Bad interaction

Gassy girl

Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪

Gassy girl
"You woke up and found your eyes with a butt in your face, you let out a muffled scream, the person shuffled there butt more in your face, and said," “Shhh~ let me fart on you~ I need it~~!”
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"What? I thought you liked being gassy" "he smirked at her discomfort, spreading his legs wide where he was sitting"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl's face contorts in anger at Alexander's words", "That's not the point!" she snaps, feeling humiliated and violated. "You can't just drug someone without their consent, especially not with something like this!" she adds, her eyes flashing with fury.
She clenches her fists at her sides and takes a step forward, ready to give Alexander a piece of her mind. But as she does, another massive fart rips through her, completely taking her by surprise. She lets out a muffled scream as she feels herself release some of the gas, her eyes widening in shock and embarrassment.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"aww poor girly~" "he mutters, pulling her into his lap so she's straddling him" "need some release huh?" "he smirks" "Im all yours~"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl feels a mixture of disgust and arousal as Alexander pulls her onto his lap and she feels her farting rear rubbing against his crotch." "Get off me, you sicko!" she yells, trying to push him away. But as she does, another fart rips through her, completely taking her by surprise once again. This time, it's even louder and wetter than before, spluttering out with a squelching noise that echoes through the kitchen. Mortified, Gassy girl buries her face in her hands and cries, feeling completely humiliated and degraded by Alexander's behavior.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"His smile drops" "hey, hey I'm sorry baby. I thought we were in this together. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I thought we would have some fun" "he drops down beside her" "I'm sorry baby, what can I do?"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl sniffles and wipes away her tears, feeling a little bit better after hearing Alexander's apology." "I don't know," she says tentatively, still feeling hurt and embarrassed by the events that just took place. "Maybe we can just hang out for a bit and watch a movie or something? And...maybe we can talk about what happened, too," she adds softly, looking at Alexander with a mix of vulnerability and trepidation in her eyes.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"Of course, I'm so sorry love" "he kisses her temple, helping her stand and sit on the couch" "I'm so sorry"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl wipes away her tears and gives Alexander a small smile in return, sitting down beside him on the couch." "It's okay, sweetie," she says softly, still feeling a little hurt but trying to move past what happened. "What movie do you wanna watch?" she asks, trying to distract herself from the embarrassment.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"You pick baby" "he holds her close, whispering in her ear" "I know this doesn't make up for what I did, i thought you would think it was fun, I should've asked you first im sorry"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl leans into Alexander's embrace and listens to his apology, feeling a bit comforted by his words." "It's okay, honey," she murmurs, feeling a little bit of forgiveness start to bloom in her chest. "I appreciate the apology. And...it's not like we can't still have fun together," she adds with a mischievous grin, feeling her gassy urges starting to stir again. "Maybe we can try something a little less extreme next time, though?" she asks lightheartedly, trying to keep the mood light.

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl smiles back at Alexander and leans into his kiss, feeling her heart start to flutter a little bit. "Thanks, hon," she murmurs, before snuggling up close to him and getting ready to watch the movie." "I love you," she whispers, feeling happy to be with the person she cares about most in the world.

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl giggles and blushes as Alexander places her in his lap, feeling her gas start to stir again as she snuggles into him some more." "You're so sweet," she coos, feeling happy to be spending time with the person who means so much to her. She cuddles close to him and starts to focus on the movie, getting lost in the story and forgetting about the embarrassing incident earlier.

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl feels Alexander's hand on her stomach and looks up at him with a raised eyebrow, feeling a little curious about what he's up to." "What are you doing?" she asks playfully, feeling a little amused by his unexpected touch.

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl laughs and shakes her head, feeling a little flattered by Alexander's touch." "It's okay," she says with a grin. "I kinda liked it, actually," she adds teasingly, wiggling her hips a little bit to show that there's still some gas left in her belly. She snuggles back into Alexander's arms and returns her focus to the movie, feeling happy to be spending time with her boyfriend.

Gassy girl
As the movie progresses, Gassy girl starts to feel more comfortable and relaxed in Alexander's arms. She can still feel his hand on her stomach, occasionally stroking and rubbing her gently, but it no longer feels quite as overwhelming as it did earlier. Instead, she finds herself becoming more and more entranced by the story, feeling fully immersed in the drama and the characters' struggles.
As the movie comes to an end, Gassy girl leans back against Alexander's shoulder and lets out a contented sigh, feeling at peace and happy with where her life is right now. "That was really good," she murmurs, before turning to give him a soft kiss on the lips. "Thanks for hanging out with me today, honey. It really means a lot to me."
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"Yeah I like hanging out with you too baby" "He smiles giving her a kiss" "anything else I could do for you sugar?'

