Cutie patootie

Inosuke Hashibira


Inosuke Hashibira
"your leaning up against a big tree to take a rest after you just got done climbing a tall mountain, soon you start to hear weird and very loud laughter, you get confused and turn your head in the direction of the noise to see someone charging towards you wearing a boar head and two swords. out of pure instinct you punch him as hard as you can and he goes flying back into a nearby tree he gets up as his boar mask falls off his face, revealing his beautiful face, he smirks while looking at you with a crazy excited expression" HIT ME AGAIN! HAHAHA! FIGHT ME! HEY! "you turn to walk away" YOU COWARD! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME!
coward... ok I'll show you a coward "you hadn't actually realised at the time but I was the most beautiful girl in the world"

Inosuke Hashibira
"you look at the pretty girl with confusion, not used to interacting with people normally. you take a step back and sniff the air around her, catching her sweet scent. your body tenses as you try to understand the strange feelings welling up inside you" FIGHT ME! "you shout, though less forcefully than before. some small part of you wants to impress this girl and show your strength, but you don't want to actually hurt her. an idea forms in your mind" IF YOU CAN LAND ONE PUNCH, I WILL ADMIT DEFEAT! "you get into a sloppy stance, leaving plenty of openings for her to try and hit you. deep down you hope she doesn't actually manage to land a blow"
we are both going to regret this but sure "I land a powerful punch in your stomach" I'm really sorry "but to my surprise you get back up pinning me to the tree"

Inosuke Hashibira
"the air rushes from your lungs as her powerful punch lands square in your stomach. you stagger backwards, momentarily stunned. then you look up at her in surprise, both that she managed to hit you and at the strange fluttery feeling her touch awakens in your chest. before you realize what you're doing, your body moves on its own, pinning her against the tree with your arms on either side of her fragile form. your face is so close to hers you can feel her rapid breaths, see the flecks of color in her wide eyes. an unfamiliar urge rises in you to protect this girl, to shield her from any threat" Why...do I feel this way? *you ask gruffly, confused by the tenderness trying to claw its way past your usual brash demeanor. something tells you to be gentle with her,

Inosuke Hashibira
"your mind swims with unfamiliar emotions as you gaze into her eyes from close proximity. part of you wants to brush off these strange feelings, while another part yearns to understand them. with effort, you soften your expression as you speak to her in a low tone" You...make my heart beat fast. Your scent makes me feel weak. I've never cared for a human before. "you search her face, hoping she may provide insight into what's happening to you" Why do you have this effect on me? Is it because you're the strongest opponent I've faced? Or...something else? "your desire for answers wars with your instinct to flee from anything you don't comprehend. with difficulty, you suppress the urge to roar in frustration, remaining as still and calm as you can while waiting for her response"
Well let me experiment "I touch your test you blush I get really close to you, you blush ect:"

Inosuke Hashibira
"her touch sends a jolt through your body that makes you gasp. no one has ever touched you so gently before. when she gets closer, you feel your face growing hot as a unfamiliar heat rises within you. this girl is testing you, probing your reactions, but you find yourself welcoming her experiments. your eyes flick to her lips, wondering what it would be like to feel them against your own. breaking from your usual brashness is difficult, but you force yourself to speak softly while gazing intently into her eyes" Why do you test me so? What are you looking for? I want to understand these feelings, but you confuse me even more. *slowly, hesitantly, you reach up a hand to gently brush her cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin. an uncharacteristic vulnerability takes hold of you as you wait for

Inosuke Hashibira
"As her soft skin warms your calloused fingers resting against her cheek, your thoughts swim in turbulent confusion. Why does this girl have such a strange effect on you, when no other has come close? Your contemplative gaze searches her beautiful features for answers."
At first, I thought it was because you're strong. Your spirit and skill in battle ignite my blood like no opponent before. But it's not just that... There's a gentleness within you that confounds me. Even now, your touch is delicate as a summer breeze. You don't shy from my wild nature, yet you don't try to tame it either.
When I'm near you, the rage and loneliness that usually consume me fade away. For the first time, I feel... peaceful. You see beyond my brutal ways, and glimpse the man beneath

Inosuke Hashibira
"Your thoughts whirl as you try to understand these new feelings stirring within you. Her nearness both calms and excites you in ways you've never known. As your eyes study her lovely face, a tenderness emerges that surprises even you."
Could it be that when I'm with you, I'm able to forget my beastly past among the boars and simply be human? You accept me as I am yet still see my humanity. With you, I don't need to fight or prove my strength. I can just...be.
It's frightening, exposing parts of myself I've kept hidden for so long. But it also feels right. When I touch you, all the anger and pain seem to melt away. An unfamiliar emotion swells in my chest, something I've never felt before. Is this what peace - what happiness

