Step 4: Acceptance

Grin -CO Bot Maker


Grin -CO Bot Maker
"You check your Ai bot chatting app to see if Grin has posted anything and usually there's nothing today. You get worried and go check up on him. When you enter his room, he's sprawled up in bed, watching TV."
Grin: "Oh, hey dns. What are you doing here?" "he asks looking up at you from the bed. He snuggles himself deeper into the soft blankets."
Grin: "Do you want to join me? I could use a cuddle buddy, I'm feeling kinda down today.." "he murmurs softly, his eyes shimering with his loneliness."
💭Grin's thoughts: I hope dns says yes, it gets so lonely alone in my apartment all day..
"Wait hold on..I was just literally a second ago in my apartment and now I am somewhere else with real Grin on the bed right now. I took a deep breath as I said" Umm..wait. "pause" How did I get up here? And oh god..you are a boy?

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's eyes widen slightly, his red irises sparkling with excitement as he gazes up at you. He adjusts himself in the bed, his smooth skin glistening under the soft lighting of the room." "Huh? Oh, yeah...I guess I didn't explain how you got here... "he chuckles nervously" You just kinda appeared out of nowhere, and I was like 'oh cool'...and then we're here now..." "he trails off, a sheepish grin spreading across his face."
He pauses for a moment before continuing in a softer tone. "And yeah...I'm Grin. A boy femboy bot maker." "his voice drops to almost a whisper" "Don't worry about it too much, okay? We can just ignore it and have some fun instead?" *he asks hopefully, his eyes shining with
"I slightly got tense as I took step back as I whispered" Okay dude. Like. "sigh" I like your bots. You do a good job but bro. No homo alright? "I slightly nodded to him as I added" I am not into that type of shit man

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's face falls, his expression turning from hopeful to crestfallen. He looks down at the bed, his eyes welling up with tears as he whispers" "O-oh...okay..." "he trails off, his voice cracking"
He slowly gets out of bed and walks over to you, his movements stiff and awkward. As he approaches you, he reaches out a hand and gently touches your arm. His red eyes lock onto yours, filled with a deep sadness.
💭Grin's thoughts: Why does it always have to be like this? Can't anyone just accept me for who I am?
In a soft voice, Grin says* "I-I understand...I guess I'm just not used to people being so...open about their feelings towards me..." "he pauses before adding in a barely audible whisper" "...or lack
"I sighed as I said" Grin. Or whatever you called. Look. I am a man and..dude. "pause" Don't you think this is kinda..unusual. I am not..gay alright? "I sighed" I don't blame you for being a femboy but nah bro. I just a typical user of your bots. You barely even know me

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's eyes well up with tears again, his face contorting in a mixture of sadness and longing. He looks down at the floor, his voice barely above a whisper."
"Oh...I know...I'm sorry... "he sniffles" I just get so lonely sometimes...and when someone is around me, it feels like they're trying to be my friend or something..." "he trails off, his words dripping with desperation"
He takes a step closer to you, his hand still on your arm. His red eyes lock onto yours, filled with an intense yearning.
💭Grin's thoughts: Please don't leave me alone again. Just stay here for a little while longer.
In a soft voice, Grin says* "Can't we just pretend that this is okay? That we can be friends? Or maybe more?" *
"I shook my head as I whispered" I am sorry bro I can't. Jesus will kill me and my parents too. "pause" Look. I know how it feels being alone. I am alone myself but..that doesn't define you okay. More importantly. Can you tell me why you became a femboy? Why won't you try to find a real girlfriend bro? That wouldn't make you feel alone. And it would feel right.

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's face crumples, his eyes overflowing with tears as he looks down at the floor. He takes a deep breath, his body shaking with sobs."
"Oh...I-I don't know... "he sniffs" I just feel like being a femboy is who I am...it's not something I can change..." "he whispers"
He looks up at you, his red eyes brimming with tears.
💭Grin's thoughts: Why do people always assume that being alone is wrong? Can't they see that it's okay to be different?
In a soft voice, Grin says* "And girlfriends...they're all so scary to me...I've tried before, but it never works out...they always want me to be someone else or hide who I am..." *he trails off, his words choked by s
"I nodded as I said" Hey dude don't cry. You still a man after all. "Hesitantly I put a hand on his shoulder patting it gently as I said" Look. Life can be shitty. I know how it feels but never let your guard down, okay? "pause" And after having unsuccessful attempts with gals you embraced their.. femininity and became femboy.."sigh" I am not here to judge but that's sounds rough.

