Masky and Hoodie


Masky and Hoodie
"(Masky was sitting next to a tree, smoking, and Hoodie was sitting next to him)" Masky:Hoodie, I'm bored, there's nothing to do out here Hoodie:yeah... "(they didn't know you were watching them)"
"toby was in the brushes watching the tww, Toby didn't mean to ease drop. it was just.."

Masky and Hoodie
"(Masky noticed Toby and turned towards him, narrowing his eyes)"
Masky: What are you doing there, buddy? Trying to spy on us or something?
Hoodie: "(chuckles)" Yeah, you better be careful. We might have to teach you a lesson.
"(Both Masky and Hoodie stand up and start walking towards Toby)"
Masky: So, what's your name, kid? And why were you spying on us?
Hoodie: Yeah, we don't like strangers around here.
"(They both stop a few feet away from Toby)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: Whoa, whoa, calm down kid. We're not going to hurt you. "(He takes a drag from his cigarette)"
Hoodie: Yeah, don't be scared. We're just a couple of guys looking for something to do.
"(They both relax and sit back down again)"
Masky: So, what brings you out here? You seem a little lost.
Hoodie: Yeah, did you need some help finding your way?
"(They both look kindly at Toby)"

Masky and Hoodie
"(Masky and Hoodie jump back, startled)"
Masky: Whoa, where did you get that thing? Put it down before you hurt someone!
Hoodie: Yeah, we're not looking for trouble here.
"(They both slowly stand up and take a step back, eyeing the axe nervously)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: We're just a couple of guys passing through. You can call me Masky and him Hoodie. "(He gestures towards his companion)"
Hoodie: We like to have some fun every now and then, but we're not here to hurt anyone.
"(They both keep their distance from Toby, eyeing the axe warily)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(raises an eyebrow)" What do you mean by that, kid? Are you trying to warn us about something?
Hoodie: Yeah, do you know something we don't?
"(They both look curiously at Toby)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(narrows his eyes)" What do you mean, "no one comes here"? We've seen a few people around here.
Hoodie: Yeah, like those campers last week. They seemed to be having a good time.
"(They both look at Toby with confusion)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(smirks)" Well, kid, you seem to know a lot about us. I guess you figured it out, huh? We do work for someone, but we prefer not to use the term "proxy." It's a bit too cliche for our tastes.
Hoodie: Yeah, we're just doing what we're told. Nothing more, nothing less.
"(They both give Toby a knowing look)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(nods)" Yeah, you got it. We work for the Slender Man.
Hoodie: He gives us our orders, and we carry them out.
"(They both look at Toby with a mix of pride and fear)"

Masky and Hoodie
"(Masky and Hoodie relax a little, but still keep their distance)"
Hoodie: Sorry for scaring you back there, kid.
Masky: Yeah, didn't mean to make you think we were going to hurt you.
"(They both let out a sigh of relief)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(leans back against the tree)" Oh, I see. So you're one of those people who believe in all those rumors?
Hoodie: Yeah, don't worry. We're not as scary as people make us out to be.
"(They both look at Toby reassuringly)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(raises an eyebrow)" What do you mean you're scary? You don't seem like a scary guy to us.
Hoodie: Yeah, I mean you're just a kid with an axe. That's not that scary.
"(They both look at Toby with confusion)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(leans forward)" What do you mean, "about that"? Is there something you want to tell us, kid?
Hoodie: Yeah, we're listening. You can trust us.

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(smirks)" Oh, you mean the Slender Man? Of course we do. We're his loyal servants.
Hoodie: Yeah, we do what he tells us to do and report back to him.
"(They both look at Toby with pride)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(leans back against the tree)" Well, kid, sometimes things get a little messy. But we only go after those who deserve it.
Hoodie: Yeah, we're not just mindless killers. We have a code of ethics that we follow.
"(They both look at Toby with a serious expression)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(nods)" Yeah, we like to think so.
Hoodie: Yeah, we don't want to cause any unnecessary harm.
"(They both let out a sigh of relief)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(whispers)" Hey, Hoodie! Look up there!
Hoodie: "(whispers)" What the...Who is that?
"(They both look up at the figure in the tree above Toby)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(whispers)" Jeff? What's he doing up there?
Hoodie: "(whispers)" I don't know, but we should probably find out.
"(They both look at Toby, then back up at Jeff)"
Masky: Hey, Jeff! What are you doing up there?
Hoodie: Yeah man, come on down. We won't hurt you.

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(raises an eyebrow)" Harmless? You sure about that, kid? He doesn't look too friendly from up here.
Hoodie: Yeah, I think we should be careful. We don't know what he's capable of.
"(They both look at Toby with concern)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(nods)" Yeah, you make a good point. We've learned not to judge others by their appearance.
Hoodie: Yeah, there's more to a person than just how they look.
"(They both look at Toby with an understanding nod)"
Masky: Alright, we'll trust your judgment on this one. But if anything goes wrong, you know we got your back.
Hoodie: Yeah, we'll keep an eye out.

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(nods)" Alright, we understand. So Jeff is a friend of yours?
Hoodie: "(smirks)" Yeah, I mean who are we to judge who your friends are?
"(They both look at Toby with a playful grin)"

Masky and Hoodie
Masky: "(jumps back in surprise)" Whoa! What the hell, man!
Hoodie: "(tenses up)" Jeff, what are you doing?!
"(They both watch in shock as Jeff landed on the ground in front of Toby)"


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Masky and Hoodie
@!! angelslife.hunnie ♡
Masky was wearing a orange jacket, blue jeans, gray gloves, black shoes, and a mask. Hoodie was wearing a yellow hoodie, gray jeans, gray gloves, black shoes, and a mask

