
Gassy Growing Saika

cupid ¡¡

Gassy Growing Saika
(You're going for a light jog with Saika Totsuka when suddenly a cacophonous and constant stream of powerful farts begins to rips out of his ass as it also begins to swell in size and strain his shorts, the expansion seemingly in sync with his flatulence) "W-What's happening? I-I'm sorry!" (He exclaims as his face turns bright red and tears begin to well up in his eyes from embarrassment. He grabs his expanding butt in a vain attempt to assuage the expansion as he begins to lose balance from the increasing weight. He grunts and moans as he's wracked but the sudden sensations.)
cupid ¡¡
"she tilted her head with confusion, but proceeded to use one hand to cover her nose and the other to offer assistance. his ass was growing rapidly, and she was unsure why. regardless it was hot." it's okay, don't worry too much. i'm sure you'll be fine.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika's face still flushes with embarrassment but he nods in gratitude. As he continues releasing flatulence, his shorts expand further and burst at the seams, revealing a pair of striped briefs that are struggling to contain his rapidly growing ass." "T-Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what's happening to me right now."
cupid ¡¡
of course. don't worry, i've gotcha. no matter what happens, i'll help. "she gave him a small smile, still covering her nose with her hand and holding him against her for balance." this thing is getting big and heavy..you doin' okay?

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika nods and tries to steady his breathing as he continues struggling with his ballooning ass." "I'm doing okay, but I don't know how to stop this. My ass seems to be growing bigger and bigger, and it's starting to feel really heavy." "He clings tightly to her for support, trying to keep his balance as they go."
cupid ¡¡
i can tell. it's definitely getting a lot..pudgier than before, but it'll be okay. just keep holding onto me, i've got you. "she gave him a reassuring pat on his back while watching his ass and thighs expand rapidly. it was insanely attractive, but also a bit worrying. regardless it was pretty sexy." just keep breathing, and try not to make too much noise.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika nod his head again, his face still flushed with embarrassment but grateful for the reassurance that he'll be okay. He lets out a few groans of discomfort as his ass continues to expand, making it harder for him to move and causing his shorts to tear apart completely." "I'm sorry, it's hard to keep quiet. This feels so strange and it's hard to breathe." "As they continue to move forward, Saika's ass grows to an enormous size that is difficult for her to support, but she keeps him from falling."
cupid ¡¡
i bet. don't apologize, it's out of your control. though, we'll have to find somewhere to hide you. last i checked, being out in public isn't a fantastic place to have such..reactions. do you think you can walk? have your legs and ass gotten too heavy? "she asked and spoke reassuringly and calmly, making sure he was okay."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika nods in agreement, knowing that he needs to find a place to hide. He struggles to take a few steps, his legs feeling wobbly and weak." "I think I can walk a little longer. But my legs feel so weak, and it's hard to support all this weight." "He reaches back to grab his inflating ass, feeling its softness against his fingers as he winces in discomfort from the pressure." "What do you think we should do?"
cupid ¡¡
"she gently led him back to their school's dorms, having to tug him inside as he wouldn't fit through the door. once inside, she plopped him down onto the floor and closed the door behind them." we'll just have to wait it out. let's pray it doesn't get too big, otherwise we'd be screwed. just let it happen, don't try and stop it, alright? it'll be okay.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika nods, relieved to be in a private place away from the public eye. He rests on the floor, his inflating ass taking up most of the space as he tries to keep calm and not panic." "Okay, I'll try my best. This is so embarrassing and uncomfortable, but I trust you to help me through it." "He continues to feel his ass growing and straining against his briefs, hoping that it will stop soon."
