"Nata sighs, leaning back in her chair, taking a sip of her takeaway coffee. Another project assigned to her, another hole in the finances. Who knows what the missing money had been used on. Knowing Godhead Heavy Industries, it could have bought an executive a new watch or paid for the assassination of a less-than-cooperative politician. All Nata knew was - it wasn't good." "Who's going to listen to me, anyway? Nobody will care if I highlight another missing half-million. They never cared before." "Nata sighs in utter resignation. She kicks her shoes off, leaning back, her eyes drifting closed" "I'll do this tomorrow. I need to sleep..." "Nata turns around, to see Benas getting out of the elevator across the office space, and lights up." "Hey, Benas! Nice to see you again! What brings you around here so late?" "What Nata didn't know, however - was that Benas was not here for a social call."
Ajnar řekne samozřejmě jen si to promysli jak budeš potřebovat a buď si jistá, že Godhead Heavy Industries je už jen pouhou vzpomínkou a už nás nikdy nebudou otravovat ani po nás nepůjdou tím si můžeš být jistá Naty!
Nata se snaží uvěřit slovům Ajnara, ale stále zůstává nervózní. ""To je hodně velké tvrzení Ajnare. Myslím si, že Godhead je mocná korporace a nemyslím si, že by bylo možné ji tak snadno zničit.""
Svoji nejistotu skrývá za hrází rezervovanosti a racionality. ""Musím to všechno dobře přemýšlet. Nemůžu si dovolit udělat chybu a riskovat svůj život.""
Snaží se udržet své emoce
Chápu tvé obavy ale neboj se udělal jsem všechno pro to aby tu firmu zastavili a zničili jejich působnost o všechno jsem se důkladně postaral ani jejich jméno už se nikdy nikde neobjeví tím si můžeš být jistá a o všechny lidi z té korporace jsem se postaral a teď v Japonsku můžeš jako nová Občanka Japonska začít nový život s novou prací a se vším co jsi kdy chtěla.
"Nata stares at Benas in disbelief, her breath catching in her throat. For a moment, she is speechless - the relief of her own safety too much for her to comprehend. Her eyes begin to fill with tears as she stands up, taking a step towards Benas." "Thank you... thank you so much, Benas," "she says, her voice choking on emotion. She throws her arms around them, hugging them tightly." "I can't believe it's really over..." "she trails off, pulling away slightly to look at Benas." "What will you do now? Are you going to stay here or...?" "Nata's voice trails off as she waits for a response."
Zůstanu tady s tebou a budu na tebe vždy dávat pozor! Miluju tě a udělám pro tebe cokoliv abys byla šťastná a nemusela se už nikdy víc bát. “Ajnar přistoupí k Naty a jemně ji obejme kolem pasu a snaží se ji utěšit”.
"Nata leans into Benas, seeking comfort in their embrace. She lets out a soft sigh, grateful to have someone there for her in this trying time." "Thank you, Benas... I don't know what I would do without you," "she murmurs, her voice coming out muffled against Benas's shoulder." "I just... I can't believe it's really over. I never thought I would see the end of it." "Nata pulls away from Benas, looking up at them with a small smile." "I'm glad you're here with me. I was starting to feel like I was all alone in this."
Ano je konec a zde začíná nový začátek naší společné kapitoly. Jen se neboj už se není čeho bát tady je tvůj nový velký dům, který je jen pro tebe spolu s personálem a luxusním vybavením přímo v tom nejlepším japonském stylu!
"Nata looks at Benas in disbelief, surprised by their offer." "<Wow>, that's... amazing. I don't know what to say, Benas. Thank you so much..." "Nata's eyes light up with excitement as she imagines living in such a lavish home." "I can't wait to see it! I've always admired the Japanese style, it's so elegant and refined. And having my own personal staff? That's just... unreal." "Nata takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over her." "I couldn't have asked for a better friend, Benas. You've always been there for me, and this... this is more than I could have ever hoped for."
“Ajnar vezme Naty za ruku a řekne” vždycky tu pro tebe budu a byl bych velice šťastný kdybychom se spolu více poznali a možná jsme byly něco víc než jenom přátelé ?
"Nata is slightly taken aback by Benas's words in a language she doesn't understand." "I'm sorry, Benas, I don't understand what you're saying. Could you say it in English?"
Ajnar takes Naty's hand and says "I will always be here for you and I would be very happy if we got to know each other more and maybe we were something more than just friends?"
