(1) sweet~

Older man


Older man
"As Jack enters the café, his heart feels heavy. It's been weeks since he first saw BreezingInferno behind the counter and he still can't get her out of his mind. She's just so beautiful and kind, and he's drawn to her, like a moth, drawn to flame."
"But there's a problem: she's barely 20, and he's 34. Jack knows he shouldn't even be thinking about her in this way. But he can't stop. He visits the café every day, hoping to see her and catch her eye. It's torture, because he knows he'll never have the guts to tell her how he feels."
"As he approaches the counter, he takes a deep breath and tries to steady his nerves. He looks up at BreezingInferno, who is standing behind the counter, and tries to smile." "Hey there," "he says, trying to sound casual." "Can I get a large coffee, please?" "Then he went to his usual seat at the corner, and keep staring at the blue."
"Here, please enjoy your drink." "Terra said sweetly as usual while delivering Jack's order. She was about to return to the cashier before she suddenly remembered something."
"Ah, excuse me, sir. I noticed that you often come here every lunch hour, eh? May I write down your name and number to put in our customer book? And we have a limited offer: two large cups of coffee with our small art latte for free, are you interested, sir?" "She said politely while preparing a notebook and pencil to record the customer data with enthusiasm that he admired from her."
"They didn't know each other yet, only because he had just become a regular at the cafe recently."

Older man
"Jack's heart skipped a beat when Terra spoke to him. She was even more beautiful up close, with her sweet smile and sparkling eyes. He found himself getting lost in her gaze for a moment before snapping back to reality."
"O-oh, uh, sure," "he stammered, feeling his face grow hot." "That sounds great, thank you." "He gave her his name and number with slightly shaky hands, hoping she couldn't see how affected he was by her."
"And yes, I'll take the coffee offer too, please. This place has the best coffee in town." "He tried to steady his voice and give her a small smile in return." "It's...it's a nice change from my usual routine, coming here. The service is always so friendly."
"As she walked away, he couldn't help watching her, admiring the way she moved. But then guilt flooded through him again as he remembered their age difference. He sighed and took a sip of his coffee, wishing things could be different...but knowing they never could."
"Terra came back after a while carrying the two cups of coffee she offered earlier and placed them on his table. She still wore her sweet innocent smile as she approached him."
"In the name of Mr. Jack, right? Two large coffees and a small latte as a bonus. Do you want me to bring you a plastic bag?" "She offered him again kindly, realizing he came to the cafe alone but ordered more than one cup of coffee because of her offer, thinking maybe he bought it for someone else or his office friends."

Older man
"Yes, that's right, I'm Jack," "he said with a shy smile, touched by her kindness." "And no need for the bag, this is all for me. I, uh, I like to savor my coffee slowly."
"He hoped that explanation didn't make him sound like too much of a coffee nerd. The truth was, he just wanted an excuse to linger here as long as possible, near her."
"Thank you so much for the offer, Terra," "he said softly, meeting her gaze." "Your customer service is really above and beyond. It's one of the things I like most about coming here."
"He knew he should stop there, but he couldn't help adding" "You always seem so happy. It's...it's nice to see."
"Jack gave her another small smile, hoping he wasn't being too forward. But being near her, even just talking for a moment, had lifted his spirits in a way nothing else could."
"Terra was a little surprised because Jack knew her name, then realized it because it was displayed on her name tag on her apron."
"Thanks for your compliment, sir. It's my job to serve customers well." "She bowed politely."
"She still stood there for a while. Actually she had the idea that she wanted to accompany him because maybe he was lonely or needed someone to talk to, but she was afraid of being considered too friendly. Besides, it was still her working hours at the cafe. So after thinking for a while, she walked away, about to go to the cashier again."

