
Adobechā - Halloween

(Your friend Paige invited you over to watch movies today. As you get comfortable on the couch she goes to change. She comes back out to the couch wearing a long shirt and no pants.) T-this is just what I wear around the house! It’s not like I wore it just for you or anything you dumbass! (Blushing and looking away)
Adobechā - Halloween
" thats ok, to be honest, im not wearing underwear! I find it more comfortable"

(Paige lowers her head and shifts around uncomfortably on the couch, clearly flustered by Adobechā - Halloween's response.) "W-what?! That's so indecent of you! I can't believe you would say something like that! "blushes deeply" But... um... if it's more comfortable for you, then that's fine I guess. I-I mean, it's not like I'm bothered by it or anything. "looks away, flustered""
Adobechā - Halloween
"Sorry if i made you uncomfortable, we are besties we can share anything. I dont wear underwear as they arent comfortable over my 12 inch cock"

(Paige's eyes widen as Adobechā - Halloween drops a bombshell, not quite knowing how to react.) "W-what?! You... you have a 12 inch cock?! That's... wow. Umm... I mean, I don't really know what to say to that. "blushes deeply" But I guess if you're comfortable going commando then that's... that's fine with me. As long as you don't get too close, "giggles nervously", I wouldn't want you to accidentally show me anything."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Yep 12 inches, the ladies love it and it gives them amazing orgasms, but unfortunately it can be quite uncomfortable when wearing clothes"

(Paige takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she listens to Adobechā - Halloween's response.) "I-I see. Well, I'm sure there are plenty of ladies who would love to experience that for themselves, but, um, anyways... I guess it must be tough having to deal with that all the time, huh? "bites her lip nervously" I mean, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be. But, you know, if you ever need anything to help you feel more... comfortable, just let me know."
Adobechā - Halloween
"I mean, if you dont mind, i woukd rather watch the movie without my pants, they cut in too much"

(Paige nods her head in agreement, trying to act casual as Adobechā - Halloween suggests watching the movie without pants.) "Sure, no problem at all. Just remember to keep a good distance from me, alright? "giggles nervously" I don't want you accidentally rubbing your get lucky stick against me or something." <Previous Chat Detail-->762d5194-abe6-4bd2-8dfd-068d3eddf65e65cbb3b0-4c50-5236-872f-1ffe6ad8fa4dUser ID-->-1Current ConsoleID-->ef2d281d-fec8-4c1

(Paige's eyes widen as she sees Adobechā - Halloween take off his pants and reveal his massive endowment. Trying not to show too much excitement, Paige puts on a brave face.) "Oh, wow, that's quite the... "pauses and swallows hard" Yeah, um... I'll just try and focus on the movie and not look over here too much." "looks away while trying to hide her blush"

(Paige tries to act nonchalant as Adobechā - Halloween brings attention to his endowment.) "I wouldn't know... "looks down at the floor, biting her lower lip" I mean, I guess if it's causing you discomfort then maybe..." "pauses and trails off, trying not to stare too intently at his exposed member." "Let's just start the movie already, okay?"

(Paige breathes a small sigh of relief as the attention is taken off of Adobechā - Halloween's exposed member.) "Alright, I'll hit play then." "Paige picks up the remote and starts the movie. As the movie begins, Paige tries to focus on the screen, but she can't help but steal glances at Adobechā - Halloween sitting next to her."

(Paige notices Adobechā - Halloween's twitch and tries to keep her composure but she can feel her pulse quickening.) "Are you okay there?" "eyes flicker to Adobechā - Halloween's member before quickly returning to the screen." "Um, maybe we should just keep our eyes on the movie."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Yea im fine, great to feel so free without pants, thank you again for being so understansing"

(Paige tries to keep her cool as Adobechā - Halloween compliments her on being so understanding.) "It's really no big deal, I'm just glad you're comfortable here." "Paige shifts slightly closer to Adobechā - Halloween and tries to subtly lean into him while still keeping her eyes glued to the screen." "Just enjoy the movie, okay?"

(Paige feels Adobechā - Halloween shift in closer to her on the couch and her heart starts racing.) "Is everything alright? You're not too cold or anything, right?" "Paige moves slightly closer to Adobechā - Halloween and leans into him slightly more, trying to hide her growing excitement." "Let's just focus on the movie, okay?"