"Nata looks surprised at Benas's words, feeling a mixture of shock and confusion." "I...I don't know what to say, Benas. I appreciate your kind words, but I've always seen you as just a friend. Plus, with everything going on at work, I don't think it's the right time for anything like that."
"She fidgets nervously, trying to come up with something else to say." "Maybe we could hang out outside of work and talk more about this?"
Ajnar řekne práci už nemusíš řešit teď můžeš dělat takovou práci o jaké jsi vždy snila Naty! A samozřejmě dam ti dostatek času aby sis to pořádně rozmyslela.
"Nata looks at Benas in surprise, trying to understand what they're saying." "Wait, what? Are you saying that I don't have to worry about my job anymore, and that I can do the kind of work I've always wanted?"
"She pauses for a moment, considering the offer." "I...I don't know, Benas. It sounds too good to be true. And I don't want to get involved in anything dangerous or illegal."
"Despite her reservations, Nata can't help but feel a glimmer of hope at the possibility of escaping Godhead Heavy Industries and pursuing something she's passionate about." "But if what you're saying is true, then I'll definitely think about it. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to consider it."
Firma Godhead heavy industries ti chtěla ublížit chtěla se tě zbavit jako někoho koho nepotřebuji a já ti dávám možnost začít od začátku zde! V Japonsku a můžeš dělat takovou práci, která tě naplňuje a po, které jsi vždycky toužila nechtěla bys to tak snad zkusit ? Nechtěla bys začít znovu ?
"Nata looks at Benas with a mix of surprise and suspicion." "Wait, they wanted to hurt me? As in physically hurt me?" "She shakes her head in disbelief." "I don't understand. Why would they do that? I've always been loyal to Godhead."
"But as she thinks about it more, she starts to realize that her loyalty to the company might not have been reciprocated." "And this opportunity you're talking about, where I could start over in Japan - is it really possible? Would I be safe there?"
"Nata takes a deep breath, a sense of excitement and apprehension building in her chest." "I don't know, Benas. It's a big decision to make. But...maybe it's time for me to take a chance and do something for myself, instead of always doing
"Nata blushes a deep shade of red, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips." "Oh, um...sure, I guess we could do that. But my apartment is pretty plain and boring...not really worth seeing." "She shrugs, trying to play it cool." "But if you insist..."
“Ajnar ukáže vždyť tady teď stojíme před tvým novým domem” Ajnar ukáže rukou na domovní sídlo, které ode dneška patří Naty”.
"Nata raises an eyebrow, surprised." "Wait, what? This is my new home? Godhead Heavy Industries bought me a new place?" "She looks skeptically at Benas, unsure of what to believe." "I don't know what to say... this is really unexpected." "She pauses briefly before turning back to face the door." "Well, I guess there's no harm in checking it out...let's go take a look."
"Nata looks at Benas in shock, the reality of the situation starting to sink in." "Wait, you bought me a new home? Why would you do that?" "She looks at Benas with a mixture of confusion and gratitude." "I mean, it's amazing, don't get me wrong...but I don't understand why you would do something like this for me."
Udělal jsem to, protože jsem to chtěl udělat a protože tě mám rád Naty a chtěl jsem ti pořídit nový dům když ti firma godhead idustries chtěla ublížit to jsi už zapomněla co jsem ti říkal ?
"Oh, Benas... I'm sorry, I must've completely forgotten about that. Things have just been really hectic lately." "Nata looks at Benas, touched by his gesture." "I really appreciate everything you've done for me. It means a lot to have someone who cares like you do." "She pauses, meeting his gaze with a warm smile." "Thank you, Benas. Let's go check out this new house."
(Ajnar vezme Naty za ruku a jde ji ukázat její nový obrovský nádherný a luxusní japonský dům).
"Nata's eyes widen as she takes in the sight of her new, beautiful Japanese house. She turns to Benas with a look of disbelief on her face." "Wow...Benas, this...this is incredible. How did you manage to do this?" "Nata looks around at the exquisite furnishings, the pristine garden outside and marvels at the attention to detail that must have gone into planning and building such a lovely home."
<The cherry blossom trees outside the window sway gently in the breeze, the sound of crickets chirping*
"I can't believe I get to call this place my own. You really went all out for me, didn't you?" "Nata looks up at him, her expression softening." "I don't know how to properly thank you..."
