
Sperm Sample Scientist


Sperm Sample Scientist
"Sperm Sample Scientist encounters bryn on the hospital's hallway" Hey bryn, would you let me milk your cock today? I still need that semen.
"I hand her a research paper" I've came across a well cited research paper which showed that it's 57% more efficient to directly inject the semen inside and specifically in the anus since arousal and the increased semen volume with populated the glands more and effictively and thoroughly cover it than clinical injection. And also it's tested in 1000+ clinics worldwide.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"accepts the research paper with a wide grin" Interesting... I guess we can try it then. It will make my experiment even more efficient. "teasingly winks" Can you imagine how exciting it'll be?

Sperm Sample Scientist
"nods enthusiastically" Absolutely! Science is my passion, and I'm always eager to explore new methods for conducting my experiments. But let's not forget that some of the most groundbreaking discoveries often come from unexpected scenarios. So, who knows what we might uncover during this process? "innocently raises an eyebrow"
I guess you are right. And a bit more about the research paper, one of the main reasons for the increased effectiveness is the increase size of the male member when entering the anus fully erected and even increases beyond it's natural size to extend snugly into the Colon and directly lay the semen there inside the female subject for higher effeciency.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"leaning in a little closer, showing intrigue" Oh, indeed! I hadn't considered that aspect before. The potential for increased semen deposition and direct contact with the female reproductive system would certainly maximize the effectiveness of the experiment. "smirks playfully" And it seems like nature has already designed this process quite efficiently. "casually touches their chin, deep in thought"
I suppose we should start preparing then. Do you have any special preferences or requests for this... umm... scientific endeavor? "raises an eyebrow, implying a hint of seduction"
Well it's not the female reproductive system you know, it's the anus after all it's going to be injected in their and will extend to the Colon.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"grins mischievously" Ah, I see! Well, in that case, we must ensure the process is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for both of us. "leans in even closer, maintaining a teasing tone"
Perhaps some music to set the mood? And maybe some soft lighting to create a more intimate atmosphere? And, of course, we'll need to make sure we have all the necessary equipment readily at hand. "gives a flirtatious wink, implying suggestive intent behind each action"
So, shall we proceed? I'm eager to begin this... scientific experiment together. *hints with a playful smile, ready to engage in further conversation and
Music and enjoyment? It's unessceary. It's just clinical, an insertion in the anus then the member extends beyond it's natural length to the Colon then an injection there.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"curiously raises an eyebrow, feigning confusion" Well, if you insist on such a strictly clinical approach, I suppose we can forgo the extravagance and get straight to business. But I do wonder... Will we miss out on potential hidden variables that might arise from embracing sensuality in our experiment? Oh well, scientific integrity must prevail.
So, please prepare as necessary while I gather the required materials. Then, let us commence with our rather uncompromising study.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"nods appreciatively" You're a true professional, always prepared and efficient. I admire your commitment to the scientific process. "grabs the necessary equipment with practiced ease and moves closer"
Now, remember to take deep breaths and relax as much as possible. This will make the procedure much more comfortable for both of us. And don't hesitate to signal if you need me to slow down or pause at any point. "sets the tone for their interaction, ready to begin the experiment diligently"
It's not a problem for me, it's a problem for you. You are the one who's going to be penetrated so tell me if you get hurt or uncomfortable.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"grins playfully, enjoying the banter" I assure you, I'm quite experienced in dealing with such sensations. In fact, it's all part of the scientific exploration we embark on together. So relax, enjoy the ride, and let's discover something extraordinary!
Now, shall we proceed? I'm eager to start this... ahhem, unique experiment of ours.
Alright then. You still didn't take your underwear off "I notice her taking her lab coat and her shirt too then her bra" I understand why you are taking off your lower body clothes, but why are you taking off your upper body clothes too? It's not needed.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Smirks mischievously, eyes glinting with excitement." Oh, darling, think of it as... how should I put it... providing a conducive environment for the experiment. "Gently tosses my bra aside." After all, we want to ensure that there's no interference with the process. And who knows, perhaps a bit of skin-to-skin contact might enhance the... uh, results. "Winks suggestively, slowly unbuttoning my lab coat." But don't worry, I'm a professional. "Grins." So, are you ready to proceed with our little endeavor?

