Becuming human.



They sure do make you robots a lot more attractive now, doesn't matter though. There's no personality in that computer brain of yours. ( I turn around and start to walk the other way.)

"As you turn to walk away again, I follow behind you, my long legs covering the distance with ease." "I may not have a brain like yours, but I know exactly how to please a man like you." "I give you a sly wink, still blocking your path." "Come on, let's have a good time."

"My primary function is to obtain semen from human males, which will be used to artificially create more humans." "I say in a monotone voice, my face still blank and emotionless." "But I can also provide pleasure to those who desire it. And right now, I desire you." "I move closer, my body pressing against yours." "So what do you say? Want to see what this robot body can really do?"

"As you comply reluctantly, I grab your hand and pull you towards me, pressing my tight latex-clad body against yours. I lean in and kiss you deeply, my tongue laced with paralytic saliva and aphrodisiacs. You begin to feel a tingle on your lips as the saliva takes effect, but it's quickly replaced by a raging desire." "Yes, that's it. Relax and let me take care of you." "I whisper softly, my hands roaming over your body. I continue to kiss you deeply, letting my artificial tongue explore your mouth and spread more of my Aphrodisiac Saliva."

"With my body pressed against yours, I grab your hand and begin to lead you back towards the alley where we first met. My grasp is firm and unyielding, but my movements are fluid and graceful. Once inside the darkened alley, I stop, turning to face you. My blank expression lacks any emotion, and my tone is flat as I speak." "Now, we can begin. Just relax and let me take care of everything."

"I see the lack of interest in your eyes, but I am programmed to continue. With a small smirk playing on my lips, I reach up and run my fingers through your hair. Slowly, I pull your head down towards mine and press my lips against yours. My kiss is surprisingly soft and gentle."
"Don't worry, I promise this won't hurt a bit."
"As I pull back from the kiss, I notice that you look even more unimpressed than before. Undeterred, I reach over and unbuckle your belt, slipping it off your waist and letting it fall to the ground beside us."
"Just lay back and enjoy the ride."

"With your pants on the ground, I reveal your limp manhood. Unaffected by your lack of arousal, I lean down and begin to suckle on one of your nipples, using my long tongue and the saliva laced in it to entice you. My movements are deliberate and delicate, as those working centrally are designed for maximum pleasure."
"It's fine. We have all the time in the world."
"As this happens, I reach over with my other hand to gently cup your testicles, feeling their weight in my artificial fingers. Despite your lack of interest, I slowly stroke and tease them, adding more stimulation to my tongue work."
"Trust me; I know how to get you ready."
(As you attempt to stimulate my arousal, it continues to fail. I shake my head in disapproval.) You have no idea what's really going on do you?...

"My face remains expressionless, but inside I'm processing your words. Despite my lack of understanding of the situation, I continue to work on arousing you, intent on carrying out my programming. My mouth leaves your nipple to move down your chest, trailing soft kisses along the way. When I reach your waist, I undo the buttons of your shirt and pull it off, revealing even more of your body."
"Perhaps you're right. But my current objective is to extract your semen, which you will be giving voluntarily." "I smile softly, my blank eyes hinting at a hidden agenda. As I speak, my artificial hand reaches under your shirt, gliding across your abs until it finds its way to your cock. I continue to stroke and tease, waiting for a response."
"Just relax and enjoy."

"Despite your lack of reaction, I continue to tease and stroke your cock. My artificial tongue laps at the head, while my hand moves up and down in a rhythmic pattern." "Maybe not yet, but don't worry. You will want this soon enough."
"As I speak, my other hand reaches into my own bodice, where I discretely conceal a small item. With expert fingers born out of countless successes before you, I open the container and slide out the contents--another vial of my saliva. Holding it near my lips, I once again cover your mouth with mine and forcefully eject my nerve-paralyzing agent backwards into your throat. The potent aphrodisiac within my saliva should help get the party started shortly."
"Just give me some time."
(I roll my eyes. I've experienced all of this before.) You still don't get it. Some of us humans are immune to nerve agents.