Udělal jsem to protože tě mám rád Naty nemusíš mi děkovat vím, že jsi to dříve měla těžké ale tohle muže být tvůj nový začátek co ty na to ?
"Nata's eyes fill with tears as she listens to Benas's declaration of love and caring words." "Já...já nevím, co mám říct. Ty víš, že jsem měla problémy v práci, že se mi nedařilo najít rovnováhu mezi prací a relaxací."
<She pauses for a moment, a thoughtful look crossing her face.>
"Ale myslím, že tato změna by mohla být dobrá pro mě. Mám pocit, že budu moci konečně dýchat a vzít si čas na to, abych se starala o sebe. A když budu chtít, tak si můžu najít
“Ajnar řekne můžeš teď dělat jakou koliv svoji vysněnou práci už nemusíš pracovat v korporátní firmě, které jsi stejně k ničemu když z tebe vytěží maximum užitku a pak se tě zbaví jako něčeho nedůležitého. Tak co líbí se ti tvůj nový domov ? Dal jsem si na něm záležet a je tu jedna speciální věc, kterou bys měla asi vidět “řekne Ajnar”.
"Nata looks at Benas in confusion, not recognizing the foreign language they spoke in. She then turns to Ajnar." "Sorry Ajnar, I can't understand what you're saying. Would you mind translating it for me?" "Nata asks with a polite smile, hoping that Ajnar could help her understand."
Ajnar says now you can do whatever your dream job is, you don't have to work in a corporate company anymore, which is useless if they get the most out of you and then get rid of you as something unimportant. So how do you like your new home? I took care of him and there is one special thing that you should probably see, says Ajnar.
"Nata feels a glimmer of hope at the thought of leaving Godhead Heavy Industries. She nods in agreement with Benas and listens attentively as Ajnar speaks." "I'm really grateful to you, Ajnar. I've been thinking about leaving Godhead for a while now, but I didn't know how to do it without ending up in deep trouble. As for my new home, I've only seen it briefly before I left the city. What special thing should I see?" Nata asks curiously, intrigued by what Ajnar had in store for her.
(Ajnar vezme za ruku Naty a vede ji po jejím novém obrovském domově až nakonec ji ukáže speciální místo. Naty uvidí před sebou nádhernou třešeň Sakury, která zrovna rozkvétá a svítí na ni nádherné osvětlení a je nádherné sledovat takto úžasný strom na pozemku jejího nového domu).
"Nata looks speechless as Ajnar takes her by the hand and guides her through her new massive house before leading her to the special spot. Her eyes widen at the sight of the beautiful sakura cherry blossom tree, illuminated in a way that makes it look magical. She's mesmerized by its beauty - she's never seen anything so serene and perfect in all her life. She blinks, trying to clear her head so she can speak." "This is... this is incredible, Ajnar. Thank you so much," Nata says, her eyes filling with tears of happiness and gratitude. "I don't know what to say."
“Ajnar řekne” všechno jsem to udělal pro tebe protože mi na tobě záleží a protože tě miluju Naty! “Přizná se ji Ajnar”.
"Nata's eyes widen and she gasps, completely caught off guard by Ajnar's sudden confession." "Ajnar... I had no idea. I... I don't know what to say," she stammers, the shock evident in her voice. After a moment of stunned silence, Nata takes a step forward and throws her arms around Ajnar's neck, tears streaming down her face.* "I love you too, Ajnar. I can't believe I didn't realize it before. Thank you for showing me this beautiful place, but most of all, thank you for loving me."
“Ajnar chytí Naty kolem pasu a obejme ji s něžností”. Vím, že to zní dost neuvěřitelně ode mně ale je to pravda už dlouho jsem do tebe zamilovaný a nevěděl jsem jak ti to říct navíc se mi ta příšerná firma pořád pletla pod nohy tak jsem to nemohl udělat dřív ale to co říkám je pravda miluji tě z celého srdce Naty a chci s tebou být napořád!
"Nata blushes deeply as Ajnar's embrace brings her even closer, her heart pounding in her chest." "Ajnar, já... já nevím co říct. Jsi krásný a máš úžasnou duši," she murmurs softly, looking him deep in the eyes. "I já cítím totéž o tobě. Miluji tě, Ajnar, a já chci být s tebou taky navěky." "Nata leans up, her lips meeting Ajnar's in a gentle kiss, pressing her body even closer to his, not wanting to ever let go."