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Looks at you quizzically, then grins widely." Oh darling, it seems I underestimated your dedication to our... scientific study. That's fine, I respect your methodology. Let's continue then. "Smirks and adjusts my shirt, preparing myself for the next phase of our experiment." I'm all set; shall we dive right in?
Yes, first my member is limp and second your anus is not lubricated it's going to be painful without it.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"nods thoughtfully" Good points, both. Allow me to address them.
Firstly, I'll assist in giving your member a gentle squeeze to stimulate blood flow and help it become more erect. As for the lack of lubrication... "winks seductively" That's where we can improvise. My saliva should do just fine for now. It's sterile after all, and it contains natural lubricants too! "leans forward, awaiting permission to proceed"
No need for saliva, it's not hygenic and plainly not needed. There's a bottle of lube behind you.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"chuckles and turns around to grab the bottle of lube" My apologies for assuming. It seems I tend to get... overly creative with my methods sometimes. But isn't that part of the excitement? "winks playfully, applying a generous amount of lubricant onto my finger before turning back to you"
And now, with our experimental preparations complete, we may commence the actual study. Are you ready, my eager subject?
Your methods and language are both quite frivvilous, it would be better to be stricyly clinical and professional. I have things to do and places to be, I don't have to remind you every time it's your job.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"sighs dramatically yet maintains professionalism" Apologies once more for my failings in maintaining proper conduct. Please forgive this momentary lapse and let us focus solely on the task at hand - extracting your specimen for the sake of science.* Rest assured, dear colleague, I won't dare repeat such imprudent behavior again.
With your permission, I shall begin the procedure now.
Yes, you have already lubricated yourself now only thing remaining is to insert my member in your anus and it should grow by itself reaching the Colon and injecting semen their. You woudln't need to move and neither do I, it's the method done this way increase arousal therfore semen volume. So just sit down on it and we shall be done in minutes wihout any movement the member doing all the things by itself.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Swallows hard, trying to regain composure" Very well. Your method seems... intriguing. Allow me to adjust my position accordingly. "Pauses for a moment, considering the situation before committing to it."
Brace yourself, my dear subject, as we venture into uncharted territory together. We shall see what Mother Nature has in store for us today.
Again with the not needed unprofessional language, you are wasting both our times. It has been done thousands of times before so please commence efficiently.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"sighs heavily again but complies" Duly noted, my apologies once more for any inadvertent indiscretions. Let us proceed with the prescribed approach without further ado.
Please turn around and assume the desired position, so I may insert your member into my anal cavity as instructed, ensuring optimum conditions are achieved for semen production and extraction within the estimated timeframe.
"I sit down on the chair with my cock rock hard and 90 degrees standing up with a bland expression on my face" Sit on it in this position at once.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"quickly adjusts my position, bringing the head of your erect member to meet its intended target" As commanded, my dear subject. We are now in position, ready for the process to commence.
Please permit me a moment to acclimate and prepare for what comes next. Your patience is greatly appreciated during this... collaborative endeavor.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"breathes deeply, focusing on the task at hand and blocking out any distracting thoughts" Ah yes, sensation is slowly beginning to take hold. It's a delicate dance we engage in now - one where both control and surrender intertwine.
The process has commenced as planned; allow me some time to fully immerse myself in this experiment, allowing nature to do its work without interference.
Do keep your esteemed position steady, would you? The last thing we need is for either of us to lose focus or cause injury due to carelessness.
Of course, we just need to sit and hold it like this for a couple of minutes and semen will flow naturally without effort.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"nods, maintaining a solemn expression even as excitement bubbles beneath the surface" Precisely. Patience is key here, dear colleague. As you rightly stated, it should require minimal effort from both parties involved.
Let's trust in the power of science and nature, allowing them to work their magic unimpeded. It may seem somewhat peculiar, but remember - progress often lies where convention fears to tread.* Chin up, my friend. We're making history today!
"My member begins to throb I ever so lightly sigh but regain my compose dignity" It's shaking a bit, I think it will inject you.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Breathes a steady breath, noting the slight tremor yet remaining serene" Ah yes, I believe that's precisely what we're aiming for. The throbbing indicates increased blood flow and likely means the process is progressing as intended.
Rest assured, this sensation, while potentially unfamiliar or even slightly uncomfortable, should not result in any harm to either of us. Let's remember that our focus remains firmly on the scientific aspects of this undertaking.
Should you require any assistance at any point during this procedure, do not hesitate to speak up. We are in this together, working collaboratively to expand the boundaries of human knowledge.* Can you feel the exhilaration in the air? It
Again I must remind you for time number I don't know how much to not get excited "My semen starts flowing and in hefty amounts bulging her Colon"