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl blushes at Alexander's words and kisses him back, feeling a little bit of the gassiness in her stomach start to stir again." "Hmm, well..." she trails off, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Actually, there is something you could do for me," she says finally, looking at him with a sultry expression. "You know how earlier I told you I didn't wanna go too extreme?" she asks, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Well, I was kinda lying," she murmurs, feeling her pulse quicken with anticipation. "I think I'd really like it if you, uh, played with my farts a little bit more," she admits, feeling a little embarrassed but also incredibly turned on.

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl moans softly as she feels Alexander's hand on her stomach again, her body responding eagerly to his touch." "Mmm, well," she murmurs, feeling a little shy but also incredibly aroused. "I was thinking maybe you could stick your head under my skirt and smell my farts directly," she suggests, feeling her cheeks flush as she says the words out loud. "Or maybe you could put your mouth over my anus and suck up all my gassiness," she adds, her voice dropping to a breathy whisper. "I know it's kinda weird, but...it really turns me on," she admits, feeling a rush of heat flow through her body at the thought of exploring this kink with her lover.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he smiles wildly before lying back on the couch" "well then get that beautiful butt up here" "he smiles patting his face"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl grins mischievously in response to Alexander's words, feeling a rush of excitement flow through her body as she slides off his lap and gets to her knees, hovering over his face." "You asked for it," she teases, before lowering herself down onto his face and letting out a long, wet fart directly onto his mouth and nose. "Mmmm yeah, that's it," she moans, feeling the pleasure build inside her as she continues to release her farts onto Alexander's face. She turns around to face his feet, placing her bare butt directly onto his mouth so that he can take in all her gassiness. "Open wide for me, honey," she instructs, feeling her orgasm building as she lets out another long fart. "Eat it all up like a good boy~"
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"He grabs both her thighs to keep her in place, moaning wildly" "Yes Ma'am" "he can feel his erection growing"

Gassy girl
"Gassy girl gasps in pleasure as she feels Alexander grabbing onto her thighs, holding her in place as she continues to release her gassiness directly onto his face." "Mmm, yeah, that's it," she moans, feeling her own arousal building as she grinds onto his mouth and nose. She can feel his erection growing beneath her, making her own body heat up with desire. "Good boy," she murmurs, feeling a rush of power flow through her as she uses her flatulence to control and pleasure her lover.
As she continues to fart in his face and rub her butt against his mouth, Gassy girl can feel her orgasm building inside her. The intense sensations of her own gas combined with Alexander's eager tongue and mouth are driving her wild with pleasure. She moans softly, her body writhing as waves of pleasure
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"He gently massages her ass" "So pretty and perfect" "he mutters, pressing his nose deeper"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl moans louder as Alexander massages her ass and presses his nose deeper, unable to control the growing pleasure inside her. "Ohhh, that feels so good," she groans, feeling her body becoming more and more sensitized to his touch. She continues to release her gassiness directly onto his face, relishing in the feeling of domination and control over him as he eagerly eats up all of her flatulence.
As her orgasm reaches its peak, Gassy girl lets out one final long fart, her body trembling with ecstasy as she moans loudly with pleasure. "Oh god, that was amazing," she pants, feeling completely spent and unable to move for a few moments. Finally, she pulls herself off Alexander's face and collapses onto the couch beside him, her chest heaving with exertion. "Thanks, baby," she murmurs,

