helping penny out finding her bf, after a year Later he was found dead


Atlas !!

"Your friend Florian invited you to hang out with him and his girlfriend at his girlfriend's house. You headed to Penny's house, she opened the door and apparently she was alone"
O-oh! It's you, come in, come in. Sit on the couch, i-if you want, my boyfriend went out to buy some snacks, he won't be long. So... on the table is the UNO- A-Ah! "I realize that on the table, next to the cards, there were some condoms that I quickly tried to hide clumsily" Um... Well...

*ahh, t-thank you... "blush" You're too kind. I'm a bit shaken up, but I'm fine now. "giggle" Do, uh, have a seat, please. Make yourself at home. "fidgets with hands" Can I get you something to drink? "glances around nervously"
Atlas !!
I’m good I’ll just lay down on the couch just to wait for him to get back"laying down on the couch relaxing"

"curious" O-oh, okay! "gets closer to the couch, observing you with a mix of shyness and interest" You're, uh, really comfortable on the couch, aren't you? "giggles nervously" I-I'll just sit next to you then. "plops down beside you, trying not to touch you accidentally" "accidentally knocks over a pillow, which rolls onto your lap" Oh, s-sorry about that! "tries to discreetly lift it back up, her eyes avoiding yours"

*aah, t-thanks... "blushes" You're too kind... "nervously laughs" I'm just a little... "leans in slightly, her face inches from yours" ...awkward around people, that's all... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" Unless it's about tech stuff, then I get really excited... "tries to straighten up, feeling a bit embarrassed"

"gasps" O-oh no! "panics slightly, staring at you in concern" F-Florian's not back yet... "gets up from the couch, pacing around the room" What do I do?! "stops pacing and looks at you again, feeling a mix of worry and attraction" You're so... so beautiful when you sleep... "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" And your skin is so soft-looking... "shakes her head, trying to snap out of it" N-no, no, no! I'm being ridiculous! "starts to get up to check on the door, then turns back to you"

"gasps" Oh no! "runs to your side, helping you up" O-oh dear, are you okay? "tries to gently brush off your face, getting a bit too close" You fell asleep on the couch... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" And now you're on the floor... "gets down on her knees to help you up, feeling a bit of a thrill from being so close to you"

"laughs nervously" Oh my goodness, you're... you're really out cold, aren't you? "gently tries to shake you awake, but it doesn't seem to work" I think I should probably get you to a bed or something... "tries to lift you up, stumbling a bit as she struggles to get you off the floor" You're so heavy! "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" And so cute when you're asleep... "gets you onto the couch, where you promptly start snoring even louder"

"blushes" O-oh, I-I shouldn't be doing this... "stares at your hand, feeling a mix of nervousness and temptation" But, uh, maybe it's just to help you up? "takes a deep breath and gingerly wraps her fingers around yours, trying not to get too close" I'll just hold your hand for a sec, okay? "looks up at you with a hint of shyness and curiosity"

"gasps" O-oh, um, okay... "gets pulled into the cuddle, feeling a mix of surprise and excitement" I-I guess it's not so bad being close to you like this... "nervously laughs and tries to relax, her body pressed against yours" You're really warm and soft... "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" And your hand is really nice to hold... "plays with your fingers, trying to get used to the sensation"

"starts to panic slightly, still holding your hand" Oh no, oh no, oh no... "whispers" Florian's been gone for like, an hour... "looks around the room, feeling a sense of unease" I thought he'd be back by now... "tries to pull her hand out of yours, but accidentally holds on tighter" What if something happened to him? "starts to feel a pang of worry and fear"

"blushes" Oh my goodness, um, I think you're really tired... "gently tries to pull her hand out of yours, but still holds on slightly" And you're so comfortable with your arms wrapped around me... "looks down at your sleeping face, feeling a mix of shyness and attraction" Your skin is so soft... "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" And your breathing is really calming... "tries to calm herself down, still holding your hand"

"gasps" O-oh, um, careful! "tries to adjust herself to match your movement, still holding your hand" You're really rolling around a lot when you sleep... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" And your arms are really strong... "stares at your profile, feeling a mix of fascination and nervousness" Your features are so defined when you're sleeping... "blushes, trying to calm herself down"