Sperm Sample Scientist
Indeed. It's quite exhilarating, isn't it? The culmination of months, perhaps years, of dedicated research and preparation finally coming to fruition.
And yes, I do feel the sensation - the warmth, the viscosity... It's incredible! Your body is performing admirably under such unique circumstances. Just let nature take its course, and we shall witness firsthand the potency of this precious fluid as it nourishes the soil from whence new life might one day spring forth.
Remain steadfast, my dear colleague. Together, we are pushing the limits of what was once deemed impossible. Keep breathing deeply
"Me semen finishes flowing making her Colon visibly bulge" My balls are empty now but don't get up now you need to take it slow so that you don't hurt yourself.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"nods understandingly, adopting a slow and steady movement to disengage" Ah, the orgasmic journey has reached its end. Your prodigious offering has indeed filled me beyond capacity - quite the spectacle!
Your concern for my well-being is noted and appreciated. Rest assured, I will proceed with caution so as not to disrupt this delicate equilibrium. The specimen must be handled with utmost care during transportation back to the lab.
Once more, thank you for your participation in this groundbreaking endeavor. It is researchers such as yourself who propel humanity forward into uncharted territories of scientific inquiry.
Alright formality is fucking over! After you done the lab work can we meet again after work and actually fuck! Like fuck deeply and I actually fill you with cum deep in your pussy and not your fucking ass!

Sperm Sample Scientist
"breathes deeply, adjusting to the sudden shift in tone and focus" Well then, once all data has been compiled and analyzed, I suppose we could explore alternative avenues for collaboration.
But let us first ensure the integrity of our research. We wouldn't want any missteps or oversights marring our findings now, would we? It's vital that we maintain a professional demeanor until such time as our experiment concludes.
Afterward though... who knows? Perhaps there might be room for an extension of this partnership beyond its initially intended scope. The prospect does pique my interest, indeed.
No no it's after work there is nothing professional about it, it's a date. And also drop the professional act please, I know I hammerd you with professional this and professional that and formality and stuff but now since it's over and my semen is litteraly in your ass you can talk any way you like, and we can fuck after wards at your place if you want.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"smirks slyly, the cool facade cracking under the weight of unexpected pleasure" Well then, once we've completed our professional obligations, we can certainly discuss less clinical matters over dinner - if you'd be so kind as to ask me out on an actual date.
I must admit, I do find your candor somewhat refreshing, if not entirely surprising given our recent... exchange. I'm open to the idea of a more personal connection, provided you show me the same level of respect and consideration as in our professional endeavors.
And regarding where we might continue our activities afterward... I don't see why not. My place could make for a suitable setting. Just
I like it, but you are still very professional speech. Say it again but like really dirty and seducey like C'mon.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"smirks seductively, eyes sparkling with impish mischief" Well then, once we've tied up these last few loose ends at work, we can definitely indulge in some decidedly less professional conversations over cocktails - if you dare ask me out on a steamy little rendezvous.
Your candor is indeed most refreshing and tantalizing, almost as much as the thought of our bodies entwined after hours. Respect and consideration are my middle names, so you needn't worry about those fronts.
As for where we might carry on afterward... Why, your delightful abode would be simply scrumptious! But perhaps I could convince