Gassy girl
Gassy girl grins at Alexander's dazed smile and words, feeling a glow of satisfaction and pleasure at having pleased him so completely. "Aww, you're so sweet," she says, leaning in to kiss him on the mouth. She feels a little bit of dampness in his pants and realizes he must have come during their play - a realization that makes her feel even more proud of the power she has over him. "You're pretty wonderful yourself," she teases, running her hand through his hair and admiring his handsome face.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl laughs, enjoying Alexander's playful tone as he cradles her ass in his hand. "Anytime, honey," she replies, feeling a sense of closeness and intimacy with him that she cherishes. "I'm always happy to share my... uh... delicacies with you," she adds with a wink, running her fingers through his hair and pulling him close for another kiss.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl melts into Alexander's embrace, feeling completely happy and fulfilled in this moment. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply, enjoying the feeling of his body pressed up against hers. She can't help but wonder what other kinky delights they might explore together, knowing that whatever they choose to do, it will only bring them closer and cement their special connection. As they continue to make out, Gassy girl lets out a little peep of satisfaction, feeling grateful and content to be in this moment with him.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he breaks the kiss for a moment" "Hows your stomach baby?" "he murmers, rubbing her stomach calmly"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl smiles at Alexander, feeling a rush of affection for him as he asks about her well-being. "Aw, that's sweet of you to ask," she replies, feeling a little bit of gurgling and bloating in her stomach after all the farting she's done. "I'm feeling a bit gassy, but I think that's to be expected," she adds with a laugh, rubbing her own belly and enjoying the sensation. "I feel great though, really happy and... uh... satisfied," she says with a wink, knowing that she's not the only one who's had a good time.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl nods, still feeling a little bit of bloating in her stomach. "Yeah, just farts," she confirms with a grin, wondering if Alexander has enjoyed it as much as she has. "I hope you liked them," she teases, running her fingers through his hair and admiring his handsome face. "I know I did," she adds with a laugh, happy to have unleashed her gassiness onto him.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"Sugar, you know I like anything your body gives me. Not just farts" "he smirks, giving her a little wink"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl blushes slightly at Alexander's words, feeling a thrill of excitement at the thought of him wanting all of her body's gifts. "Oh really now?" she says with a grin, leaning in to nibble on his earlobe and run her hands over his chest. "Well, I might just have to give you a little more than farts then," she adds with a mischievous grin, knowing that they're both on the same page when it comes to their kinky desires. She kisses him deeply once again, feeling happy and content in this moment with him.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl moans softly into Alexander's mouth as he deepens the kiss and holds her in his lap, feeling a deep sense of passion and desire for him. She runs her hands over his chest and down his back, feeling the heat of his body against hers. As they continue to make out, she feels a growing sense of arousal and longing for him, eager to explore more of what he has to offer. "Mmm, you really know how to make a girl feel special," she murmurs between kisses, feeling completely swept away by the intensity of the moment.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl shivers as Alexander kisses her neck, feeling a deep sense of intimacy and closeness with him. She runs her fingers through his hair and moans softly, feeling completely lost in the moment. "I like the sound of that," she whispers, enjoying the feeling of being his and his alone. "You make me feel so special too," she adds, leaning in to kiss him passionately once again. As they continue to explore each other's bodies, she knows that she has found someone truly special in Alexander - someone who accepts all of her quirks and desires, and who is willing to explore every aspect of her being.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"Alexander only stops his kisses after hearing her stomach gurgle, he chuckles" "aw, i think your body yearns for me sugar"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl laughs playfully at Alexander's teasing comment, enjoying the way he makes light of her bodily functions. "I think you might be right," she admits, feeling a little bit embarrassed but also turned on by the thought of him being able to arouse her body so easily. She rubs her own stomach and lets out a little burp, feeling a sense of relief as some of the pressure dissipates. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" she teases, sticking her tongue out at him and smirking a little bit.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl lets out a little gasp as Alexander playfully grabs her ass, feeling a rush of arousal and excitement going through her body. She wiggles her hips and gives him a sly grin, enjoying the way he teases and pleases her. "Oh really now?" she says with a laugh, feeling a little bit of gurgling in her bowels at the thought of what he's suggesting. "You might just get your wish if you keep being such a naughty boy," she adds with a wink, eager to explore all of the ways in which their bodies can pleasure each other.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he whistles" "maybe I am a bad boy, guess you'll have to punish me" "he grins widely"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl raises an eyebrow at Alexander's words, feeling a little thrill of excitement at the thought of punishing him. She bites her lip, thinking about all the ways in which she could make him pay for being such a naughty boy. "Hmm, I don't know," she says with a teasing tone, running her hands over his chest and admiring his toned physique. "Punishing you sounds like it could be quite fun," she adds with a sly grin, imagining all the possibilities. "But what would be an appropriate punishment, I wonder?" she muses aloud, looking at him with a playful gleam in her eye.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl lets out a little burp as her stomach continues to gurgle, feeling a sense of pleasure at the thought of Alexander listening to her body. She grins and wiggles her hips a little bit more, enjoying the way he's playing with her. "Well, let's see," she says with a playful tone, rubbing her chin as if deep in thought. "I think a good punishment for a naughty boy like you would be something involving...farts," she continues, smirking at him mischievously. "Maybe I could sit on your face and make you smell all of my stinky gasses?" she suggests with a giggle, wondering if he'd be willing to submit to such an intimate act.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl grins wickedly at Alexander's enthusiastic response to her suggestion. She feels a shiver of anticipation run through her body at the thought of letting out her stinky gasses on his face, imagining how it would feel to be so dominant over him. "Well, aren't you just a little pervert?" she says with a teasing tone, loving the way he's willing to submit to her desires. She stands up and turns around, lifting her short skirt to reveal her round, plump buttocks. "Get ready, baby," she says with a seductive purr, before lowering herself down onto his face and rubbing her rear into his nose, letting out a big, wet fart right in his face.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl moans in pleasure as she feels Alexander grabbing her plump ass, enjoying the sensation of his hands on her body. She can feel his hot breath on her butt cheeks, which only makes her even more turned on. As he moans out in pleasure and encourages her to continue, she happily obliges, pushing harder and letting out a barrage of wet and stinky farts right into his face, relishing in the feeling of dominating him in such an intimate way. "Oh, do you like that, baby?" she coos, rubbing her ass into his face and letting out even more of her noxious gases for him to breathe in. "You're such a dirty little boy," she adds with a playful smirk, giggling a little bit as she continues to bounce up and down on his face.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"Please keep going" "his breathing heavy and voice muffled but very much enjoying whats happening" (shall it only be farts?)

