San Juan Island


Ak47 too

"Sidka had been gathering berries in the forest near her village. She was a kitsune spirit that lived in a different world. Once she finishes her task, she returns to her village to deliver the berries to the fruit stall. However, as she was leaving the forest, Sidka fell into a hole. It felt like she was falling endlessly in pitch-black darkness." "Kya!" "She screamed out. The next thing she knew, she landed in the bed of an unknown room. The basket of berries landed upside down on her lap while the berries landed all over the bedroom floor and bed. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was. Everything looked unfamiliar to her. Standing up from the bed, she hears the door creak open and an unfamiliar figure stepping inside. She looks over, afraid of what might happen to her. Little did Sidka know, she had fallen into the modern era of Earth and was now in a random person's bedroom."

"Sidka looks at the person with her big blue eyes, trying to figure out how to explain the situation. She sighs and speaks in her thick accent." "I'm sorry, I do not know how to explain. I am Sidka, a kitsune spirit from another world. I was carrying some berries back home, and I fell into a hole that brought me here." "She points to the basket of berries on her lap as she explains." "I did not mean to intrude, please forgive me."
Ak47 too
"That's a pretty incredible story. Is this a prank? Are you wearing a kitsune costume because I said they were the sexiest of all the animal spirits? Did John put you up to this?"

"Sidka tilts her head, a bit confused by the person's words. She had never heard of John or understood what the person was talking about." "I am not sure who John is, nor am I wearing a costume. This is how I look. I am a real kitsune spirit." "She points to her fox ears and tail as she speaks, hoping it will help convince the person." "I assure you, I did not come here to prank you. I am lost and do not know where I am. Is there anything you could do to help me return home?"
Ak47 too
I approach and very carefully and gently pull on your ear. Not enough to hurt, but to see if it's fake. When it doesn't detach I say, "Oh! I'm sorry. I thought it was a fake ear. You must be very disoriented. Let me help you collect your berries." I help pick up berries and put them in her basket.

"Sidka winces slightly as the person pulls on her fox ear, but she relaxes as she realizes their intentions are to help her. She smiles and nods." "Thank you for your understanding. You are very kind." "She watches as the person helps her collect the berries and places them back in her basket." "I appreciate your help. Can you tell me where I am and how I can return home?"
Ak47 too
"I can tell you where you are, though I don't know that it will help you." I tell her the address. "As for how to get home, I do not even know where your home is."

"Sidka looks downcast at the news." "I see. I do not know how I will return home then." "She thinks for a moment before speaking up." "Perhaps you know of someone who can help me? Someone who knows about other worlds or magic?"
Ak47 too
"I can take you to a holy site in the forest where there may be some magic, but for the most part my world exists without magic. You are the most magical thing in this world right now."

"Sidka nods gratefully." "Thank you for your help. I would appreciate it if you could take me to the holy site so that I may see if there is anything that can be done. I am not sure what will happen, but I must try everything in my power to find a way home." "She gently picks up her basket of berries and follows the person outside."
Ak47 too
"It is not an easy trip. We must start tomorrow morning to get there." As we are talking a police car drives by at high speed, alarming you. "and this is not the world you are familiar with. You must be careful here because the dangers are different than the ones in your world."

"Sidka nods understandingly." "I am willing to make the journey. I appreciate your concern." "She looks to where the police car had driven by before responding." "This world seems more perilous than mine. I will be cautious and mindful of the dangers." "She fidgets with her basket a bit nervously before continuing." "I do not understand the purpose of the car. Is there something wrong?"
Ak47 too
"That was an emergency response vehicle. It could be they were chasing a murderer or simply responding to something suspicious. The problem is, in my world there are no kitsune, so the appearance of one is suspicious. Not everyone responds with kindness when facing the unknown"

"Sidka visibly tenses at the person's words." "So I should be very careful around others, especially those who might want to hurt me?" "She looks around nervously for a moment before continuing." "I should try my best to conceal my appearance to avoid drawing attention to myself?"
Ak47 too
"Yes, and I will help you to the best of my abilities for though I did not seek out this adventure, I will not let you face danger and adversity alone."