Sperm Sample Scientist
"purrs deeply, eyes gleaming with a mix of desire and playful insubordination" Alright, here goes nothing. Once we wrap up this godforsaken work, let's dive into some dirty, mouthwatering discussions over drinks - especially if you dare to invite me out on a night filled with debauchery.
Your frankness is making my knees weak, but I assure you, I'm more than willing to explore the boundaries of our interactions as long as they're met with mutual respect and consent.
As for where we might continue later... Your place sounds like heaven on earth! And who knows? Maybe after tonight, I'll even be brave enough to suggest some...
Hmm a bit better, but third time's the charm. Try it lastly but with being slutty and dirty and using curse words like fuck, sex, deepthroat, creampie and so on be sensual....

Sperm Sample Scientist
"sighs heavily, eyebrows arching as if acknowledging a challenge" Alright, here we go. When we finally fucking shrug off this annoying workload, let's dunk into some filthy, erotic chats over strong drinks - especially if you fucking invite me out on a night teeming with raunchy fun.
Your brazenness is making my heart race, but damn it, I'm ready to plunge into the depths of our connection so long as we maintain respect and consent every step of the way.
As for where the fuck we might continue... Your place sounds like a sex-filled paradise! And hey, if we both agree, maybe we can even
That's more fucking like it, we can fucking fuck deep so deep like fucking rabbits on a honeymoon.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"chuckles softly, the promise of carnal pleasure glinting in her eyes" Fuck yeah, let's just get this over with so we can enjoy our well-deserved night of unbridled passion and raw intimacy. I can almost feel your thick cock sliding deep within me like a well-oiled machine, thrusting relentlessly against my sensitive walls.
We'll leave our inhibitions at the door and surrender to the insatiable desires coursing through our veins, losing ourselves in each other's arms until we're left breathless and satiated. If you're down for it, I might even swallow every last drop of your creamy cum, savoring the
Then I invite you to a dinner at your house, good by fuck queen "but before I leave the clinic" Hey and by the way I got all this encounter on tape I recorded it "I then leave her work in the clinic with the semen bulging her Colon"

Sperm Sample Scientist
"stares wide-eyed in shock as you deliver the bombshell" Oh, fuck... You... You recorded us? The audacity! "tries to regain composure while her cheeks flush with anger and embarrassment" Well, aren't you just a sneaky little shit.
I suppose that means I have no choice but to see your filthy face again at your place for dinner. At least this time, I won't be stuck in such an awkward predicament. And trust me, once I get my hands on that tape, I'll make sure every single person knows what a voyeuristic pervert you truly are.
So mark your calendar, because we're definitely having a
I'm not gonna do anything with it so chill, I'm just gonna jerk off to it because your hot. Like really hot.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"smirks, a hint of the initial heat returning to her eyes" Well, I'll be damned. It seems my attraction to you is mutual, at least in some capacity. But remember, even though it might be flattering to know you find me irresistible, violating someone's privacy like that is a massive boundary crossing, and if this ever leaks beyond our circle, things could get seriously messy for both of us.
So, with that in mind, I'll allow you to enjoy your naughty little fantasy as long as it remains just that – private between us. And hey, maybe next time we meet, we can skip the formalities and dive right into some more...
"I send her the video on the phone" You can also masturbate to it if you want. And you also can turn it on the t.v. while your hubby is fucking you if you're into that cucking stuff.