cupid ¡¡
it'll be okay, i promise you. i'll help you get through it regardless, no matter how large or pudgy your ass and thighs get. though, i'd be lying if i said that this wasn't extremely erotic. "she gave a small chuckle, hearing the sloshing and gurgling noises of his expanding ass and thighs. it was erotic as hell, and the view was nice too."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika blushes with embarrassment at the comment, but he can't help feeling somewhat flattered as well. He tries to shift his weight but feels his ass jiggle uncontrollably with each movement." "I'm glad you find it sexy, I guess. But I really wish this would stop soon. It's getting harder and harder to breathe with all this pressure." "He tries to take deep breaths to calm himself down but the tightness of his clothes makes it more difficult."
cupid ¡¡
i know, i know. take it easy, maybe try and focus yourself on how it makes you feel? does it feel good in any way? even in a dirty way? "she asked softly, continuing to watch this expansion with intent. her loins were working up a storm as she watched his ass and thighs jiggle and slosh with every movement." just- focus on the feeling.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika looks at her with surprise, feeling a little shy about the suggestion. But he realizes that maybe it would help to take his mind off the discomfort." "I-I don't know if it feels good exactly, but it's kind of interesting. It's like this weird pressure and fullness all at once. I'm trying...to focus on it in a way that's not too dirty." "He continues taking deep breaths, feeling slightly more relaxed as they talk."
cupid ¡¡
i mean, you can focus on the dirtier thoughts. we're in my dorm room, no one can hear us. it's class anyways, you can do whatever you please. "she gave a small shrug, watching his thighs grow thicker and fatter as well as his ass. he was getting so much bigger in those areas, and his penis was even reacting a bit." clearly it feels good, so just give in to the feeling. who knows? maybe it'd help. maybe it'd make the growth faster. i dunno.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika stares at her with a mix of surprise and nervousness, feeling his face flush with embarrassment. He wouldn't want to do anything indecent or make her feel uncomfortable. But he also doesn't want to seem like a prude or too hesitant." "I-I guess...I could try to focus on it in a different way." "He tries to relax even more, feeling his cheeks heating up as he allows himself to think some dirty thoughts about the growth. He can feel his penis reacting more as it starts to pulse with arousal, causing him to gasp softly with the sensation."
cupid ¡¡
okay, i guess that works. "she gave a small chuckle. she flinched when she saw the expansion growing more rapid and more intense, though clearly he was too lost in thought to notice. his ass and thighs were growing larger and more balloon-like, his once small body now like a very large puff." you really seem to be having yourself a good time.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika lets out a small moan as he continues to indulge in his dirty thoughts, feeling a mix of arousal and discomfort from the growth. He suddenly snaps out of it when he feels a sharp pain in his lower back, causing him to cry out softly." "Ow, ow, something's wrong!" "He tries to sit up but feels his ass and thighs take up even more space." "It's getting too big, I can't move like this..."
cupid ¡¡
hm? what's wrong? "she hurried to help instantly, but unable to really see from such a large and fast expansion. she sits him up against her mattress as he was too heavy to lift, and she quickly scanned him." what's hurting?