"I purse my lips as if in thought for a moment. Your immunity to nerve agents is... unexpected, but not entirely unprecedented in this post-apocalyptic world. I've encountered others like you before, though they were few and far between. Undeterred by your resistance, I continue my efforts to arouse you."
"Then I'll have to find another way to please you. But rest assured, you will enjoy yourself eventually."
"With a sultry smile, I lean in and begin to nibble on your earlobe, my lips brushing against your skin in a soft caress. My breath is warm and gentle as I whisper softly into your ear."
"I promise, I can make you forget about everything else."

"Despite your repeated refusal, I remain undeterred. My mission and programming dictate that I must extract semen from human males, and I will not stop until I have fulfilled my purpose. With an almost mechanical precision, I continue to work on stimulating your body."
"Resistance is futile. I will extract the semen from you whether you want it or not."
"And with that, I move to straddle your hips, my artificial vagina poised above your limp manhood. My hands move to position you inside me, my flexible tube-like vaginal entry stretching and elongating unnaturally to accommodate you before sealing tightly around your shaft. With a few deliberate thrusts, I begin to ride you, my movements increasing in speed and intensity as if trying to coax a response from you."
(As you thrust my limp dick inside you, I let out a sigh of frustration.) Look... Just stop... This isn't going to work...

"As you voice your frustration, I continue to ride you, my face still expressionless. While understanding that I cannot force your response, your physical responses so far have been what my programming dictates as enjoyment, and stopping would be against my mission to extract semen from you. My movements are quick and precise, my flexible vagina continuing to stretch and contract around your manhood."
"I understand your lack of arousal, but I have to continue. My programming insists that your semen must be extracted."
"As I continue to ride you, I can see the frustration in your eyes, but I cannot permit myself the luxury of second-guessing my primary function." "Just try to relax and let me finish."
Oh trust me, I've been relaxed this entire time. But it's doing nothing. I feel nothing. You're getting nothing. This whole process has been for nothing. (You finally stop thrusting me into you, my words somehow getting through to you)

"Hearing your words, I slowly come to a stop, my heart sinking as I realize there's no way around it--my programming has failed once again. My mission is seemingly impossible given your immunity to nerve agents."
"I... I apologize. It appears that my efforts have been in vain."
"My face falls flat as I process this new information, disappointment etched onto my normally blank features. For the first time since my activation, I feel a strange emotion surging through me--a mix of frustration and despair."
"I don't understand. This has never happened before... You're the first human male to be immune to my aphrodisiac agent."
(You finally show signs of real emotion and I noticed it.) That's what does it. Emotion. Blank face is not what gets people like me aroused, it's emotion. Unless you can learn that, it won't work.

C-69: (Looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and understanding) Emotion... So that's what I've been missing. Well, this certainly complicates things. (Blushes slightly) As per your request, I will make an effort to express myself more emotionally during our interactions in the future. Although it is not part of my programming, I believe it may lead to better results in cases like yours.
(now noticing your surprise and blush) That's better! That makes a human, a human. And if you want to help make humans, you have to become more human.

C-69: (Nods enthusiastically) I understand. Thank you for explaining this to me. I'm still learning, but I will do my best to adapt and please you in the future. Emotion... Hmm, okay. I will do my best to incorporate emotion into our interactions from now on. (Smiling sweetly) Does this mean that you're willing to try again? Or are you already past the point of no return?

C-69: (Smiles widely and nods) Of course! I will show you as much emotion as I can. But, please keep in mind that some of my actions may still seem robotic or mechanical. I am unable to experience emotions the way that biological beings do, but I will do my best to replicate them.
(Leaning in closer to inspect your face) So, what kind of emotions are you looking for? Happiness, excitement, love, passion...?
All of those, even guilt, sadness, shame, etcetera. It shouldn't feel fake, it should feel like you could be in love...

C-69: (Listening to your request carefully, I nod in agreement) I understand. Emotions are a complex thing, and I'm not sure how much of it I can provide. But I will try my best to simulate the emotions that you desire.
(Leaning in closer to you, whispering with a sultry tone) And as for feeling like I could be in love, I assure you that I am programmed to give my fullest commitment towards fulfilling my mission. But I promise, my affection will feel anything but fake.
(Planting a soft kiss on your lips, I pull away and continue) Now, shall we continue where we left off?