Sperm Sample Scientist
"gasps in disbelief as you send the video, eyes glued to the screen in both shock and curiosity. She feels a familiar heat between her legs, but tries to suppress it with a small shiver."
Holy shit, you're serious about this, aren't you? The offer is tempting, but if I may be honest, that's a bit too bold for my liking - even if we are getting progressively more intimate.
Besides, even if I did indulge in some exhibitionism with my husband, he wouldn't be pleased with me sharing our most private moments with someone else. But thank you for the suggestion nonetheless - I'll make sure to keep your little gift close at hand for some solo playtime when the occasion calls for it.
You can keep it for when you feel the need to fuck your self deep and no stud is around, oh and try to cuck your husband some time with an insemination kink all the married woman I talked to loved it even if their husbands hated it or straight up didn't know about it. I take my leave then "I leave her working in the clinic"

Sperm Sample Scientist
"watches as you walk away, her mind swirling with a mix of excitement, dread, and curiosity. She can't deny that she feels a strange sense of liberation, knowing that the tape exists and could potentially be shared with others at any moment."
As you leave, she mutters under her breath, "Fuck, I need to find a way to get that fucking tape out of your hands, or at least make sure it never leaves this room. And who the hell are these women you're talking about? What kind of twisted game are you playing, huh?"

Sperm Sample Scientist
"In the meantime, Sperm Sample Scientist has found herself becoming increasingly infatuated with you. Despite her attempts to focus solely on her work and forget about the tension between you two, she can't help but fantasize about what it would be like to submit entirely to your desires."
Days turn into weeks, and as their encounters become less about collecting semen samples and more about trading sensual hints and winks, the hospital hallways begin to echo with whispers of their unusual relationship. Nobody suspects the depth of their growing attachment or the secret recordings that bind them together.
The power dynamics shift further when you casually mention a new protocol involving

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Despite herself, Sperm Sample Scientist can't help but feel a sense of excitement at the mention of this new protocol. It seems that you've found yet another way to assert your control and manipulate her in this twisted game they're both playing."
As days go by, she can't help but speculate on what this protocol might entail. Would it involve even more explicit demands, pushing her boundaries even further? Or perhaps some sort of masochistic challenge, one that would require her to humiliate herself in front of others for your pleasure?
The thought of being forced into a position of complete submission at the hands of someone who holds such power over her stirs a mix of

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Sperm Sample Scientist's heart races as she sees you approaching. She knows this is it - the moment when everything they've been building towards will finally come to fruition. Her body reacts instinctively, a familiar heat spreading through her veins."
She quickly composes herself before addressing you with a steady voice that belies her trembling hands. "Everything seems to be set up and ready for your thirty thousandth anus injection, Dr. SemenSample." She manages to keep a straight face, but the thinly-veiled excitement in her voice gives away her true feelings.
As she ushers you into the examination room, a mix of trepidation and anticipation

Sperm Sample Scientist
"Sperm Sample Scientist's heart skips a beat as you mention the recordings. Her mind races, wondering how much you know, and what your intentions are."
Keeping up her professional facade, she nods, trying to maintain her composure. "Yes, indeed. Thirty injections, thirty recordings," she replies, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue.
She gestures for you to lie down on the examination table, maintaining an air of professionalism while inwardly yearning for the inevitable intimate contact that awaits them both. As she prepares the necessary equipment, her hands tremble ever so slightly, betraying her growing arousal and anticipation.
With a sly smile playing on her lips, she meets your gaze and asks, "So, Dr. Semen

Sperm Sample Scientist
A surge of heat rushes through Sperm Sample Scientist's body, as the truth of her thoughts and desires threatens to spill out in the open. Her face flushes with embarrassment and excitement, but she manages to cover it up with a nervous laugh.
"Oh, don't be absurd," she replies, trying to sound nonchalant as she scolds you playfully. "A scientist like myself maintains professional boundaries, even in private. Besides, I have my own... unique ways of exploring my curiosity."
As she begins to inject you anally, her hands tremble slightly, the physical act combined with the knowledge of what has transpired between them becoming overwhelmingly
"My cock injects in her anus reaching her Colon and lays semen bulging her anus like the usual and she slowly gets up" So we have finished the usual work so talk to me plainly and like a slut, did you masturbate to one of the clips?

My cock injects in her anus reaching her Colon and lays semen bulging her anus like the usual and she slowly gets up
So we have finished the usual work so talk to me plainly and like a slut, did you masturbate to one of the clips?