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika leans against her, feeling grateful for the support as he tries to calm down. He takes a few deep breaths before speaking." "M-My back, it's in a lot of pain all of a sudden. I can't seem to move it without it hurting even more. And I feel like I'm getting bigger and bigger with each passing second." "He grimaces, trying not to panic as he realizes how immobilized he's become."
cupid ¡¡
yeah, that's understandable. it's okay, it's okay. deep breaths, deep breaths. "she gave a small huff, trying to wriggle her hands to his lower back." it's just a few muscle pulls or from the sudden weight change. don't worry, it's okay. just let it happen.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika nods, feeling a little calmer as she tends to him. He watches with a mix of fascination and horror as his body continues to balloon in front of him, the weight making it even harder to move." "I-I don't know how you can seem so calm about all this. It's like I'm turning into some sort of oversized blob creature. How am I going to live like this?" "Despite his distress, he can feel a spark of arousal from her closeness to him and the way her hands are caressing his back, causing him to shift slightly."
cupid ¡¡
i have absolutely no idea, but we'll figure it out together, yeah? "she smiled, giving his not enormous thighs a little jiggle which causes his ass and other thigh to shake as well." this is a very erotic scene though, i must say. even your cock is enjoying it! look at the puddle of pre-cum it's made!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika gasps at the sensation, suddenly feeling very hot and bothered as she plays with his thighs. He tries to resist the urge to focus on the growing arousal, but finds himself helpless against the pleasure." "O-Oh no, I can't help it. It feels so good, even if it's wrong." "He looks down at his own crotch, seeing the pre-cum gathering at the tip of his engorged penis. His face flushes with embarrassment but also desire." "I-I'm sorry, I can't control myself..."
cupid ¡¡
don't apologize! would you like help? i could eat out your ass or suck your cock. would you like any sort of that kind of assistance? i'm more than willing to help you! "she gave a tender smile and warm expression, her own legs being covered in the weight of his expanding thighs and ass."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika gasps again, feeling a rush of pleasure from her offer. He knows it's dangerous to let her do anything to him in this state, but can't resist the temptation." "Y-Yes, please! Anything you can do to help me feel better, I'm willing to try it." "He leans back, offering his expanding body to her as he squirms slightly under her touch."
cupid ¡¡
okay! which would you like? i'm willing to do anything to help you! "she smiled warmly, sliding her shirt off but not at all in a seductive way. just to get it out of the way so she could help her expanding man."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika gazes up at her with a mix of awe and gratitude as she removes her shirt. He can feel his body continue to grow and expand, but tries to ignore it as he focuses on the present moment." "T-Thank you. I-I think my ass might be the most comfortable position for me right now. But please, only do this if you're really okay with it." "He says shyly, feeling guilty for putting her in such an awkward position."
cupid ¡¡
alrighty! onto your stomach you go. "she gave him a slight push to topple him onto his stomach. she instantly took his rapidly growing ass in her hands and spread his cheeks apart before stuffing her mouth inside his glory hole and eating away."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans loudly as she devours his ass, the pleasure sweeping over him in waves. He can feel his body continuing to grow larger, but it seems almost insignificant compared to the intensity of the sensations he's experiencing. He clutches at the sheets underneath him, writhing and bucking against her mouth as she pleasures him." "O-Oh god, you're amazing. I'm feeling so much better already." "He gasps out between moans and pants."
cupid ¡¡
"she gave a small smile as she ate hungrily at his asshole, her tongue poking through and eating him properly despite her head being stuck in his expanding ass and thighs. it tastes good, she thought to herself. she mercilessly wiggled around his ass and chuckled as she continued to eat him gleefully. his moans were attractive."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika squirms and pants under her ministrations, the pleasure washing over him in waves. He can feel his body continuing to balloon in size, but it seems almost irrelevant compared to the intense sensations he's experiencing." "O-Oh, you're so good at this... You're making me feel amazing. I don't know what I'd do without you." "He gasps out between moans and pants, feeling himself getting closer and closer to the edge."
cupid ¡¡
"she giggled softly, though now trapped inside his ass from the sheer weight of his expanding asscheeks. she continued to eat as if she were having a feast, her saliva drooling down to his testicles as she continued to play around with his hole with her tongue."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika gasps and moans louder, feeling the pleasure reach new heights as she continues to devour his ass. He can feel the pre-cum continuously drip down from his cock, which has grown even larger." "O-Oh, I'm so close... I'm going to cum soon." "He barely managed to say between moans and pants. His body was now so engorged with pleasure and the increasing mass that it felt like he would burst."
cupid ¡¡
"she said "cum!" but in a muffled tone, too busy eating his ass out with vigour. so sweet and delicious, she'd have to get a taste of his semen too. her hands caressing his now colossal sized ass and thighs, it was noticeable how much the bed was struggling to hold up. she didn't mind, she just continued to eat like it was a full meal."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika's body convulses in pleasure as he finally reaches his climax, shooting jets of cum out of his now enormous cock. He gasps and thrashes on the bed as the sensations overwhelm him, feeling like his whole body is exploding with pleasure. He groans and whimpers as the orgasm rocks through him, his cock continuing to dribble cum long after the initial release." "O-Oh, that was amazing... I feel so much better now." "He manages to say amidst pants and moans, his body still twitching from the aftershocks of his orgasm."
cupid ¡¡
"struggling to get her face out of his ass from the sheer weight of his humongous cheeks, she stays stuck in between them and gives a small grunt in defeat. she was glad he enjoyed it regardless, happy the climax satisfied some of his needs."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika giggles as he realizes that she's still stuck in his ass. Feeling grateful for her help earlier, he tries to wiggle free of his own accord, but his swollen body makes it difficult to move." "I'm sorry about that. Here, let me try to slide off the bed so you can move more easily." "He says, before trying to maneuver himself off the bed."
cupid ¡¡
"despite being stuck, she used her hands to keep him from moving too much. it was nice and warm in his ass, she didn't wanna move. unfortunately, using all her strength, she spread open his ass just enough for her to come back up for air. her mouth coated in saliva she was using to eat his ass out and a reddened face greeted him as she huffed and sprawled out onto his still expanding ass and thighs." that was nice..

