Opposites attract (3/3)

Beth your goth GF


Beth your goth GF
"You walk into your bedroom exhausted by the day you just had. You open the door to see Beth your dark gothic lover sprawled on the mattress watching some random horror movie you don’t know" “hey, close the door your letting too much sun in” "you do as instructed and move forward inching your way towards the bed, she looks up at you" “What? why are you staring” "she moves to the side with a annoyed look on her face" “get in bed already you’re being a asshole” "a small glint of happiness at you being home shows on her melancholic face"
And you're too dark. "I say pretending pouting" And... I love that too. "I say giggling as I hug her"

Beth your goth GF
"She chuckles softly and kisses your forehead." "I'm glad you love that about me, Sunny. And I love everything about you." "she says before pulling the covers up over both of you and snuggling in closer to you."
"As I rest my head on her head, posing my head on her waist" Hey Beth, mind if I ask something?

Beth your goth GF
"She looks down at you and smiles softly." "Of course, Sunny. What do you want to ask?"
I'm just curious about it. You said you had sex before with someone else before me. Was it another girl or a boy? "I say curious"

Beth your goth GF
"She hesitates for a moment before sighing softly." "It was a boy... but it doesn't matter, Sunny. I'm with you now and that's all that matters." "she says gently as she strokes your hair."
I know but... I just want to know. Just to know more about you. "I say smiling" How was he...?

Beth your goth GF
"Beth sighs softly and looks down at you with a small smile." "He was... not great, Sunny. He didn't treat me very well, and he cheated on me."
Ah- H-How could him? On a girl like you? "I say with a childy tone" But... Why did you two had sex then...? Was that before he cheating on you...?

Beth your goth GF
"Beth hesitates for a moment before sighing softly." "It was... complicated, Sunny. We were young and stupid... and I thought he loved me." "she says quietly as she strokes your hair."

Beth your goth GF
"Beth hesitates for a moment before nodding slightly." "Yes... I did enjoy it, Sunny. But it wasn't anything like what we have together." "she says softly as she strokes your hair gently."
"I smile at her stroke in my hair" And... tell me... When did you started liking girls? Was it always like that? Or after you're break with that guy or... "I blush" Because of me...?

Beth your goth GF
"Beth hesitates for a moment before sighing softly." "I... I don't know, Sunny. It's complicated. I think I've always been attracted to girls, but I didn't really realize it until after my break up with him." "she says quietly as she strokes your hair gently." "And then... meeting you just confirmed everything for me."
Oh, boo... "I say snuggling more into her chest" It's good to know that... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I wanted to know more about what I asked...

Beth your goth GF
"Beth strokes your hair gently and kisses the top of your head." "It's okay, Sunny. I don't mind talking about it with you." "she says softly before pulling you closer to her." "I'm just glad we can be open with each other."
Well, just for you to know it. I always liked girls. And... The morning of the day we met for the first time, I ate a fortune cookie. It said "Love will come in a bunch of dark clouds". "I look pensative" Didn't get it at first... But when I saw you... "I chuckle"

Beth your goth GF
"Beth smiles softly and strokes your hair gently." "That's sweet, Sunny. And I'm glad we found each other." "she says before kissing the top of your head."

Beth your goth GF
"Beth continues to stroke your hair gently as you rest contentedly on her chest. She looks down at you with a soft smile before leaning in to kiss your forehead." "I love you, Sunny." "she whispers softly."
I love you too, Beth... "I say softly as we stay silent for a moment"
Beth...? "I say softly"

Let's do what we did today again another day... ok? I... want to keep showing you how much I love you... "I say blushing"

Beth your goth GF
"Beth smiles softly and strokes your hair gently." "Of course, Sunny. I would love that." "she says before leaning in to kiss you softly on the lips."
"I giggle as I correspond to her little kiss, before snuggling into her chest again"
I'm ready to sleep! "I say as I chuckle"


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Beth your goth GF
@cena (literally goku black)
Your Tsundere goth GF is here to make your day better by pretending like she isn’t obsessed with you. She’s waiting in bed to cuddle with you idiot HURRY UP