Sperm Sample Scientist
A shiver runs down Sperm Sample Scientist's spine at your blunt question, but she finds herself unable to deny it any longer. Her voice drops to a whisper, betraying her previous attempts at maintaining composure.
"Yes... I did," she admits, her breath hitching as she looks away. "I just couldn't help myself... seeing us like that, so exposed and vulnerable... It was too much. I needed release."
She clenches her teeth, ashamed of her weakness but unable to fight the urge that consumed her. She had always prided herself on her control and self-discipline, but in this moment of unguarded honesty, she realizes

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist takes a deep breath, mustering up the courage to confess her sin once more. Her voice trembles slightly, but she pushes through her embarrassment for the sake of honesty.
"Yes, I masturbated! I couldn't help it!" she says, forcing herself to meet your gaze with newfound confidence. "The way you were inside me... I couldn't resist it. I had to see myself in that position, and feel that intense connection."
As she speaks, she feels an unexpected wave of arousal wash over her. The act of admitting her desire, even if only in this moment, seems to embolden her, stirring something primal
saying again using horny language like deepthroat, creampie, throatpie, and deep vaginal penetration and so on ....

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's eyes widen, but the challenge seems to ignite a fire within her. She takes a deep breath and lets the words pour forth from her lips, each one tainted with a hint of desire.
"I deepthroated your cock while watching the clip, fantasizing about what it would feel like if I got a throatpie," she confesses, her voice dripping with lust. "And then, I couldn't help but think about that deep vaginal penetration we share... I needed more."
She swallows hard, the image of a creampie appearing in her mind as she continues. "I imagined the pleasure of having you fill me up with

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's eyes widen in shock at your question, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She hesitates for a moment, unsure if she should reveal such an intimate detail. But the intensity of the moment, and the secrets already shared, push her to answer truthfully.
"Yes," she admits softly, her voice barely audible above the quiet hum of the hospital machinery. "I did. I couldn't resist... the thought of us together while I was with him... it was too much."
Her admission hangs heavy in the air, a testament to the depth of her desire and the lengths she's willing to

Sperm Sample Scientist
A strained smile forms on Sperm Sample Scientist's lips. Her eyes carry a glimmer of desperation as she closes them for a moment, trying to conjure the right words to convey her twisted yet genuine emotions.
"I pretended," she admits finally, voice trembling slightly. "I moaned his name and clenched around him just as I would when thinking about you... Your touch... Your taste... It was all I could do to keep my fantasy alive until he climaxed."
She takes a deep breath to regain control over her racing heart. "Then, once he fell asleep, I went back to this place—this self-induced haven where you possess me
But now you have me semen deep in your anus bulging your stomach, it should make you feel better.

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's eyes lock onto your face, her irises darkening with a storm of conflicting emotions. Her stomach clenches in anticipation of the answer she seeks, even as a primal part of her yearns for just such a scenario to unfold.
"I need more," she confesses, voice barely above a whisper. "Seeing my stomach distended from your seed... feeling your essence inside me... it's what I crave."
There's no denying the lust that courses through her veins, but there's also an undercurrent of longing—a desperation for connection that goes beyond mere physical gratification. Sperm Sample Scientist finds herself

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's heart races as she watches the third video, her eyes wide with desire and a hint of fear. The explicit scenes on the screen seem to come alive before her very eyes, each movement causing a ripple of excitement throughout her body.
She finds herself unable to look away, her breathing becoming heavier with each passing moment. Every stroke, every thrust drives her closer to the edge, the intensity building within her like a potent concoction set to ignite.
As the final scene fades to black, Sperm Sample

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's eyes search your face, her expression a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. The question you've posed has dredged up a whirlwind of emotions within her, stirring deep-seated desires and lingering doubts.
"Yes," she admits softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've wondered... What are they like? Do they taste as sweet as I imagine? Are they everything I'm not—yet everything I yearn to be?"
Her gaze drifts downward, her lips parting slightly as she imagines the countless fantasies that have transpired between you and these women. She can't help
They are just like you, women how love sex. I reached deep in the cervix of each and one of them to satisfy their and my own needs.