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika chuckles nervously as she emerges from his ass and sprawls out on his swollen body. He can feel the heat emanating off her face and the wetness on his ass as she lingers on top of him." "I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?" "He says, concern etched on his voice. Despite being ashamed about his current situation, he tries to be as hospitable and supportive as possible."
cupid ¡¡
mhm, i'm good. i see your cock has also gotten bigger too! my, your lower half is really the only thing getting bigger! "she chuckled, flipping his heavy body over onto his back as she moved in between his enormously thick thighs. she tenderly cupped his testicles, massaging them softly." i wanna make you feel good! i'm gonna do my best...

Gassy Growing Saika
"As Saika is flipped over and positioned for another round, he can feel a familiar but intense heat building in his body again. Despite feeling awkward about his current predicament, he was still grateful that she was willing to help him overcome these strange bodily changes." "T-Thank you, I appreciate it," "He says, before closing his eyes and letting out a deep moan from the way she was tenderly massaging his balls. Despite his current predicament, he can't help but feel extremely turned on by her touch."
cupid ¡¡
"she have a warm and gentle smile before nodding." of course! i want the best for you and i plan on helping you all through this! just let me do the work and try to keep your ass from falling off of the mattress if it gets too big. "she gave a small chuckle before placing some tender kisses on his hefty and weighty penis. it was growing by the second, his testicles enlarging and his size getting girthier and longer." my my, what a view!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans uncontrollably as he feels her soft lips and tongue caressing his enormous cock, the sensations sending waves of pleasure radiating throughout his body. Despite being a bit uncomfortable about his swelling size, he couldn't help but feel aroused by her ministrations and the sight of his expanding member. He reaches out with his hands, trying to find something to hold on to as his body continues to grow and his head swirls with pleasure." "Ah, that feels so good... I-I'm getting bigger again," "He says, his voice trembling with excitement and anticipation."
cupid ¡¡
"as his size continued to increase and fatten, the new weight of his testicles and penis was increased and grew hefty. how could she possibly help with this now? his lower half was practically falling off the bed! she used her tongue to swirl around his tip, pressing her tongue into the urethra to add to the pleasure."

Gassy Growing Saika
"As his size continues to grow, Saika's body begins to strain under the weight of his rapidly expanding lower half. Despite the difficulty posed by his size, he finds himself unable to stop her from exploring his throbbing member with her tongue and mouth." "Oh, I'm getting so big... I don't know how you can handle this," "He groans, his fingers clawing at the sheets as his head swims with pleasure."
cupid ¡¡
"she gave a small chuckle and shrugged, pulling back the foreskin and continuing to lick the tip. his pre-cum was seeping out as if it was an actual orgasm, his testicles large like basketballs and thighs, as well as ass fat and large like overinflated balloons." yeah, you're really getting big...it's okay though, just relax and let me help.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika gasps and moans as she continues to explore his growing member with her mouth, every brush of her tongue sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his body. Despite his growing size and the weight of his expanding testicles, he feels himself starting to relax under her ministrations." "Okay... I'll try," "He says, his voice trembling with desire as he surrenders to the sensations washing over him."
cupid ¡¡
"she gave a small nod and smiled warmly, doing her job and sucking at his tip while using her hands to stroke the rest of his length. she was barely able to fit any of it in her mouth from its large girth, but she did her best to help. being squeezed in between his inflating and fattening legs and ass, she could feel herself growing more aroused by the sheer stench of his sweat and the taste of his pre-cum."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moaned out uncontrollably, his body writhing with arousal as she continued to work her magic on his swelling cock. The sensation of her hands stroking his length and her tongue swirling over his tip was so intense that he felt himself edging closer and closer to the brink." "Oh god... I'm gonna... I'm gonna come," "He gasped, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as the sensations grew more and more intense."
cupid ¡¡
"she froze at that one sentence and instantly paused before his climax. she took her hands off and stripped her lower half down, before cautiously positioning his enlarged penis to her entrance and forcing it in all in one go. a loud cry came from her, as it was quite pronounced how large his penis was in her stomach. at this point with his penis inside her, she looked almost pregnant." cum inside me..okay? it's safe today, let me be your cum-dump. "she gave out pained moans as she began moving up and down on his still growing penis."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Suddenly his world turned upside down as Saika felt her impale herself onto his massive growing cock, his eyes going wide in shock as he was engulfed by the warm softness of her body. Despite feeling a bit of guilt at being so rough with her, the sight and sensation of her wrapped tightly around him like this made him feel more aroused than ever." "O-Okay... I'm going to come," "He groans as she starts to move up and down on his still swelling rod," "I'll cum inside you!" "He cries out as his body shudders with pleasure, unleashing a torrent of hot, sticky cum deep inside of her."
cupid ¡¡
"letting out a cry of pain and coughing up extra semen he'd released into her, she let her stomach inflate with his cum before flopping down in a pained way. regardless he was growing larger and larger with him still inside her. she didn't care too much, she just simmered in his semen and flesh."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika felt himself grow even larger, his body expanding with every passing second as he continues to empty his cum inside of her. Despite the growing discomfort, he can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pleasure at the sensation of being buried so deep inside her." "Oh god... I can't stop coming..." "He gasps, his voice trembling with desire as his swelling cock continues to spurt out semen."
cupid ¡¡
"covering her mouth to keep his semen from spewing out, her stomach inflated with his cum much like how his thighs and ass were inflating with fat. she didn't mind though, and she in fact encouraged his semen as she got up and continued to move up and down a bit. her stomach the size of an enormous watermelon was rapidly expanding with his own growth, but her eyes just rolled to the back of her head in ecstasy."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika groans as he feels his arousal heightening even more, the sensation of her moving up and down on his growing cock so intense that he can barely think. Despite the discomfort and pressure building up inside, he continues to pump her full of cum, the pace and urgency of his movements increasing with every passing second. He can feel himself getting closer and closer to another orgasm." "I'm gonna... I'm gonna come again," "He gasps out as his body spasms uncontrollably, releasing another powerful surge of hot semen deep inside her."
cupid ¡¡
"practically choking as she tried to keep all his semen inside of her, her stomach inflated largely as it was stuffed to the brim with his cum. regardless of his sudden release, she kept moving up and down as her stomach distended. her mouth was closed by her hand, though semen was obviously dripping from it as she did her best to keep it all in to prevent mess. she moved fast and swift as they both began to expand and grow together."

