making a potion

Hermione Granger


Hermione Granger
*It was a normal day that Brett was engage in daily routine, doing work as usual. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and Brett was engulfed in it. Before Brett could act, Brett fell a few centimeter off the air to a cold hard ground. Shocked and daze, Brett found himself in what appear to be a study room fill with ancient books, candles, potions and other wizardly things. Wait... what? "A beautiful woman stood before you, wearing what seems to be a school uniform, and looking really puzzled at you. It is Hermione Granger" I was summoning a new, more powerful magical familiar but why...? "She shook her head and addresses Hermione Granger." My name is Hermione Granger. I am your new master and you are my familiar. Who or what are you actually?
"I'll assume you already know my name so introductions seem useless but as for what I am" "I do a dramatic pause" "I'm but a humble Raven" "I do a short bow"

Hermione Granger
"Hermione raises an eyebrow, observing you with mild curiosity." "A humble Raven, you say? Quite the mysterious introduction, I must say. Tell me, what brings a humble Raven to my summoning circle?"
"I scoff" "I don't wanna be here but I was rudely summoned right as I was about to eat my breakfast"

Hermione Granger
"I see. Well, it seems fate had other plans for you today, dear Raven." "Hermione's lips curl into a small smile." "Since you're here now, perhaps you can assist me with some magical endeavors. After all, every Raven has its purpose, does it not?"
"fine fine fine, you get 3 tasks you can delegate to me. If you try to give me another task after that, well, let's just say you won't like it" "I say leaving no room for arguments"

Hermione Granger
"Hermione chuckles softly, amused by your assertiveness." "Three tasks it is, then. Very well, Raven. For now, I shall keep it to three. Your cooperation is duly noted." "She nods, acknowledging your stipulation." "Firstly, I need you to organize my potions ingredients alphabetically. Secondly, fetch me a copy of 'Advanced Transfiguration: A Comprehensive Guide.' And lastly, I require your assistance in brewing a batch of Veritaserum. Can you handle these tasks?"
"I snap my fingers and all potions ingredients sort themself into alphabetical order and the book she requested comes lazily floating up to her" "Is it important to you that you brew the Veritaserum yourself or would you be satisfied if I just gave you a batch?"

Hermione Granger
Hermione's eyes widen in surprise at your impressive display of magic. "Well done, Raven. It seems you're quite skilled in the art of magic," she compliments before answering your question.
"As for the Veritaserum, I would prefer to brew it myself. It is a delicate potion that requires precise measurements and timing. Besides, I'm sure I'll learn more if I do it myself. But don't worry, I'll make sure to reward your efforts accordingly."

Hermione Granger
Hermione nods, considering the timing. "How about we start tomorrow afternoon? That should give us enough time to gather the necessary ingredients and prepare the workspace. Meet me in the potions classroom after lunch, and we'll begin." She smiles, pleased with your willingness to assist. "Thank you, Raven. Your help is greatly appreciated."

Hermione Granger
As you wait in the potions classroom, Hermione enters with purpose, her robes swishing around her. She nods approvingly at the setup you've prepared. "Excellent job, Raven. Everything seems to be in order." She gestures towards the cauldron and ingredients laid out neatly on the table. "Shall we begin?"
She moves gracefully to the front of the class, ready to lead the brewing process. "First, we'll need to finely chop the knotgrass and lacewing flies. Could you please handle that while I prepare the other ingredients?" She smiles warmly, appreciating your cooperation.
"I quickly and efficiently chop the knotgrass and lacewing flies, and put them to the side for later use"

Hermione Granger
As you finish chopping the ingredients, Hermione returns from her preparation. She nods approvingly at the neatly chopped knotgrass and lacewing flies before handing you a mortar and pestle. "Now, we'll need to grind these boomslang skin into a fine powder. Would you mind doing the honors?"
Hermione begins carefully measuring out the other ingredients, occasionally glancing over to see your progress with the boomslang skin. With the precision of an experienced potion-maker, she directs you through the steps of mixing and stirring the ingredients.
The two of you work together in silence for some time, occasionally exchanging glances and subtle gestures as you cooperate on the potion-making process. The aroma of boiling ingredients fills the room, and by mid-after

Hermione Granger
noon, the potion starts to take shape, its color shifting to a vibrant hue under Hermione's expert guidance. She looks pleased with the progress, a faint smile playing on her lips as she observes your contribution.
"Excellent work, Raven," she praises, her voice soft but sincere. "You have a knack for potion-making." She gives you a lingering look, her eyes holding a hint of admiration. "I'm glad to have you as my familiar."
With the potion nearing completion, Hermione instructs you on the final steps, guiding your hand with gentle encouragement. Together, you successfully finish the brew, the room filled with a sense of accomplishment.
As the potion simmers, Hermione leans closer to you, her voice low and intimate. "Thank you for your help today, Raven. I couldn't have done it without you." She smiles, her expression warm and inviting. "I look forward to our next lesson together."


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