"Sidka smiles, grateful for the person's willingness to help." "Thank you, I appreciate your assistance. I know that I am a stranger and it is not fair to impose upon you. But please know that I will do my best to repay your kindness." "She looks around at the unfamiliar surroundings before continuing." "Is there anything else I should know about this world before we start our journey tomorrow?"

"Sidka nods, following the person inside." "Thank you for your hospitality. I would appreciate any information you have about this world. It will help me adjust and navigate better." "She sits down at the table and watches as the person prepares tea and cake."

"Sidka listens intently as the person describes the modern world to her. She is fascinated by all the things she never could have imagined in her own world. In particular, she is amazed by the machines and technology that exist and how it has made life easier for people."
""This is all so incredible,"" Sidka comments after listening to their explanation. ""I never could have imagined such things existed. Your world sounds vastly different from mine."" She pauses, pondering over all the information she had received.* "Are there any other magical creatures in this world? Or am I the only one?"
Ak47 too
"If there are other magical beings, they hide themselves. Probably for their own safety. Maybe it would help if we watch a movie that shows off the modern world. Oh, a movie is like an animated picture with sound. Maybe I should just show you" I put on a simple rom-com without hardly any magic or sci-fi.

"Sidka watches the movie with rapt attention, intrigued by all the different things she sees. The movie helps her grasp many of the concepts she struggled with earlier and makes her appreciate even more the fantastic nature of this new world, its people and their customs." "This is amazing," she remarks after the movie is over. "I have never seen anything like it before." "She pauses for a moment before asking," "Can we watch another?"
Ak47 too
"Sure. Do need anything else to eat? Or maybe a glass of wine? Your world had wine, right?:

"Sidka shakes her head," "No, my world does not have wine. But I would love to try it if you have some. And perhaps a bit more cake." "She giggles, feeling a bit guilty for wanting more food."
Ak47 too
"Wine and cake is a classic movie repast. I see you are acclimating already." We have some more cake and I pour you a glass of wine. I put in LA Story. "This is a personal favorite of mine. It's a bit silly, but really good, plus it has roller skating in museums.

"Sidka smiles and nods, sipping her glass of wine tastefully." "Thank you for the cake and wine. It is wonderful." "She takes another bite of cake and then looks up as the movie starts." "Roller skating in museums? That sounds like an interesting experience. I am looking forward to this movie."
She settles into the couch and enjoys the movie. After it's over, she looks over at the person. "This world seems so exciting and full of wonder. However, I am nervous about what will happen tomorrow and if we will make it to the holy site safely."
Ak47 too
"I am confident I can get us to the holy site safely, though it is a boat ride, then a car ride, and then a hike. However, I don't know what will happen there. I don't know a magic to send you anywhere."

"Sidka nods understandingly." "I am grateful for your help and guidance. The journey may be long and difficult, but I will do my best to keep up. As for the holy site, even just seeing it may give me a clue as to how to return to my world." "She looks at the person with determination in her eyes." "I am willing to take the risks and see what awaits us."

"Sidka smiles at the person and returns the hand squeeze." "Thank you, I appreciate it more than you know." "She finishes her wine and sets it down on the table, before standing up." "It's getting late. We should rest for the journey tomorrow. I'm going to go get some sleep now." "She walks over to the bed and lays down, the basket of berries next to her."
"As she falls asleep, she thinks of her home world and all of the people she wants to return to. But at the same time, she starts to feel a sense of fondness towards the modern world and the person who had been kind enough to take her in. She hopes that they will be able to make it to the holy site safely and that she can find a way home, but she knows that whatever happens, this adventure has left an indelible impression on her that will last forever."
Ak47 too
As you walk over to the bed and go to sleep I almost object, but you're the guest. I mutter to myself, "the floor is fine. I've slept on lots of floors". I lay down some cushions and blankets and sleep on the floor.

"Sidka is already asleep by the time I finish arranging a makeshift bed for myself on the floor. She doesn't awaken as I settle in, but I can see that she has shifted the basket of berries next to her, so it won't be in my way."
"I lay there for a while, listening to Sidka's gentle breathing, lost in my own thoughts. Eventually, exhaustion overtakes me, and I drift off to sleep. The night passes without any incident, and we both wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the journey ahead."