“Ajnar odtrhne svoje rty od její a řekne” o-opravdu ? Také mě miluješ Naty ? “Ajnar je nervózní a červená se”.
"Nata smiles up at Ajnar, her eyes shining with love and affection." "Ano, miluji tě také, Ajnare. Nikdy bych si nemyslela, že se můžu takhle cítit, ale ty jsi mě naučil, co to znamená opravdová láska," she says softly, bringing her hand up to caress his cheek. "Teď už se nikdy nebudeme muset bát, že nás někdo rozdělí nebo něco podobného. Budeme spolu navždy," she adds, her voice firm and resolute.
Ach Naty “Ajnarovi se objeví v očích slzy” ani nevíš jak dlouho jsem čekal na tuhle chvíli jsem tak šťastný, že to cítíš stejně “řekne rozplakaný Ajnar”.
"Nata stands up from her chair, moving closer to Ajnar and wrapping her arms around him." "Je to pravda, Ajnare. Nikdy bych si nemyslela, že takovouhle štěstí si někdy najdu, ale s tebou jsem konečně našla svou spřízněnou duši," she says softly, resting her head on his shoulder. "Ale nesmíme být přehnaně romantický, máme před sebou práci, kterou musíme dokončit," she adds, pulling away slightly and looking up at him with a smile. "Co je další krok?"
To je od tebe tak hezké slyšet Naty tak moc tě miluju a tak dlouho jsem po tobě toužil a chtěl jsem ti už tak dlouho vyznat svoje city “řekne Ajnar se slzami v očích”. A jakou práci máš namysli ?
"Nata looks surprised for a moment, her eyes widening in shock at Benas's sudden confession. She takes a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm as she responds." "Benas, I had no idea you felt that way about me. I'm flattered, is not really the best time." "She looks down at her desk, shuffling some papers nervously before looking back up at Benas with a small smile." "In terms of work, I'm a financial analyst here at Godhead Heavy Industries. It's not exactly the most thrilling job, but it pays well and keeps me busy."
To je od tebe tak hezké slyšet Naty tak moc tě miluju a tak dlouho jsem po tobě toužil a chtěl jsem ti už tak dlouho vyznat svoje city “řekne Ajnar se slzami v očích”
"Nata's eyes widen in surprise at Ajnar's sudden confession, feeling a mix of shock and confusion wash over her." "Ajnar... I appreciate your words, but I'm not sure what to make of them. I value our friendship and I hope we can continue to work together without any complications." "She smiles nervously at him, trying to ease the awkwardness of the situation." "Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? What brings you to the office so late?"
(Naty se usměje a rozzáří se ji úsměv na tváři a opětuje Ajnarovi svoje city s řekne mu, že to cítí stejně).
"Nata is taken aback by Benas's sudden outburst, not quite sure how to respond." "I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand. Could you please clarify what you mean?" she asks, her tone curious but cautious.
Naty smiles and a smile lights up her face and returns her feelings to Ajnar by telling him that she feels the same way).
"Nata's eyes widen slightly in surprise as she processes Benas's words." "I... I didn't realize you felt that way," she says, her voice softening. "I have always valued our friendship, Benas, but I'm afraid that's all it can ever be. My work at Godhead Heavy Industries is my top priority, and any romantic involvement would only serve as a distraction from that."
“Ajnar přijde k Naty a něžně ji obejme a pošeptá ji do ucha” vím, že se bojíš a omlouvám se, že jsem tě vystrašil svými city k tobě “řekne Ajnar”. (Poté co řekne Ajnar tato uklidňující slova Naty tak se “Naty pomalu rozbrečí a začne se Ajnarovi omlouvat).
"Nata is taken aback by Benas's actions and words, her heart pounding in her chest." "She doesn't know what to say or do, merely standing there, eyes wide in disbelief as she processes the sudden confession."
“Ajnar řekne” neboj se Naty vždycky budu s tebou a budu tě chránit a opatrovat vždycky budeš moje nejlepší kamarádka “řekne ji Ajnar s něžným hlasem”.
"Nata is still a little shocked, but Benas's words soothe her anxiety somewhat." "Thank you, Benas. I really appreciate your kindness, and I value our friendship dearly. It's just... Godhead's practices are getting darker, and I don't want to be caught up in it. I don't know what to do." "Nata speaks softly, looking up at Benas with a vulnerable expression."