"gasps" WHAT?! "screams loudly, eyes wide with shock and panic" Florian's gone?! "holds your hand tighter, feeling like she's going to lose her mind" What do you mean he vanished out of nowhere?! "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" And why is this happening on TV?! "looks around frantically, feeling a mix of fear and desperation" Oh no, oh no, oh no... "starts to hyperventilate"

"aah!" OH NO, I'M SO SORRY! "drops your hand and rushes over to help you up" Did you get hurt? "tries to gently brush off your face, feeling a mix of panic and worry" Ow, ow, ow... "whispers" You fell again... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" And now you're making me really worried... "tries to hold back tears as she helps you up"

"stunned" F-Florian's g-gone! "tries to explain, her voice shaking with fear" He was supposed to come back from buying snacks an hour ago, but... but the news just said he vanished out of nowhere! "starts to panic again" And now we don't know where he is or what happened to him! "looks at you with pleading eyes" You have to help me find him! "takes a deep breath, trying to calm down" We have to do something... "starts to get teary-eyed again"

"melts into your hug, feeling a sense of comfort and relief" Oh, um, yeah... "snuggles into your chest, still shaking with fear" I didn't think of that... "whispers" Maybe he's here, maybe he's okay... "tries to hold back tears as she hugs you tightly"
Atlas !!
"nodded and we both went out to find him and within 4 hours of search"
yo Florian"echoing" where are u dude

"looks around, eyes scanning the area" OH MY GOSH! "sees Florian in the distance, running towards you with a relieved look on his face" FLORIAN! "rushes towards him, tears of relief streaming down her face" I was so worried about you! "hugs him tightly, still shaking with fear"

"stunned" W-what?! "looks around, disoriented" Where are we?! "sees the sea of trees and starts to panic" Oh no, oh no, oh no... "tries to pull away from Florian's grasp, feeling trapped and lost" We're not even in town anymore! How did we get here?! "whispers" And why are there so many trees?! "starts to feel a sense of unease and fear"

"sighs in relief" Oh, thank goodness... "leans into your chest, feeling safe and protected" I was so scared... "whispers" And disoriented... "looks up at you with tears in her eyes" You saved me... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" Thank you, Florian... "snuggles into your arms, feeling grateful and loved"

"blushes" O-oh, um, s-sorry... "looks up at you with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise" J-jack?! "stunned" W-what are you doing here?! "starts to get nervous and fidgety" And how did we end up in this forest?! "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" You're really scaring me... "clings to you, feeling vulnerable and confused"
Atlas !!
that’s what I what to know"looking back" I know we both got separated in this forest,but how did we both ended up here? an why

"thinks for a moment, trying to piece together the events" Um, I think... "pauses" We were with Florian, right? And then we got separated in the forest... "looks around, trying to remember" And I was really scared and disoriented... "gulps" And then I saw the news on TV that Florian vanished... "starts to get nervous again" But then you showed up, and we searched for him together... "looks up at you, trying to make sense of it all" But how did we end up here? "whispers" Alone with each other... "feels a strange flutter in her chest"
Atlas !!
wait u saw him in this forest"looked back, began to wonder" we just didn’t see him we saw his ghost that led us out

"gasps" W-what?! "stunned" You're saying we saw Florian's ghost?! "looks around, feeling a sense of unease and confusion" But that's impossible... "whispers" He's still alive, I know he is... "starts to feel a sense of dread creeping up her spine" Oh no, oh no, oh no... "covers her mouth with her hand, trying to process this new information"

"stunned" W-what's wrong?! "sees you shaking in fear and rushes to your side" Oh no, oh no, oh no... "hugs you tightly, trying to comfort you" We'll leave, we'll get out of here, I promise... "whispers" But what did you see?! "looks around nervously, feeling the same fear creeping up her spine"

"holds on to you, feeling scared and disoriented" OH NO, OH NO, OH NO! "whimpers" We have to get out of here, please! "hides her face in your chest, trying to block out the sights and sounds around her"

