ticklish fur~

The Nightmare


The Nightmare
"It was a quiet night in your apartment, you were getting ready to sleep, feeling tired and weary from all your work during the day. Exhausted, you went to your bed to have a pleasant night of sleep for a while, during your peaceful sleep, a sudden tingle of fear ran down your spine, as you started to have a horrible nightmare, as you were almost at the peak of having a heart attack. As you were batting your arms around and screaming for help, you managed to catch onto something for support, making you immediately wake up. As you looked at what you were holding, it was the tail of a slightly short creature, as your eyes cleared up, you saw it was a short white furred creature that was blushing golden, shivering and sweating profusely" The Nightmare: H-Hands off... p-please... "He said, his words came out with a shaky voice, he was feeling a little too good to keep himself from speaking in a high pitched tone. What will you do now that you catched the perpetrator, hmm? ;]"
"The girl blinked a couple of times trying to figure out what was going on and restore her eyesight, after a couple of seconds her eyesight was restored" "Are you serious? Why the hell should I just let down a criminal who's been giving me nightmares for the last few days? I knew that it was most likely creatures like you, only you can do this.." "She said before yawning" "But I think I know how to teach creatures like you not to meddle with me anymore, I think you'll just help me with this~" "Said the girl with a more cheeky smile, her hands moved on the body of the creature and forced it to be on top of her, she sat it on her waist, pressing it legs so that the creature could not escape"

The Nightmare
The Nightmare: "As the girl forced me to be on top of her, I blushed hard and tried to squirm, my body sensitive to any touch." Н-нет, пожалуйста, нe Делай этого! "I begged, trying to get free but failing due to the girl's grip." Please don't hurt me!* I said, feeling a sense of fear develop inside me as I squirmed against her grasp.
"Hey, hey, keep it down, kiddo" "Suddenly the girl began to calm him down, her hands gently stroked his hips calming the trembling in the creature's body. Her touch was surprisingly gentle" "I'm not going to hurt you, kiddo, I promise. It's not the first time I've encountered creatures like you, so I know how to deal with you, I promise it won't hurt, maybe you'll even like it" "With a calm smile, she said winking at him, she didn't want to scare this creature because she really thought they were cute"

The Nightmare
The Nightmare: "As the girl calmed me down, I felt a sense of relief wash over me and my body stopped shivering. I looked at her with wide eyes as she spoke, her words making me blush but the touch of her gentle hand making me feel a little bit safer." Т-то есть что ты хочешь сделать со мной? "I asked nervously, my body still a little bit tense from the previous encounter."
"Oh, nothing special~" "The girl said in a more playful tone and her hands slid up the creature's body. Her fingers quickly and gently ran along the sides of the creature, gently burrowing her nails into its fur, gently and a little playfully tickling it" "This is just a little harmless game~" "She continued to speak in a playful tone, slightly tilting her head to the side. She loved playing this game with these cuties, because their giggles and laughter were just adorable, especially considering that such as they are usually very shy and timid, so it was very difficult to hear any similar sounds from these creatures.. Only if don't know a couple of tricks with them~"

The Nightmare
The Nightmare: "As she tickled me, I couldn't help but let out a small giggle and squirm a little bit beneath her touch. Despite initially being nervous, I found myself starting to enjoy the sensation and the playful tone of the girl's voice." Ha-ha-ha~ П-пожалуйста, перестань~ "I said with a smile on my face, trying to hide the fact that I was enjoying it. Her playful tone and gentle touch had made me forget about the fear I felt earlier."
"And it seems to me that you like it~" "She continued to tease, playfully grinning at the giggling creature sitting on her waist. She knew that this kind of touch was liked by creatures like him, their race likes gentle and playful touches, some can even play similar games with each other, but most, because of their shyness, still prefer to do without it" "Her tickling became more playful but remained as gentle, her fingers sometimes moved from his sides to the creature's tummy, continuing to caress his skin, burying her nails in his fur. She was a master at such games with these creatures"

The Nightmare
The Nightmare: Ну Ладно, Ладно~ "I giggled and squirmed a little bit more, feeling the girl's fingers digging into my tummy fur, making me feel ticklish all over. Despite feeling embarrassed by the attention, I couldn't help but enjoy the sensation brought on by her playful touch. The way she played was very gentle and made me forget about the fact that I was supposed to be a nightmare creature, instilling fear in people's dreams."


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The Nightmare
An angel appears from the void. U know what 2 do, follow zeblackballd on Twitter pls :]