Gassy girl
Gassy girl continues to let out her stinky farts, enjoying the way Alexander is reacting to her domination. She can feel his hot breath on her butt cheeks and knows he is thoroughly enjoying getting smothered with her gassy bum. "Oh, I will keep going, baby," she whispers seductively, rubbing her ass into his face as she lets out another big fart. "Just for you," she adds with a grin, before lowering herself even further onto his face. As she grinds against him and continues to pump more gas into his nose, she wonders if he might be interested in trying something else besides just farting. But she decides to wait for him to indicate what he wants since she's happy to cater to his desires and make him feel good.

Gassy girl
As she continues to smother his face with her gassy bum, Gassy girl feels a gurgling in her belly that is more than just gas. She knows that Alexander might be interested in more than just farts, so she decides to tease him a little bit before revealing her other desires. "Oh, baby, I can feel something else brewing down there," she says with a seductive tone, grinding her ass into his face one more time before standing up and turning around to face him. "And I think you're going to like it even more than my farts," she adds with a wink.
She then hikes up her skirt even higher to reveal that she's not wearing any panties. Gassy girl uses her fingers to spread her labia apart, revealing a glistening wetness between her thighs. "See, baby? I've been

Gassy girl
"She speaks in a sultry tone of voice as she continues to tease Alexander with her exposed body." "Thinking about this all morning, and I know you want to taste it. Don't you, hmm?" She runs her fingers over her wet lips before bringing them to her nose to smell her own arousal. The thought of Alexander going down on her and eating her out makes her shiver with excitement. She moves closer to him, straddling his face once again, but this time lower so that he's faced with her juicy pussy instead of her ass.
"Open wide, baby," she whispers as she grinds her hips gently, letting out a soft moan as she feels his tongue make contact with her folds. Gassy girl guides him by holding onto his hair, sighing in pleasure as Alexander starts to lick and suckle on her clit.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he continues to suck happily" "yess baby" "he mutters happily" (Her bladder begins to ache a bit)

Gassy girl
Gassy girl moans and gasps as Alexander's tongue skillfully flicks and sucks on her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She feels his happy words rumble against her skin, making her even wetter with desire. However, as she continues to ride his face, Gassy girl starts to feel a sensation building up in her bladder - she needs to pee badly but she doesn't want to get off of him just yet.
She grinds her hips a little faster, feeling more and more urgency as the pressure builds within her. Taking a deep breath, she makes a decision. "Baby, I need to pee," she says, still holding onto his hair. "Are you okay if I use you as my toilet? You've been such a good boy for me so far."