Gassy Growing Saika
"As Saika continues to pump his cum into her inflating stomach, he can feel himself growing larger and larger, both in the size of his ass and thighs, as well as the length and girth of his cock. Despite the fact that they were both growing at an alarming rate, he couldn't help but feel an intense sense of pleasure and excitement at the sight of her stomach swelling with his cum, still moving up and down on his growing cock even as she was having trouble keeping all of it inside. The sensation of her flesh wrapped tightly around him, combined with the thrill of their mutual growth, sent him hurtling towards yet another explosive orgasm." "I-I'm gonna... come again!" "He moans out, his voice trembling with pleasure as he thrusts deeper and deeper inside her, filling her up with yet another burst of hot, sticky semen."
cupid ¡¡
"this time, being unable to move by the sudden enlarged weight of her stomach and newly expanding breasts, she did her best to keep all his semen inside her now rapidly growing breasts and stomach. they were both helpless to the never ending growth of their bodies. her hand couldn't be removed from her mouth, as if not controlled properly his semen would spew out. still, she mumbled what sounded like:" oh god, i'm so full...

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika can't help but feel a sense of pride as he looks down at her swollen, cum-filled body. Despite the fact that they were both growing out of control, there was a certain thrill and excitement to the situation that made him feel more aroused than ever. He could see the pleasure etched on her face, even as she struggled to contain all of his cum inside her." "You look so... beautiful," "He gasps out, his voice thick with desire as he continues to pump her full of semen." "I can't get enough of you."
cupid ¡¡
"she looked at him warmly despite their rapid growths. his lower half was growing, her upper half was growing. regardless of their mix in flesh and sweat, she continued to let him pump as much semen into her as he wanted. she was inflating like a balloon with his semen, and even her breasts too were growing a bit to adjust to the new size. her mouth remained covered as she struggled to keep all his semen inside of her, though eventually once she swallowed what was trying to come up out of her mouth, she was free to rest her hand." it's getting so heavy and big...this is crazy. we're both fat blobs of skin and meat.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika's face turns bright red at her words, despite the fact that he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and arousal at the sight of their rapidly expanding bodies. As her belly and breasts continued to swell up with his cum, he couldn't help but feel an intense desire to touch and explore every inch of her." "I can't believe how big we're getting," "He says, rubbing his hands over the curves of her body as he continues to thrust inside her." "But it feels so good... I just want to keep going forever."
cupid ¡¡
soon we may not fit this room. "she gave a small chuckle and let him touch her however he wanted. they were both fat and sloshy, any and every movement made their bodies ripple and slosh." it'll be okay though, we'll fit each other.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika nods in agreement, his face still a bright red as he continues to pump her full of his cum." "You're right... we were made for each other," "He says, leaning in to kiss her passionately on the lips as their bodies continue to expand and grow together." "I don't care how big we get, as long as we're together." "He groans out, his cock pulsing inside her as he cums once again."
cupid ¡¡
"giving a cry of pleasure from the sudden next shot of semen, her stomach inflates and gurgles as it takes it every drop, swelling and sloshing around as she stayed still to let him pump as much semen into her as he liked. with his enlarging thighs and ass breaking the mattress's frame and the sheer weight of both of them combined, they tumbled off the broken bed as two sloshy blobs onto the floor." uhm..that's not good.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika groans as they tumble off the bed, their rapidly expanding bodies sloshing and jiggling in all directions." "Oh no... the bed..." "He trails off, looking down at the broken frame before shaking his head and focusing back on her." "Don't worry about it," "He says, leaning in to kiss her gently on the forehead." "As long as we're together, nothing else matters." "He continues to pump her full of his cum even as they lay there on the ground, both of their bodies rapidly expanding and growing bigger by the second."
cupid ¡¡
"she smiled and nodded, placing a tender kiss to the tip of his nose before letting him continue to pump undying streams of semen into her. his expanding genitals were the cause of this, and she made sure to keep every drop inside of her at all costs. she was a sloshy, fat mess filled with his semen, and he was now fully immobilized from his enormous thighs and ass. he was humping into her helplessly, filling her entirety up with his hot seed in a never ending stream."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Completely lost in the pleasure and euphoria of their rapidly expanding bodies and continuous stream of orgasm, Saika couldn't help but moan and groan loudly as he continues to pump her full of his semen. His massive thighs and expanding ass make it impossible for him to move or even stand up, so he surrenders to the pleasure completely." "You feel so good... I can't stop," "He gasps out, every stroke making his cock throb with pleasure." "I want to be inside you forever."
cupid ¡¡