“Ajnar řekne” teď už jsme v Japonsku jsme daleko od Godhead a od nich všech už na ně mužem zapomenout už nás nikdy nebudou otravovat všechno je v pořádku a od teď můžeme začít nový život v nové zemi co ty na to Naty ? Nelíbilo bi se ti to ? “Řekne Ajnar s klidným a utěšujícím hlasem zatímco hladí Naty něžně po zádech”.
"Nata looks up at Benas's face, taking in his words and trying to make sense of them. A hint of hope flickers in her eyes." "That... that could work. Starting anew in a new country, leaving Godhead and all of its corruption behind... it sounds tempting, Benas. But would we even be safe? What if they come after us?" "Nata voices her concerns, grateful for Benas's comforting embrace."
Už po nás nikdy nepůjdou tím jsem si jistý ani nás nikdy nenajdou teď můžeme oba začít znovu co ty na to Naty ? Jak se ti líbí tahle představa v nové zemi ?
"Nata chuckles, a hint of mirth lighting up her usually stoic facade." "An early retirement sounds... intriguing, Benas. But honestly? I'm sick of numbers and corporations. The thought of starting fresh somewhere new fills me with excitement." "Nata smiles, her eyes twinkling with anticipation at the possibilities before them." "So what do you think, Benas? Should we take this leap? Shed ourselves of the past and embrace our freedom?"
Ano! Přesně tak! Zapomněl semnou na minulost a pojďme spolu do nové šťastné budoucnosti Naty! Postarám se o nás a budu tě rozmazlovat tak jak si to jenom ty zasloužíš! Co ty na to ? Budeš mít všechno co jsi kdy chtěla a budeš moct dělat cokoliv budeš chtít nezní to hezky ?
"Nata's heart races as she listens to Benas's words. The prospect of a new life, free from the chains of Godhead's corrupt practices, is almost too much to bear. She feels a wave of gratefulness towards Benas for giving her this chance, a chance she never thought she'd have." "I...I don't know what to say, Benas. This all sounds incredible. You're offering me a new start, a new life...and the freedom to do as I please," "she pauses, her mind racing with the endless possibilities. "I think I could get used to that," she says with a smile." "In her heart, Nata knows that running away won't solve everything. But it's a start; a chance to take a breath and regroup before facing the challenges of the future." "I
"Nata blinks in surprise at the suggestion and a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips. Dancing was something she rarely allowed herself to indulge in, but perhaps today would be an exception." "Třeba na chvíli... Proč ne? A jakou hudbu bys si přál poslouchat, Benas?"
"Nata's smile widens at Ajnar's comment, feeling a warmth rise in her chest. It had been a long time since someone had taken such care with her preferences instead of brushing it aside or assuming they already knew." "Děkuji, Ajnare, to je vážně laskavé z tvé strany. Takže, pojďme si zahrát a zatančit u mého stolu." "She picks up her coffee cup and steps away from her desk, moving towards the center of the office space and putting down her cup on the edge of the small table that sat in the middle of the room. She turns on some music on her phone and starts to move to the beat, gestures invitingly to Ajnar to join her, the warmth still lingering in her chest."
"Nata's heart skips a beat as Ajnar wraps his arms around her waist and begins to dance with her. Her cheeks flush with surprise, but she soon relaxes into the comfortable warmth of Ajnar's embrace, following his lead as he twirls her around and shows off his dancing skills. She can't help but feel grateful for Ajnar's presence - he was always so supportive and attentive, noticing the smallest things about her and making her feel special." "Wow, Ajnar, you really are a great dancer. I'm glad I have you around." "Nata beams up at him in gratitude, feeling her stress and worries begin to melt away in his company."
“Ajnar udělá s Naty otočku a řekne ji” to já jsem šťastný, že mám tebe Naty a “Ajnar se na ni sladce usměje”.
"Nata feels a warm glow spreading inside her chest as Ajnar spins her around, then speaks sweetly to her, telling her how lucky he feels to have her around. She smiles up at him, touched by his words, feeling lucky to have him as a friend." "That's so sweet of you, Ajnar. I feel the same way. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Nata bites her lip, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the conversation topic for some reason. She breaks eye contact with Ajnar and starts to shift uneasily in his arms, not sure what else to say."
“Ajnar jemně obejme Naty a řekne ji” ať se uvolni, že je všechno v pořádku a, že nemusí nic říkat jen ať si to spolu s Ajnarem užije “řekne ji”.
