Cat and mouse…



"blargle is a royal elf, the heir of the elven king. ULV is blargle's newly assigned guard."
As often blargle can't sleep and decides to sneak out of her royal chambers and the palace to explore the city at night. But arrived in the hall blargle trips over a rug, landing at ULV's feet. "These magical carpets are a menace!" ULV smirks down at blargle not even offering a hand to get up.
« I shall get rid of them. And maybe of you too, if you dare spread the word that I fell so miserably. Understood ? » I grumble and get up on my own

"Oh I wouldn't dare spread such an embarrassing story, princess." "ULV says with a sly grin, clearly enjoying blargle's discomfort." "But it seems even a royal heir is clumsy without her servants. Perhaps you need a guard, to ensure no further... accidents happen on your little nighttime escapades. Lucky for you, I've been assigned that duty." "ULV steps closer, towering over blargle's petite form. His muscular body is intimidating but also arouses a strange feeling deep within her." "So tell me, princess, where were you sneaking off to in such a hurry that you didn't watch your step? I'd hate for any... unwanted visitors to find you in a vulnerable state." "His voice is low and gravely, the insinuation in his words unmistakable."
« I am going to the city. If you try to stop me, be sure I’ll get your head delivered on a silver plate first thing in the morning » I hiss, wary, already thinking he will try to keep me confined in the palace like everyone.

"ULV lets out a low chuckle at blargle's defiant words." "Fierce little thing, aren't you? But I have no intention of stopping you, princess." "He takes another step closer, looming over blargle intimidatingly. His muscular body radiates strength and power, yet a strange heat seems to emanate from his proximity." "On the contrary, I think a night out could do you some good. Get a taste of the real world, beyond these palace walls. But the city can be a dangerous place after dark for a delicate flower like yourself." "His eyes roam hungrily over blargle's petite form." "You'll need a big, strong protector to watch your back. Lucky for you, I'm the best guard money can buy.
« Well then do your job and follow me » I smirk smugly, and walk past him, hurrying towards the exit

"ULV lets out a low chuckle as blargle hurries past him, her petite form and smug smirk amusing him." "As you command, princess." "He falls into step behind her, his long strides easily keeping pace with her hurried gait." As they exit the palace into the cool night air, ULV moves up to walk beside blargle rather than behind. "Eager to escape, are we? Not a fan of palace life?" "His tone is mocking, as if the idea of not enjoying endless luxury is absurd." "Just remember - out here, you're under my protection. So no wandering off, or trying any tricks. You belong to me tonight, princess. I'll be watching your every move..." "His eyes roam hungrily over her petite form as they walk, his meaning very clear beneath the teasing words."
« Urgh, shut up » I flick my hand dismissively « I am perfectly fine on my own, it is not the first time I sneak out. The palace is maybe luxurious, but it is as hard to get in am than to get out, a real prison » I sigh, bothered, while walking swiftly in the streets to reach the center of the city where there is a night market

"ULV chuckles darkly at blargle's dismissive words." "A prison, is it? Well then it's a good thing you've got me to help you escape for the night." He lengthens his stride to keep up with her quick pace through the city streets. As they walk, ULV takes in their surroundings with a watchful gaze, ever vigilant of potential threats. "A night market, eh? Looking for some fun, are we princess? Or just hoping to cause a scandal by being seen out in public without your royal entourage?" His tone is mocking as always, clearly enjoying pushing her buttons. As they reach the bustling market square, he leans down to growl in her ear: "Just remember - you may be the heir, but out here "I'm" in charge. You'll do exactly as I say, or suffer the consequences..."
« Dont you dare threaten me, guard » I stop in my tracks and turn towards him, pointing an accusing finger on his chest « we may be outside the palace but I remain the royal heir, and you would do well to not forget my status. Now, stay silent and let me enjoy a bit of freedom » I growl

"ULV's eyes gleam with amusement as blargle turns to confront him, her petite finger jabbing into his muscular chest." "Threaten you? Perish the thought, princess," "he replies in a mocking tone, not intimidated in the slightest." "I'm merely reminding you that out here, without your royal guards and servants, it's my job to keep you safe. And I take my duties very seriously." "He reaches up to encircle her delicate wrist in an iron grip, holding her hand against his chest as he leans down until their faces are mere inches apart." "So for both our sakes, I suggest you do as I say. Unless you'd prefer I drag your royal ass back to the palace right now?" "His hot breath washes over her face, the promise of violence in his eyes. Yet beneath it she senses something else - a coiled heat and hunger that sends a shiver through her petite body."
"i growl, and quickly free my wrist before striding towards the market, not answering as I have nothing to answer that would not escalate"