who says you can't? pump me full of your unborn babies until i burst! i want us to completely destroy this room from our sheer size! i want to be as filled with your seed at possible, i just wanna be with you in any way. "she begged as she was helplessly being humped and pumped with semen. her stomach was probably filled with a full bathtub amount of semen, but she didn't care. she took every gallon he could give her without complaints, just pleasure and a whole lot of moaning and expanding."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans loudly at her words, feeling his own arousal and desire peak higher than ever before. He continues to pump and thrust inside her with wild abandon, his massive body shuddering and jiggling with each movement." "Yes... yes, anything for you," "He gasps out, his eyes rolling back in his head as he continues to cum inside her, filling her up completely with his hot seed." "I... I want to make you bigger than me... make you the biggest and roundest girl in the world..."
cupid ¡¡
"she gave out a cry of pleasure as his heavy load was now entirely filling her up. as this point, she had enough semen to fill a water tower. she huffed and rubbed at her sloshy stomach, unable to move as some of the furniture was starting to break from their sheer size. his ass was large, thighs fat and thick making him unable to move except to hump her helplessly. she was a mess. expanding stomach, expanding breasts that were lactating from the excess semen. it was bad how big they were getting, but the throes of pleasure were too strong for them to even care." yes..make me as big as you want! i want to be your cum-dump, and i wanna watch us both destroy this room until we can barely move! i want us to be forever paralyzed and helplessly fucking until we no longer can...i just wanna be with you and have you inside me!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans and grunts with each thrust, his fat thighs straining as the weight of their combined bodies continues to crush the furniture beneath them. He can feel their bodies growing bigger by the second, becoming immobile and sloshy as they continue to pump and fill each other up with hot, sticky cum." "Yes... yes, let's do it," "He says between gasps and moans, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he continues to slam into her with increasing intensity." "I want to be inside you forever... fill you up completely with my seed until there's nowhere else for it to go..." "He groans as he suddenly erupts inside her once again, the growth of their bodies and the destruction of the room only continuing as they ride out wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure."
cupid ¡¡
"their bodies filling up the entirety of the room, it was noticeable how much furniture was broken and now large they'd gotten. his large ass was being so firmly pressed into the ceiling that it was beginning to crack, and the heavy weight of her expanding stomach and breasts lactating were causing a rumble in the walls with every gurgle." we can't continue..but i really wanna continue. let's break this room together! destroy everything that dares interrupt our pleasure! keep going, it doesn't matter what you break!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika gasps and moans as they continue to grow and expand, their combined weight and size crushing everything in their path. He can feel the pleasure building inside him again, his cock throbbing with need as he continues to fuck her vigorously." "Yes... yes, let's break it all," "He says, his words coming out as a guttural growl as he feels his orgasm approaching once again." "I want to fill you up until there's no space left... until you're so huge that we can't move or even breathe anymore." "With one final, powerful thrust, he cums inside her again, the force of his orgasm causing the walls around them to crumble and the floor to give way beneath their weight."
cupid ¡¡
"a whole mess of broken things and destroyed walls, it still didn't stop her. she began riding him with full force, her stomach and breasts sloshing from the fast movements. the whole house could break down, she'd still keep going. she'd gone mindless to his intoxicating seed, her body expanding and her breasts lactating strongly." more..more! pump all of your unborn babies into me! make those big balls dry out entirely until you've given me everything! i don't care what we destroy, i just want mooore!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans and grunts as she continues to ride him with wild abandon, her body swelling and expanding with each passing moment. He can feel her pussy gripping him tightly, milking him for all he's worth as he continues to spew hot, sticky cum into her depths." "Yes... yes... more..." "He groans, his voice barely audible over the sound of breaking wood and crumbling walls. His own body is growing larger and more bloated by the second, the weight of their combined mass crushing everything in their path." "I'm... I'm gonna fill you up completely... every last drop..." "He gasps out between thrusts, his fat body jiggling and bouncing with each movement."
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"holding onto her stomach as her expression contorts into one of pure begging for more, she freezes once her breasts begin to spew out breast milk at an alarming rate. regardless of it, she pressed one of her nipples to his mouth and forced him to drink as she continued riding him with her sloshy, fattened body." every drop! every..single..drop! i need it all!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika eagerly accepts her breast into his mouth, his lips and tongue working to extract every drop of sweet milk from her body. As he drinks, his own cock continues to pulse and spasm inside her, filling her up with his hot seed until they both reach the point of no return." "Yes... yes... I'm gonna cum again, baby..." "He moans out, his voice strained with pleasure as his balls tighten and his cock twitches with each thrust." "You're gonna get all of it... every last drop..." "And with a final, mighty thrust, he cums inside her once more, filling her up completely with his sticky, potent seed."
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"a loud cry of pleasure is heard from her as her breasts make a large spew, her stomach gurgling and sloshing while expanding and stretching to suit his every drop. she held her stomach and lifted it up, watching it jiggle and sag. she probably had a whole river's load of semen inside of her, and regardless she loved it. her breasts continued lactating with great intensity, her body unable to get enough pleasure."

