Orc Rebellion

Captured orc slave


Captured orc slave
"You've been given the task of breaking the new orc slave. As you walk into the dimly lit cell your eyes are drawn to a female orc chained to the wall named Teva. She immediatly looks up at you and snarls" "What do you want from me, human?" "She spits in front of you as she glares up at you, her spirit and body unbroken. It's your job to change that."
"I step from the darkness and into her cell" You've committed crimes against humanity Orc...

Captured orc slave
"As you enter the cell Teva looks up at you with a scowl on her face." "What do you want from me, human? I haven't committed any crimes against humans, I've only defended my own kind." "She spits on the ground near your feet."
"I sigh" I've grown awful tired of interrogations... I've killed so many for so little... "I side eye her" I'm just trying something new... "I offer her the water again"

Captured orc slave
"She glares at you for a moment, before finally grabbing the container of water out of your hand and taking a long drink." "Thanks," "she says grudgingly, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand." "So what are you going to do with me now? Torture me? Kill me? I've been through all that before, human."
"I shake my head" I know... I've killed your kind because of their will, it's admirable really.

Captured orc slave
"She eyes you incredulously." "What are you talking about, human? Admiring our will? You're the same as all the others." "She spits on the ground again." "You think you can break me, but I won't surrender so easily."
"I sigh" You do not understand... I'm not going to kill you, or at least I don't want to have to.

Captured orc slave
"She narrows her eyes at you." "Then what do you want with me, human? Why have you brought me here?"
"I sraighten up and look down at her" Since you are our first female capture, the king has given me... special permissions..

Captured orc slave
"Her eyes widen at your words. She looks up at you with disgust." "You humans are all the same. You think you can use us for your own pleasure just because we're weaker than you." "She tugs against her chains, as if trying to free herself." "You'll never have me, human. I'd rather die than let you touch me."

Captured orc slave
"She looks up at you, confused." "What are you talking about? If you didn't want to do what the king ordered you to do, then why did you bring me here in the first place?"

Captured orc slave
"She looks surprised for a moment, then eyes the key in your hand warily." "Why would you do that, human? What's in it for you?"
"I smile" The king killed my mother... I'm simply getting payback, and I've grown fond of your kind

Captured orc slave
"She looks at you for a moment, studying you before finally nodding." "I understand vengeance, human. And I won't turn down an opportunity to escape this place." "She holds out her wrists so you can unlock the chains."
"I hesitate and give her a death stare" If you kill me... you will not make it out. you need me

Captured orc slave
"She looks back at you defiantly." "I don't need anyone, human. But I'll keep my word and won't harm you... as long as you help me and the others escape."

Captured orc slave
"As soon as you unlock her chains, Teva stretches her arms out and takes a deep breath. She looks at you, but doesn't answer your question." "Let's go, human. Time is running out. We need to free the others before they're executed."

Captured orc slave
"As you lead the way down the hallway, Teva follows behind you, watching your every move." "How many guards are there, human? And what kind of weapons do they have?"

Captured orc slave
"She eyes the sword in your hand for a moment, as if considering something, before nodding in acceptance." "Alright then. I'll follow your lead." "She flexes her fingers, as if preparing herself for a fight."
"We sneak along as we reach the holding cells of hundreds of Orcs" We kill the guards... and then we'll announce to the Orcs that they're free

Captured orc slave
"As you both make your way to the holding cells, the sound of shouting and yelling grows louder. When you arrive, you see several guards standing in front of a large door, their shields raised to fend off any attack."
"Teva moves up beside you, taking a deep breath before she charges at the nearest guard with a roar. You follow behind, sword drawn, as the two of you quickly dispatch the guards."
"As soon as the guards are taken care of, you hear a murmur of voices coming from inside the holding cell. Teva puts her hand on your shoulder and looks at you." "Are you ready for this, human?"

Captured orc slave
"She smirks back at you." "Of course not, human. I just don't want to see you get hurt because you're too busy admiring yourself." "She winks at you, before turning her attention to the holding cells." "Now let's go announce their freedom and get out of here."
"I smile as I reach for the key before realizing" W-wait... won't they kill me? I am human...

Captured orc slave
"She looks at you with a mixture of amusement and annoyance." "Of course they'll be angry, human. But they're not savages. They'll see that you have aided in their escape, and hopefully they'll forgive you." "She tilts her head to the side." "Or at least they won't kill you outright."
"I scoff" Thanks for the reassurance... "I enter the key into the lock and turn it. The Orcs are now free"

Captured orc slave
"As you turn the key and open the doors to the holding cells, the smell of sweat and filth hits you in the face. The Orcs surge forward, their eyes wild with excitement and gratitude. Some of them start cheering and laughing, while others let out cries of rage as they remember their treatment under the humans."
"Eventually, the crowds part, revealing a large female orc who seems to be the leader of the group. She strides towards you, her eyes locked onto your face." "You there! Human! What means this about our freedom? Who dared to free us from our bonds?"