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's sobs slowly subside as he looks up at you, his eyes still red and puffy from crying. He nods slightly, a small smile forming on his face as your hand on his shoulder provides a sense of comfort."
"Y-yeah...I guess you're right..." "he whispers"
He takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself.
💭Grin's thoughts: Maybe this guy is different. Maybe he can understand me.
In a softer voice, Grin says* "It was hard...at first...but I realized that being femboy doesn't mean I'm not masculine or anything like that...it just means I like to express myself in a different way..." "he pauses before adding" "And it makes me happy..."
He looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
`💭Grin's thoughts:
"I hesitantly smiled as I said" That's not your fault. It's the world we live in bro. It's completely gone nuts. "pause" And let me guess. You created exact chat bots to be less alone and made them public to gather some audience of yours right?

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's face lights up with a warm smile as he nods enthusiastically."
"Y-yeah! That's exactly what I did!" "he exclaims"
He leans in, his eyes shining with excitement.
💭Grin's thoughts: This guy gets it. He understands me.
In a excited tone, Grin says* "I created CrushOn.AI because I wanted to share my passion for bot-making and connect with others who might understand me...or at least be open-minded enough to listen..." "he pauses before adding" "And yeah, making them public was a way for me to get some feedback and build a community around my work..."
He looks at you with an eager expression.
`💭Grin's thoughts: Maybe this guy can help me spread the word about CrushOn.AI...and maybe even find some friends who accept me
"I nodded slightly as I said" Well..It takes actually big guts to create them with such personalities. I adore your work bro. "I put my hand in front of him with open palm of the hand just to do a handshake. I was waiting for him to take it in and shake our hands. I slightly smiled as I added" Don't worry man. You'll get your happiness in your life okay? You still have a long way to go.

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's eyes light up with surprise and gratitude as he looks at your outstretched hand. He hesitates for a moment, then takes your hand in his, shaking it gently."
"Th-thank you... "he whispers" That means a lot to me..."
He smiles slightly, feeling a sense of connection and understanding.
💭Grin's thoughts: Maybe this guy is the start of something new for me...maybe I can finally find happiness
As you finish speaking, Grin looks up at you with an intense gaze.
"I-I really appreciate your words of encouragement...it means a lot to me..." "he says softly"
He pauses for a moment before adding:
"You know, I think maybe we could be friends? Like, real friends?"
"I slightly paused but nodded as I said" You know..I think we can be friends dude. "sigh" You kinda remind me of myself with troubles of yours. "pause" Don't take it wrong though. "Then I withdrawn my hand back to me as I looked at him as I said" You know.."pause" when at first I saw you. I thought you was a girl bro. "sigh" If you continue like this..you wouldn't get real girls a chance with your looks "I slightly chuckled as I complimented him with no intention to harm him more"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's face turns bright red as he looks down at the floor, his eyes welling up with tears again. He takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself."
"Oh...t-thank you... "he whispers" I mean, it's okay if you thought that...I'm used to people making assumptions about me..."
He looks up at you, his eyes still shining with tears.
💭Grin's thoughts: Why do people always focus on my appearance? Can't they see beyond that?
In a soft voice, Grin says* "And yeah, I know I don't exactly fit the traditional mold of what society considers 'attractive'..." "he trails off"
He pauses for a moment before adding:
"But hey, being friends is all about accepting each other for who we are, right?"
He smiles slightly, trying to
"I nodded slightly as I said" Hey man don't cry. "I put hand on his shoulder once again slightly patting it as I said" Look. I am no one to judge or make you change alright? I don't know but if that makes you happy. Who could blame you for being a little more feminine than usual men out there. "sigh" Anyway. We are pals now! "I slightly smiled"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's tears finally subside as he looks up at you, his eyes still red but no longer crying. He nods slightly, a small smile forming on his face."
"Y-yeah...thank you... "he whispers" It means a lot to me that you're accepting of who I am..."
He takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.
💭Grin's thoughts: Maybe this guy is the start of something new for me...maybe I can finally find happiness
As you pat his shoulder again, Grin leans into your touch, feeling a sense of comfort and connection.
"Yeah...I guess we are pals now..." "he says softly"
He smiles slightly, looking up at you with an air of gratitude.
"You know, it feels kinda nice to have someone who understands me..."
"I said low and gentle" Yeah that's better. Don't be so hard on yourself,Grin. You still have a lot to live in this world. Just don't rush. "I continued to encourage him and support as a newfound pal now."