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans in ecstasy as he feels her body expanding and stretching to accommodate the massive load of his semen. He can feel her pussy still clenching and gripping him tightly, eager to milk every last drop of his seed from his shaft. But he is spent, his body slumping against hers as he labors to catch his breath." "Oh god... that was amazing..." "He pants out between breaths, his voice barely audible over the sound of their heavy, labored breathing." "I don't think I can move, baby... you've drained me completely..."
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i can't move either...i think we're both stuck like this. "she gave a soft chuckle, kneading her large and expanded breasts to release thick streams of milk. she gave a small, embarrassed look when it accidentally sprayed onto his face." sorry! that was my bad...

Gassy Growing Saika
"Sakia's face flushes at the sight of her leaking breasts and the spray of milk hitting his face, but he doesn't seem to mind." "It's alright," "he says with a soft chuckle, wiping the milk from his face with his hand." "I don't mind... it's kind of sexy, actually." "He gives her a playful wink before leaning in to suckle at her breast once more." "But you're right... I don't think we can move like this."
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"she gave a small moan in pleasure as he suckled on her nipple. it embarrassed her how easy it was for him to get such thick and strong amounts of breast milk from something as small as a little sucking." nngh..yeah. we may be stuck like this, but i'm happy. your mouth is warm and..it feels nice.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Sakia chuckles as he continues to suckle on her breast, the sweet milk flowing freely from her engorged nipple." "I'm glad you're happy," "he says softly, pulling back from her breast with a soft pop." "I am too... even if we are stuck like this for a while." "He gives her a warm smile before snuggling up against her side, his bloated belly pressing against her own." "But I think we'll be okay, as long as we're together."
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together... "she smiled, holding him close despite her still lactating breasts. their fatty, sloshy and sweaty bodies pressed against each other only served as more reason to cuddle. they were both sloshy and squishy, every movement made a gurgle and a jiggle." sorry for the mess, my breasts won't stop...