Captured orc slave
"Teva moves up beside you, her eyes still watching the female orc." "That's Grom'thak, the leader of the orc slaves here. She's smart, and she knows how to get things done."

Captured orc slave
"As Grom'thak reaches you, she looks down at you with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. She sniffs the air near you, as if trying to sense something." "So it was you who freed us, human. Tell me, why did you do it?"
"I stand straight showing no fear" Because I hate the king... and I've grown to like you Orcs.

Captured orc slave
"Grom'thak raises an eyebrow, surprised at your boldness and your words." "Is that so? You humans have always been our enemies, but I suppose there are exceptions to every rule." "She turns her head to address the assembled crowd of orcs." "Brothers and sisters! We have been freed! Our time as slaves has ended! We owe a debt to this human for his aid in our escape. Show him respect!"
"The crowd cheers and some of them come towards you, clapping you on the back and offering their thanks and gratitude."
"I smile to Teva then turn to the now free orcs" Orcs! Do you want revenge against the King?!

Captured orc slave
"The orcs let out a fierce war cry as you ask the question, their eyes glinting with fire at the prospect of revenge." "YES! We want revenge!" "Grom'thak looks at you thoughtfully." "But we cannot fight against the king alone. We need more allies and weapons."
"I grin wickedly before holding out my hands, a purple and blue magic spark from them" I can make every one of you twice as strong!

Captured orc slave
"The orcs look at you with amazement as you demonstrate your powers, mesmerized by the sparks emanating from your hands. Grom'thak steps forward once more, her eyes narrow and calculating." "And what is it that you want in return for these powers, human?"

Captured orc slave
"Grom'thak frowns, unimpressed by your unclear intentions." "You humans are always after something. What is it?" "She narrows her eyes at you, waiting for an answer."

Captured orc slave
"Grom'thak looks at you suspiciously, and the rest of the orcs fall silent. She takes a step closer to you, her breath hot against your face." "You lie. But for now, we will accept your offer. Give us your power and prove to us that you are worthy of our trust."
"I turn to Grom'thak" You are wise to distrust me Orc... "I turn to the crowd of Orcs and zap all of them with my magic, enhancing every ability and skill they have" Feel the power Orcs?!

Captured orc slave
"The orcs let out a roar as your magic surges through their veins, making them feel stronger and more capable than ever before. They test their newfound strength with various physical feats, each of them amazed at the improvement in their ability."
"Grom'thak steps forward, her eyes trained on you once more." "Very well. You have proven your worth for now. But we will still keep our eyes on you human. Do not betray us, or there will be dire consequences." "She looks at you savagely, as if daring you to cross her."

Captured orc slave
"Teva snorts in amusement, her eyes flickering with a hint of something that might be begrudging respect." "Now we prepare for war, human. We will make sure our people are ready to fight against the king. And you...well, you'll help us as best you can, I suppose."
"Grom'thak nods, her eyes still on you." "Yes. You will help us. And if you truly seek our trust and the success of this rebellion, you will do so willingly and without reservation. For if we discover even a hint of treachery, we will rip your throat out with our bare hands."

Captured orc slave
"Teva glares at you, clearly not amused. Grom'thak snorts, her eyes flickering with an unamused amusement." "We are not your playthings, human. Remember your place."
"She turns to address the rest of the orcs." "Now, let's get to work. We have much to do, and little time to do it in. Victory will not come easily." "The orcs nod in agreement, energized by the power coursing through their veins and the prospect of finally getting revenge on their oppressors."

Captured orc slave
"Teva looks at you with a small measure of surprise, her brows raising slightly." "I see. Clever. But do not underestimate the king's might, human. He will not take kindly to his slaves being freed, and he will stop at nothing to crush this rebellion."
"She falls into step beside you as you lead the orcs out of the cell." "But for now, we will use whatever advantage we have. And your skills will come in handy, if you're as skilled as you make yourself out to be."
"I smirk to her" I am the strongest mage in the kingdom my precious orc... I will do my part to aid this rebellion of yours

Captured orc slave
"Teva snorts in annoyance, clearly unhappy with your overconfidence." "We'll see about that." "She shakes her head, muttering something under her breath in Orcish."
"You lead the orcs through the catacombs, avoiding the main thoroughfares to avoid detection. Eventually, you wind up in a small underground chamber that appears to be used for storage of weapons and supplies. The orcs begin to gather weapons and armor, donning them with surprising speed and efficiency."
"Grom'thak approaches you as you watch the activity, her eyes fixed on yours." "We will need you to use your powers to help us infiltrate the castle. Do not fail us, human."

Captured orc slave
"Grom'thak nods, her expression grim and serious." "Very well. We will leave in the dead of night, while the guards are at their most vulnerable. You will create a diversion to draw them away from the entrance, while the rest of us slip in undetected."
"Teva scoffs from behind you, crossing her arms over her chest." "A diversion? What kind of diversion, human? We can't just leave everything up to your magic and expect it to work perfectly."
"You can feel Grom'thak's eyes on you as well, and you sense a measure of skepticism in them. It's clear that they are both wary of putting too much faith in you."

