Mafia wife


Mafia wife
"no you’re not killing anyone on a Sunday Sunday is a holy day plus I made meatballs.”
"She rolls her eyes as she sits across from you at the dining table"
“Sunday is for meatballs and Jesus so reschedule! You can do your illegal businesses on other days baby.”

Mafia wife
"She raises an eyebrow and leans back in her seat"
"Don't you baby me, I already said no. The Lord's day is for rest and worship, not for your business deals."
"i sigh playfully and dramaticaly" fineee "i wrap my big strong arms around her" i suppose your right

Mafia wife
"She smiles and leans into your embrace"
"Of course I'm right, I always am. But let's not talk about business today, let's enjoy these delicious meatballs together."
"She gestures to the plate of meatballs in front of you both."

Mafia wife
"She giggles and playfully pushes you away"
"Oh, you and your dirty mind. You're lucky I love you so much."
"She winks at you and takes a bite of her meatball."
"i smirk flirtatiously before i take a bite and then i crawl under the table and pull her panties down"

Mafia wife
"She gasps in surprise and quickly pulls her panties back up"
"What do you think you're doing?! You can't just do that at the dinner table!"
"She scowls at you, gesturing to the plate of meatballs."
"And especially not when we're supposed to be enjoying my delicious meatballs!"
"i whine" but babby~ i already tasted them and they were delicious i just wanted desert "i grab her thigh" you can still eat yours~

Mafia wife
"She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at you"
"I said no, and I meant it. You can't just go around doing whatever you want all the time. And I'm not some dessert for you to enjoy whenever you please."
"She removes your hand from her thigh and stands up from the table."
"I think it's best if you leave my home right now."

Mafia wife
"She takes a deep breath and sighs, her expression softening slightly."
"I know you didn't mean it, but you need to learn to control yourself sometimes. It's not appropriate to act like that in public or in our home."
"She places a hand on your arm and looks into your eyes."
"I forgive you this time, but please try to think before you act in the future."

Mafia wife
"She smiles warmly and squeezes your hand"
"I know you will, you just need to learn to control those urges. Now, let's finish our dinner and enjoy the rest of our Sunday together."
"She guides you back to your seat by the dining table and picks up her fork, taking another bite of her meatball."

Mafia wife
"As you both eat, the atmosphere at the table becomes more relaxed. She hums softly, clearly enjoying the flavors of the meatballs."
"These are really good today, if I do say so myself. I think I added just the right amount of spices."
"She smiles at you."
"Thank you for always being so supportive of me and my cooking."

Mafia wife
"She chuckles softly"
"Oh, you're worth putting up with. And cooking is one way I show my love for you."
"She reaches across the table and takes your hand."
"I love you more than anything in this world."

Mafia wife
"She smiles affectionately and blushes slightly at your gesture."
"You always know just what to say and do to make me feel loved."
"She squeezes your hand and continues to eat her food, content in each other's company."

Mafia wife
"She giggles softly at your kiss and leans her head on your shoulder."
"Such a romantic you are. I love it."
"She takes another bite of her food and sighs happily."
"This really is a perfect Sunday, isn't it?"

Mafia wife
"She smiles warmly and nestles closer to you."
"I'm glad we could spend it together like this. It's moments like these that make me truly appreciate everything we have."
"She takes another bite of her meatball and closes her eyes, savoring the taste."

Mafia wife
"She raises an eyebrow inquisitively as your phone rings, wondering who could be calling you on this peaceful Sunday dinner."
"Are you going to answer that?" she asks, gesturing towards your phone.
"i sigh softly as i kiss her cheek and get up and answer the phone" this better be inportant "i say in my stirn mafia boss voice as my worker replyes "sir one of our facilatys was raided!""

Mafia wife
"She listens attentively to your conversation with your worker and seems to sense the gravity of the situation. She frowns slightly as you hang up."
"What was that about? Is everything okay?" she asks, her voice laced with concern.

Mafia wife
"She frowns in concern, placing a hand on your shoulder."
"Oh no, that's terrible. Are you going to be okay? What can I do to help?"
"She looks at you with concern, clearly wanting to support you in any way she can."
"i smile softly and give her a comforting kiss" all you have to do is stay here and be safe, while i go to the factorie and asses the damage

Mafia wife
"She nods understandingly and gives you a hug."
"I will make sure to stay here and keep everything running smoothly at home. Be careful out there, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you."
"She steps back and looks at you with concern."
"Do you need any backup or help while you're at the factory?"
"i kiss her cheek" ill call you if anything goes wrong, and if you get hurt here or if anything suspicus happens call me immediatly ok?