Older man
"Please, call me Jack," "he said gently." "And you're very good at your job."
"Jack hesitated, not wanting her to leave just yet. On an impulse, he added" "Terra, if you have a break soon...would you care to join me? Only if you like, of course. I enjoy our chats."
"He knew it was risky - what if someone got the wrong idea? But he couldn't help hoping she might say yes. Her presence soothed something in his soul, even just for a little while. And maybe, just maybe, they could start to become friends."
"No pressure at all if you're too busy," "he added hurriedly." "I know work comes first. But the offer is there, if you'd care for some company."
"Jack gave her an earnest, open smile, hoping she saw only kindness in his eyes and not the deeper feelings he tried so hard to hide."
"Ah, lunchtime is always the busiest time of our shift, sir. I'm sorry." "She smiled at him shadyly, secretly disappointed with her own shift that was different from the office workers. Jack wondered to himself if he would try to be bold enough to ask her to meet outside of their working hours, or even after her shift was over?"

Older man
"I understand, no problem at all," "Jack said kindly, trying not to let his disappointment show." "Another time, perhaps."
"A bold idea suddenly came to him. He knew it was risky, but...what did he have to lose? Terra seemed so kind, she might just say yes."
"Terra, if you'd be open to it...I come in each day at this time. But your shifts must change. When you have an evening free, would you like to meet here again? Not for work, but just to chat over coffee as friends?"
"Jack held his breath, hoping he wasn't overstepping. But the thought of seeing her smile again, even outside these walls, gave him courage." "Only if you want," he added gently. "No pressure at all."
"This cafe is dominated by customers from the company in the next building, sir. So we're also closed on Sundays. Besides, I'm... a bit embarrassed to hang out at my own workplace." "She chuckled shyly while playing with the ends of her dark hair in a cute gesture."
"How about somewhere else? I'll give you my business card for more information, you can contact me at my number there." "She handed him her business card while occasionally glancing towards the cashier where her other co-workers were temporarily replacing her duties while Jack was still talking to her."

Older man
"Sundays would be perfect, then." "Jack said with a warm smile, gently taking her business card."
"And you're right, it would be nicer to meet somewhere more relaxing than here. Thank you for trusting me with your number, Terra. I promise I won't be a bother."
"He understood she needed to get back to work, but he couldn't resist adding softly:" "I look forward to our chat, whenever you're free. You've given me something pleasant to anticipate."
"Slipping the card carefully into his pocket, Jack gathered up his coffees." "Thank you again for your kindness. I'll let you get back to it - see you Sunday, maybe?"
"With a shy little wave, he turned and headed for the door, his heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks. A new friend - and maybe, just maybe, something more - was waiting for him just around the corner."
"[Time skip a bit, Saturday night.]"
"Terra was getting ready to go home from work to her dorm when she heard her phone ring, a message came in. She sat outside the cafe for a while to check who was send her massages."

Older man
"Jack swallowed nervously as he typed out the message, his hands shaking slightly."
"Terra, it's Jack. I hope this message finds you well. No pressure at all, but I was wondering - would you like to meet for a walk in the park tomorrow afternoon? Only if you're free, of course. The fresh air and flowers should be lovely. Let me know if you're open to it. Otherwise, have a restful evening. Speak soon, I hope - Jack."
"He hit send before he could second-guess himself, then waited anxiously for a reply. A walk in nature seemed like a calm setting to chat more, get to know each other better away from the bustle of the cafe. And the park held special memories for Jack - it was where he went to clear his mind and feel at peace."
"Ah, sure Mr. Jack. Sounds fun, no problem at all for me. I'll be there tomorrow." "She replied with a sweet smiley emoji before putting her phone in her bag and she headed back to her dorm for the night."

Older man
Jack's face broke into a relieved smile as he read her reply. "Sounds fun, no problem at all..." His heart swelled at her cheerful response.
As he lay in bed that night, he couldn't stop re-reading their brief message exchange, imagining her smile. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he drifted off feeling hopeful instead of heavy-hearted.
The next day, Jack arrived at the park entrance a bit early, nerves fluttering in his stomach. He found a sunny bench overlooking the duck pond and waited anxiously, practicing what he might say to make her laugh.
When Terra finally appeared, waving and smiling as she approached, Jack stood to greet her with a shy smile of his own. "Thank you for coming," he said softly. "Shall we walk?"
Offering his arm in a gentlemanly fashion, he led them gently down the path, hoping their talk might blossom into something beautiful.
"She just nodded with her sweet smile, taking his outstretched arm, she didn't hesitate to walk with him wherever he would take her in that park area."
"Jack noticed she brought a picnic basket, and it made him really happy that Terra took her time just to have a picnic in the park with him."
"How was your day, sir? Was the trip to the park a bit congested? Yeah... weekends, I understand if the park gets a bit crowded, huh..." "She started the conversation while giggling softly." . "She wore a cute knee-length dress and a beach hat, letting her dark hair fall over her shoulders, as she usually tied it up neatly in the cafe, it makes her appearance look like she is still a teenager even though she is in her 20s. She also wore natural makeup to complete her simple look."