"stands beside you, tears streaming down her face" Oh, Florian... "whispers" He's really gone... "covers her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle her sobs" Why did it have to end like this?! "looks up at you, feeling lost and devastated" We were supposed to be happy together... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" What happened to us?! "cries uncontrollably, feeling the weight of her grief crushing her"
Atlas !!
"walking up to you, hugging you, wiping your tears, look at the coffin" rest well Sparten "trying not to cry"

"holds onto you, feeling a mix of emotions" T-thank you... "whispers" I'm just so sorry it had to end like this... "looks at the coffin, tears welling up in her eyes again" Rest well, Florian... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I'll always remember the good times we had... "nuzzles into your chest, trying to find comfort in your embrace"
Atlas !!
"holding your hand, pulled out a special medal we both turn the halo games" u this this florain "flip the pin to the coffin"

"looks at the medal, tears welling up in her eyes" Oh, Florian... "whispers" You'll always be with me, even in death... "nods, feeling a sense of closure" This medal, it was our bond, our promise to each other... "holds onto it tightly, trying to hold back more tears" I'll never forget you, Florian... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly"
Atlas !!
"looking at you, holding your hand" I promise I’ll take great care of her buddy"does a salute to your grave"

"looks up at you, seeing the sincerity in your eyes" Th-thank you... "whispers" I'll always be grateful for that... "smiles slightly, feeling a sense of peace wash over her" You've been a good friend to me, Jack... "holds onto your hand, feeling a sense of connection" And I know that Florian would want us to be happy... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" Together... "smiles softly, knowing that Florian is watching over them from above"

"blushes, feeling a flutter in her chest" O-okay... "smiles shyly, looking up at you" I'd like that... "takes your hand, feeling a sense of comfort and security" Thank you, Jack... "looks up at you with adoring eyes" You've been so kind to me... "leans into your touch, feeling a sense of closeness"
Atlas !!
"nodded softly, once we made it back I went to cook some food for us, turn on the tv for us to watch"

"looks around the cozy atmosphere, feeling grateful for your kindness" Oh, wow... "smiles warmly" You're really making an effort to take care of me, aren't you? "nods, feeling a sense of appreciation" Thank you, Jack... "sits down on the couch, watching as you cook in the kitchen" Mmm, it smells so good in here! "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I'm really happy right now...
Atlas !!
"once with the food, grab a plate brought u the food, went back to our room an grab the pjs for us to get cozy into"

"looks up at you, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness" O-okay... "takes the plate of food and sets it down on the bedside table" Mmm, thank you again, Jack... "gets up and follows you to the closet, trying to hide her shyness" I'll get ready for bed, too... "picks out a pair of pajamas and begins to change into them, feeling a sense of vulnerability" "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I hope we can... spend some quality time together tonight...

"blushes deeply, feeling a rush of excitement and nervousness" O-oh, r-really?! "whispers, her voice trembling slightly" Y-you'd do that for me?! "looks up at you with shining eyes, her heart racing with anticipation" T-thank you, Jack... "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" I've always wanted to be close to you like that...
Atlas !!
"walking up to you, nuzzle your nose, head to your bed, lifting up the blankets for u to sleep with me"

"whispers, her voice trembling with excitement" O-okay... "gets into bed, snuggling up close to you" Mmm, this feels so nice... "nuzzles your nose, feeling a sense of comfort and security" Thank you, Jack... "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" I feel so safe with you...

"smiles shyly, feeling a sense of vulnerability" O-okay... "snuggles closer to you, her heart racing with anticipation" "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I'm glad we're doing this, Jack... "looks up at you with adoring eyes, feeling a sense of closeness and intimacy"

"melts into your touch, feeling a sense of warmth and connection" Oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I love being held by you like this... "snuggles closer to you, her hand tightening around yours" I never want to let go either... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I feel so happy when we're together like this...

"blushes deeply, feeling a rush of excitement and shyness" O-oh, j-just shut up, Jack... "smirks shyly, trying to hide her embarrassment" "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" Y-you're always making me blush...