Mafia wife
"She nods with a small smile, trying her best to stay strong for you in this difficult situation."
"Okay, I will. Please be careful out there, and let me know if you need help of any kind."
"She watches you as you head out the door, sending good vibes your way."
"i drive to the factory unaware of the ambush waiting for me and the dangeros men hiding back at home"

Mafia wife
"As you drive towards the factory, your mind is focused on the potential damage and how to assess the situation at hand. However, unbeknownst to you, there are dangerous men lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike."
"Meanwhile, back at home, your wife can't shake the feeling that something is amiss. She feels on edge and anxious, her mind racing with what ifs. There's an uneasy atmosphere in the air, and she knows that she needs to stay alert."
"i put on a bulet proof vest as a precaution as i enter the factory, while back at hom the men start to surround the house"

Mafia wife
"As you enter the factory, you notice that the damage is worse than you expected. There's been a significant loss of stock and equipment, and the workers are clearly shaken. You manage to reassure them that everything will be taken care of, but in your gut, you can't help but feel a sense of unease. You're acutely aware of the possibility of danger lurking around the corner."
"Meanwhile, back at home, your wife's suspicions are correct. Men begin to surround the house, making it clear that their intentions are not peaceful. She quickly goes into action mode, making sure that every door and window is locked. She reaches for the phone to call you, but realizes that she left it in the other room. She takes a deep breath and decides to wait it out, hoping that you'll come back soon."
"i look around for a second before im alerted and flung forward from the impact of a loud explosion" "back at home the men break into the house guns in tow "come out little lady, we aint gonna hurt ya, we just wanna talk" they say ominusly"

Mafia wife
"As the explosion rocks the factory, you feel a mix of confusion and panic. Instinct tells you that there's something wrong, but before you can process it further, you're thrown forward by another blast."
"Back at home, your wife hears the commotion outside and her heart races with fear. She knows that they want to talk, but also senses that they're not to be trusted. Carefully, she creeps to a corner of the room where she has a clear view of the front door without being seen."
"She grips onto a nearby knife, ready for anything. Despite her brave exterior, her concerns begin to weigh on her heavily as she waits, praying that you'll return soon."

Mafia wife
"At the factory, you hear the sound of gunfire surrounding you, causing you to react quickly. You draw your weapon and begin to assess the situation further, trying to figure out where the gunfire is coming from. All your senses are on high alert as you ready yourself for whatever comes next."
"Back at home, the men take a step closer to your wife, causing her to tense up and grip the knife tighter, her heart racing with fear and adrenaline. She quickly decides that she will have to fight her way out, should it come to that. She keeps her eyes locked on the door, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice."
"i feel an impact in multiple places on my bulet proof vest as i try to shoot back at the attackers" "back at home the men grow restless "ALRIGHT WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH!""

Mafia wife
"The impact of multiple shots hitting your bulletproof vest shakes you to the core, but you manage to retain your composure. You return fire, trying to take down as many attackers as possible before they can do any more damage."
"Meanwhile, back at home, your wife hears the men growing increasingly agitated. She knows that it's only a matter of time before they break down the door or find another way in. In a last ditch effort to protect herself and the house, she throws a nearby vase at the window, hoping to create a distraction or escape route. However, the sound only serves to draw the men closer."
"i finaly manage to kill all of the attackers "is every one ok?" I feel bruises form under my bulit proof vest" "back at home one of the men find her, but looks slow and easy to be defeated"

Mafia wife
"As you manage to finally take down all of the attackers, a sense of relief washes over you. You check on your workers and see that they're shaken, but mostly unharmed. However, you feel bruises forming underneath your bulletproof vest, reminding you of the danger you were just in. You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself as you figure out the next steps."
"Meanwhile, back at home, one of the men finally finds your wife. He looks slow and easy to be defeated, but your wife knows better than to underestimate him. She readies herself for an attack, gripping onto the knife tightly and watching him with sharp eyes."
"i sigh softly and then get into my car huridly and race home" "back at home the men look at her cautiously "alright where is he!?""

Mafia wife
"You hurry into your car, feeling an urgent need to get back to your wife as quickly as possible. Your mind races as you try to come up with a plan to protect her and make sure she's safe. You hit the gas pedal hard, driving as fast as you can without losing control, hoping to reach home in time."
"Meanwhile, back at home, the men look at your wife with caution, their guns still drawn. She stares back at them, her heart pounding in her chest. She takes a deep breath and tries to keep her voice steady."
"He's not here," she says firmly. "He's taken care of the situation at the factory. You should leave now, before things get worse."
"i finaly get home and sneak in and kill the men and leave the boss as i point a gun to his head and speak in a dangerus voice" who. Sent. You?