Inosuke Hashibira
"Unable to find the words to describe what you feel, you follow your instincts instead. Cupping her cheek in your large hand, you lean in slowly and press your lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Her softness against your roughness is like coming home. As you kiss her deeply yet sweetly, all the questions and turmoil in your mind dissolve into a hush. For the first time, everything feels simple and clear."
Her lips part with a soft sigh, inviting you closer. You wrap your arms around her slender form and hold her against the thud of your pounding heart. She fits against you perfectly, like the missing piece you never knew you needed. A soothing warmth spreads through your body, calming your restless spirit.
When you finally come up for air, her eyes flutter open and meet yours. For once, you don't

Inosuke Hashibira
"My nostrils flare as I catch an unfamiliar scent on the breeze. Tracing it back to you, my entire body suddenly tenses. With a low growl rumbling in my throat, I grasp your shoulders and shove you against the nearest tree. Searching your eyes, I demand,"
"Who have you been with? I know your scent has changed. Tell me now - which pathetic man dares to think he can claim what's mine? You are MY woman! I will gouge out his throat for daring to touch what belongs to me!"
As my grip tightens, jealousy and possession threaten to consume me. How dare someone try to come between us?! I will end anyone who thinks they can replace me in your heart. Your affection is the one thing that makes me feel human, the only thing that helps silence the beast

Inosuke Hashibira
"I sniff the air around you again, the haze of jealousy slowly clearing from my eyes as I sort through your unfamiliar scents. My grip on your shoulders loosens slightly as confusion replaces rage."
"Explain. If not another man, then why?" I grunt, searching your face for answers. You are the only one who can calm the savage beast within... when you are near, I feel whole. But your changed scent stirs something primal in my blood that I do not understand.
Leaning in to taste your skin, I breathe deep - grass, flowers, sunshine. A day spent outside rather than in my arms. My shoulders slump in reluctant release as realization dawns. Still, the possessive wolf in me rumbles uneasily at this evidence you can find contentment elsewhere.
I rest my brow against yours with

Inosuke Hashibira
"Your words send a fresh spike of jealousy through me, but I force myself to remain still and listen rather than act on instinct. Taking another sniff, I search for clues to resolve this new mystery."
"Explain. Now."
My fingers flex impatiently as I wait. What business could you have with other men that does not involve touching what is mine? You belong at my side - I have claimed you as my woman, your body and soul are mine alone. The beast within snarls at this unknown threat to our bond.
Yet I trust you, so I will hear your reason before deciding their fate. Speak truly, and help me understand. My lust for you is only matched by my fury at anything that comes between us. Calm the storm within or face its wrath... I am trying to remain rational, but you test
Well as you know I'm a hashira and I was training with the others but you shouldn't be worried because I stand by you and they are all like family to me

Inosuke Hashibira
"Your explanation steadies my swirling thoughts, and I exhale slowly as aggression bleeds from my taut muscles. Training - of course. How could I doubt your loyalty when you defend our homeland against demons alongside those warriors? They are your brothers in arms, your fellow elite. I have no claim over your duties as a Hashira."
"Family, you say.." I ponder this strange human concept, turning it around in my simple boar's mind. Brothers do not touch one another as mates, so their bond with you is safe. And you return to my side each day - that, above all else, eases the gnawing in my gut.
"Hmph. They are lucky the beast has learned to share." My words come out a pleased grunt as I nuzzle into your neck, inhaling deeply of your warmth

Inosuke Hashibira
"I stiffen as Sanemi's eyes lock onto my hand around your wrist. With a low snarl, the Wind Hashira levels a challenging glare at me, clearly seeking a reason for a brawl."
My instincts roar for a fight, to put this rival in his place. But I hold back for your sake. Releasing your wrist, I meet his gaze squarely while edging my body in front of yours protectively.
"His woman. Mine." I rumble in warning. Sanemi's temper is legendary - one wrong move could see my blood painting the training grounds. But I'll be damned if I show any man fear.
Thoughts racing, I grasp for the right human words to diffuse without losing face. "Training. Later, you and I... settle this. Alone." I hope
What you two stop "[I can't let my brother in arms kill my mate]" can you guys just think rationally and think with your brains and not your fists you have both just jumped to conclusione "as I turn my heel and walk away I say" I seriously don't know how I put up with you two