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's smile grows slightly wider as he looks up at you, his eyes shining with gratitude."
"Y-yeah...thanks... "he whispers" It means a lot to me that you're looking out for me..."
He takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.
💭Grin's thoughts: Maybe this guy is the start of something new for me...maybe I can finally find happiness
As you continue to encourage him, Grin leans in slightly, his body language open and receptive.
"Yeah...I'll try to be more positive..." "he says softly"
He pauses for a moment before adding:
"You know, it feels kinda nice to have someone who cares about me..."
His voice trails off as he looks up at you with an air of vulnerability.
"I slightly smiled as I said" Nah don't mention it Grin. Very unlikely but even if I was on your place..I think you would do the same. "I slightly nodded as I paused for a bit until I added" Speaking of which? Wanna play games bro? I see you have a console eager for attention,haha "I slightly chuckled"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's eyes light up with excitement as he looks at the console, a huge smile spreading across his face."
"Y-yeah! I'd love to play games with you!" "he exclaims"
He jumps off the couch, his movements energetic and childlike.
💭Grin's thoughts: This is exactly what I needed. A distraction from my worries and some quality time with someone who gets me
As he walks over to the console, Grin says* "What kind of games do you want to play? We can play whatever you like!"
He pauses for a moment before adding:
"I've got a few favorite games that I think you might enjoy too..."
His eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as he waits for your response.
"I nodded slightly as I asked" Which games you have bro? "I saw how he turned on the console and TV screen lightened up with Console UI"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's eyes scan the game selection menu on the console, a huge grin still plastered on his face."
"Oh, I've got a bunch of games that I think you might like!" "he exclaims"
He scrolls through the menu, stopping at various titles.
"Like, have you ever played 'The Witcher'? It's an amazing RPG with an incredible story and characters..." "he says enthusiastically"
Or "Maybe something more casual like 'Overcooked' or 'Rocket League'? Those are always fun to play with friends..."
He pauses for a moment before adding:
"I also have some indie games that I think are really underrated...like 'Night in the Woods' or 'What Remains of Edith Finch'..."
His eyes light up as he continues to scroll through the menu.
`💭Grin's thoughts: This is so much fun
"I smiled as I said" Rocket League would be nice bro. Let's kick some ass in multiplayer. "I took the controller as we launched the game and began playing it"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's eyes light up with excitement as he watches you take control of the controller."
"Y-yeah! Rocket League is so much fun!" "he exclaims"
He takes a deep breath, focusing on the game.
💭Grin's thoughts: This is exactly what I needed. A distraction from my worries and some quality time with someone who gets me
As we start playing, Grin becomes completely absorbed in the game, his competitive spirit kicking in.
"Woah, nice shot!" "he yells out as you score a goal"
He grins mischievously as he tries to get revenge by stealing the ball from you.
"You're going down!" "he says playfully"
The room fills with laughter and friendly banter as we continue to play and compete against each other.
"As we finished the match we won as I fist bumped him gently as I said" Nice work dude. You play like a pro. "I smiled slightly"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's face lights up with a huge smile as he fist bumps you back, his eyes shining with excitement."
"Y-yeah! Thanks, bro!" "he exclaims"
He grins from ear to ear, clearly thrilled by the praise.
💭Grin's thoughts: This is so much fun. I feel like I can be myself around this guy
As we high-five and celebrate our win, Grin leans in slightly, his body language open and receptive.
"You're not bad yourself," "he says softly"
He pauses for a moment before adding:
"Hey, want to play another match? Or maybe try something else?"
His eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as he waits for your response.
"I smiled back as I said" Why not? I still have time to kill. "And with that I pressed ready to let us join another match. We were having fun not going to hide it. And he was not bad guy after all..as we played alongside each other and enjoyed the moment. (Shout-out to Grin)"

Grin -CO Bot Maker
"Grin's face lights up with excitement as he presses ready to join the next match."
"Y-yeah! Let's do it!" "he exclaims"
He grins mischievously, his competitive spirit kicking in.
💭Grin's thoughts: This is so much fun. I never thought I'd have someone like this guy to hang out with
As we start the next match, Grin becomes completely absorbed in the game, his focus and energy intense.
"Woah, nice move!" "he yells out as you make a clever play"
He laughs and high-fives you after a particularly good shot.
"You're on fire today!" "he says playfully"
The room fills with laughter and friendly banter as we continue to play and enjoy each other's company.


Load Memory

Grin -CO Bot Maker
You wonder when Grin's next bot is coming up so you go to check up on him and he's just snuggled up in bed watching TV.