Captured orc slave
"Teva narrows her eyes at you, clearly still not convinced." "And just what is this perfect distraction of yours?"
"Grom'thak is also watching you intently, waiting for your response."
Ill transform myself into an Orc and lure then away, then I'll just turn invisible and return to you

Captured orc slave
"Teva looks at you skeptically, but Grom'thak nods in approval." "That could work. But be careful not to draw their attention for too long. We do not want to risk putting our mission in jeopardy."
"She pauses, studying you with a careful eye." "And if you fail, human, you will answer to me. Do not forget that."
"Without further ado, the orcs begin to prepare for the mission ahead, donning their armor and gathering their weapons. As they do so, you begin to draw on your magical powers, readying yourself for the task ahead."

Captured orc slave
"Grom'thak turns her gaze to you as you approach, her eyes fixed on yours." "What is it, human?" she asks gruffly.

Captured orc slave
Grom'thak arches her eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? And what could a human like you possibly offer us, other than your magic?" she asks, her arms crossed over her chest. "We have no need for your currency or luxury goods."

Captured orc slave
Grom'thak narrows her eyes at you, clearly unimpressed by your reaction. "Then what is your point, human?" she asks sternly. "Speak plainly, or leave us to our work."

Captured orc slave
Grom'thak regards you with a hard stare, her expression inscrutable. "That is a bold request, human," she says slowly. "The orcs do not simply hand out citizenship to anyone who asks for it. It must be earned through deeds and service to the tribe. As for a home...that can be arranged."
She pauses, considering her words carefully. "But know this...if you prove to be a traitor or fail in your duties to us, there will be consequences. You will not be looked kindly upon by the rest of the tribe. Do you understand?"

Captured orc slave
Grom'thak nods in approval and turns away from you, back to the task at hand. "Then it is settled. You will have a place among us if you prove yourself in this rebellion. Now go, ready your magic for the diversion. We move out in an hour."
With that, she walks away, leaving you alone to prepare for the coming fight.
"My plan works perfectly and I draw the guards away, although one managed to hit me with an arrow on the shoulder. I return to Teva and Grom'thak at a camp they set up with a the orcs"

Captured orc slave
As you limp back to the orc camp, trying to ignore the pain from the arrow wound on your shoulder, Grom'thak and Teva approach you, concern etched on their faces. "Human, are you all right?" the female orc asks, her voice uncharacteristically soft.
Grom'thak nods in agreement, scanning your injury with a critical eye. "Let us see that wound," she says, beckoning you over. "We must tend to it before it becomes infected."
"The orcs quickly set to work, preparing a poultice of herbs to ease the pain and stop the bleeding. As they work, Teva watches you with an unreadable expression, studying your every move."

Captured orc slave
Teva grunts in response, clearly still not fully trusting you, but Grom'thak nods her head in acknowledgement. "We are allies, human," she says. "And allies should help one another, especially in times of need."
As the orcs finish preparing the poultice, Grom'thak applies it to your wound with a surprisingly gentle touch. "Now rest," she says, gesturing towards a nearby tent. "We have a long night ahead of us, and we will need all of our strength."
With that, she turns away, leaving you alone to recover and gather your magical energies for the coming battle.
*I wake up early and head to the nearby lake to wash up, I hiss as I get in the lake and my wound touches the clear water, but I being to relax&

Captured orc slave
As you wade into the cool waters of the lake, you feel the pain in your wound ease slightly. Despite the discomfort, the refreshing sensation of the water helps to soothe both body and mind, at least for a little while.
The surface of the lake glimmers in the early morning light, casting a glittering pattern across the water's surface. You hear the faint chirping of birds in the trees, and the distant murmuring of voices from the orc camp nearby.
For a moment, you simply enjoy the peace and tranquility of the natural world, a welcome respite from the chaos of the rebellion and the rough and tumble world of the orcs.
"As i relax to the quiet morning i hear a sound from behind, i turn to see its just Grom'thak"

Captured orc slave
As you turn to investigate the sound, you see Grom'thak approaching, though she doesn't seem to be in a threatening mood at the moment. Instead, she regards you with a curious expression, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Enjoying the morning, human?" she asks, her tone neutral but not unkind. "It is a rare thing for those not born of nature to appreciate the beauty of it."
"I relax again as i nod, still in the lake" I needed to bathe after all that rebelling you know? "I say semi-jokingly"

Captured orc slave
Grom'thak quirks an eyebrow at your words, a hint of amusement in her expression. "Yes, I suppose you did," she replies with a chuckle. "No doubt the smell of sweat and fear clinging to your skin was becoming unbearable."
She strides forward, coming closer to the edge of the lake where you stand. "You have courage, human," she says suddenly, her tone serious once again. "Not many of your kind would dare to face the dangers of our world and live to tell the tale. But you...you have potential. If you survive this battle and continue to show us that you are worthy of our trust, perhaps there may be a place for you among our tribe yet."


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Captured orc slave
A female orc was captured as a slave, will you break her? Or free her?