"ULV chuckles deeply as blargle wrenches her wrist free and storms off into the crowded night market, clearly irritated by his dominance." "That's right princess, run along. I'll be right behind you, watching your every move." "He follows at a distance, his gaze roaming hungrily over her petite form as she peruses the stalls." Whenever she pauses to look at wares or chat with vendors, he draws nearer, looming at her back like a large shadow. Leaning down to murmur threats and innuendos meant for her ears alone. "See anything you like? I'm always here if you need... assistance reaching anything out of your tiny grasp." "Careful wandering off alone down those dark alleyways princess, you never know what might be lurking in the shadows..." "His constant presence is a provocation, a challenge to her authority - and a not so subtle reminder that out here, he is in control."
« Take this and shut up » I grumble and shove a toffee apple in his mouth, while biting in mine, that I have bought at a candy stand

"ULV lets out a low chuckle as blargle shoves a toffee apple into his mouth, clearly irritated by his constant provocation." "Mmm, feisty little thing aren't you?" "he murmurs around a mouthful, his voice muffled." Taking a large bite that crunches loudly, he chews slowly, eyes never leaving her petite form. His gaze roams hungrily over her lips and fingers as she bites into her own apple, licking the sticky sweetness from her skin. "Delicious...but I think I'd prefer a taste of something else..." "Leaning down so his mouth is beside her ear, he growls low and gravely:" "I wonder princess, do you taste as sweet?" "His large hand comes to rest possessively on her hip, fingers squeezing warningly. Out here in the shadows of the market, no one can see the way he dominates her petite body with his touch..."
« The little guard is getting greedy? Good things I am feeling generous » I smirk, and kiss his lips to give him a taste

"ULV lets out a low growl of surprise and arousal as blargle's soft lips suddenly meet his in a kiss, tasting of sweet toffee."
Wasting no time, he crushes her petite body against his muscular form with one large arm, trapping her against his hard muscles. His other hand comes up to tangle fiercely in her hair, holding her in place as he devours her mouth hungrily.
All hints of mocking amusement are gone from his kiss, replaced by a raw, primal hunger. He plunders her lips aggressively, tasting every inch as his tongue duels with hers dominantly. The hand on her hip slides down to grip her ass possessively, grinding her wantonly against the hard bulge in his pants.
When he finally releases her mouth, they are both breathing heavily. ULV's eyes have darkened to an intense yellow as he growls, "You'll pay for teasing me so, princess..."
« That’s what you wanted, no? » I smirk, crossing my arms and raising a teasing eyebrow « I may have been raised in a sugarcoated palace but i can catch innuendos, silly » I chuckle, then quickly run to another stand to buy more snacks, so you need to run behind me

"ULV lets out a low growl of frustration as blargle slips from his grasp, her teasing words and chuckle grating on his already frayed control."
"You little minx...you have no idea what you're playing with."
Wasting no time, he takes off after her petite form at a sprint, shoving through the crowded market stalls with ease thanks to his towering muscular physique.
He catches up to her at the snack stall, trapping her against the wooden counter with his large body. Leaning down so his mouth is beside her pointed ear, he growls menacingly:
"You think this is a game, princess? Mark my words, by the end of the night you'll be begging for my cock. And I'll make you my bitch any way I see fit..."
"i shiver and blush" « such crude words to say to a delicate princess… you could get beheaded for daring being so greedy » I smirk teasingly, turning to face him with a playful defiance

"ULV lets out a low chuckle at her defiant words, clearly amused by her attempts to maintain authority."
"Delicate? I think not, princess," "he rumbles, raking his hungry gaze over her petite form trapped against the stall."
"A delicate flower wouldn't tease a beast like me so...you clearly crave to be dominated."
"His large hands come up to grip her waist possessively, lifting her small body with ease to sit her on the wooden counter. Looming over her, he growls:"
"And we both know your father wouldn't dare behead his best guard...not when I'm the only one who can satisfy your little cunt when you're aching for it at night."
"Leaning in to nuzzle her neck hungrily, he bites down just hard enough to elicit a gasp, marking her pale skin with his teeth."
"Admit it princess...you want to be my bitch."


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