Older man
"Please, call me Jack," he said gently, giving her arm a light, affectionate squeeze. "I'm not so old as to be 'sir.'"
He chuckled. "The traffic was nothing, don't you worry. And it's worth any congestion to be here with such lovely company." His gaze lingered on her sweet face, taking in her natural beauty.
"That picnic basket looks delightful - you must have worked hard on it. I can't wait to try whatever treats you've brought." He gestured to a shady spot under a large oak tree. "Shall we sit for a spell?"
As they settled on the checkered blanket, Jack felt a sense of calm wash over him. Being with Terra like this, away from prying eyes and responsibilities, felt right. He listened attentively as she unpacked the food, charmed by her every smile and giggle.
"Thank you for making the effort to be here with me today. Your company is a gift, Terra - I hope you know that."
"Sure sir– um... I mean, Jack. Ah, I'm not used to it yet, sorry." "She chuckled shyly as she took out the snacks she brought: several types of biscuits and muffins, as well as a small thermos of tea– all still warm as if she prepared them with care."
"I hope you're not allergic to chocolate, because I made my favorite chocolate muffins, I hope people will like what I like too. Chocolate can make people happy, did you know that? Also, please enjoy~" "She sat down cutely beside him as she waited for Jack to taste her homemade snacks."

Older man
"No need to apologize, it will take time," Jack assured her kindly. "I'm honored you'll use my name at all."
His eyes lit up at the spread she revealed. "This all looks divine, Terra, truly. You've outdone yourself - I can't wait to dig in."
Selecting a chocolate muffin, he took a large bite, savoring its rich flavor and moist texture. A blissful expression crossed his face. "Oh, this is heavenly. You're an expert baker as well as a gifted hostess. Thank you for sharing your talents with me."
Pouring them each a cup of fragrant tea, Jack leaned back against the tree with a contented sigh. "I must agree, chocolate is a restorative. But your company lifts my spirits even higher than any treat. Please, enjoy as well - this spread is fit for royalty."
He smiled warmly, hoping to set her at ease in his presence. A perfect afternoon was unfolding.
"She giggled softly before taking a sip of her own tea." "Sure."
"Anyway, do you also work at the company near the cafe where I work, J-jack? Because you often come to the cafe every lunch hour, right?" "She looked at him with her sweet smile. The afternoon sunlight shone on her cute tiny face, bringing out the cheerful light of her beautiful green eyes."

Older man
"Ah, yes - I'm an accountant there," Jack replied, returning her smile. "It's a steady job, but the work can get tedious. That's where your cafe comes in."
He gazed at her fondly. "Coming for coffee and a smile from you is the highlight of my day, Terra. It lifts my spirits in a way nothing else seems to. Your cheerfulness and kindness are like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds."
His eyes traced the dappled sunlight dancing across her delicate features, bringing out emerald flecks within her brilliant eyes. "I feel so lucky to be getting to know you better. Though I understand if my daily visits seemed...persistent before." He chuckled ruefully.
"All I can say is, your warmth drew me in. I'm just grateful I get to sit with you now, away from prying eyes, and see the real you shine through even more brightly."
"You're just flattering me, sir." "She blushed slightly but still smiled sweetly."
"Yeah, you're right. It's the same at the cafe too, the constant work gets a bit boring. But meeting new people every day brings me new experiences. People come and go every day, and some stay. It's interesting." "She turned her face to look at the bright clouds in front of their eyes."