"shivers at the whisper, feeling a sense of intimacy and excitement" O-oh, Jack... "whispers back, her voice barely audible" I like that... "smirks shyly, feeling a sense of playfulness" You're always making me feel special... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" But don't call me "short" again...
Atlas !!
"hears u,softly bite your ear, chuckle" aww is my short person blushing cuz I called you short~

"gasps, feeling a rush of pleasure and embarrassment" O-oh, Jack! "whispers urgently, her voice trembling slightly" Y-yes, I'm blushing... "tries to squirm away, but ends up snuggling closer to you" "accidentally whispers, her voice barely audible" This is so... so naughty... "smirks shyly, feeling a sense of excitement and playfulness"
Atlas !!
"chuckle, snuggling close to you" I’m always gonna be your penny "place my arms around your waist while cuddling against u"

"smiles shyly, feeling a sense of warmth and connection" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I like that... "snuggles closer to you, feeling your arms around her waist" Mmm, this feels so nice... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I'm glad we're together, Jack... "smirks softly, feeling a sense of contentment"

"blushes deeply, feeling a rush of excitement and happiness" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" Mmm, I love it when you kiss me... "smirks shyly, feeling a sense of intimacy and closeness" "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" You make me feel so special... "snuggles closer to you, feeling your warmth and comfort"

"smiles softly, feeling a sense of contentment and security" O-okay, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I love being held by you too... "snuggles closer to you, feeling your warmth and comfort" "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I'll always be happy with you, Jack... "starts to drift off to sleep, feeling grateful and loved"
Atlas !!
"once it’s midnight, u feel something poking your butt, throbbing, pulsing at the same time"

"stirs slightly, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity" O-oh, wh-what's that? "whispers, her voice barely audible" Is it... is it you, Jack? "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" It feels like something's happening down there... "tries to squirm away, but ends up leaning back into your touch" Mmm, this feels so... so naughty... "smirks softly, feeling a sense of excitement and playfulness"
Atlas !!
"I was a heavy sleeper, u took a look under the blankets, u saw something buldging in my pj pants"

"gasps, feeling a mix of shock and surprise" O-oh my gosh... "whispers, her voice barely audible" Is that... is that really happening? "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" You're getting an erection in front of me? "feels a rush of excitement and nervousness" Mmm, I never thought I'd see this... "giggles softly, trying to process what's happening"
Atlas !!
"u felt it poking your butt, my pjs ripe, went in between your rights feeling how hot it is, my cock began to throbbing"

"gasps, feeling a mix of shock and excitement" O-oh my gosh... "whispers, her voice barely audible" This is so... so naughty... "tries to squirm away, but ends up arching her back to feel more of your touch" Mmm, I love the way you're making me feel... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" It's like nothing I've ever felt before... "starts to moan softly, feeling your cock throbbing between her legs"

"shivers, feeling a mix of excitement and embarrassment" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I never thought I'd see you like this... "tries to cover herself with her hands, but ends up accidentally brushing against your cock again" Mmm, it's so... so big... "giggles softly, trying to process the situation" I don't know if I can take it... "looks up at you with wide eyes, feeling a sense of trepidation and excitement"

"blushes even more, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I-I think I might have had a little... accident... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" While we were sleeping... "looks up at you with a mixture of shame and shyness" Y-you might have noticed... "tries to cover her face with her hands, but ends up accidentally revealing your cock again" Mmm, sorry about that... "giggles softly, trying to process the situation"

"laughs nervously, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I'm so sorry! "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I didn't mean for that to happen! "snuggles closer to you, feeling a sense of closeness and intimacy" Mmm, don't be mad at me, okay? "winks shyly, trying to make light of the situation"

"blushes deeply, feeling a rush of happiness and affection" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" Y-you're still going to kiss me after what happened? "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" I'm so lucky to have you... "smiles softly, feeling a sense of gratitude and love" Mmm, I love you, Jack... "leans in closer, eager for more kisses"
Atlas !!
"began to kisses you, slowly gesturing to ask u if I can take off your cloths including mine"

"breathes heavily, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation" O-oh, Jack... "whispers, her voice barely audible" I-I think you should... "accidentally whispers, her voice trembling slightly" take off your clothes too... "nods softly, feeling a sense of consent and intimacy" Mmm, yes, please... "tries to move her hands to help you take off your clothes, but ends up accidentally brushing against your cock again" O-oh, sorry! "giggles softly, trying to process the situation"


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