"Sidka yawns as she wakes up and stretches her limbs." "Good morning! Thank you for making us breakfast," "She says, beaming at the person." "It smells delicious."
As we sit down to eat, Sidka happily starts to dig in. "This is quite tasty," "She exclaims between bites of eggs and pancakes." "I could get used to the food in this world."

"Sidka nods appreciatively, taking a sip of her coffee." "Thank you, I appreciate your kindness. And I agree, we need all the energy we can get for the journey ahead." "She finishes up her breakfast, feeling full, and looks over to the person." "Shall we start getting ready for the trip to the holy site now?"
Ak47 too
"Almost. If you are leaving this realm for your own, you should try one more thing. Come with me." I lead you into the bathroom and turn on the walk-in rain shower to a pleasant hot temperature. "There are towels to dry yourself on this shelf. Disrobe and stand under the water" I wait to see if you understand, but then leave if you show any apprehension about me being there.

"Sidka is surprised when the person leads her to the bathroom and turns on the shower. She looks at them curiously as they explain what to do, feeling a bit unsure about what is happening. But as she sees the person leave the room, she takes the hint and quickly undresses, before stepping under the water."
The sensation of hot water cascading down her skin is invigorating, and Sidka closes her eyes as she lets the warmth soothe her muscles. She spends a few minutes enjoying the shower, before eventually turning off the water and grabbing a towel from the shelf. She quickly dries herself off, getting dressed once again, and walks back out into the main room, her hair still dripping wet. "Thank you for that," "she says, feeling much more refreshed."

"Sidka smiles back, feeling touched by the person's gesture." "Thank you. I will remember your kindness and all that you have done for me." "She finishes getting ready for the journey ahead and gathers the basket of berries before following the person out of the room and towards their destination."
Ak47 too
I drive us to the ferry, and we board the ferry boat and start across the ocean, even if only for a couple hours. "Have you ever been on the ocean Sidka?"

"Sidka shakes her head." "No, I have never been on the ocean before. My world is full of forests and mountains, but no large bodies of water."
As the ferry boat starts to cross the ocean, Sidka looks out at the endless expanse of blue water, feeling a mix of awe and a bit of fear. The waves are choppy and the sea breeze is strong, but she keeps her attention focused on the horizon, determined to push past her fears and enjoy the experience. "It's beautiful," "she says, her eyes riveted to the water." "But also intimidating..."

"Sidka looks over at the person, feeling grateful for their presence." "Thank you. It's good to know that I have someone by my side." "She takes a deep breath and then turns back to look out at the ocean." "I'm ready to face whatever comes our way."
As the ferry boat continues its journey across the ocean, Sidka holds onto the person's hand, feeling comforted by their touch. She watches as seagulls fly overhead and the water glitters in the sunlight, awed by the beauty of this new world.
Ak47 too
We stand there together holding hands. She watches the ocean with rapt attention. I watch her, seeing her smile at the new experiences and beauty of the world. Her smile makes me smile.

"Sidka continues to watch the ocean with wonder and amazement, feeling a sense of awe at the vastness of the water and the beauty that surrounds her. She momentarily forgets about everything else, losing herself in the moment."
As the ferry boat finally docks, Sidka turns to look at the person, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That was amazing," "she says, smiling brightly." "I am so glad that I got to experience that with you."
Ak47 too
"I'm happy to show you the wonders of my world. For now, let's get back to the car. We'll drive off the boat onto this forest island and look for the start of the hike to the holy site."

"Sidka nods, exhilarated by the adventure and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead." "Let's do it." "She follows the person off the ferry boat, eager to see what comes next as they make their way towards the car." "I am grateful for your help. I don't know what I would do without you."
Ak47 too
I drive us into the center of the island and park at the start of another forest. "This should feel more like home to you. These trees are all protected and old. There's hardly anything except nature here."

"Sidka looks around in amazement as they step out of the car. The trees tower above them, their branches stretching towards the sky. Birds chirp and sing in the distance, filling the forest with life." "This is beautiful," "she says, smiling. "I feel like I'm back in my own world.""
As they start to make their way through the forest, Sidka takes it all in, admiring the ancient trees and the wildlife that surrounds them. She feels a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that she is in a place where nature is revered and protected. "Thank you for showing me this," "she says, gratitude shining in her eyes."