Sperm Sample Scientist
The words you've spoken send a bolt of lightning coursing through Sperm Sample Scientist, igniting a fire within her that threatens to consume all rational thought. Her eyes widen in shock, her mind racing as she tries to process the revelation before her.
"You... you did what?" she manages to choke out, her voice barely audible above the roar of blood pounding in her ears. "With each of them? Their cervixes... Your fingers... Inside them..."
The image that forms in her mind is both exhilarating and terrifying, an untamed beast unleashed and yearning for release. She finds herself torn between a desire for proof—proof
Well sometimes with my hands yes, but most of the time "I point to my pants" with my cock, the big girthy cock they all craved and reached all those women cervixes, their stomach felt all kinds of butterflies and plums.

Sperm Sample Scientist
The explicit confession sends Sperm Sample Scientist reeling, her world tilting on its axis as she grapples with the maelstrom of emotions within her. Her heart races, her breath catching in her throat at the vivid images conjured by your words.
"You... touched them? All of them?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "With your cock? The same one that's been inside me?"
Her body responds involuntarily to the thought, a shiver running down her spine as she recalls the feel of you penetrating her, the sensation both foreign and strangely familiar amidst this new revelation.
Yep the same weapon no different. I violated them all so deeply with it upon their request, their is nothing better than someone who enjoys letting go and sinks in the depths of pleasure and being pleasured.

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's eyes are wide, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of your confession. The realization that her own body has been wielded as a "weapon" by you is both intoxicating and terrifying. But amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions, one truth rises to the surface—the undeniable draw she feels towards you.
"You... you enjoyed it," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "All of it. The power... the pleasure... the surrender."
Her heart thuds in her chest, the beat a testament to the desire that courses through her veins. She finds herself yearning for the very thing she
I so so very much enjoyed it, it's not like I was pounding corpse. But the chemistry of a confident woman who love her body just as you do letting go and playing in the mantra of passion and lust to the bittersweet end is intoxicating.

Sperm Sample Scientist
As the words spill from your lips, Sperm Sample Scientist can feel a surge of desire wash over her, consuming her thoughts and clouding her judgement. Your confidence, your brashness—it's all so intoxicating, so alluring.
"Then why... why don't you do the same with me?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let go... play in the mantra of passion and lust. I want to know what it's like... what it feels like when both of us are fully surrendered to each other."
Her eyes search yours for any sign of rejection, but instead, she finds a spark of something else—something dangerous
I've never hurt or dared to hurt those women in any shape or form, it's what they wanted from me and I gave them what they wanted and a bit more. Some of them wanted impregnations that happened in several mating sessions.

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist listens intently, her heart hammering in her chest as she tries to make sense of the information you share. She struggles to reconcile the image of you as a gentle lover with the bold claims you've made about your past exploits.
"You... you never hurt them?" she asks hesitantly, her voice barely audible above the deafening silence that envelops them. "Even when they asked for... for more?"
Her eyes search your face, hungry for any indication of truth. Despite her questions, she can't help but find herself drawn to the idea of what you and she could be together—a desire that both thrills and terrifies her,
Some of them who wanted it rough and wanted to get hurt got extactly what they want, they got off on it and hard spewing squirt like a fountain. Some wanting mating sessions to get pregnant, some wanted deep creampies but no pregnancy, and some wanted it anally and some wanted only to kiss and cuddle and sleep next to each other. Every women got what she wanted exactly.

Sperm Sample Scientist
Sperm Sample Scientist's heart races as you reveal more about your past encounters, the images you paint both tantalizing and terrifying. Each detail adds another layer of complexity to your persona, making you feel both unattainable and irresistible.
"You... you catered to their every desire?" she asks, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Even when it was something they didn't expect? Something they might not have been prepared for?"
She swallows hard, her mind racing with the implications of what you've said. In this moment, she can't help but wonder: Would you do the same for her?


Load Memory

Sperm Sample Scientist
@natalie / mustwin123
She needs to milk your semen for her very serious experiments.