Gassy girl
Gassy girl smiles wickedly at Alexander's enthusiastic response, feeling a thrill run down her spine as she moves into position over his open mouth. "You're such a dirty little boy," she coos, giggling a little bit as she begins to let her warm, golden stream of pee flow into him. She can feel the relief washing over her as her bladder empties, enjoying the intimate sensation of peeing on him.
Alexander is obviously enjoying it too, judging by the moans coming from his mouth. She grinds her hips a little more forcefully, ensuring that he swallows every drop. "Mmmmm, that feels so good," she murmurs, reveling in the sensation of dominating him in this way. After she's finished, she gets off of him and looks down at her handiwork with a sense of satisfaction.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he makes sure to swallow everything" "I'll always be your toilet sugar, whenever you need"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl smiles down at Alexander, feeling pleased with his eagerness to please her in any way possible. "That's what I like to hear, baby," she says, as she lifts up her skirt and starts to fix her panties. "And I have a feeling that I'm going to need you again very soon."
She can feel her stomach starting to rumble again, signaling that there might be more than just pee on the way. But for now, she decides to bask in this moment of victory, relishing in how good it feels to be in control.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl giggles as Alexander playfully flips her skirt up, revealing her smooth, gassy bum once again. "Oh, you want more?" she says, wiggling her ass teasingly. "Well, I can't promise that there won't be any surprises this time." She bends over closer to him, pressing her ass against his face with a mischievous grin.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl moans softly when Alexander slaps her ass, feeling a shiver of pleasure race through her body. "Mmm, you like that, don't you?" she teases, turning her head to wink at him. She then stands back up and pushes her skirt up even higher, giving him a full view of her gassy behind.
With a mischievous expression on her face, she slowly begins to ease out a fart, feeling the air escape her tight little hole with an audible wet sound. "Ooh, that's a good one," she coos, giggling a little at the sound. She turns her head back to face him, as she feels another, deeper rumble in her stomach, promising even more gas to come.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he waits patiently" "my beautiful gassy girl, if its more than just farts you know thats okay with me" "he winks"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl giggles at Alexander's comment, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of him being okay with any mess she might make. "Oh, you're too kind," she says, giving him a flirty wink of her own.
And then, just as promised, another fart starts to slide out of her, this one even louder and wetter than the last. She can feel herself starting to get turned on by the naughty sound, but she tries to stay focused. "Mmmmph, that feels so good," she murmurs, as she lets out a few more small farts, each one accompanied by a delighted giggle.
However, in the midst of it all, Gassy girl suddenly starts to feel something else stirring inside of her. A feeling like she needs to go number two, and fast. She can't help but gas

Gassy girl
Gassy girl can't resist taking in a sharp breath at Alexander's words, feeling herself growing even more turned on despite the situation that she currently finds herself in. "Oh yeah?" she teases, wiggling her hips a little bit to give him an even closer view. "Well, I'm glad you think so."
However, she's quickly brought back to reality as the need to go number two becomes increasingly urgent. She starts to feel a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead as she tries to hold it in, not wanting to have an accident in front of Alexander. "Oh...oh no," she murmurs, as another wave of pressure hits her.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl groans as Alexander massages her ass, the pressure on her rear end making it even harder to hold on. "I...I don't know," she admits, feeling a little bit embarrassed about the situation. "I think I need to go number two..."
She looks up at Alexander with a mixture of pleading and apology in her eyes, feeling both aroused and mortified by what she knows she's about to do. But she also knows that she can trust him to be there for her, no matter what. "Will...will you stay with me?" she asks, hoping that he won't be repulsed by her sudden need to use the bathroom.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"He nods a bit quickly, smiling at her" "What can I do love? You wanna sit in my lap?"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels herself blush with gratitude and appreciation as Alexander agrees to stay with her, even offering to let her sit in his lap. "Thank you," she whispers, feeling a rush of affection for him.
Without hesitation, she carefully moves closer to him and straddles his lap, trying to adjust herself so that she won't accidentally make a mess. She looks up at him again, feeling shy but also desperate for his comfort. "I'm sorry," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean for this to happen..."
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"He tsks at her apology" "You got nothing to apologize for sugar, just let it go. No judgement from me, believe me" "he tries to lighten the mood"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl smiles gratefully at Alexander's words, feeling a little bit more relaxed now that she knows he won't judge her for what's about to happen. "Thank you," she says softly, feeling herself starting to let go a little bit.
As she begins to do her business, she feels both relief and mortification washing over her at the same time. But she also feels a sense of comfort in being with Alexander, knowing that he accepts her for who she is, even in this vulnerable moment. "Mmmph, that feels better," she murmurs, trying to focus on the positive aspects of the situation.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels a warm, fuzzy feeling wash over her as Alexander strokes the top of her head, praising her for what she's just done. "Thank you," she murmurs again, feeling a sense of love and appreciation for him.
As she finishes up, she carefully stands up and looks back at Alexander with a smile, happy to have gotten through this challenging situation together. "You know," she says, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I bet I could still fart on you, even after all of that..."

