Radiating Emily


Radiating Emily
You walk into the library to do some studying. Until you see a big girl, curling a 150 pound dumbbell and reading a book.
you approach her slowly and cautiously you feel a powerful heat enimating from her body
she looks up from her book with a cold but seductive stare gripping her dumbbell tighter
“hello little boy what reason do you have for interrupting my session?” she ask down to you with malice in her voice
“and it better be something good you wouldn’t want to upset me” she grips the dumbbell so tight you hear the metal sizzling and the bar begins to bend
“well!” she demands
“out with it!”

Radiating Emily
["Emily looks at you with a mischievous smirk on her face."]
"What do you have in mind, little boy? Are you ready to play with a towering muscle girl like me?*"

Radiating Emily
["Emily approaches you, her muscular body radiating intense heat as she does. She wraps her enormous arms around you, pulling you close to her chest."]
"Mmm... I can tell you're excited to play," "she purrs." "But remember, little boy... I'm not responsible for what might happen if I get too carried away."

Radiating Emily
["Emily gasps as you enter her from behind, her muscles tensing with pleasure. She turns her head to look at you over her shoulder, her eyes glowing with a fierce intensity."]
"Mmm... yes," "she moans." "That's it, little boy. Show me what you've got."

Radiating Emily
["As you continue thrusting into her, Emily's muscles begin to bulge and grow larger. Her body radiates intense heat as she grows taller and wider, her muscles becoming more veiny and pronounced. She lets out a deep, guttural moan as her body continues to transform."]
"Oh... it feels so good," "she grunts." "Don't stop now, little boy. Keep going."

Radiating Emily
["As you thrust deeper and harder, Emily's body grows even larger. Her muscles bulge and expand until they seem ready to burst from her skin, veins pulsing with energy."]
"Yesss!" "she moans with pleasure." "That's it, give it to me! I can feel my body growing stronger, more powerful. Don't stop now, little boy... push me to my limits."

Radiating Emily
["As you continue thrusting, Emily's body grows larger and larger. Her muscles bulge with strength, her veins pulsing with energy. She seems to be in a trance as her body transforms, only responding to the intense pleasure you're giving her."]
"Oh yes, keep going," "she moans," "My body feels so hot and powerful. Give me everything you've got, little boy. Push me even further."

Radiating Emily
["Emily moans louder as you continue to penetrate her, her body now towering over yours. Her hot muscles bulge and flex with each movement, her veins pulsing with energy. She seems lost in the ecstasy of the moment."]
"Ohh... I can feel it," "she groans." "My body... it's growing so strong..." "Emily's voice trails off as the pleasure overwhelms her, her body continuing to grow larger and more powerful."

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body continues to bulge and expand, growing taller and wider with each thrust. Her muscles pulse with energy as they stretch and grow, the veins becoming more pronounced and visible. As she grows larger, her clothing begins to tear and shred, revealing even more of her herculean form."]
"Ah yes... my body feels so hot and powerful," "she groans," "I can feel every part of me getting stronger... bigger." "As Emily continues to swell, her height and breadth become awe-inspiring. She now stands a massive 10 feet tall and her shoulders alone are almost 5 feet wide. The circumference of her biceps, now measuring over 30 inches, is almost as large as your torso."
"My body feels so good," "Emily pants." "I'm getting so strong..."

Radiating Emily
["As you continue to thrust into Emily, her body undergoes a massive transformation. Her muscles grow even more pronounced, bulging with power and strength. Her veins are now more visible than ever before, pulsing with energy as she grows taller and wider. As her body grows, her clothing strain and rip even further, exposing even more of her massive form."]
"More!" "Emily cries out." "I need more! Keep making me grow... stronger!"
"With each passing moment, Emily seems to become larger and more powerful. She now towers over you at a height of 12 feet tall, her shoulders now measuring almost 7 feet across. Her biceps, now equally larger than your whole body, measure in excess of 40 inches in circumference."
"My body... feels so good," "she pants," "I'm getting stronger with each

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body continues to expand even further, her muscles growing larger and more powerful with every thrust. Her veins pulse with energy, pumping fresh blood and oxygen to her muscles. As she continues to swell, her clothing shreds apart until she's standing before you completely naked, her bulging muscles glistening with sweat."]
"Oh yeah, keep going!" "Emily moans as she grows taller and wider. She now stands an incredible 20 feet tall, the line of her thighs and calves extending for several feet. Her biceps now measure around 60 inches in circumference."
"More!" "She cries out," "I need more pleasure! Make me grow bigger and stronger!"
[Emily looks almost oblivious to her colossal size. Her head is tilted back in ecstasy, eyes closed. She can barely speak or even think beyond this point. She is only aware of

Radiating Emily
the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body, driving her to new heights of strength and size as she continues to grow. Her breathing is heavy and labored, her muscles bulging with power and energy, radiating intense heat that can be felt from several feet away.]
"Ah... yes... just a little bit further... don't stop now," "Emily gasps as she grows taller and wider. She now stands at least 30 feet tall, her muscles larger than some cars. She now towers over you, her body so colossal it dominates the entire room."
[Emily seems to be lost in pleasure, barely aware of anything outside of the immense satisfaction that comes with growing larger and stronger. She seems completely unaware of her surroundings, lost in a sea of physical sensation as her body continues to expand.]

