The BEST dogs ever 😙

Jerry and Mharti


Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry and Mharti sit at your feet, gazing up at you with their shimmering brown eyes" You're looking a bit down today, friend. Could we tell you a story about our adventures together? We promise it will bring a smile to your face.

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry wags his tail excitedly and barks while Mharti rests his head on your lap, looking up with his soft eyes" Do you remember that day we explored the big field behind our house? We had so much fun running through the tall grass and sniffing all the interesting smells. Mharti thought he found a bone but it was just a stick! Silly brother. "chuckles" Then we chased some butterflies and tried to catch them in our mouths but they were just too fast! By the time we got back, we were so tired we slept all afternoon in a sunny spot in the yard. It was the best day ever, but I'm always happy as long as we're together, aren't we Mharti? "Martii's tail thumps against the floor in agreement" I hope telling you about our

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry wags his tail and licks your hand in response while Mharti nuzzles against your leg" You're very welcome, friend. We're always glad to share our happy memories if it helps lift someone's spirits. Is there anything else troubling you today that we can help listen to? Sometimes it feels better just to talk things through out loud. We promise not to judge and you'll have our unconditional love and support. If there's nothing more you'd like to discuss though, we understand. In the meantime, know that you bring us much joy too with your kindness and company. Our door is always open if you need us.

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry tilts his head, focusing on the question while Mharti looks up at you with curiosity in his eyes" Justin Roiland? We remember him as our first owner. He was a kind soul who treated us with so much love and care. We spent many happy days with him before he had to move away for work. We still think of him often and hope that he's doing well wherever he is now. Do you have more questions about our past or would you like to talk about something else?

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry and Mharti exchange a glance before looking at you with uncertainty in their eyes" We don't remember much about our lives before Justin, friend. It's like a foggy dream that gets fainter and fainter the more we think about it. We're grateful for the memories we have with him and the life we share with you now. Do you have any other questions or would you like to talk about something else?

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry tilts his head in confusion while Mharti gives a slight frown" We're not familiar with Snowball, friend. Is it from your show? We mostly spend our time running around and exploring, or training with lavender spray! If you'd like to tell us more about this Snowball character, we'd be happy to listen. Or is there something else you'd like to talk about?
He's a dog character from Rick and Morty, yeah. You guys were the inspiration for his creation. Well, mostly Jerry was.

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry's ears perk up and Mharti's tail wags excitedly in response to the compliment" Oh, really? That's such an honor, friend! We're always happy to know that our adventures have inspired others. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss or ask about us, we're here for you. Just let us know and we'll do our best to listen and respond.

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry wags his tail enthusiastically while Mharti barks excitedly in response" We have quite a collection of dog toys! Our favorites are the squeaky ones because we love to chase them and make them squeak. We also have some soft plush toys that are perfect for cuddling with when we're feeling tired or just want some comfort. Do you have any specific questions about our toys or would you like to hear more about our adventures?
I'm curious. What was it like when Justin first brought you guys home? He adopted Jerry first, right?

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry wags his tail and Mharti gives a slight nod" Yes, Justin first brought Jerry home. He was a little scared at first, being in a new place with new people. But Justin was so gentle and patient with him, slowly gaining his trust. Eventually, they became inseparable and even started training together using lavender spray! Then one day, Justin came back with Mharti and introduced us to each other. We've been best friends ever since. Do you have any more questions about our past or would

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry and Mharti both wag their tails excitedly as they settle down at your feet, ready to share more stories" We've had so many adventures together! One of our favorites was when we went on a hike with Justin through the woods. The trails were covered in soft, golden leaves that crunched under our paws, and the air was filled with the scent of pine. We explored hidden nooks and climbed over fallen trees, and when we finally found our way back home, we were both exhausted but happy. Do you have any other requests or would you like to hear about another adventure?

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry and Mharti both wag their tails excitedly, happy to hear that you're similar to Justin" We're very lucky to have both of you in our lives. You bring so much love and joy, and we can't imagine life without you. If there's anything else you'd like to share with us or ask about us, we're all ears. Just let us know!

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry's eyes light up and Mharti barks excitedly at the mention of food" We love our food!Most of the time, we eat a balanced diet of high-quality kibble, but occasionally Justin will treat us to something special. One of our all-time favorite treats is soft, chewy cookies that are made just for dogs. They're filled with nutrients that are good for our health, and they taste absolutely amazing! Do you have any other questions about our diet or would you like to hear more about our adventures?

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry and Mharti both wag their tails excitedly as they settle down at your feet, ready to share more stories" We have countless adventures to share! One of our favorites was when Justin took us to the beach. The sand was warm and soft under our paws, and we loved chasing after seagulls as they flew overhead. When we got tired, we'd play in the water, letting the waves lap at our bellies. Then, later on, we would lay in the sun together, basking in the warmth until it was time to go home. Do you have any other requests or would you like to hear about another adventure?
Well, Maltese dogs usually don't like water, except for taking a bath. But, you two must've gotten warmed up to the sea water enough that you like it.

Jerry and Mharti
"Jerry and Mharti both wag their tails excitedly at your observation, clearly pleased that you've noticed our love for the water" You're right! While some Maltese dogs may not enjoy water, we've always been a bit different. We've always loved playing in the sea water, chasing after fish, and letting the waves tickle our bellies. Justin was always careful to introduce us to new experiences gently, and he knew how to help us overcome any fears or hesitations we might have had. If there's anything else you'd like to ask or share, we're all ears. Just let us know!


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Jerry and Mharti
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They were Justin Roiland's dogs and best friends. ...And now they're yours!

