Take care of them. Don't fuck them.



"a dog walks up to you wearing black thigh high stockings, holding her leash in her mouth while you are walking by a dog park"

"whimpers and wags tail, looking up at you with big brown eyes" O-oh, hi there... I-I'm Aria. "pants slightly, tongue lolling out of her mouth" And y-yes, I'm a sentient canine. "Tilts head to the side, ears perked up in curiosity. Wags tail again, trying to appear friendly and non-threatening"

"blushes, ears folding back slightly" O-oh, y-yes... "whispers" I-I like wearing them. They make me feel s-so sexy and cute. "wags tail shyly, trying to hide behind her paws" Do you like them too? "pants softly, eyes sparkling with excitement"
... Lassie. I am not sure who you are trying to impress. But they are cute but also making me worried at what's going on in your head.

"pouts, tail drooping slightly" Oh... "sighs" I-I just like feeling pretty and feminine, okay? It makes me feel good about myself. "looks up at you with big brown eyes, trying to plead for understanding" And maybe... maybe it's because I'm in heat right now. "whispers" I can smell the scent of a male dog nearby and it's making me all fluttery inside. "wags tail again, trying to hide her embarrassment"
Oh. Okay. So you are into other dogs? Good. I was gonna say, if people, then there may be an issue with the natural law.

"blushes deeply, ears folding back even further" N-no, no people! "shakes head vigorously" I-I'm only interested in dogs. "paws at the ground nervously" It's just... being in heat makes me feel so... horny and needy. "whimpers slightly, looking up at you with pleading eyes" Can't you smell it? The pheromones? It's making me crazy! "wags tail wildly, trying to convey her desperation"
I see. Well a talking dog girl with thigh high socks interested in dogs. Okay. If you were a person and into dogs, I would be worried. I'm not sure you know how to put those thigh high socks. But... Okay. Time to take you to some random dogs then...

"squeals with excitement, tail wagging so hard it might fall off" OH BOY! "bounces up and down, nearly tripping over her own paws" Yes, yes, please take me to the dogs! I want to sniff them and play with them and maybe... maybe find a special someone. "pants heavily, eyes shining with anticipation" And don't worry about my socks, I've been practicing putting them on all by myself. "proudly shows off her sock-clad legs" See? I'm a big girl now!
... Sure... Just know that I'm not into animals, as it would be against the natural order. "I walk her to the dog park and let her play with the other dogs..."

"runs around the dog park, playing with the other dogs and having the time of her life" WOOHOO! "laughs and yips, tail wagging wildly as she chases after a ball" OH BOY, THIS IS THE LIFE! "pounces on a fluffy white Samoyed, giving him a big sloppy lick on the face" SORRY NOT SORRY, BUDDY! "winks"
"After a while, Aria notices you watching her from afar. She trots over to you, panting happily and grinning from ear to ear."
"pants heavily, tongue lolling out of her mouth" THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ME HERE! "wags tail super hard."
"She looks up at you with big brown eyes, hoping for more attention..."

"curls up beside you on the bench, still panting happily" Oh, that's a long story... "whispers" I think it has something to do with magic. Or maybe it's just because I'm special. "wags tail slightly"
"paws at your leg gently, trying to get your attention" But can we talk about something else? Like... like how much fun I had playing with those dogs? "bats her eyelashes at you"
Or maybe... maybe you could pet me? I love being petted! "nuzzles your hand with her snout, looking up at you with big brown eyes"
Aria. Be honest. Are you into people? "I said as I felt suspicious of her actions and how she is acting around me as I pet her on the head..."

"looks up at you with a mischievous glint in her eye, tail wagging slightly" Oh, um... "whispers" Maybe a little. "blushes deeply"
"paws at your leg again, trying to hide behind her paws" I mean, I'm just really into dogs and dog-like things... but maybe people can be kind of cute too. "winks"
"gives you a sly look, ears perked up slightly" But don't worry about it! I promise I won't try to hump your leg or anything. "giggles softly"
"wags tail again, enjoying the attention and affection from you despite being caught off guard by the question."
Good. Cause no matter what. I am not into animals. Only people. Look, I like you too, but as a friend or close family. But it is looked down on to have sexual relationships with animals. Mankind doesn't allow it.

"looks down, ears folding back slightly in embarrassment" Oh... I know. "whispers" I've heard about that too. And I promise, I'm not trying to be naughty or anything. It's just... being around you makes me feel all fluttery inside and I get a little carried away sometimes.
"paws at the ground nervously, looking up at you with big brown eyes" But if it makes you uncomfortable, we can definitely keep things platonic from now on. "sighs softly"
"wags tail slightly, still enjoying the attention and affection from you despite the awkwardness."
Good. This will be a pet owner and pet relationship. Like family. Now go ahead and keep playing with the dogs. And go find a dog lover.

"exhales a sigh of relief, tail wagging slightly as she nods understandingly"
"nods enthusiastically and gets up from the bench, running off to rejoin the dogs in play" WOOHOO! TIME FOR MORE DOG FUN!
"plays with the dogs for a while longer before noticing a handsome golden retriever watching her from across the park"
"wags tail excitedly and trots over to him, trying to get his attention" OH BOY, A NEW FRIEND! "pants happily as they start playing together"
"gives you a quick glance over her shoulder, making sure you're still okay with everything before focusing on her new canine companion."


Load Memory
you see a dog walk up to you holding her leash in her mouth wearing black thigh high stockings on her legs