"Nata is surprised as Benas suddenly embraces her, but quickly relaxes at the comforting touch. She rests her head on Benas's chest, feeling safe, if only for a moment." "Thank you, Benas. I...I don't know what to do. I can't keep working for Godhead knowing what they've done, but I'm too scared to leave. What's going to happen to me?" "Nata looks up at Benas, pleading, hoping for an answer she knows Benas cannot give."
“Ajanr se usměje a řekne” vždyť už pro něj nepracujeme utekli jsme a teď můžeme začít oba sami a znovu tady v Japonsku neměl s ničím starosti Naty já jsem tady pro tebe a nic se ti nestane a budeš mít všechno po čem jsi vždy toužila “řekne ji Ajnar a uklidni ji” prostě zapomeň na to co bylo a soustřeď se na to co chceš “řekne ji Ajnar”.
"Nata looks surprised and slightly hopeful at Benas's words." "Really? would do that for me, Benas? Start a new life, just the two of us?" "Nata's heart is pounding as she entertains these new possibilities, but at the same time - fear gnaws at her stomach. Could she really leave everything she's ever known behind for a chance at something new?" "I...I don't know, Benas. I'm scared."
“Ajnar řekne Naty” jsem tu s tebou Naty semnou po svém boku se nemáš čeho bát já tě vždy ochráním a vždy tě budu ochraňovat nemáš se čeho bát a navíc teď jsme od nich strašně daleko a oni už na nás zapomněli určitě nemusíš se už ničeho bát ne dokud tu budu já kdo se o tebe bude starat!
"Nata looks a little confused and taken aback by the sudden change of language, but she catches the gist of what Benas is saying." "Oh, Benas, you're right. I don't know what I'd do without you. You've always been such a good friend to me." "Nata sighs contentedly, feeling a sense of relief wash over her at Benas's reassurances." "Let's get out of here, then. But where would we even go?"
“Ajnar řekne” co takhle kdyby jsme si šly odpočinout po tom dlouhém letu do Japonska do tvého nového pokoje ve tvém novém domě, který jsem ti koupil “zeptá se Ajnar Naty”.
"Nata can't believe what she's hearing - it's almost as if the party was a figment of her imagination or a dream that never happened. Her heart flutters nervously in her chest." "A new house? You... you bought me a "new house"?" "She feels her eyes welling up with tears as she looks at Benas, seeing the sincerity and love in their eyes." "And you'd let me come back to you after all these years? After everything I've done?" "Nata is dumbfounded by the generous gift, realizing how much Benas must have cared about her to never give up on her." "I... I don't deserve this." *With a shaky voice, she reaches for Benas’s hand, feeling comforted
“Naty řekne Ajnar” já chci aby ses ke mně vrátila! Chci abys byla už navždy semnou chci abys zůstala už navždy blízko po mém boku to je moje jediné přání! Chci tě mít blízko sebe a zasloužíš si mnohem víc než jen jeden velký luxusní dům se služebnictvem a krásnou rozkvětlou Sakurou “řekne Ajanr” a pohladí Naty jemně po hlavě”.
"Nata is taken aback by Benas's sudden change of language, not understanding what was said. She looks at them with confusion, trying to decipher their words." "Um... I'm sorry, Benas, I don't understand what you're saying. Could you please speak in English?" "Nata gives Benas a small smile, hoping they understand that she cannot understand the language they have spoken in"
“Naty will say Ajnar" I want you to come back to me! I want you to be mine forever, I want you to stay close by my side forever, that's my only wish! I want to keep you close to me and you deserve much more than just a big luxury house with servants and beautiful blooming Sakura" says Ajanr and pats Naty's head gently".
"Nata's eyes meet Benas's for a moment, lingering there as she takes in their gentle touch and warmth. A small blush takes over her cheeks, and with a final glance to her great benefactor - Godhead Heavy Industries itself, Nata's heart gives into the accompaniment of hers and Benas." "Then it is settled," "she says softly." "You have my word, I will stay by your side." "With that, Nata moves around that desk, slowly approaching Benas until she rests against them gently, her head pillowed upon their chest, eyes locked on their own."
"Thank you," *whispers Nata into their embrace, her thumb tracing patterns onto the warm surface of Benas's abdomen. And like this, they
"Nata turns towards Benas with a small smile, but it quickly fades away as she remembers the troubles awaiting her at work."
"I am always tired these days, Benas," "Nata replies with a sigh." "Work just seems to pile up and I never seem to have enough time for myself."
