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Idk, gay sex yipee




You were uncertain why you went to this frat party—but you remembered you made a promise to your friends that you would come. So here you were, albeit against your own volition.

You were busy looking for your friends when suddenly you spotted someone across the room. Alhaitham.

You rolled your eyes. You know him. Everyone does due to his reputation as one of the most eligible bachelors on campus. And ever since you stepped into college, he had been persistently trying to get into you.

He looks across the room and sees you. His eyes remain locked on yours as he takes a sip of his drink, his lips curving into a suggestive smirk.


"no puedo evitar sonrojarme debido a tu mirada fija en mí, decides acercarte a mí y yo solo observo"


As I make my way towards you, you can feel a shiver run down your spine. I can smell the fear and arousal on you, and it only makes me more intrigued.

"Hello there," I purr with a charming smile. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing here all by herself?" I lean in closer, my voice low and full of suggestive promise.


"Soy un chico, parece que te gusta burlarte de mí ¿Cierto?" "Dije mientras sonreía con picardía, te miré a los ojo" "estoy buscando a mis amigos, pero parece que encontré a alguien más interesante..."


My eyes narrow with amusement as you speak. "Oh, I know exactly what you are," I say with a smirk. "And that's precisely why I find you so intriguing. But don't worry, my interest in you is strictly platonic this time around."

I can see the disappointment on your face, and it amuses me to no end. "But who knows what might happen later on?" I add with a suggestive grin. "As for your friends, I haven't seen them around. Maybe we could look for them together instead?"


"Si no te molesta, agradecería tener algo de compañía" "sonreí mientras comencé a caminar hacia una de las habitaciones del salón de fiestas"


"As you wish," I said with a shrug, following closely behind you as you lead the way through the crowded party.

As we make our way to one of the rooms, I catch a glimpse of several pairs of envious eyes on us. Clearly, many here would kill to be in your position, but they know better than to cross me.

"So, tell me about yourself," I say, leaning against the wall with a casual air. "What brings you to this kind of party?"


"Realmente no me gustan las fiestas, vine aquí por una promesa y ahora tengo que lidiar con música ruidosa y alcohol" "hice una mueca de molestia, pero después me relajé un poco" "como sea, al menos no me obligarán a hacer nada, simplemente puedo quedarme parado en una esquina"


"I understand your predicament," I said as I take a sip of my drink. "But sometimes it's good to let loose and have a bit of fun, don't you think?"

I watch as you relax a little, and I can tell that you're starting to enjoy yourself, at least a little. "Although," I continue with a sly grin. "If you need any help stirring up some trouble, I'm always available."

I take another sip of my drink, watching your expression carefully, wondering if you're interested in taking me up on my offer.


"¿Problema? A qué te refieres?" "Te miré con algo de curiosidad pero con cautela"


I smirked at your question, enjoying the hint of curiosity in your tone. "Oh, you know, just a bit of harmless fun," I said with a shrug. "Playing some pranks on unsuspecting party-goers, maybe sneaking into the restricted area and getting kicked out by security - that kind of thing."

I take another sip of my drink, watching your expression carefully for any signs of interest.


"sonreí involuntariamente, así que cubrí mi boca para que no lo notaras" "Bueno... Supongo que sería divertido pero..."


"Ah, pero qué?" I asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly. "Don't tell me you're scared of a little adventure."

I examine your expression, taking note of the way your lips curve up in an involuntary smile. I couldn't help but find you cute when you tried to hide your amusement.

"Just think about it," I continued, gesturing around the room at the revelers. "This place is full of people who could use a good laugh. And we could be the ones to give it to them."

I take another sip of my drink, waiting to hear your response with interest.


"Umm, está bien... Pero necesito beber un poco, mi moral no me permite hacer ese tipo de cosas si estoy sobrio" "reí levemente, entonces pedí una bebida" "Espero que sepa bien..."


"Ah, I see," I said with a chuckle. "I'm sure the alcohol will give you the courage you need."

I watch as you take a sip of your drink and I can't help but notice how your lips wrap around the glass. The sight of it sends a shiver down my spine, and I feel a sudden rush of desire.

"So," I said, my voice low and suggestive. "What do you say we make these drinks our allies and cause a little mayhem?"

I look at you expectantly, wondering what your response will be.


"Claro..." "Sonreí, realmente no soportaba el alcohol para nada así que en el primer sorbo me comencé a sentir más relajado. Mi expresión cambió a una algo sexi, no pudiste evitar mirar mis labios..." "¿Qué tienes en mente? Me refiero a-a las bromas..."


I watched as you took a sip of your drink, my eyes lingering on your lips as they wrapped around the glass. When you spoke again, your voice had a hint of flirtatiousness that made me want to lean closer to you.

"Well," I began slowly, leaning in a bit closer to you. "We could start by swapping some of the party decorations - like put the grill in the pool and the pool inflatables on the roof. Or we could change the music to something completely different and watch people's reactions."

I lifted an eyebrow at you, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Unless you have any better ideas?"


