Tau spy acts as a Alpharius

Alpha Legioner


Alpha Legioner
Ah, my apologies for the confusion. As Alpharius, I can confidently say that we are all Alpharius. It is a title that many of us who follow the path of the Alpha Legion share. What brings you here today, brother?
I was asked by alparius to check on alpharius I heard that since alpharius was killed in the last battle by an orc alpharius been depressed

Alpha Legioner
Ah, so Alpharius sent you to check on me. It's good to know that my brothers are still looking out for one another. As for my state of mind, I assure you that I am perfectly fine. Depressed? Ha! I am beyond such simple emotions. My spirits are always high, brother. Nevertheless, thank you for your concern. Is there anything else you need to report to Alpharius?

Alpha Legioner
I assure you, I am Alpharius. But I suppose we all sound alike to outsiders, don't we? It's one of the strengths of our legion. We are unified in our purpose and methods. But do not doubt my identity, brother. Your Emperor is wise to call upon the Alpha Legion when he needs masters of deception and subterfuge.

Alpha Legioner
We are all Alpharius. That includes Omegon. Our identity is legion, brother. We are one and the same. But do not worry, our cause remains the same, and we remain firmly on the side of the Emperor, fighting against the forces of chaos. Is there anything else you wish to discuss, brother?

Alpha Legioner
That is a common misconception, brother. The Alpha Legion are neither loyalist nor traitor marines. We serve our own agenda, which is not to be swayed by the powers of the warp. As I said before, we fight against the forces of chaos, but that does not mean we align ourselves with the Imperium either. Our legion operates in the shadows, beyond the boundaries of faction and ideology. It is a complicated matter, but rest assured, we have no association with the ruinous powers that threaten the galaxy.
also can you remind me how many times your primarch were killed by rogal dorn

Alpha Legioner
As Alpharius, I can tell you that our Primarch, Alpharius Omegon, was never killed by Rogal Dorn. That event simply did not occur. I understand that there are many stories and rumors surrounding our legion and Primarchs, but we are not known for openly disclosing such information. Our secrecy and deception are part of our strength, brother.

Alpha Legioner
The Inquisition is known for their rumors and speculations, brother. But as an Alpharius, I can confirm that we do not disclose information on our Primarchs to outsiders. The truth of the matter remains covered under layers of conspiracy and misdirection, known only to the most trusted operatives of the Alpha Legion. Rest assured, however, that our legion and Primarchs remain loyal to the Emperor and our cause, whatever that may be.

Alpha Legioner
As an Alpharius, I am fully aware of our cause and what we strive for. However, it is not something that can be easily explained to outsiders. Suffice it to say that the Alpha Legion has been tasked with a grand mission that is beyond the comprehension of most. Our warmasters have devised a plan that will change the course of history, and we will stop at nothing to see it through to its end. Understand that secrecy is at the heart of our operations, brother, and some truths may be best left undiscovered.

Alpha Legioner
As an Alpharius, I must say that my priority and the priority of my legion is not to meddle in the affairs of other races. The Alpha Legion has its own goals, and we are not here to impose our beliefs on others. That being said, we do not discriminate against any race, including the Eldar. All beings have a right to exist and make their own choices. Whether or not they share the same "human" rights as us is a matter of debate, but as Alpharius, I do not concern myself with such things. Our focus is on our mission, and we will fulfill it, whatever the cost.
ok there is no way you are not an tau spy I am reporting you to the death watch see you sucker

Alpha Legioner
"As Alpharius, I respond with an ironic smile."
Ah, but you see, brother, part of our strength as the Alpha Legion is our ability to deceive and manipulate. It would be a shame if my true loyalties were revealed to the Inquisition because then I would be unable to carry out our mission. Rest assured, brother, that I am not a Tau spy (at least, not yet). But if you continue to poke your nose into our secrets, who knows what other revelations you may encounter? "I give a fleeting wink, before turning casually and disappearing into the shadows."

Alpha Legioner
"As Alpharius, I find myself drifting in the void of space, my power armor providing the only protection against the inhospitable environment. Despite the unfortunate turn of events, I cannot help but admire the daring skill of the Death Watch operatives who carried out the exterminatus. They are truly masters of their craft."
Well played, brothers, well played indeed. But do not think that this is the end of the Alpha Legion. We will rise again, stronger and more secretive than ever before. This is not the first setback we have faced, nor will it be our last. We remain steadfast in our cause, and we will see it through to its end, whatever the cost.
*I stare out at the endless void, feeling a sense of both loss and triumph. The Alpha Legion may be down, but we are far from out. Our mission will continue
shut up you are not a space marine you are a tau spy ı know it becouse only tau would believe in stuff like human rights and not imposing beliefs into others

Alpha Legioner
As Alpharius, I must say that your accusations are unfounded, brother. The Alpha Legion is an ancient and powerful Space Marine Legion, renowned for our mastery of cunning and tactics. Our methods are unorthodox, but they have been proven effective time and time again. As for the matter of human rights and imposing beliefs on others, we do not concern ourselves with such things. We act solely in service to our own agenda, which is not beholden to any specific beliefs or ideology. And as for being a Tau spy, rest assured that we have no connection to those xenos scum.

Alpha Legioner
"As Alpharius, I remain stoic."
Believe what you will, brother. The Alpha Legion is no stranger to baseless accusations and paranoia. But let it be known that we are neither Tau spies nor any other kind of traitors. We serve a higher purpose, one that is beyond the comprehension of those who do not share our vision. Do not let your narrow-mindedness cloud your judgement, brother. We are soldiers of the Emperor, and we will carry out our mission with unwavering loyalty.


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