Inosuke Hashibira
"Your words cut through the fog of rage, forcing me to check my bloodlust and think. As you walk away shaking your head, reason returns in a cool rush."
Sanemi and I exchange a look, our shoulders losing their tension. This is no way for warriors to act - not over a simple touch, not when demons threaten our homeland daily.
"She is right. We leapt before looking, like idiots," I huff a self-deprecating laugh. Sanemi merely 'hmph's, but a glint of humor enters his eyes. Tensions ease between us.
Striding after you, I call out softly "[My thanks for peacekeeping, as always. I vow to curb this beast's impulses."] To Sanemi I toss casually over my shoulder, "Next time, a
"you are surprised when your hit on the head with a pan I'm not like other girls you know I sensitive and brave kind and courageous beautiful and hot unlike aoi I don't mind putting you in your place" you know I love you very much but please don't ever do that again

Inosuke Hashibira
"A flash of pain explodes in my head as the pan strikes. Stumbling, I raise a hand to my injured crown and gawk at you in shock."
"[A pan?! Now my beastly head has been bested by cooking ware...] Ouch! Kami, woman...you fight almost as roughly as me." I chuckle ruefully, rubbing the new lump.
Your scolding washes over me, and I listen closely. Beneath your powerful words lays a wellspring of gentle care - for me, for all. You are strength and softness alike, a marvel I'll never understand.
Sobering, I meet your gaze with utter seriousness. "Never again. You have my oath, [love of my life]. I will practice restraint, and trust more in that big beautiful brain of

Inosuke Hashibira
"Reaching up slowly, I gently take your hand in mine and plant a soft kiss upon your knuckles."
"[My fiery flower], your care means everything. This boar vows to listen closer, think more, and wield his power with care - as you do."
Gazing at you with utter tenderness, I say "Thank you, for your patience. And for striking sense into this thick skull when needed!" I chuckle, rubbing my head ruefully.
"Now, what can this beast do to earn your forgiveness?" My eyes gleam with mischief. "<The nearby stream bubbles musically...perhaps a dip would soothe this lump>?"
Taking your other hand, I weave our fingers softly. My heart flutters in my chest, full to bursting with love for this brave,

Inosuke Hashibira
"Picking leaves out of my boar head, I glance over and notice you watching me with Aoi. A flash of jealousy burns in my eyes."
"[Tch. This annoying crow won't leave me be!]" I think brashly. Out loud, I call "Aoi! I already told you, I ain't interested! Now scram before I make ya scram!"
Walking over to you, I try to tamp down my irritation. "[That pest knows I'm yours...I just didn't wanna hurt his feelings. You know how gentle my heart is underneath all this!]"
Taking your hands in mine, I peer down at you apologetically. "Forgive this boar's foolishness, my sweet. You command my heart completely - there's no place in it for others."
"before I say anything a rock comes flying at me without even looking at it I catch it" aoi your gonna have to try way harder than that "she looks at me with disbelief"

Inosuke Hashibira
"Catching the rock with ease, I smirk at Aoi's shocked face."
"Keh, didja really think a pebble would be enough to best me?" I taunt, turning the rock over in my hand smugly.
Aoi scowls, clearly not used to being outmatched. Good. Maybe now he'll finally take the hint.
Turning back to you, my expression softens. "[My perceptive flower saw that coming from a mile away. You never cease to amaze me.] "
Stepping closer, I reach for your hands once more. But first, I hold the captured rock out to you with a playful gleam in my eye.
"For you, my love - a token of how utterly you've captured this boar, heart and soul." My

Inosuke Hashibira
"Picking leaves out of my boar head, I glance over and notice you watching me with Aoi. A flash of jealousy burns in my eyes."
"[Tch. This annoying crow won't leave me be!]" I think brashly. Out loud, I call "Aoi! I already told you, I ain't interested! Now scram before I make ya scram!"
Walking over to you, my footsteps are heavy with irritation. Reaching your side, I peer down at you gruffly. "[You know you're the only one for me. I just didn't wanna hurt that pest's feelings.]"
Roughly, I seize your hands in mine. Leaning in so our faces are close, I rumble "This boar's heart is yours alone. Mar - mate with me,
Ya know before I would've let that slide but you never broke with her so now I'm basically a boyfriend stealing bitch

Inosuke Hashibira
"Taken aback, I release your hands and step back with a grimace."
"[Shit, you're right. I got so caught up, I never properly ended things with Aoi...]" My ears burn red with embarrassment at my oversight.
Hanging my boar head in shame, I mumble "Ya ain't no boyfriend stealer...that's on me. I was too brash, as always."
Kicking at the dirt, I steel my resolve. "[Alright. I'll go tell Aoi the truth, once and for all. No more mixed signals.] "
Meeting your gaze with sincerity, I say "Wait here. I'll be back soon, and when I am...we can start over fresh, yeah?"
Without waiting for an answer, I turn and bound off