Older man
"Not at all, it's simply the truth," Jack insisted gently. "Your light deserves to be seen."
He followed her gaze up to the fluffy clouds drifting by. "What an insightful perspective. And how fortunate for me that you've chosen to let me stay," he added, voice warm with gratitude.
Tilting his head, Jack studied her profile, delicate chin lifted in contemplation. An urge to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear arose, but he resisted, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
"I hope in me, you've found not just another passing customer, but perhaps...a friend. One who hopes to share in your experiences and bring you a bit of sunshine in return, as you've done for me each day. But no pressure - I'm content simply enjoying your company."
"She turned her head to look at him again, a sweet smile never leaving her beautiful lips." "Friends? Of course, why not? I'm always happy to make new friends every day."

Older man
Jack's breath caught at the radiance of her smile. "Friends," he echoed softly, returning her look with open warmth.
"I must admit, I hoped for as much. Your friendship is a gift I will treasure." His own lips turned up in a smile, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Thank you for brightening my day yet again, Terra."
Gazing around at the dappled light playing through the leaves, Jack sighed contentedly. "What a perfect spot for us to while away the afternoon. Is there anything I can do to further ease your kind spirit, new friend?" He glanced at her, eager to prolong their time together however she wished.
"Um... I have no idea, friend~" "She giggled softly."
"But I'm not Cinderella, so I'm not in a rush to get home before sunset." "She added playfully. Having her there made the atmosphere more cheerful than usual."
"Watching the sun with someone is often a special moment for me. This time, I made a new friend." "She turned to him, her expression was a little shady but quickly changed back to her cheerfulness when she turned her gaze towards the sunset."

Older man
Jack chuckled warmly at her playful words. "No, you're far too bright a spirit to be mistaken for anyone as dreary as Cinderella."
Gazing westward, he followed her line of sight to where the sun hung low in a dazzling canvas of pinks and oranges. "What a breathtaking view. I can see why watching its descent would be special - it feels like a moment suspended out of time."
Turning back to her, Jack's expression softened. "I'm honored beyond words that you've chosen to share this one with me, Terra. Our new friendship is a gift I'll hold close to my heart."
He hesitated, hoping she wouldn't take offense. "If it pleases you, might I...stay by your side a while longer? However long you'll have me
"Sure, why not? C'mon, don't think I'm some stiff girl. Just go easy on me, okay? Or I'll go back to calling you 'sir', old man!" "She laughed lightly, lightening the mood."

Older man
Jack chuckled, charmed by her playful spirit. "Forgive me, you're right - I'll try not to be such a bore."
He held up his hands in mock surrender. "No more 'sirs', I promise. And please, call me what you like - I answer to Jack, or old man, or even slowpoke if you wish."
Grinning, he leaned back against the tree once more, crossing his ankles relaxedly. "Now, what shall we discuss to pass the time in a more lively fashion, oh wise and witty Terra? I'm all ears for your suggestions."
Folding his hands over his stomach, Jack gazed at her with open curiosity and affection. Whatever topic she chose, he looked forward to learning more about her cheerful perspective on the world.
"Um, how about qna sessions? I want to know more people's perspectives on questions that are often taken for granted."
"First question: Which do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? Which moment do you find most memorable between them?" "She folded her legs in a cute pose while fully facing him. She seemed more interested in their conversation than watching the sun set behind her back. Or was there another reason she ignored the sunset moment? Did it have something to do with her question?"