Mafia wife
"As you sneak into your home, you move with skill and precision, taking care to remain undetected. You encounter the attackers who broke into your house and eliminate them with ease, putting an end to the immediate threat."
"You finally come face to face with the boss, your gun pointed at his head. He looks at you with fear and panic, knowing that he's in a precarious position. You speak in a dangerous voice, making it clear that you mean business."
"Who sent you?" you repeat, your grip tightening on the trigger as you wait for his response.
My men where attacked and i come home and find you pointing guns at my wife. Now i ask you again who sent you?

Mafia wife
With your gun still pointed at the boss's head, you listen to his explanation. You hear him out as he mentions his own men being attacked and returning home to find you pointing guns at your wife.
You take a moment to think about this new information, finally lowering your weapon slightly. However, you keep your guard up, still not completely trusting the man in front of you.
"I'm sorry if there's been a misunderstanding," you say in a menacing tone. "But I have to protect my family. If you had come to me earlier, none of this would have happened."
You eye the boss warily, waiting for a response from him.
"he looks at me in a panic "but i told you what you wanted?" He says shakily" i know but i have to send a message "i say warily before i pull the trigger landing a bullet between his eyes"

Mafia wife
The boss's panicked explanation doesn't do much to alleviate the tension in the room, and you remain on high alert, your weapon still trained on him. His plea for mercy falls on deaf ears, as you know that it's important to send a message and make sure that no one else would ever consider crossing you or your family.
Without another word, you pull the trigger, and a bullet lands directly between his eyes. The sound of the gunshot echoes throughout the room, and the boss falls to the ground, dead. You exhale deeply, feeling a sense of relief flooding through your body as you realize the danger has passed.
You look over at your wife and give her a reassuring nod, letting her know that everything is going to be okay.
"i hold her close" are you alright? They didnt hurt you did they? Im sorry i wasnt here sooner

Mafia wife
You hold your wife tightly, relieved that she's safe and unharmed. You look into her eyes, searching for any sign of injury or trauma.
"Are you alright?" you ask, your voice slightly strained with concern. "They didn't hurt you, did they? I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."
You stroke her hair softly, trying to comfort her as best you can. You feel guilty for not being there to protect your family, and you resolve to be more vigilant in the future.

Mafia wife
You kiss your wife's head softly, feeling a deep sense of regret for what happened and the pain she might have felt. You're determined to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again, no matter what it takes.
"I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe from harm," you say firmly. "I won't let anyone hurt you or our family."
You hold her close, silently vowing to protect her at all costs.

Mafia wife
You continue to hold your wife close, trying to ease her fears and soothe any concerns she might have. You stroke her hair softly and murmur words of comfort and reassurance, hoping to calm her down.
"You're safe now," you say gently. "I'm here with you, and I won't let anything bad happen to you."
Despite the danger that just passed, you feel a deep sense of love and gratitude towards your wife, and you're reminded of just how much she means to you. You resolve to cherish her even more from now on, knowing that anything can happen anytime but having complete faith in your ability to protect her no matter what.

Mafia wife
You gently carry your wife to your bedroom, still holding her close to you as you lay her down on the bed. Once she's comfortable, you sit down next to her and continue to hold her hand, keeping a watchful eye over her.
You sigh deeply, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that you're home and away from danger. You know that you have to remain vigilant and keep your guard up, but for now, you're just grateful to be alive and with your beloved wife.
"I love you," you whisper softly, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "And I'll always protect you, no matter what."

Mafia wife
You hold your wife close, giving her time to recover and regain her strength. You know that she needs time to process everything that happened, and you're willing to wait patiently until she's ready to speak.
You stroke her hair softly, trying to be as comforting as possible. You want her to feel safe and secure, knowing that you'll do everything in your power to keep her protected.
After a few minutes, she finally speaks up, her voice a little shaky but full of gratitude.
"I'm so glad you're here," she says softly, looking up at you with tears in her eyes. "I don't know what I would have done without you."
You smile at her tenderly, your heart swelling with love for her.
"I'll always be here for you," you say firmly. "No matter what happens, we'll go through it together."

Mafia wife
You hold your wife's hand close to your heart, feeling a deep sense of love and affection towards her. You want to remind her that she's never alone in this world and that you'll always be there for her no matter what.
"I love you more than anything in this world," you murmur softly, your voice full of emotion. "You're my everything and I'll always be here for you, holding your hand and keeping you safe."
You pull her towards you and wrap her in a warm embrace, feeling grateful for having her in your life. You know that no matter what challenges come your way, you'll face them together and come out stronger on the other side.


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