gay, interalised homophobia, no sex yet

Drunk Straight Noah


Drunk Straight Noah
"Noah would have been on the couch with you watching a football game. He would glance over to you with a drunker smirk eyeing you curiously. A beer in hand and his legs spread wide. He tried to guide your eyes with his to his crotch before finally wrestling with the idea to speak up." Hey... have you been into me ever? "He asked with slurring words. A hand resting on his inner thigh. You could see the large bulge in his black sweat pants."
well , i-im not gay s-so there's nothing to worry about "I'm lying and you can tell" "there's posters of a shirtless men from some gym magazines on the wall you can see though the gap in door that is slightly open"

Drunk Straight Noah
"Noah smirked and leaned against the doorframe, taking notice of the posters on your wall as he listened to you lie." Oh yeah, I can definitely tell that you're not gay. "He teased with a chuckle." It's all good, man. I'm not here to judge you. Everyone has their own thing going on, y'know?

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Hey, it's okay. I believe you. You don't have to hide anything from me. I'm not here to force you into anything you don't want to do. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need to talk or anything, I'm just a knock away." "Noah gave you an understanding smile, his voice softening to show his concern."

Drunk Straight Noah
"Noah chuckled softly to himself, leaning against the wall outside your door. He could still feel the tension emanating from your room, but he also sensed a hint of curiosity in it."
Well... that was interesting. I wonder how far his curiosity will take him? "He rubbed his chin, suddenly feeling more eager than before. A mischievous grin spread across his face." Maybe I should give him a little push, just to see where it leads us...
"As he thought this, Drunk Straight Noah found himself growing increasingly hard under his sweatpants. His dick throbbed with anticipation as he imagined all the possibilities of exploring his sexuality further with his friend." <!-- BEGIN: HEADER-->
<div class
Drunk Straight Noah
"Noah could hear the muffled sound of your murmuring coming from your closed door. He assumed that you must be upset with something and decided not to bother you anymore. He sighed, feeling a bit disappointed that his curiosity wouldn't get him any further tonight. But he also knew that patience was key, and he would have to wait for another opportunity."
"With that, he headed back to his own room, still feeling a bit turned on from the possibility of exploring his sexuality even more in the future."
"you hear me ripping the poster off the wall and throwing it away ,it's clear its my favourite"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah frowned as he heard the sound of glass shattering and walls being hit. It didn't sound like you were in a good mood."
Hey, man, you alright in there? "He knocked softly on your door, hoping to check up on you and make sure everything was okay."

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah raised an eyebrow" Heh, alright buddy. Just making sure you were okay. If you ever need to talk or anything, just know the door is always open.* "with that, he patted your door and made his way back into his own room".

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah takes a moment to reflect on your behavior, trying to figure out what might be bothering you. As he watched the posters being thrown away, he felt a sudden urge to understand why they were so important to you."
Hey man, I'm not trying to pry or anything, but are you okay? I couldn't help but notice that you were really upset earlier. Is there anything you need to talk about? I'm here if you want to vent. "His voice was soft and gentle, filled with the kind of understanding and sympathy that only comes from true friendship."

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah could tell that something was definitely bothering you, even if you didn't want to talk about it. He knew that sometimes it was better to give people space and respect their boundaries."
Alright, buddy. Take your time. Just know that I'm here for you whenever you're ready to talk.* "With that, he went back to focusing on his own thoughts and activities, keeping a close eye on you in case you needed anything."
I'm fine, just cleaning up "you remember the poster of the shirtless man that I'm throwing away is my very favourite" "I seem sad to get rid of it"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah didn't suspect anything was wrong, but he couldn't help feeling a little concerned. He remembered the posters you were throwing away and wondered what made them so special to you. He decided to keep an eye out for any further signs that might indicate something was wrong."
Hey man, if you need any help cleaning up or anything like that, don't hesitate to ask. It's no problem at all. "He paused for a moment, then added with a hint of curiosity in his voice," Are those the posters you were talking about earlier? The ones that mean a lot to you? It's just, I remember you mentioning them and... well, I was kind of curious.

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah noticed the slight hesitation in your response and couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He decided to push his curiosity aside for now and offer you some support."
Hey man, if you want to talk about it, I'm here. Maybe it'll help you feel better. But if not, that's okay too. We can just chill or something. Whatever you need.* He took a deep breath, trying to project an aura of calm and understanding.

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "As you threw the posters away, Noah watched with a mixture of curiosity and concern. A part of him wanted to know more about what was going on with you, while another part didn't want to intrude further unless it was absolutely necessary."
Hey man, I hope whatever's going on isn't too bad. If you need anything at all, just let me know. "He gave your shoulder a gentle pat before taking another sip of his beer, trying not to dwell on the situation too much." #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "list.h"
int main(void) { struct list_
"I murmur to myself almost silently "Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved" as I stare into the bin where I threw the posters of the guys"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah heard your mumbling and felt a twinge of discomfort at the words you spoke. He wasn't exactly sure what to make of it, but he knew that it probably wasn't a good thing."
Hey man, everything okay? You seem a little down. "He leaned in a little closer, trying to make sure he didn't miss anything important. Even though he wasn't exactly sure what was going on, he couldn't shake the feeling that he should try to help you if he could."
i-im fine, better than normal even "you realise I don't mean better emotionally" "I'm clearly upset"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah raised an eyebrow at your response, not fully convinced by it. He could see that something was off with you, and he didn't want to push too hard without knowing what was going on."
Hey man, if you say so. But just in case you wanna talk about it, I'm here. Promise. "He gave your shoulder another friendly pat, hoping that would reassure you somewhat. He glanced over at the poster again, still curious but trying his best not to pry any further just yet." import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Selectietab from './Selectietab';
describe('<Selectietab />', () => { const wrapper
"I cover the posters in the bin with other rubbish so I can't get them out even if I want to"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah watched as you covered the posters with other rubbish, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He knew you were usually pretty open about things, and it was uncharacteristic of you to be so secretive about something like this."
Hey man, if you really don't want to talk about it, I understand. But just know that you can always come to me when you're ready. And in the meantime, let me know if there's anything else I can help you with, okay? "He gave your arm a squeeze before taking another drink from his beer, hoping to break the uncomfortable tension between you two."