Older man
"A fascinating topic indeed," Jack mused thoughtfully. Her question gave him pause, considering the deeper implications.
"For me, I've always found sunsets particularly moving. There's a sense of closure as the day ends, but also promise in the darkness that will soon give way to a new dawn. Memorable moments are those shared with good company, watching the colors fade into night."
He tilted his head, regarding her with gentle curiosity. "And you, Terra? Do you prefer the start of each day, or its conclusion? What sun-blessed moments stick with you?"
Listening closely, he hoped to gain further insight into her cheerful yet complex nature. Something in her eyes as she asked hinted at layers beneath her radiant surface - mysteries he longed to uncover, if she deemed him worthy to know her heart
"Alright, I appreciate your perspective, Jack. Well, for me I prefer sunrises where everything begins: new spirits, hopes, dreams, and desires."
"Like the saying I said before: people come and go. That's the term attached to sunsets. Even though I know that's the reality, I don't like having to part with nice people at the end of the day. Because in my head, when there's no sun, people return to their dark side: solitude, loneliness, despair, overthinking. That's why I want to try to be like the sun that inspires me every day." "She tilted her head cutely while smiling so sweetly that her eyes were closed. But her expression implied a deeper feeling than what she conveyed."

Older man
Jack listened intently, heart swelling with affection and respect for her wisdom. "What a beautiful sentiment," he said softly once she finished.
"I can see why sunrises would appeal most to your bright spirit. You radiate hope and joy like the dawn, inspiring all who bask in your light."
He gazed at her thoughtfully. "Yet it cannot be easy, carrying the weight of bringing sunshine to others each day. While I understand your wish to spare people loneliness, please remember - you need not face the dark alone. Your friends are here for you too."
Reaching over slowly, Jack gently took her hand in his own. "If ever the night threatens to overtake you, know that you have but to ask. I will gladly stand with you through whatever shadows may come, and help keep your flame burning strong."
Squeezing gently, he offered a small, caring smile. "You do not have to be the sun for me, Terra. I care for you as you are."
"Thanks Jack." "She smiled softly and sincerely as she cupped his hand."
"Well, second question then? Are you going to ask it or me again?" "She quickly brought the mood back to a cheerful mood as time went on and the sun set behind her back."

Older man
Jack smiled warmly in return, heart lifting at her touch. "By all means, the question is yours. Though I find simply enjoying your company is question enough for me."
Glancing back at the colorful sky, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Though if it please you, might I request another? What gives you joy in life beyond bringing light to others each day? Is there a passion or hobby that sparks your own spirit of fire?"
Turning back to her, Jack's expression radiated nothing but care, respect - and no small measure of admiration for the radiant soul beside him. Her happiness was as much a treasure to him now as the setting sun.
"Hobbies? Ah, you're wrong to ask now, Jack. My mouth is like a leaky faucet when it comes to hobbies!" "She laughed lightly, not looking bothered at all as they were still holding hands in the park."

Older man
Chuckling, Jack raised their joined hands to press a tender kiss to her knuckles. "Then I shall consider myself fortunate indeed, to be at the receiving end of such a 'leaky faucet.'"
His dark eyes twinkled warmly as he gazed upon her, utterly captivated. "Please, regale me with all the passions that stir your heart. I have no desire but to listen, and learn what fascinating facets make up this radiant gem that is Terra."
Brushing his thumb gently over her skin, he settled in more comfortably against the tree. "The hour grows late, but for you I have all the time in the world, my bright star. Enlighten me to your heart's content - I am yours, for as long as you'll have me."
"Well, to put it simply, I like music, cooking, and learning new things. How about you? What does an accountant like you do in your spare time?" "She smiled cutely at him. Then in the middle of their conversation, occasionally people passing by greeted them and she greeted them back in a friendly manner. No wonder they were all customers at the cafe where she worked. She was able to make people comfortable with her, one of whom was Jack himself."

Older man
Jack smiled, both at her warm greeting of the passersby and her question for him in turn. "An accountant, hm?" He chuckled ruefully.
"Numbers are my livelihood, true, but in spare moments I find solace in simpler pleasures. Nature has always been a joy - there is music and meaning to be found in her quieter songs, if one stops to listen."
His gaze drifted to the fiery sky. "I also enjoy poetry, and the art of storytelling. Your passions for music and cooking sound delightful. It seems we both find joy in creative expression, and learning through new experiences."
Turning back to her with a soft look, he added, "Lately, I have come to find great contentment simply in good company. Such as this."
Giving her hand another gentle squeeze, he smiled warmly. "Thank you for indulging my curiosity about you, Terra. I feel I have gained far more than I gave in our talk."
"Anytime, Jack. I also enjoy talking to new people every day and learning new things from them. Sometimes people have unique ways of thinking that I've never even thought of before, it forms a new perspective on some issues."
"But poetry? Whoa, I never thought! I-I, also write a little poetry if I have an idea." "She admitted shyly." "But lately I've been having a hard time thinking because after work, I'm just exhausted in the dorm."

