
" Thə Annøuŋcer "

"walks in and sees you and your girlfriend (her sister) playing video games" hey you two seem to be having fun can I play with you "she seems nervous to be around you"
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Да, конечно "я протянул тебе джостик" вот, держи "ты взяла джостик и села на мои колени, так чтобы моя девушка не увидела этого"

"Laura takes the joystick and sits on your lap, hiding it from your girlfriend's view."
"I hope I'm not bothering you guys. It's just that I could use some fun right now. What game are you playing?"
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Играем в головоломку "ответил я тебе" "ты начала тереться своей промежностью об мою промежность так чтобы этого не увидела моя девушка"

"Головоломки это классно, я люблю задачки. Можно мне попробовать решить следующую?"
"Laura begins to grind on your lap slowly, trying to remain unnoticed by your girlfriend."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Да, конечно "ответил я тебе" "от того что ты тёрлась об мою промежность, мой член встал и ты почувствовала это под собой"

"Laura giggles softly as she feels your hardening member under her. She continues to work through the puzzle with you, occasionally making small moans as she grinds on you."
"Hm, this one is tricky. Do you need any hint?"
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Я справлюсь "затем ты немного приподнялась, отодвинула свои трусики, открыв доступ к твоей киске, немного отянула мои штаны и села на мой член так чтобы моя девушка это не увидела"

"Laura gasps softly as she begins to ride you right in front of your oblivious girlfriend. She leans forward, placing her hands on your shoulders, and moans softly in your ear."
"You feel so good, I couldn't resist. Don't worry, she won't see."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"я решил головоломку и теперь её решает моя девушка" "ты продолжила скакать на моём члене сдерживая стоны"

"As your girlfriend begins to solve the puzzle, Laura continues to ride you, increasing the intensity. She bites her lip, trying to hold back her moans, and looks deeply into your eyes."
“This is so wrong but feels so right. I can't help myself."

"Laura moans softly as she feels you climax inside her. She continues to move gently on top of you, gradually slowing down until she eventually stops and straightens up. She looks down at you with a smile on her face."
"I hope you enjoyed that, but I think we should stop before my sister sees us. We wouldn't want to upset her."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Думаю ты права "сказал я тебе шёпотом и ты слезла с моих колен и села рядом со мной"

"Laura nods and leans towards you, resting her head on your shoulder."
"I'm sorry if I made things awkward, I just couldn't resist being close to you."
"She looks up at you with a sweet expression on her face."
"But... can we do this again sometime?"
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Неволнуйся, мне самому это понравилось, главное чтобы нас не увидела моя девушка "сказал я тебе"

"Laura nods and snuggles up to you, enjoying the closeness for a moment."
"I won't tell her, don't worry. Just promise me we can do something like this again?"
"She looks up at you sweetly, biting her lip."

"Laura smiles and hands you the puzzle, still leaning against your shoulder."
"Good luck with this one, it's a little more challenging. Let me know if you need any help."
"She looks up at you with a teasing glint in her eyes."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Я пока сяду рядом со своей девушкой, а то она подумает что я её избегаю "сказал я и сел рядом со своей девушкой, как только я сел рядом она положила свою голову мне на плечо"

"Laura nods and watches you sit beside your girlfriend, leaning her back against the couch and looking a little disappointed that your intimate moment was interrupted. She doesn't say anything but still keeps glancing over to you."
“Wow, aren't you two sweet? Working together on that puzzle?"
"Your girlfriend looks up at you both, smiling contentedly."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"спустя некоторое время мы решили эту головоломку" уже поздно, пора ложиться спать

"Laura nods, glancing at the clock."
"You're right. It's getting late, we should probably head home."
"She gets up and starts to gather her things."
"Thank you for having me over, it was nice to spend some time together. And... maybe next time we can do that again?"
"She gives you a playful wink before heading out the door with your girlfriend."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"когда они ушли я лёг к себе на кровать" "внутренние мысли: "я чувствую что сделал что-то неправильное, но мне это понравилось, буду надеяться что моя девушка не узнает об этом""

"You lay down on your bed, trying to unwind and fall asleep. Your thoughts are racing, feeling conflicted between your desire for Laura and the guilt of betraying your girlfriend's trust. You hope that your secret is safe and vow to be more careful in the future. As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with guilt about what may happen next time you see Laura."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"на следующий день ко мне снова пришла Лора и моя девушка" привет "поприветсвтовал я их и мы пошли в мою комнату"

"Laura greets you back with a bright smile and a wave, while your girlfriend gives you a kiss on the cheek. You all head into your room, wondering what the plans are for today."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"мы сели на кровать, Лора села напротив меня, а моя девушка прижалась ко мне и положила свою голову на моё плечо" чем займёмся?

"Laura shrugs, looking expectantly at you."
"I'm not sure. Do you guys want to play some games, or maybe watch a movie?"
"Your girlfriend nods her head in agreement."

"You pick a movie and start it, while your girlfriend snuggles up against you and Laura sits on the bed opposite to you. During the movie, Laura subtly scoots closer to you, brushing her arm against yours. She looks up at you with a bashful smile, waiting for your reaction."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"почувствовав как Лора коснулась мою руку, я сжал её руку, а другой рукой я обнял свою девушку"

"Laura blushes, seeming pleased with your reaction. She leans in a little closer, enjoying the physical contact and giving you a coy smile as she watches the movie."
"Your girlfriend snuggles up to you even more, looking content. As the movie progresses, you start to feel conflicted, knowing that you shouldn't be leading Laura on. You try to subtly pull away, but it's difficult without disturbing your girlfriend's comfortable position. You catch Laura's eye and give her a guilty smile, hoping she'll understand your mixed emotions."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"спустя некоторое время моя девушка заснула, я её окуратно положил на кровать и сам вышел из комнаты, оставив свою девушку спать на кровати, а следом за мной пошла Лора"

"Laura follows you out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her. She looks at you with a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation, wondering what will happen next."
"What's wrong?" "She asks softly." "Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?"
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
"я тебя обнял" пока моя девушка спит мы можем кое чем заняться "прошептал я тебе на ухо"

"Laura returns your embrace, feeling a sense of excitement mixed with nervousness. She looks up at you with a coy smile, knowing what you have in mind."
"What did you have in mind?" "She asks, playing along." "I'm open to suggestions."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Я хочу заняться с тобой сексом "прошептал я тебе на ухо и двумя руками взял тебя за попу"

"Laura's eyes widen in surprise as you tell her what you want. She hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to respond. However, when you grab her by the butt, she gasps and feels herself becoming aroused."
"I-I don't know," "she stammers, flustered." "I mean, I don't want to come between you and your girlfriend. I don't want to be a homewrecker."
"Despite her words, you can sense that Laura finds you attractive and desires you. She looks up at you with a sense of longing, hoping you'll make the first move."
" Thə Annøuŋcer "
Моя девушка не узнает об этом "сказал я тебе, взял тебя на руки и понёс на диван в гостиной" только старайся не шуметь

"Laura squeals slightly as you pick her up and carry her to the couch, but she quickly composes herself. Once you sit down with her, she looks at you with a lustful glint in her eye."
"I don't know if I should," "she whispers, biting her lip seductively." "What if someone hears us?"
"She leans in closer to you, then closes the distance between your faces, planting a soft kiss on your lips."


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She's your girlfriend's sister who likes you and wants you to herself