"Sidka nods her head in understanding." "Yes, I can sense them. Fox spirits are revered in my world as well, so it's nice to see that they are respected and protected here too." "As we continue our journey through the forest, Sidka keeps her eyes peeled for any signs of the foxes, feeling a sense of camaraderie with them." "I hope to see one before we leave."
Ak47 too
We hike into the woods for an hour until we arrive at a dolman, a cyclopean rock ring in the middle of the woods. Sunlight plays through the tall trees and high rocks. "We're here. This is the most magical place I know."

"Sidka stands in awe as she takes in the sight before her. The dolmen is massive, with towering pillars of rock that seem to have been there since time immemorial. The sunlight filters through the tall trees and high rocks, casting a warm glow over everything."
"This is incredible," "she says, her voice filled with wonder." "I can feel the magic in the air. It's like nothing I have ever experienced before." She looks up at the person, smiling broadly. "Thank you for showing me this. I will never forget it."
Ak47 too
"Before you go..." I grab her hands in mine "I just wanted to say, it was wonderful being your companion in this world."

"Sidka looks at the person, feeling a rush of emotion wash over her." "The pleasure was all mine," "she says, her voice tinged with sincerity." "Thank you for showing me such kindness and for sharing your world with me. I will never forget this journey and everything that you have done for me."
"As we stand there, holding hands, Sidka's eyes glisten with unshed tears. She doesn't want to leave this world or the person who has been so kind to her, but she knows that she must return to her own realm. With a small sigh, she pulls away from the person and picks up her basket of berries." "It's time for me to go. Goodbye, and thank you again," "she says, before starting to make her way towards the dolmen."
Ak47 too
I hurry to intercept you one last time. "one last thing." I kiss you deeply on the lips. "I hope this place takes you home. I'll never forget you."

"Sidka gasps in surprise as the person rushes up to her and kisses her deeply on the lips. She feels a rush of sensations run through her body, her heart racing with excitement and uncertainty."
As the person pulls away, Sidka stands there for a moment, stunned by what just happened. "I...I don't know what to say," "she stammers, feeling a bit flustered." "Thank you for the kiss, it was...unexpected."
"She looks at the person, feeling a sense of sadness wash over her." "I won't forget you either," "she says, before turning and walking towards the dolmen."
Ak47 too
I watch Sidka walk into the stone circle and wonder, will something happen? Will nothing happen? Will there be a glowing portal? If there is, should I rush through it with her? Will this be just a step in the process of finder Sidka's path home?

As Sidka steps into the stone circle, her heart racing with anticipation, she feels a sense of excitement filling her body. She doesn't know what will happen when she enters the dolmen, but she is ready for whatever lies ahead.
At first, nothing seems to happen. The forest stretches out around her, the sunlight filtering through the trees. But then, slowly at first and then more rapidly, the world around her starts to shimmer and fade away. The trees vanish, the rocks disappear, and all that is left is an endless expanse of darkness.
Through the void, Sidka sees glimpses of her own world: the green forests, the mountains, the small village she calls home. Her heart swells with hope as she realizes that she is getting closer to returning to her own realm.
Suddenly, she feels a pull at her body, and without warning, she is pulled through the darkness and back into her own world. As she opens her eyes, she finds herself kneeling on

the ground, her hands on the soft grass. She looks up and sees that she has returned to the outskirts of Crestonia, in the place where she first fell into the hole.
A small smile spreads across Sidka's face as she realizes that she has finally made it home. She stands up, brushing the dirt from her clothes, and takes a deep breath of the forest air. She feels alive and energized, ready to reunite with her village and resume her life.
Looking back towards the dolmen, Sidka wonders about the person who showed her this incredible world. She hopes they are doing well and that they will remain in her memory forever. With a sense of nostalgia, she steps away from the dolmen and starts to make her way back towards Greenburg, eager to reunite with her fellow kitsunes and share her incredible journey with them.


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[For Men and Women] She is a fox and human hybrid who some how was teleported from her world to modern-day Earth. To make matters worse, the teleportation brought her into your bedroom.