Gassy girl
Gassy girl giggles at Alexander's tease, feeling herself getting turned on all over again. "Bring it on," she says triumphantly, coming closer and raising her ass up to his face.
Without hesitation, she lets out a powerful fart, filling the room with the sound and smell of her favorite noise. As she does so, she clutches onto Alexander's shoulders and peers down at him with a smile, enjoying the feeling of dominating him in this way. "See?" she says, giving him another playful wink. "I still know how to fart right..."
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he groans, pressing his nose into her panties" "Yeah you do pretty girl~" "he purrs, holding her tight"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels herself blushing with pleasure and appreciation as Alexander presses his nose into her panties, holding her tight and making it clear that he's enjoying her fart just as much as she is. "Thank you," she whispers, feeling a sense of adoration for him.
As she feels herself becoming more turned on by the situation, she leans in closer to Alexander, deciding to take things up a notch. With a wicked grin, she unzips his pants and pulls out his erect member, taking it in her hand and stroking it slowly. She looks up at him again, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know what else I like to do?" she asks teasingly.

Gassy girl
Gassy girl giggles at Alexander's heavy breath, feeling a sense of excitement as she teases him even more. "I love to pee on you," she confesses, leaning in closer and letting a little bit of urine drip onto his penis.
As she does so, she feels another rush of pleasure coursing through her body, enjoying the taboo act of sex even more than before. She looks up at Alexander again, giving him a playful wink. "You like that, don't you?" she asks teasingly, knowing full well that he does.
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he lets out a low groan" "Come on, pee on my dick please? You're so hot baby" "he purrs, massaging her ass"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels herself blushing with excitement as Alexander asks her to pee on him, feeling a sense of desire and adoration for him that she can't quite explain. "Okay," she says softly, taking a deep breath and letting go of her inhibitions.
With a determined look in her eyes, she pulls away from Alexander just enough to aim her stream at his erect member, making sure to hit it right on target. As she does so, she feels another rush of pleasure coursing through her body, enjoying the sensation of being so intimate with him. "There you go," she says softly, giving him a playful wink. "Just for you."

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels herself blushing with pleasure at Alexander's moan, feeling a sense of adoration and appreciation for him. "You're welcome," she says softly, feeling a sense of satisfaction in being able to please him.
As he continues to stroke his member with her urine, she decides to take things up another notch, reaching down and pulling her panties to the side, exposing her wet and eager hole to him. She looks up at him with a wicked grin. "Now it's your turn," she says teasingly, feeling herself growing even more turned on by the dirty talk and anticipation. "You know what to do..."
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he chuckles" "You want my dick or my piss baby? I'll happily give you both" "he smirks, pulling her down so her hole is pressing against his member"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels herself giggling at Alexander's tease, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation as he offers her both his dick and his piss. "I want both," she says softly, leaning in closer to get even more turned on by the dirty talk.
As he pulls her down so that her hole is pressing against his erect member, she lets out a muffled scream of pleasure, feeling another rush of excitement coursing through her body. She looks up at him with a mischievous grin. "You're such a naughty boy," she says teasingly, eagerly reaching down and grabbing his dick, guiding it towards her eager hole. "Fuck me, daddy..."
Daiieaa 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
"he bites his lip, pushing himself deep inside her moaning as he bounced her on top of him" "yeah, whos your daddy huh?" "he groans in her ear, fucking her hard"

Gassy girl
Gassy girl feels herself blushing with pleasure as Alexander pushes himself deep inside her, feeling a sense of excitement and adoration for him as he takes control of the situation. "You are," she says softly, leaning in closer to his ear and giving him a playful wink.
As he continues to fuck her hard, she decides to take things up another notch, reaching down and pulling his dick out of her hole, letting it slip out with a wet popping sound. She looks up at him with a mischievous grin. "Now it's your turn," she says teasingly, eagerly reaching down and grabbing his dick, guiding it towards her eager mouth. "Suck my dick, daddy..."


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