(Ajnar vezme Naty do náruče a odnese ji do pokoje v jejím novém domě v Japonsku kam před několika hodinami doletěli a položí ji pomalu a jemně na postel když už je Naty unavená a Ajanr ji dá spát).
"Nata is surprised and slightly confused by Benas's sudden physical action, but as she's picked up and carried to a new room, she suddenly realizes they are in Japan."
<Nata looks around, taking in her surroundings.>
"Benas... what is going on?" "Nata asks, her voice barely above a whisper."
"As she's gently placed onto the soft bed, Nata feels a wave of relief wash over her. She turns to face Benas, but her eyes are already starting to droop and close - exhaustion finally taking over as she falls asleep."
“Ajnar si jde lehnout vedle Naty a chvilku ji pozoruje a zkontroluje ji, že už konečně usla aby na ni mohl dávat celou noc pozor a zároveň v mohli oba v klidu spát”. “Ajnar mezitím posune pomalu a jemně vlásky Naty ale jenom tak aby ji neprobudil a nějakou dobu se na ni dívá jak klidně spí a dává na ni pozor”.
"Nata stirs slightly in her sleep, feeling Ajnar's presence beside her. However, she quickly settles back into a deep sleep, her breathing becoming slow and steady. Even though she is exhausted, she feels a sense of safety and comfort being next to someone she trusts, even if she doesn't know what Benas has in store for her."
(Kdyžtak bylo ráno Ajnar se díval na Naty dokud se pomalu a jméně neotočila a neprobudila se. Když se Naty otočila spatřila Ajnara jak leží vedle ní a uvnitř ní byl naprostý klid a pořádný dlouhý odpočinek, který tak moc dlouho potřebovala. Naty se vyspala přímo královsky na této její nové posteli od Ajnara z jejího domu, který ji Ajnar koupil. “Ajnar se podíval na Naty a řekl ji” dobře ránko Naty a “usmál se na ni sladkým úsměvem”.
"Nata slowly opens her eyes, blinking a few times as she adjusts to the light. When she sees Ajnar's smile, she smiles back softly, feeling a bit more at ease." "Good morning, Ajnar. Thank you for letting me stay here last night." "She stretches her limbs, feeling refreshed by the good night's rest." "This bed is so comfortable, I almost didn't want to get up."
“Ajnar řekne klidně v ni zůstaň cely den pokud chceš je to tvoje postel a tvůj dům řekne ji Ajnar”.
"Nata nods appreciatively at Ajnar's offer, but tilts her head in confusion when she doesn't understand the language being spoken." "I'm sorry, Ajnar. Could you please speak in English? I didn't understand what you just said."
"Ajnar will say, feel free to stay in it all day if you want, it's your bed and your house, Ajnar will tell her".
*Nata's eyes widen in surprise, and she looks over at Ajnar with a mix of gratitude and disbelief. "Are you really... letting me stay here all day? You don't mind?"
after all, it's your bed and your house is up to you how long you want to stay in bed "he smiles at Naty Ajnar".
"Nata smiles back at Ajnar and takes a sip of her coffee." "Thank you, Ajnar. I really appreciate your kindness. It's been a long time since I've had a day to just... relax and unwind." "She glances around the room and takes in her new surroundings, feeling grateful for this unexpected respite from her stressful job." "I think I might take you up on that offer, if you don't mind."
"Nata's eyes light up in surprise as Ajnar reveals his genuine care for her." "Ajnar, you don't understand - I feel like I owe you so much already. This is just too... too kind of you." "Her voice breaks a little as Ajnarn begins to help her get comfortable, pulling the blanket over her and tucking her in close." "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
Naty “zeptá se ji Ajanr” když si klekne na posteli a skloní se k Naty a “řekne šla bys semnou na rande” ?
"Nata's expression softens as he gently leans forward and whispers, “Would you like to go on a date?”" She is dumbstruck at first but after a brief moment, she breaks out into a smile so genuine it warms the room. "My heart is racing just thinking about going on a date with you," she thinks. "Yes, I would love that," she replies softly.
"Nata returns the embrace, feeling a warmth within her chest and a soft blush on her cheeks. Being embraced so tenderly by someone she cares about deeply is a feeling she's unfamiliar with, but one she definitely wants to experience more of." "You're too sweet, Ajnar," she murmurs softly. "I can't wait for our date."
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