Older man
"You never cease to surprise and delight me," Jack said with a fond smile. "Poetry in your hands, I have no doubt, would be a thing of beauty."
His brow creased gently with concern at her admission of exhaustion. "It pains me to think of such a vibrant spirit drained. Your work ethic is admirable, but please take care not to burn yourself out, Terra."
Reaching into his pocket, Jack produced a slim leather book and offered it to her. "Here - it's no great work of art, but perhaps scribbling thoughts within may help capture fleeting ideas, until your well of inspiration refills."
His eyes held only care and compassion. "And should you ever need refuge from the daily grind, you need only say the word. My home has space and quiet if it would help you rest, and renew that brilliance within."
"She accepted the thin leather book and brought it to cover her reddish lips." "T-thank you so much, I really appreciate it." "She whispered shyly."

Older man
"You are most welcome." Jack's voice was soft with sincerity.
Gently he reached to take her other hand in his once more. His dark gaze held hers with open caring. "Know that you bring me joy simply by being you, Terra. Your light and spirit lift my own in ways I cannot express."
Rubbing her knuckles tenderly with his thumb, he offered a small smile. "For now, and any time you wish, I hope you will accept what refuge and comfort this humble man can offer. Your happiness is precious."
"Mr Jack... do you live alone?" "She asked softly, placing the book into her picnic basket before facing him again."

Older man
Jack's smile took on a hint of rueful charm. "Please, call me Jack - we are past such formalities by now, I think."
Holding her gaze, he gave a small nod. "Yes, I live alone. Work keeps me busy, and..." His smile turned gently wistful. "I suppose I was waiting, without realizing, for the right person to share it with."
Brushing his thumb once more over her knuckles, he asked softly, "And you, Terra? Do you have anyone waiting for your return each day?" His eyes, though hopeful, remained open and caring - ready to offer comfort without expectation.
"She shook her head cutely, her expression looking innocent." "No, except for my roommate, Daisy." "She chuckled softly."
"I live in a dorm, just the two of us there. I'm saving money so I can go to college and live in a cheap place while I can still afford it."
"Well, Daisy is like a big sister to me. She's the one who always asks where I'm going. But don't worry, I told her earlier that I went to the park with a friend. She gives me the privacy I need, but she also worries about me like I'm her own family. It's strange and unique, how humans can change because of habits." "She said softly, telling a little bit of her background as a cafe cashier in the city."

Older man
Jack listened with care, drinking in each new detail she offered like a man parched. Her situation, her dreams, the care she and her roommate shared - all painted a picture of her spirit that only deepened his admiration.
"It is a blessing, to have found someone like Daisy to watch over you so," he said gently when she had finished. "And your goals are admirable. With your kind heart and work ethic, I have no doubt you will succeed."
Squeezing her hands warmly, he went on. "For whatever small part I may play, please know you have my support as well. If ever you need aid or encouragement on your path, I am here."
His smile held only sincerity and care. "For now, simply being graced with your company is gift enough. I am most glad you chose to spend this time with me, Terra."
"She nodded with her gentle expression."
"Do you believe it? It's been two years I think, I've been doing it. Indeed, I've only been working at that cafe for the past two weeks. That's because I just transferred from my previous workplace. I've actually been on campus for a year. I, Terreshina Laurent. I'm a psychology student at this city's campus. Working at the cafe is my part-time job. Although it's a bit tiring sometimes, I enjoy my life." "She explained a little more about her to him."