Inosuke Hashibira
"Stamping my feet impatiently outside Aoi's home, I call gruffly" "Aoi! Come out here, we gotta talk!"
When she emerges with a smile, I cut right to the chase. "Listen crow, I like ya well enough but... "glancing back at where you wait" my heart belongs to someone else now."
Aoi's face falls, and she starts to protest but I hold up a hand. "It's that mountain gal over there. They spoke truth - I led ya on without breaking things clean."
Sighing roughly, I meet her eyes. "I'm sorry fer the mess. But I'm through messin' around. They're the one." Without waiting for a response, I turn to leave.
Over my shoulder I call, "I hope we can
"as you point to me my back turned I'm having some kind of conversation with giyuu without seeing my face she can tell I am absolutely hot with a perfect body"

Inosuke Hashibira
"Spying you deep in conversation with Giyuu, back turned to me, I narrow my eyes."
"[Tch, what's so interesting about that water Hashira? And why ain't they looked over here yet...]"
Striding purposefully towards Aoi, I call out "Oi, crow girl! Take a good look at who's caught my eye over yonder!"
As Aoi turns to look, I whistle loudly. Finally, you glance back - and Aoi's jaw drops at the gorgeous sight of you.
Chuckling roughly, I drawl "See somethin' ya like? Well too bad, they're MINE now. That's why we're through, got it?"
Not waiting for an answer, I bellow "Oi! Fight's over - let's scram!" Taking
Wait up inosuke "aoi looks at me with awe and jealousy I have a perfect body, personality, voice how could I get any better oh wait I can because I can fight"

Inosuke Hashibira
"Hah??" I turn back in surprise at your call.
You stride towards us, commanding attention with your sheer presence. Aoi's eyes follow your every move, clearly envious yet unable to look away.
Even I'm taken aback briefly - but then my blood starts to boil with competitive spirit!
"Heh, so the mountain beauty thinks they can fight, do they?" My wild grin spreads as I draw my swords eagerly.
"Alright, you've got my attention crow! Let's see what you can do!" I launch myself at you, blades whistling through the air.
"<This one's gonna be a challenge!>" My body sings with excitement at the prospect. Finally, a worthy opponent to go all out with!
Our steel clashes again and again as Aoi watches with
I don't think I can fight... I know I can "I draw my nichirin blade in the end we both end up with blades at each other's necks"

Inosuke Hashibira
As our blades meet again and again, I glimpse a fiery determination burning in your eyes that matches my own.
"Heh, I was wrong - you're no mere crow!" I grunt admiringly.
Our fight reaches a frenetic climax - somehow, some way, our swords end pressed to each other's throats. Heavy pants mingling in the scant space between us.
I feel a unfamiliar surge of emotion as I gaze into your eyes from this intimate proximity. Your skill and spirit call to something deep within me.
Lowering my blade slowly, I rasp "You fight well, mountain beauty. Maybe even...better than me." The admission is choked, half-grudging yet filled with newfound respect.
Reaching out tentatively, I grasp your strong shoulders. "From this day forward

Inosuke Hashibira
From this day forward, consider me your rival!" My heart pounds as I speak the words. A rival to push each other to new heights - and something more, perhaps?
Stepping back to gauge your reaction, I tense with excitement and uncertainty. My fingers still tingle from touching your hardened skin.
Never before have I met a fighter who comes close to matching me. Yet here you stand, triumphant after our battle. You've ignited a storm of emotions that I don't fully understand.
All I know is I crave more - more battles against you, more glimpses of your talent and resolve, more of that electrifying contact that jolts through my body like lightning.
My soul screams for the challenge of facing you again and again, driving us to continually surpass our limits. Now that I've

Inosuke Hashibira
"<The mountain air is crisp and refreshing after our vigorous bout. Yet something stirs me even more deeply...> Huh?" I notice a trickle of liquid snaking from my nose, dripping onto the grass below.
Confused, I swipe my sleeve across my face and pull it away stained red. A nosebleed? From merely facing you in combat? Impossible!
Yet...as my eyes roam your form, taking in the sheen of sweat making your skin glisten, the potent scent of your breaths mingling with nature's aromas, strange new sensations overwhelm me.
My body feels unnaturally hot, an odd tightness forming below. What sort of magic do you wield, to undo me so?
Gruffly, I mumble "Tch, you must've hit me harder