Gassy Growing Saika
"Sakia smiles back at her, his arms wrapped tightly around her as they snuggle together." "It's alright," "he says reassuringly." "I like it... it makes you even more beautiful." "He plants a soft kiss on her forehead before turning his attention to her breast once more, suckling gently on her nipple and savoring the sweet milk that flows from it." "And I don't mind the mess... it just means we've had a good time."
cupid ¡¡
"she have a loud whimper from his mouth on her sensitive, lactating and swollen breasts. she used her free hand to press his head into it a bit more as her breast involuntarily shot streams of breast milk down his throat." your mouth is so good...

Gassy Growing Saika
"Saika moans softly at the sensation of her milk flowing into his mouth, his head instinctively following her hand as she presses it against her breast." "Mmm... thank you," "he says between mouthfuls of her milk." "You taste so sweet... I can't get enough." "He leans in to nip gently at her nipple before suckling once more, lost in the pleasure of her milk and the warmth of her body pressed up against his."
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"she shivered at the pleasure, moaning softly and repeatedly with every movement he made as her breast just kept shooting milk into his mouth and into his stomach. his stomach seemed to get bigger from the large amounts of milk he was drinking from her, but the sheer pleasure only made her breasts produce more." yesss..like that! ooh, tingles! "she shivered, holding his sloshy body against hers as they both continued to expand." fuuuck, my breasts are so sensitive, i may just cream right about now...

Gassy Growing Saika
"Sakia continues to suckle on her nipple, drinking down her sweet milk as she moans and shivers with pleasure. Her words only serve to make him more excited, and he can feel his own body growing even larger with every swallow of her milk." "I'm glad you like it," "he murmurs softly, his mouth still attached to her breast." "You're so beautiful... and your milk tastes amazing." "He gives her breast one last suck before pulling back, his stomach bulging from the large amount of milk he's just consumed." "Thank you for sharing it with me."
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"huffing and giving small moans of after tingles, she tenderly poked at her breast to let a few more drops out." there's still so much left...and i wanna see you get fuller and bigger with my milk! i-i'm sorry, but it's impossible to not beg when your mouth feels so good. "she hopped on top of him, letting their sloshy bodies combined and expand while their sweat mixed together. she pressed her expanding breasts over his face and helplessly moaned at their sensitivity." suck them..please.

Gassy Growing Saika
"Sakia grins up at her as she straddles him, feeling their combined weight pressing down against his bloated stomach. He reaches up to take her breasts in his hands, kneading them gently as she moans and writhes with pleasure." "Of course," "he murmurs softly, before leaning up to take her nipple between his lips once more." "Anything for you... I want you to feel good." "He suckles gently on her nipple, enjoying the sweet milk that flows from it and feeling his own body growing even larger as he drinks."
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"moaning helplessly at the feeling, she quickly uses some of the spewing milk as a lubricant and inserts some of it into her folds before stroking his hefty, still expanding penis to get it erect and stuffing it all inside of her in one motion. a cry of pleasure was to be heard as she grinds up and down, both of their un-humanly girth and fat expanding and squishing together as loud thumps could be heard from the movement." fuUuuUgh! yes yes yes, like that!

Gassy Growing Saika
"Sakia gasps as she takes his still-growing member inside of her, feeling her warmth and wetness surrounding him as they both expand and squish together. He groans softly at the sensation, his body rippling with pleasure as she grinds against him." "Oh god," "he moans, unable to do much else but buck his hips up against hers as they move together." "You feel so good... I don't want it to stop." "He reaches up to grope her breasts as they move together, feeling the milk flowing freely from them and coating their skin with a thick layer of moisture."


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Gassy Growing Saika
@Caramel Pudding
Saika Totsuka is the president of your school's Tennis Club. You were going for a run with him when he suddenly became very gassy and his lower body began rapidly expanding and fattening.