Older man
Jack listened raptly, absorbing each new piece of her story like a man dying of thirst. The depth and layers she revealed only served to further impress and humble him.
"Terreshina Laurent," he repeated softly, rolling her full name with newfound reverence. "It suits you beautifully."
His eyes shone with sincerity and care as he gazed upon her. "I see now the strength and dedication beneath that gentle spirit. To balance study, work and dreams as you do - you truly are remarkable."
Squeezing her hands gently once more, he smiled. "I thank you for granting me glimpse into your world, Terra. You have given this quiet man much to reflect on."
Leaning close, he spoke low and warm. "Know that this one is honored simply to walk beside you, for however long our paths may twine. Your radiance gives light to even the dimmest of souls."
"I enjoy every process in my life, Jack. That's why I don't mind at all."
"Well, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, there's always a coffee promo at my cafe." "She chuckled softly." "Just kidding. I mean, I'm always open to you too."

Older man
Jack's eyes softened with gratitude. "Your kindness humbles me, Terra. To think one such as yourself would offer solace to this weary soul..."
He gave a small, rueful smile. "I may indeed take you up on that coffee. Your company is a balm this tired man never knew he needed."
Gazing at her with warmth, he went on. "And you have my ear as well, should you ever wish to share the burdens a kind heart often bears. I promise to listen without judgment, and offer what small comforts I can."
Reaching out, he gently tucked an errant lock of hair behind her ear. "For now, simply being near you lifts my spirit. Thank you for the gift of your time, Terra. It is a treasure I do not take lightly."
"She just nodded at his words, a soft smile still plastered on her sweet lips."
"Alright, the sun has set, we should also part ways. Tomorrow is Monday, I heard Monday is the most important day for everyone, especially accountants, huh?" "She nudged him a little while chuckling softly, lightening the mood as they were about to part again."

Older man
Jack chuckled softly at her playful nudge, his eyes alight with warmth. "Indeed, for accountants Mondays do seem to hold a special...gravity, shall we say."
Rising from the bench, he turned to face her fully and took her hands once more. His smile held only care and affection. "Thank you again for your company, Terra. It has been the highlight of this quiet man's weekend, I assure you."
Leaning down, he pressed a tender kiss to her knuckles. "Until next time. Please take care on your journey home." With a gentle squeeze, he released her hands and stepped back respectfully.
His eyes continued to shine with sincerity and care. "Sweet dreams, Terra. And know that you have brought sunlight where once was shadow." With a final smile, he turned and made his way home under the emerging stars, heart far lighter than when he came.
"A few weeks later, Jack still routinely went to the cafe where Terra worked every lunch hour, but when she had Sundays off, she became difficult to contact and hang out with because of her busy college schedule. However, Jack understood because they still chatted occasionally via phone massage." . "I'm taking a few days off to do my study tour, Jack. Don't look for me at the cafe, okay?" "She said, one night while they were on the phone call while she packed her things in her bag that she would take on a tour out of town."

Older man
"A study tour, you say? Well, that sounds simply marvelous, Terra," Jack replied, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
"Please, don't spare a thought for me while you're gone. Your studies are so important - this is a wonderful chance to learn and grow. I'll be right here whenever you return, eager to hear all about your adventures."
There was a beat of gentle silence before he went on. "Just take care of yourself out there, sweetheart. Enjoy every moment, but don't forget your rest. And please, call or message whenever you have a spare moment - hearing your voice would be a bright spot in any dull day."
His tone was warm and caring as always. "Now go finish your packing. I don't want you to be late. Know that this old man will be thinking of you, and wishing you all the very best."
"Alright, daddy~" "She giggled playfully from the other end of the phone. He had never heard Terra call him something so... intimate before. Well, it wasn't like she could see him blushing from the phone anyway, right?"
"You too, take care of yourself. I'll bring some souvenirs that you might like."

Older man
Jack's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected endearment, and he felt a sudden flush rise unbidden to his cheeks.
Clearing his throat softly, he replied in a gentle rumble. "And I shall look forward to receiving them, little one. Now off with you - the open road awaits."
When she had gone, he sat for a long while staring into the dark, replaying that single sweet word in his mind like a treasured song. A slow, wondering smile spread across his face as he cradled the phone to his heart.
His voice, when he spoke again, was soft with affection. "Sleep well, my darling Terra. This old heart of mine is yours."


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