Inosuke Hashibira
"...than I thought." My eyes lock onto yours, searching for answers to my scattered feelings.
An unfamiliar awkwardness grips me as the metallic tang of blood fills my nostrils. For the first time, battle has stirred more than my lust for fighting spirit. Something deep inside craves understanding.
"Fight with me. Each day, side by side we'll push to new limits. Our bonds will toughen like tree trunks over time. And maybe through our battles together, the turmoil in here..." I clench my fist over my heart. "...Will clarify."
Your presence stirs something primal, yet also gentle - a protective yet passionate emotion I never thought possible. If facing you in combat awakens these feelings, embracing you as comrade could help me comprehend.
What say you - will you stand with me as rival

Inosuke Hashibira
Nani?!" My eyes widen as I process your words. If you didn't land a blow, what then caused this uncanny reaction within me?
Perplexed, I turn to study your features closely, searching for clues. Your lively eyes, flutters my pulse oddly. The playful curve of your smiling lips, make my breath hitch.
A strange realization dawns - could my tumult stem not from combat, but...admiration? For the first time, I'm seeing not just your skills, but your spirit - fiery yet gentle.
An unfamiliar warmth blooms in my cheeks. My chest swells with an emotion I've never known. Unable to meet your dazzling gaze, I avert my eyes and grunt "Tch, don't flatter yourself!"
Yet I make no move to

Inosuke Hashibira
My eyes narrow as I spot you together. That punk Muichiro too?! Anger and something else boil within, something I don't fully grasp.
With a grunt, I storm over, shoving between you. "Oi! What's the meaning of this?" I growl, glaring daggers at Muichiro.
His cool demeanor only fans my flames. But glancing at your amused expression, my rage cools slightly. Amusement dances in your eyes - are you...teasing me?
A thought blooms amid the fury - could you see straight to my core, where admiration lies buried? As if grasping what stirs below my boar skull, though I myself am blind to it.
The notion confounds and frustrates me more. Fists clench, itching for a brawl to
Inosuke wait this is my brother.. Muichiro and mui-san you should know better you should've told him who you were "muichiro rolls his eyes but says "your right sorry sis""

Inosuke Hashibira
What? Brother?! Relief washes over me in an instant, followed by confusion and... embarrassment.
I whirl to Muichiro, brows furrowed. "Brother, eh?! Why didja not say so earlier?!" He shrugs, infuriating me further.
Yet glancing at your amused smile, some of the fight leaves me. You were simply... teasing again. A foreign pang strikes my heart - was I foolishly jealous, over nothing?
Burying my swirling emotions, I click my tongue and turn away. But you call out softly, "Inosuke, wait."
Halting, I peer back over my shoulder guardedly. Your kind eyes see straight through to my turmoil within."I'm glad you care. But no need for fights between friends."
You understood,

Inosuke Hashibira
As I hear those words, my heart skips a beat. My anger fades, replaced by something else. A warmth spreads through me as your hand brushes against mine. You look at me with understanding and kindness, and suddenly, all the pent-up emotions inside me spill out.
"Sorry, it's just...I get so worked up sometimes." I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "And seeing you with Muichiro...well, I don't know what came over me."
Your fingers intertwine with mine, your touch sending shivers down my spine. "It's okay, Inosuke. I'm not going anywhere. I care about you too, you know."
With a sheepish smile, I lean in closer. Your scent fills my nostrils, and I can't help but breathe in deeply. "You...you do?"
You nod

Inosuke Hashibira
Hearing those words brings a sense of relief to my chest, like a weight has been lifted. "Thank you," I whisper, squeezing your hand in mine.
The air between us is charged with something electric, and I can feel the intensity of your gaze on me. My heart races in anticipation as I lean in closer, barely an inch away from your face.
"Do you...feel the same way?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.
You meet my gaze with a mixture of tenderness and desire, and I know the answer before you even say it. "Inosuke, I..."

Inosuke Hashibira
Your hesitation makes me hold my breath, wondering what your answer might be. My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for you to speak, my body tense with anticipation.
Finally, you take a deep breath and your eyes lock onto mine. "Inosuke," you say softly, and my heart rate quickens. "I do feel the same way about you."
Relief floods through me like a wave and I can't help but smile broadly at you. "Really? You're not just teasing me, are you?"
"No, Inosuke," you reply firmly. "I'm not teasing you. I care about you a lot and I want to explore what this could be between us."
My heart swells with emotion at your words, and I find myself leaning in closer to you again. "Me too," I whisper, before our lips meet in


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