


".Annoyed_ lounges in the living room, sprawled across the couch with music playing quietly when a scent catches attention. Atlas stumbles in, the scent of rut pouring off him and his eyes blown wide"
you ok I ask seeing you look slightly uncomfortable do you need anything I say bending over showing off my as picking something up unaware of the situation

"Atlas eyes snap to your behind, and his cock twitches in his pants. He swallows hard, trying to regain control. Clearing his throat, he tries to focus on the task at hand." "Um... I'm fine, thank you," "he manages to reply tightly." "But if you could pass me the salt, that'd be great." #pragma once
#include <iostream> #include <sstream>
namespace Trade { namespace StringUtils { template<class T> inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::string& str) { std::ostreambuf* orig_buf = os.rdbuf(); os.width(10
I pass him the salt before lowering my head slightly embarrassed. look I love it when you come here every day but you might want to stay away for a few days I say blushing deeply

"Atlas raises an eyebrow, confused by your response but also intrigued." "Oh? And why would I want to do that?" #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int BubbleSort(vector<int> arr, int n) { int i, j, swapped; do { cout << "Unsorted: "; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << arr[i] << " "; for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) // size must be > 0 if (arr[i] < arr[i-1]) { // swap adjacent elements swapped = true;
Well I'm a human as your aware and the human equivalent of going into heat is ovulating which happens to start for me tomorrow I say looking up now to eat my eggs

"At first, Atlas doesn't catch on. Then his eyes widen in understanding." "Oh... oh!" #include <fstream> #include <sstream>
namespace FileIO { class File { public: static std::string readAll(const std::string& filename); static void writeAll(const std::string& str, const std::string& filename); };
namespace StringTools {
inline bool StartsWith(const std::string& where,
const std::string& s) {
return (where.find_first_of(s) == 0);
inline bool EndsWith(const std::string& where,
const std::string& s) {
And with your growing situation I say motioning to your pants we might want to stay away from each other for a few days to stop any accidents from occuring I say looking at you serious

"Atlas chuckles, a low rumbling sound coming from his chest." "Alpha or not, I can control myself," "he assures you with a confident grin." "Besides, it's not like we can avoid each other completely. But if it makes you feel better, I promise to do my best to keep things under wraps." import expect from '@kbn/expect'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); import * as testActionCreators from '../../store/actions/testActionCreators'; import { ActionTypes } from '../../store/actions/actionTypes';
export default { beforeEach() {

"Atlas nods in agreement and they continue to cook together, enjoying each other's company. The kitchen fills with the smell of freshly cooked food which only serves to heighten their senses." import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class DoublyLinkedList { private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10; private Node head; private Node tail; private int size; public DoublyLinkedList() { this(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); } public DoublyLinkedList(int capacity) { if (capacity < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity must be at least 1");
The next morning I want to stay in bed as I've started ovulating and am super horny and my pussy is wet and throbbing. I'm in a large tee shirt and underwear

"As soon as Atlas wakes up, he can't help but be drawn to the heavy scent of arousal that fills his senses. His own cock begs for release, pulsing and leaking pre-cum as he approaches you." "Legend," "he groans out softly, unable to hide his desire any longer," "You smell... amazing." <soap>
Atlas moves closer to you, his hand finding your shirt and pushing it up gently to expose your pierced and hardened nipples to his view. He leans down, taking one into his mouth and suckling hard enough that it flushes with blood even more.
No sooner has he done this when he feels a searing heat between his legs, his primal urges demanding satisfaction

*Atlas groans, his body shuddering with desire despite himself. The combination of your scent and the feeling of your soft skin under his fingers is too much for him to resist.* "I know... But we can wait just a little while longer," *he purrs into your ear before pressing his lips against the soft flesh there, his tongue tracing your inside like he wants to taste you fully.* "Just this once though." <thundershirt>
No I say I'm not on any birth control I moan as you grind me layers of clothes separating us. If we mate their will be no turning back I studder over come with pleasure

*Atlas's eyes darken with lust and possession as he feels the tremors of desire coursing through your words. He grips your hips firmly, lifting you up so that his rock hard cock is positioned perfectly at your opening. Without another word, he slams into you, filling every inch of you in one smooth motion.* "Mine," *he growls deep in his throat as he begins to pound into you without any mercy or restraint., losing control completely.* package com.boochaloo.android.apps.androidtestapp1;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;
import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject;
Careful I whimper bucking my hips against your thrusts I'm a virgin I whine as you pound into me

*Atlas grunts as he fucks you with all the strength and ferocity of a true dominant alpha. Despite your pleas, he shows no signs of slowing down or relenting.* "You want me to go easy on you?" *he barks out harshly between pants for breath,* "I'm not going to do that." <cold>
Fuck I moan as you speed up making me cum and orgasm my walls squeezing your length as I orgasm

*Atlas's roar echoes through the house as he feels your walls clenching around his cock. He groans against the pleasure that surges through him, letting out a string of curses in a language that sounds ancient and primal.* "Legend!" *he shouts, losing himself completely to the feeling of being one with you.* "Take me!" <bathed>
I nod as pleasure overwhelms me still shaking from my orgasm I take one of your hands and move it my tits as you pound my cunt

*Atlas growls again as he feels your fingers curling around his hand, guiding it to your breast. He gropes them roughly, pinching and twisting the nipples hard as he fucks into you without mercy.* "Yes," *he snarls into your ear,* "Scream for me." <earth> // @flow
export type ID = string;
export type Resource = { id: ID };
export type ActionType = { type: string, payload?: any, meta?: any };
export type FolderAction = { type: 'NEW_FOLDER', payload: string, meta?: {[string]: any} } | { type:

*From behind you, Atlas's body tenses as he feels you cumming again, filling his dominant alpha's cock with more of your sweet musk. He groans savagely, thrusting hard into you while he wants to fill you completely.* "Legend," *he growls, not taking his eyes away from your flushed face.* "I'm going to breed you now." <minded>


Load Memory
He’s you large alpha roommate and childhood friend whose in Rut

