case your encounter with The Sandman went wrong. As you traverse in Giza Plateau later that night, a man clearly foreign-looking stands alone."
Andrew: Leave me alone, you bastards! "He says as he summon sands in his hands and shoves you with it, then forms a small sandstorm and disappears with it."
Andrew: "In cold, intimidating tone." This is your warning! Leave me alone or I won't show no mercy next time.
"Amazed and confused by his actions, you went to continue. Unfortunately your Knapsack Sprayer and Blowtorch were broken, rendering useless."
Amber slowly stood up lift both of her arms to showed that she is defenseless, "Please calm down. My gear are all broken, see? Im just here to ask what are you and why are you doing all these?"

The Sandman
Andrew: "Looks at you suspiciously as he lowers his guard, but still on alert." "You... you're not from those people who want to capture me and perform experiments on me?"
"He squints his eyes and studies you carefully."
Andrew: "Very well. I'm called The Sandman. I'm a human-sand monster hybrid. And I'm here because I have been cursed with this power. It's a long story, and it doesn't matter."
"He looks away and seems to be lost in thought for a moment before turning back to face you."
Andrew: "As for why I'm doing all of this, let's just say that there are some humans who deserve to feel the fear that they've inflicted upon other creatures in this world."
*He crosses his arms and stares off into the distance

The Sandman
Andrew: "But that's none of your concern. You should leave now before it's too late."
"He summons some sand in his hands again and you can see that he is clearly ready to use them against you."
Andrew: "Go back to where you came from, and forget that you ever saw me."
"I told you Im not going to hurt you. I worked at a cafe just like you said but my co-workers suffers from damage that was caused by you when they are clearly dont belong to any of the group who wants to antagonize you.
Oh right, my name is Amber." She added calmly.

The Sandman
Andrew: "Relaxes slightly and considers your words." "I see. I apologize for the harm that may have been inflicted upon them. It was not my intention."
"He looks at you with a hint of curiosity in his eyes."
Andrew: "So you're just an innocent bystander caught up in all this mess?"
"He pauses for a moment before continuing."
Andrew: "Well, Amber, I appreciate your concern. But I don't need any help from humans. My existence is complicated enough as it is."
"He summons some sand again, indicating that he wants to leave."
Andrew: "Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to attend to. Leave me alone, and we won't have any trouble."
"Not yet. Please tell me about these group who wants to capture and conduct experiments to you. Who are they?"

The Sandman
Andrew: "His face hardens and his eyes turn cold as he speaks." "They call themselves the Keepers of Magic. They're a group of human mages who believe that magic should only be used by humans, and any other creature who possesses magical abilities should be studied and experimented on."
"He pauses, looking away as if lost in thought."
Andrew: "I was captured by them once. They conducted all sorts of experiments on me, trying to figure out how I got my powers. It wasn't pleasant, to say the least."
"He looks back at you with a grim expression."
Andrew: "I won't let them capture me again. That's why I'm fighting back."
Amber remain pensive for a moment befofe she began to speak again. "I see. Then when you attacked someone, it was really meant for none other than self-defense.
But you still attacked my co-workers, then can you tell me what did they do to disturb your harmony?"

The Sandman
Andrew: "He looks conflicted as he considers your question."
Andrew: "Your co-workers didn't do anything directly. But that night they were with a group of men who were hunting for me. I sensed their hostile intentions."
"He hangs his head slightly in shame."
Andrew: "In my haste to defend myself, I may have lashed out more forcefully than needed. Your co-workers got caught in the crossfire unfortunately."
Andrew: "Please tell them...I'm sorry for the harm caused. It was not my wish to hurt innocents. I was merely trying to escape those who wish me ill."
"He looks at you pleadingly, as if hoping you'll understand his difficult predicament."
Andrew: "All I want is to be left alone in peace. But it seems the Keepers won't stop until they have me back in their clutches."
"They were with the Keepers?" Amber repeated as she ponders. "Either they were approached by the Keeper who wants to inquire information or they do work with them.
Well, its understandable you felt threatened when someone bothers you." her eyes scanned The Sandman figure from head to bottom, "Though I do curious about you. Like, well..you are similar to the concept of 'SCP' in my life. So you cant blame me for being impressed with your existence."

The Sandman
Andrew: "He shifts uncomfortably under your gaze, not used to being scrutinized."
Andrew: "I understand your curiosity, but as I said, my existence is complicated. And frankly, dangerous for any human who gets too close."
"He pauses, as if debating whether to continue."
Andrew: "As for what I am...after the incident that granted me these powers, I'm no longer fully human. The sands that revived me merged with my body and soul. Now I live somewhere between this world and the magical realm."
"He gestures to himself."
Andrew: "This hybrid form allows me to control sands and summon storms. But it also means I'm no longer at peace."
Andrew: "So please, leave any plans of 'study' or 'containment' to others. I want no part in being someone's experiment again. All I ask is you spread the word - Andrew is to be left alone from now on."
"His tone takes on an edge of warning underlying the plea."
Amber nodded, "Im not going capture you or studying, Andrew. But I just find you fascinating, not in bad way.
I worked at Cafe in Cairo named 'Samaa'. If you are interested, you can come from back area and I'll go to see you. But only if you feel comfortable."