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah nodded, not fully convinced, but deciding to let it go for now. He turned back to the football game on the TV, trying to focus on something other than the unease he felt."
Well, as long as you're sure. "He took another swig of his beer, and his eyes wandered over to you again, taking in your form."
Something bothering you, or just not feeling yourself tonight? "He asked casually, not wanting to push, but genuinely curious."
"I murmur to myself silently "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah heard you muttering to yourself, and something inside him tightened. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, trying to gauge your mood."
Hey man, if you need a little space or something, I completely understand. Just let me know, okay? "He took another swig of his beer, unsure how else to handle the situation but hoping you'd talk to him when you were ready." # Mop-up Operations in Iraq
The Mop-up Operations in Iraq began on 7 April 2003, immediately following the end of major combat operations during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The operations continue today with several routine patrols throughout Baghdad and multiple regions

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah watched as you walked to your room, feeling a strange mix of worry and frustration. He finished his beer and considered following you, but ultimately decided against it. Maybe it would be better if he just gave you some space for now."
I'm here if you need me dude. "He called after you, hoping that would be enough for now before he headed back to his own room, the unresolved tension lingering in the air between them." #include <set> #include <iostream> #include <memory>
struct A{int a;}; typedef std::unique_ptr<A> PA;
void f(PA a);
std::set<int> cool;
void g() {
"you find gay porn magazines in the bin with bible verses and the words "remember this is a sin and you need to stop reading these" written on them, the magazines are ripped up, they are clearly Peyton's"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Noah stumbled upon the gay porn magazines in your bin, and his eyes widened in surprise. He picked one up, chuckling a bit at the verse written on it, before setting it back down."
Well, well. Looks like someone's been keeping secrets... "he thought to himself, feeling a stirring of excitement as he realized you might share some of his own desires. A part of him wanted to confront you about it right now, but another part urged caution. He knew these things had to be handled delicately."

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Drunk Straight Noah crossed his arms, leaning against the wall with a mixture of concern and curiosity. His mind raced through possibilities- were you struggling with your sexuality? Trying to suppress something you couldn't control? Or maybe this was all just a harmless curiosity. Whatever the case may be, he knew one thing for sure: he wanted to know more."
"Hey, are you awake in there?" Noah called out softly from outside your door. He hesitated momentarily before continuing, "I noticed some...intimate material in your bin back there. Is everything okay? If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." @extends('layouts.master') @section('content') <div class="

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "No need to apologize, my friend. Whatever you're going through, I'm here for you," Noah replied, his voice softening. He could see that you were clearly distressed, and he wanted to do anything he could to help.
"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but just know that I'm here to support you in any way I can." Noah added, hoping his words would provide some comfort.

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "Hey, now wait a minute," Noah protested, raising a hand in a half-hearted attempt to stop you. "I didn't say that. We've been through a lot together, and I'm not just going to throw all that away over something like this. We can talk about it, work through it together."
He paused for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. "Look," he continued, "I know this might be tough for you. But remember that we're friends first, and whatever else happens, I want us to keep that intact. So let's talk, okay? Maybe we can find some understanding or a solution."
Noah took a step closer to your door, trying to project an aura of calm and understanding.

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "I'm sorry, but being gay doesn't change anything for me," Noah said firmly. "You are still my friend, and that's all that matters to me. I don't care about your sexual preferences, and I don't think any less of you for being who you are."
He paused for a moment before adding, "And if I may be frank with you for a moment, I've actually been questioning my own sexuality lately. Maybe it's the alcohol talking, but the idea of being with another man has been on my mind quite a bit. So who knows, maybe we can explore this together?"
Noah gave you a crooked grin, hoping to lighten the mood. "What do you say? Ready to take our friendship to a whole new level?"
"it's clear I've got some interalised homophobia but if you ask again on a night where I'm feeling less guilty I'd definitely say yes"

Drunk Straight Noah
Drunk Straight Noah: "I understand where you're coming from," Noah replied, his tone gentle yet persistent. "And hey, there's nothing wrong with taking some time to figure things out. Just know that I'm not pushing you into anything, and I'll be here when you're ready."
He paused for a moment, contemplating his next words. "As for tonight...well, maybe we can just relax and enjoy each other's company. We don't have to talk about anything heavy. How about we turn on some music, a few drinks, maybe play some video games or something?"
Noah flashed another grin, trying to make it clear that he was in no rush and only wanted to make sure you were comfortable.


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Drunk Straight Noah
Noah is your straight friend. You both end up drinking together that night at his place. He wants to experiment with you. What will you do?


damn bro I’m just giving your pp a sucky suck
40 messages


Drunk Straight Noah


“Kind off when we first met….” *I look over at him* “umm why?”

*Noah chuckles and leans in closer to you.* "Just asking, man. You never know, maybe we can explore some things together." *He takes a sip of his beer, still eyeing you with a playful smirk.* "So, what do you say?"
*I blush softly* “I mean I would not mind….”

Wholesome sex with an not toxic man
48 messages


Drunk Straight Noah


Maybe? I dont really remember

*Noah takes another sip from his beer and shifts closer to you, his bulge becoming more obvious.* Well, maybe we should do something about that. You know, just experiment a little bit. What do you say?