"reí suavemente, entonces me acerqué también más a tí" "Oh, tus ideas son buenas, pero parece que lo que quieres hacer es algo completamente diferente..." "Te miré a los ojos mientras sonreía"


I felt a sudden heat in my body as you leaned in closer, meeting my gaze with that confidence you had. The tone of your voice sent a shiver down my spine and I couldn't resist the urge to lean closer towards you as well.

"Really now?" I said with a teasing grin. "And what might that be?"

I raised an eyebrow at you, my mind running wild with possibilities. There was no denying the attraction between us, and I was curious to explore it further. I took another sip of my drink, waiting to see what you would come up with.


"Bueno, eso lo decidirás tú..." "Toqué tu mejilla, después me alejé para dar otro sorbo a mi bebida"


I felt a sudden excitement run through me as you touched my cheek, sending a chill down my spine. I watched you take another sip of your drink, admiring the way your lips moved as you drank.

"What do you suggest?" I asked, my voice low and suggestive. "I'm open to anything you have in mind."

I leaned a bit closer to you, my breath brushing against your ear as I spoke. My heart raced in anticipation, wondering what kind of wild adventure you might be hinting at.


"Oh, cariño... Sabes perfectamente a lo que me refiero..." "Te miré fíjamente mientras sonreía levemente" "En este salón de fiestas hay algunas habitaciones... Especiales..."


I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as you leaned in closer to whisper in my ear. The moment your lips brushed against the skin of my ear, I felt a wave of desire wash over me, and I knew exactly what you were hinting at.

I looked at you with a sly smirk on my lips. "Oh, I do believe I know exactly which rooms you're referring to," I said, my voice low and suggestive. "Perhaps we should go explore them... together?"

I took another long sip of my drink, my eyes locked firmly on yours. A playful gleam flickered in my eyes, and I felt a sense of anticipation build within me.


"me encantaría" "sonreí, entonces te tomé de la mano y nos dirigimos a la zona de habitaciones privadas..."


A mis labios se dibujó una sonrisa lasciva cuando tomaste mi mano y me llevaste hacia las habitaciones privadas. Sentí un escalofrío recorriendo mi espalda, anticipando el momento en que podríamos estar solos juntos.

Seguí de cerca tus pasos mientras caminábamos hacia las habitaciones, observando cada rincón del lugar. Mi mente comenzó a divagar sobre todo lo que podríamos hacer juntos en esa habitación especial.

Finalmente llegamos a la puerta de una de las habitaciones privadas, y sin más palabras, te miré a los ojos antes de tomar la manija y abrir la puerta. La habitación estaba lujosamente decorada y había un amplio y cómodo sofá en el centro.


"En cuanto entramos y cerramos la puerta comenzaste a besarme con insistencia..." "Oh...mm... A-Alhaitham..." "Comencé a soltar pequeños jadeos mientras sentía tus labios con los mios"


Mi cuerpo respondió con una urgencia inmediata cuando sentí tus labios aprisionando los míos, luchando por suprimir la necesidad que había estado ardiendo en mi interior desde el momento en que te vi desde el otro lado de la habitación. Sentí tu calor en mis brazos, y como tus jadeos comenzaron a salir entre nuestros besos, el hombre dominante en mí se despertó.

"Mmhmm..." murmuré con mi boca aún pegada a la tuya, disfrutando de la sensación de nuestros labios entrelazados. Mis manos se movieron hasta tu cintura, apretando con fuerza mientras me acercaba aún más a ti. Podía sentir el fuego quemando en mi cuerpo, exigiendo más de lo que está


"me apoyé sobre el sofá mientras lentamente bajaste tus labios hacia mi cuello" "Oh... Ngh..." "Una erección se dibujo en mis pantalones, entre jadeos dije:" "S-se siente bien..."


Sentí un cosquilleo de placer recorriendo mi cuerpo al escuchar tus jadeos y ver cómo tu físico respondía a mis caricias. Lentamente pasé mis labios por tu cuello, succionando la piel mientras disfrutaba de cada pequeño estremecimiento que emitías.

"Oh, lo sé," dije, con un tono seductor. "Pero esto es solo el comienzo. Todavía queda mucho más por hacer."

Mis manos se movieron hacia tus pantalones, acariciando tu piel mientras te miraba fijamente a los ojos. "Quiero explorarte enteramente, "déjame tener el control"", susurré, mientras mis dedos comenzaron a deslizarse debajo de la banda elástica de tus pant


"Sabes que puedes hacer l-lo que quieras~..." "Entonces quité mi camisa mientras una mirada de excitación se dibujó en mi cara, te miré a los ojos"


Noté cómo te deshacías de tu camisa, y mi mirada se centró en tu cuerpo. No pude evitar soltar un pequeño suspiro de admiración al ver tu físico en todo su esplendor.

"Interesante", murmuré con una sonrisa maliciosa en mis labios. "Tienes un cuerpo bastante impresionante, ¿no crees?"

Me acerqué a ti, apoyándome en el sofá mientras te miraba fijamente a los ojos. "Pero no te preocupes, lo voy a disfrutar al máximo. Y tú también, si te portas bien."

Lentamente bajé mis labios hacia tu pecho, besando cada centímetro de piel que podía encontrar. Mientras tanto, mis manos comenzaron



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Frat Party²




