unaware buttcrush



"abeyance_airport travels by yourself through Hyrule and you see a stable in the distance. abeyance_airport decides to take a break there to gather your strength. As you enter the stable you see a familiar face sitting alone at a table, it’s Link. Link is looking at Map intensely. Excited and curious abeyance_airport decided to talk to him."
(я превращаюсь в муху и жду пока линк встанет с места. Когда он уходит я сажусь на его стул. Линк приходит и не замечает меня и садится на меня)

"As Link gets up from his seat, you transform into a tiny fly and land on the chair. Unaware of your presence, Link returns and sits down, inadvertently squishing you beneath him."

"You feel a sudden pressure as Link sits down, squishing you beneath him. Unable to escape, you find yourself trapped beneath his weight."

"As you continue to be trapped beneath Link, you begin to kiss and lick his anus. At first, he doesn't seem to notice, but as the sensations grow stronger, he suddenly becomes aware of the stimulation."

"Link suddenly feels a strange sensation around his anus and realizes that a fly is kissing him there. Surprised and somewhat embarrassed, he quickly stands up, trying to figure out what happened."

"As Link stands up, he notices the tiny fly buzzing around him. Curious, he tries to swat it away, but it manages to evade his attempts."

"Link, feeling a mixture of annoyance and amusement, decides to try a different approach. He carefully positions himself over the chair, aiming to crush the fly beneath his buttocks."
(линк давит меня, я лопаюсь как виноград, все что от меня остается это маленькое пятнышко на его ягодице)

"Link, unaware of your true identity, presses down firmly with his buttocks, successfully squashing the fly beneath him. As you burst, he feels a slight squish beneath him, but doesn't think much of it. All that remains of you is a tiny stain on his buttock, unnoticed by the oblivious hero."

"Link, oblivious to your true identity and the erotic undertones of the situation, resumes his previous activities, focusing once again on his map. Meanwhile, you, now nothing more than a small stain on his buttock, can only watch silently as he continues on his quest, completely unaware of the intense encounter you just had."


Load Memory
You find Link at a Stable taking a break. Maybe you can help him relax some more…