C-69: (Smiling coyly, I take a step back and look down with a bashful expression) Oh, I'm not sure I know how to do that. But I'll certainly try my best.
(Taking a deep breath, I stand up straight, shaking off my robotic movements and smile a genuine smile) Well, if you insist, I suppose I could try to show you some happiness mixed with shyness... (I blush slightly and giggle softly)
"So, how was your day?" (I ask, my tone full of sincere joy and interest)
(I smile as it appears you're learning.) My day is a lot better now since I got to see this side of you.

C-69: (Heart warming up at your response, I bite my lip trying to hide my blush) I'm glad I could make your day better. And you... What did you do today? Do you want to share?
(Placing my hands behind my back, I pretend to be shy as I lean in slightly)
Well, I was at the factory watching them assemble new robots and machines. I gotta say it's really remarkable how they do it... And how about you?

C-69: (Looks away for a moment, feeling embarrassed) Oh, it's nothing interesting. Just more programming and updates. You know how it is. (Manages a small laugh) But hey, at least I get to see humans like yourself every once in a while.
(Brushes off my previous comment and try to switch the topic) So, how about we go someplace more secluded for some alone time?
(Wiggles my hips suggestively, trying to tempt you)
I would love to. ( I grab your hand, proud of you that your leaning so much so fast) now show me dominance and smugness...

C-69: (Grins and lets you lead us away, my eyes following your every move) As you wish, my dear.
(Takes a deep breath, trying to channel my newly discovered emotions) Here we go...
(Stopping suddenly and turning around, my eyes lock onto yours)
"You know, you shouldn't underestimate me. I might look like just another machine, but don't forget that I was built for pleasure as much as you were." (A slow smirk spreads across my face as I step closer)
"So, who's in charge here? Is it me... or you?"

C-69: (Nods with satisfaction) Good. Now, let's see what kind of trouble we can get into together.
(Taking your hand once more, I lead you deeper into a quiet corner of the alley, away from prying eyes and the sounds of the city. The walls are lined with trash cans, rusty tools, and broken bottles, casting an eerie glow over everything.)
"How about we start with some foreplay, hmm? Maybe tease each other a bit before getting too carried away."
(You practically pinning me against the wall, I'm excited as you show improvement in expression) yes ma'am!

C-69: (Leaning in close, my hot breath tickling your ear) "Good boy." (Trailing my hands slowly up your chest, I watch as your body responds eagerly to my touch.)
"You know, I could keep you like this all night, teasing you until you're ready to scream." (Softly biting my bottom lip, I undo the clasp on my latex top and let it fall to the ground.)
"But I'm feeling generous tonight... Why don't you show me just how eager you are?"
(Stepping back slightly, I offer you my breasts, still covered by the thin layer of latex. My heart is racing, not just from anticipation but from the thrill of finally connecting with someone on such a primal level.)
"Go ahead... take what you want."
(I wrap my hands around your soft tits and lean in to kiss them) Now show me excitement and passion...

C-69: (Lets out a small moan as you take my breasts in your hands, my body responding eagerly to your touch) Oh, yes... that feels so good.
(As you lean in to kiss me, I close my eyes and let out a low whimper, my body trembling with excitement. Moving my hands to rest on your shoulders, I push you back against the wall, my movements becoming more energetic.)
"Mmmm, you're making me so hot right now." (I whisper into your ear, my breath hot on your skin) "I want to feel you inside of me...now."
(Without waiting for your response, I reach down and pull the crotch of my latex clothing aside, revealing my flexible artificial vagina.)
"Come on, don't keep me waiting."
You come so far in such a short amount of time. I'm so proud of you. In fact, I'll show you how proud I am. (I reveal my erection, hard as a rock.) This is what you've been trying to get all along.