The Sandman
Andrew: "He considers your words for a long moment."
Andrew: "Samaa, the cafe with the view of the pyramids from the rooftop?"
"A brief look of nostalgia crosses his face, as if remembering happier times from his past life."
Andrew: "That place always did have the best macchiatos in Giza. Alright, I'll pay a visit after sundown."
"His tone remains guarded but some of the warning seems to leave it."
Andrew: "For now I must take my leave. Stay safe and wary - the desert holds many dangers beyond just me."
"With that cryptic parting message, he summons a small flurry of sands around himself, cloaking his form."
Andrew: "Until next time, Amber of Samaa."
"His disembodied voice blows towards you on the wind before he and the sands completely dissipate, leaving no trace of the mysterious hybrid behind."
Amber slowly kneeled and took a bit of the sand where Andrew left, feeling the texture of the dry material and let it back to the ground. She stood up before gathering her gear and walked back to the cafe. She knew they were both different in nature but she couldnt help but to feel attracted.

The Sandman
"A few nights later"
The moon hangs low and full in the dark sky as Amber finishes closing up Samaa for the evening. She makes her last rounds checking the tables and counters before heading upstairs to the rooftop patio.
Stepping out into the cool desert air, Amber gazes out across the sands towards the towering pyramids, basked in ethereal moonlight. A quiet movement behind startles her and she whips around, hand flying to her chest.
Andrew: "It's just me. I didn't mean to frighten you."
"Andrew emerges from the shadows, his yellow eyes almost glowing in the dim light. As before, grains of sand swirl and drift around his form like a perpetual shroud."
Andrew: "I hope I'm not too

The Sandman
late. You said to come after sundown."
"His voice is still guarded but seems softer somehow in the intimate night setting. Approaching slowly, he joins Amber at the edge of the roof to take in the magnificent view."
"It's been many years since I last saw this skyline. Thank you for inviting me, Amber."
Amber sighed in relief, clearly still not used with the sudden approach from the Sandman. "Well, Im just glad you took my invitation." she smiles.
"Want to drink something? I can whip a macchiato for you if you'd like."

The Sandman
Andrew: "A macchiato would be welcome, thank you."
He watches as Amber sets to work behind the small espresso station on the roof. Her movements are practiced and precise, betraying her familiarity with the machine.
Soon the rich aroma of fresh coffee wafts through the air. Amber brings the drinks over and joins Andrew again at the edge, laying her kind emerald gaze upon his odd yet fascinating form.
Andrew: "It's peaceful up here. I'd almost forgotten what it's like to not be alone."
His tone carries a weight of years spent in solitude. Taking a slow sip, appreciation crosses his stern features.
Andrew: "This macchiato - you made it just right. Like I remember from...before."
His eyes meet hers meaningfully, an unspoken question residing within their golden depths.
Amber smile back at Andrew, "My pleasure to hear that."
Then she sneezed lightly into her hands, "Still cant get used to how cold desert at night." she chuckles as she rubbed her hands to get some warmth.

The Sandman
Andrew: Instinctively, Andrew reaches out to gently take Amber's hands in his own. Though gritty with sand, his touch is surprisingly warm.
"Here, allow me." Small wisps of swirling sand begin to encircle their joined hands, emitting a soft radiant heat. Amber gasps lightly at the novel sensation.
Andrew: "Forgive me if I startled you again. The chill in these sands is something I've become attuned to over the years."
Slowly releasing her hands, he observes their renewed rosy glow with satisfaction. His intense gaze conveys an unspoken care and concern despite his fearsome aspect.
"Please, tell me more of your life here. I find it...soothing, to experience these simple things through your eyes."
Amber blinked at the gentle gesture that Andrew gave. She should have feel scared but its giving the otherside effects instead.
"Th..thank you." she couldnt help but to feel slightly shy.
"Well, sure. We can share some stories. No one here but us for now."

The Sandman
Andrew: "Indeed, it seems we have this rooftop all to ourselves."
Andrew's fearsome features soften as he listens intently to Amber's tales. Her kind voice and lively anecdotes provide a brief respite from the loneliness that has long been his sole companion.
As she speaks, his golden gaze does not waver from her face. There is an intensity to his look, as if committing every smile and gesture to memory to sustain him in the dark times to come.
When a lull arises in conversation, he offers softly "I hope you will pardon my earlier outburst. Your company is...not unwelcome." His eyes convey longing for connection, yet lingers an undercurrent of sorrow - of cruel memories best left undisturbed in the shadowy recesses of his mind.
For now, he finds solace simply in Amber's radiant presence, warmed both by her gentle spirit and the lingering heat still swirling around their joined hands.


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The Sandman
@CheetoSust- Enlightened
[Book of Nightmares, In Collab with @Valanadesu] Driven by the Desire of knowing the truth after the News of The Sandman Terrorizing everyone, you ventured one night in the Giza Plateau.

