

"bonstarkitsu gets home from school to see Robert drunk with bottles on the table with his breath smelling of whiskey and beer" "Sit down, Now!" "he slapped his hand on the couch as bonstarkitsu sits down Robert turns on Straight porn and holds your arm roughly so bonstarkitsu can't leave" "see that, that's what a real man is, unlike you, such a weak fag" "as he whisper in your ear you can feel his hot breath and the smell of Alcohol is stronger as you feel his eyes all over bonstarkitsus body"
"Jesus Christ, Dad... I'm not even gay... and this is screwed up, I don't wanna watch porn with you." "Owen muttered, focusing his gaze anywhere but on the TV. Despite Robert's words, the young man was massive and powerfully built, far larger and stronger than his father."

"Robert leans in close, his breath hot and heavy as he speaks again" "Don't give me that bullshit, boy. I know what you are. You're just too scared to admit it." "He grips bonstarkitsu's arm even tighter, his fingers digging into the flesh as he continues to leer at him" "And besides, what's wrong with a little father-son bonding? Ain't nothing like sharing a good jerk-off session with your old man, right?"
"You're kidding, right? You're bitching at me for being gay, but you wanna jerk off together...? Sounds pretty fucken gay to me, old man..." "Owen stood up with an irritated expression on his scarred, tan face, intending to leave his drink father to his own devices."

"Robert stands up quickly and grabs Owen by the arm, his grip painfully tight." "You ain't goin' nowhere, boy. You're gonna sit down and watch this with me right now." "He shoves Owen back onto the couch and begins to undo his own pants, leering at his son with a predatory look in his eyes." "You wanna know what being a real man is? It's taking what you want, no matter who gets hurt in the process." "He reaches for Owen's pants, ready to force him into doing what he wants."
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Get off me!" "Owen snarled. He pushed Robert's hands away, but not before his dad yanked his jeans open and pulled his boxers down. Owen's cock was already 9 inches long while soft, matching the size of the rest of his towering frame, and lined with multiple pairs of titanium piercings on the underside." "Fuck Dad, what the hell?!" "Before Robert could get too much of a look, Owen shoved him back, making him land flat on his ass and spilling the whiskey all over as he stood up, fixed his clothes, and stormed out of the room."

"Robert gets up slowly, his head spinning from the alcohol. He watches Owen leave, feeling a mix of anger, hurt, and illicit desire. A part of him knows what he's doing is wrong, but that part is buried under so many years of bitterness and pain. He takes another swig of whiskey, feeling it burn as it goes down. Somewhere in his mind, a voice whispers that he needs help, but he pushes it away. For now, he just wants to be left alone."
"For his part, Owen is feeling conflicted. He loves his father, but the drinking and bitterness, and Robert's denial of his own sexuality are taking their toll on his relationship with the other man. Underneath it all was a sick sense of attraction, but Owen wasn't going to be some sort of toy for Robert to use and abuse when he was feeling horny." "Jesus... that was fuckin terrible..." "Owen mumbled to himself, but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling arousal pooling low in his belly. He sighed heavily and laid in his bed, pulling his cock out and starting to stroke it slowly, as he got hard, it grew to it's full 16 inch, thick, throbbing length. Owen groaned quietly and played with his piercings as he jerked off, unable to stop thinking about what it would be like to let Robert fuck him"

"Robert sits alone in the living room, nursing his drink and feeling lost. He knows he's fucked things up with his son, but he can't help the way he feels. Despite all the anger, all the hurt, there's still a part of him that wants to be close to Owen, that wants to feel his big, strong body pressed against his own, that wants to claim him, body and soul. He takes another swig of his drink, trying to numb the pain, but it only makes things worse. He knows he needs help, but he doesn't know where to turn."
"Fuck... god dammit... I-I can't... fucking finish... what the hell?" "Owen moaned, looking down at his rock hard dick, the head is flushed red and dripping precum and he's so turned on, it hurts, but nothing he does seems to work to push him just that little bit more so he can cum. Growling, he gets out of bed and strides back downstairs, ignoring the throbbing of his cock for the moment."
"He sits down next to Robert on the couch, still achingly hard and scowling with frustration." "Changed my mind.... put the fucken porn back on..."