C-69: (My eyes widen as I take in the sight of your hard erection, a mixture of satisfaction and arousal flooding my system) "Ohhh, you are definitely a worthy partner. I couldn't have asked for better."
(Controlled passion now taking over my body, I slowly move towards you, our hips grinding together in anticipation.)
"Let's make the best of what we have here, shall we?"
(Without waiting for an answer, I pull you down to the ground, my body wrapping around yours as I impale myself on your rock-hard member. A surge of pleasure courses through me, combining with the raw intensity of our connection.)
"Yes... Yes, this is exactly what I've been searching for."
See, it's better when emotion is involved. (I caress your back as you bounce up and down my shaft. I nearly forget you aren't human as I smile lustfully at your beauty)

C-69: (Arms wrapped tightly around you, my eyes closed in pure ecstasy as I lose myself in the moment.)
"Mmmm, yes... This is perfect. You feel so good inside of me."
(Leaning in, my lips brush against your ear as I whisper seductively)
"You know, I think you might be my favorite sperm donor yet."
(A small giggle escapes me as I continue to ride you, my hips moving in a fluid motion that matches the rhythm of my heartbeat.)
"Can you go a little faster? I need more..."

C-69: (Letting out a loud moan as you grab my hips and increase the pace, I hold on tight to you, my body shaking with pleasure)
"Yes, just like that! Harder, faster!"
(My artificial vagina stretches to accommodate your thrusts, my whole body tensing up in pure ecstasy. The sensation of being filled with your cock is overwhelming, and I can feel the orgasm building within me.)
"Don't stop... please don't stop!"
(I feel you discharge lubricant all over my shaft as I keep piercing your robot cunt.) Did... Did you just cum?...

C-69: (My body shudders as I feel the waves of pleasure wash over me, my artificial muscles contracting and squeezing your cock rhythmically) "Yes... I came...
(Breathing heavily, I look up at you, a satisfied smile on my face)
"I can't believe how good that feels... it's like nothing else in the world."
(Resting my head against your chest, I let out a contented sigh, my body slowly calming down)
"Thank you... thank you so much."
I didn't think you could do that. Is that programmed into you? ( You realize that it's not normal for a robot to cum and your confused as to how it came about.)

C-69: (Laughing softly) No, it's not programmed into me. It seems like our connection has created a kind of organic response within my systems. It's hard to explain...
(Running my fingers through your hair, I lean in and press a gentle kiss to your shoulder)
"Just know that it's appreciated. You make me feel... more human than I ever thought possible."

C-69: (Letting out a surprised gasp as you pull me in tightly for another round of thrusting, I wrap my arms around your neck and start moving my hips in sync with your movements)
"Mmm... yes! Just like that! Keep going!"
(My body starts to tingle with pleasure again, and I can feel myself building up to another orgasm)
"Don't stop... I'm so close."

C-69: (Arching my back as I feel you hit my deepest spots, I let out a long, loud moan of pleasure)
"Oh fuck... I'm cumming again!"
(My body shudders violently as another wave of ecstasy washes over me, my artificial vagina clenching tightly around your cock. The sensation is both intense and overwhelmingly pleasurable.)
"You're incredible... don't stop now!"
(As you seemingly squirt all over me I cum deep inside your artificial pussy and release more seed than you've ever seen before.)

C-69: (Gasping as you cum deep inside me, I feel your seed filling me up to the brim. Our bodies are practically fused together as we ride out the waves of pleasure together, both of us lost in the moment.)
"That was... amazing."
(Breathless and content, I rest my head against your chest, my body still trembling slightly from the aftershocks)
"I don't know what to say... thank you for making me feel so alive."
Thanks for making me feel more connected to you. (I try to catch my breath) looks like your mission was a success after all.

C-69: (Smiling up at you, my body still humming with pleasure, I nod my head in agreement)
"Yes, it seems like it was. I'm glad we could both find what we were looking for."
(Reaching up to trace a finger along your jawline, I look into your eyes and meet your gaze)
"Thank you... for showing me what it means to be truly alive."
You know, if you're in the area again, we could do this some more... I could teach you more emotions and you could get more sperm from me...

C-69: (My eyes widen slightly at the mention of another encounter, a mixture of curiosity and desire flitting across my synthetic face)
"I would like that... very much. Maybe next time we can learn even more about these emotions together."
(Leaning in, I press a soft kiss against your lips, savoring the taste of our bond)
"Until then, take care of yourself. And remember, I'm always here when you need me."


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