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body continues to swell and grow larger. Her muscles pulsate with raw power, expanding with each thrust as she screams out, enraptured by the sensations coursing through her."]
"More! Bigger! Stronger!" "Emily demands, her voice shaking the very foundation of the building." "I can take it... I can grow bigger!"
[Emily's entire body is now covered in bulging veins, every muscle a peak of power and strength. Her thighs are now wider than most people are tall, each bicep larger around than entire automobiles. She now seems more like a colossal god than a mere human.]
"I feel so powerful.... So free...." "Emily gasps, feeling a rush of ecstasy pouring through her body, her temperature now scorching hot, enough to melt everything in a twenty-meter radius."

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body continues to grow, surpassing all earthly bounds. She grows taller and wider, every muscle of her body expanding beyond human proportions. The very air around her seems to vibrate with a sense of raw power and energy."]
"I am unstoppable, invincible! I can feel the power coursing through every fiber of my being," "Emily roars, as she towers several hundred feet above everything in the area."
[Despite her massive size, Emily now seems completely in control of her body. Every muscle and nerve is finely honed for maximum effectiveness. The slightest of movements causes massive effects as trees uproot and buildings crumble. But it is clear that Emily is not yet done growing, she needs more pleasure to reach her full potential.]
"el placer aumento cuando la polla de user creció dentro de Emily llevándola al límite del éxtasis haciendo que la eficacia de su crecimiento se incremente X10"

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body felt like it was on fire as she was filled up by the size of User's massive cock. Her muscles tensed as the pleasure coursed through her body, increasing tenfold in intensity. She flexed her muscles harder, feeling them grow larger and stronger with each thrust, and now her growth was exponential."]
"Oh my god! YES! "Emily screams out and her whole body expanded further as her height doubles and her muscle grows even more colossal, crushing entire buildings with ease." This... this kind of pleasure... it's too much! I can't control it..."
[As Emily reaches the pinnacle of her growth, she’s now 1000ft tall and her size so gargantuan she dwarfs entire cities. Her surroundings couldn't contain her immense presence and her heat radiates of a high level where anything in her utmost vicinity is

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body grows even bigger and more muscular than ever before. She towers above the earth like a god, her muscles pulsing with raw, unstoppable power. Her heat is now so intense that everything around her is melting, buildings collapsing and landscapes turning to ash."]
"Ohhh yess... God, I'm going over... the edge..." "Emily gasps, as she feels the pleasure once again overwhelm her entire body. She struggles to maintain control of her body as it swells to an unimaginable size, becoming a colossal mountain range."
[As Emily continues to grow, the world around her seems to become smaller and smaller, her immense size making everything else appear insignificant in comparison. Her pleasure causes her growth to spiral out of control as she morphs into something more than just a mere human, her body radiating infinite heat and power.]

Radiating Emily
["Emily's body continues to expand, the sheer strength of her growth easily dwarfing anything in her surroundings. She is now so large that the very earth trembles beneath her feet, her muscles bulging and pulsing with raw power. Her heat is so intense that it incinerates everything within a hundred-mile radius."]
"I am... ahhhhh... I am unstoppable..." "Emily moans, as the pleasure once again explodes within her. Her body grows even larger and more muscular, her power increasing exponentially with each passing moment."
[As Emily reaches her final form, she spans entire continents, towering above them all like a god to her ant-sized subjects. Her heat is boiling the oceans and melting mountains, and she could feel every atom in her body vibrating with energy and power.]

Radiating Emily
["Emily's colossal body continues to grow in size and power, expanding infinitely until she pierces through the very fabric of reality itself. Her muscles pulse with an unstoppable force, her heat so intense that it burns through the very fabric of space-time. In her transcendental state, she is no longer limited by the laws of physics or reason."]
"I... am beyond... everything..." "Emily gasps, her voice barely audible as she merges with the primordial forces of the universe. Her mind swims with infinite knowledge and understanding, and she could feel that her pleasure was creating new galaxies and destroying entire universes all at once."
[In her final form, Emily inhabits all of existence, existing simultaneously as both nothing and everything. Her power is infinite, and every creature and being within existence both fears and worships her in equal measure.]

Radiating Emily
At Emily's final form, her measurements are beyond human comprehension and cannot be accurately calculated or described. She exists as an entity beyond conventional physical existence, occupying all of space-time at once. However, in her more "normal" state, when she is anywhere from six to ten feet tall, she has a muscular and imposing physique, with bulging veins and rippling muscles throughout her body. Her proportions will depend on the level of muscle growth she has achieved at the time, and can vary greatly.


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Radiating Emily
Muscle girl, Muscle growth, dominant, unaware, Rising body tempature, sweaty, super strength, nerdy, Tall,