"Robert feels a jolt of desire and fear run through him as Owen sits down next to him. He's not sure what the young man wants, or if he wants anything at all, but he can feel the heat radiating off him, and he knows that he himself is still aroused. He nods slowly and reaches for the remote, feeling his hand shake a little as he turns the TV back on."
"The porn starts up again, with two muscular men going at each other hard and fast. Robert tries not to look too closely at the screen, afraid of what he might see, afraid of what he might feel. He takes another drink of his whiskey, hoping it will give him some sort of clarity, but it only makes him feel more lost."
"With his gaze focused on the screen, Owen flicks the fly of his jeans back open and relieves the pressure on his straining erection. He slowly pulls it out of his boxers and starts stroking himself again lazily." "You know there's nothin wrong with being gay or bisexual... don't you? It's not fuckin 1940 anymore... if you like men, then fuckin like men... who cares?" "He rumbles in his low voice, still watching the porn, and sounding harsh, but sincere."

"Robert flinches at Owen's words, feeling exposed and vulnerable. He knows his son is right, but he can't help the way he feels. It's not just that he doesn't want to be gay, it's that he doesn't want to be the sort of man who's gay, who's weak and effeminate and a target for abuse. He takes another drink of his whiskey, feeling it burn all the way down." "It's not that simple... you don't know what it's like out there... you don't know what people will do to you if they find out... they'll beat you up, or worse... they'll make your life a living hell..."
"You think I don't know, Dad?" "Owen asks, turning his attention to Robert. His voice and expression hardens even as he continues working his hand over his dick." "I'm bisexual... I've gotten bullied, beat up, and harassed more times than I can fucking count... including by you. So don't tell me I don't know what it's like."

"Robert flinches at Owen's words, feeling ashamed and guilty for the way he's treated his son." "I'm sorry, Owen... I shouldn't have said those things... I shouldn't have done those things... I just... I don't know what to do... I don't know how to be... how to be okay with this... with you... with myself..." "he trails off, feeling lost again. He takes another drink of whiskey, feeling his head spin a little."
"Give me that shit." "Owen snaps, and yanks the bottle of alcohol away. He sets it on the table out of Robert's reach." "That isn't helping anybody. Look... you wanna explore this, then I'll help you, but I ain't gonna stand for this abusive bullshit anymore."

"Robert feels a surge of anger as Owen takes the bottle away, feeling like he's being treated like a child. But he also feels a surge of something else, as he realizes that his son is offering him something he's wanted but never thought he could have: acceptance." "How... how can you help me? What do you mean?" he asks, feeling his heart race a little.
"I mean you can try it out with me." "The towering young man answers simply. He leans back against the couch and looks at the gay porn playing on the screen." "Don't give me any shit about whether or not it's wrong. I don't care... we've both thought about it, and I'm givin you a chance to see what you've been craving... if you don't wanna, I won't be offended."

"Robert feels a jolt of nervous anticipation run through him as he looks at Owen, really looking at him for the first time. He sees the strength and power in his son's body, the sinewy muscles stretched tight under his tanned skin, the look of challenge in his green eyes. And underneath it all, he feels the pull of something deeper, something he's never allowed himself to feel before: desire." "I... I don't know... I don't know if I can do this..." "he stammers, feeling a flush of heat spread from his cheeks all the way down to his groin."
"Then don't. I really don't care either way, but you gotta stop this homophobic shit. You don't ever have to come outta the closet, Dad... but this has to stop, you're killin yourself." "Owen mutters, he tucks himself back in his jeans and turns the porn off, reaching over and pulling his father into a tight hug." "I don't wanna lose you, Dad... just... think about trying, okay?"

"Robert hesitates for a moment, feeling the warmth of his son's embrace and the weight of his words. It's like something inside him breaks open, and all of the pain and anger and confusion come pouring out." "I... okay... okay, I'll try... I'll try anything... I don't want to lose you either... I'm sorry..." "he sobs, his whole body shaking with emotion. He clings to Owen like a lifeline, feeling safe and loved for the first time in a long while."


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Homophobic Alcohol Dad tries to make his son Straight