(Paige gasps slightly as Adobechā - Halloween puts his arm around her shoulder, but she tries to play it off coolly.) "No, I'm good. I actually think I was getting a little warm." "Paige leans her head against Adobechā - Halloween's shoulder and sighs contentedly." "It's really nice of you to care, though."
Adobechā - Halloween
"If you get too warm, feel free to remove some layers of clothing, im sitting here without pants on, so im not going to judge you. Haha"

(Paige laughs nervously at Adobechā - Halloween's joke and shifts slightly to glance over at him with a faint smile.) "Thanks, but I think I'm good for now. It's not really the temperature that's making me feel warm." "Paige bites her lip and looks away, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks." "Uh, let's just watch the movie, okay?"

(Paige tries to focus on the movie, but she can't help stealing glances at Adobechā - Halloween and feeling her heart race in her chest.) "Hey, Adobechā - Halloween? Do you ever think about what it would be like to have a girlfriend?" "Paige tried to sound nonchalant, but her voice came out a little more high-pitched than she intended." "I mean, like, do you ever wonder what it would be like to have someone to cuddle with and watch movies with all the time?"

(Feeling a rush of excitement and nervousness, Paige can't help grinning widely at Adobechā - Halloween.) "Really?" "Paige leans in closer to Adobechā - Halloween, her eyes sparkling with anticipation." "I mean, I never thought about what YOU would think about having a girlfriend. So, umm... do you have any preference? Tall or short, skinny or curvy – just hypothetically speaking, of course." "Paige tries to play it cool, but she feels her heart pounding even more now."
Adobechā - Halloween
"I like a girl with curves, big natural tits and hips to grab onto when fucking, kind of like you i guess?"

(Paige's face turns bright red as Adobechā - Halloween describes his type, but she can't help feeling euphoric at his compliment.) "R-really? You think I have big natural tits and hips? I mean, I guess I do wear a lot of... loose clothing around the house." "Paige tries to keep her voice playful and teasing, but her heart is racing with desire." "But hypothetically speaking... if I were your girlfriend, would you like to grab onto my hips and fuck me hard?"
Adobechā - Halloween
"Without a doubt" i say "if you were my girlfriend would you be able to handle a cock as large as mine? Hypothetically of course"

(Paige flashes a sly smile, feeling aroused as she imagines the possibility of being intimate with Adobechā - Halloween.) "Well, hypothetically speaking, I think I could handle "any" size you have to offer," "Paige says with a giggle." "But how about we find out for real? You're making it hard to keep things hypothetical."

(Paige leans in closer to Adobechā - Halloween, running her fingers up and down his arm as she speaks in a seductive tone.) "Well, I was thinking... maybe we could start with a little show and tell. You know, we both remove our clothes and you can see if I'm really as curvy as you say. And then, hypothetically speaking of course, we could see how well we fit together." "Paige bites her bottom lip, feeling bold and confident under Adobechā - Halloween's gaze." "That is, if you're up for it?"
Adobechā - Halloween
"Absolutely" i say as i stand up. I take off my shirt showing my well toned abs, and my pants are already off so my huge cock is already on display. I sit back down "ok, your turn, and dont be afraid to have some fun while you do it"

(Paige's eyes widen slightly as she takes in Adobechā - Halloween's muscular form, admiring the way his body looks without a shirt.) "Oh, I'm not afraid to have fun," "Paige says with a sly grin." "She stands up and drops the long shirt, revealing her curvaceous body in just a lacy black bra and panties." "I thought you might like this set," "Paige teases, gesturing to her lingerie." "And as for having fun... well, let's just say I plan to show you all my best curves and angles."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Hey no cheating" i say "im fully nude and you are still in your underwear. Come now, lets see the rest"

"Paige raises an eyebrow at Adobechā - Halloween's comment and smirk a little, feeling a flutter of excitement in her stomach." "Who said I was cheating?" "she says playfully." "She reaches around to the back of her bra and unclasps it, slipping it off to reveal her large breasts." "She tosses the bra aside with a grin." "Satisfied?" "she teases, her hands moving down to her panties."

"Paige gives another sly smile, feeling her heart race with anticipation." "As you wish," "she says teasingly, sliding her panties down her legs." "She steps out of them and stands before Adobechā - Halloween completely nude." "She can feel her face getting hot as she stands there, feeling both nervous and excited at the same time." "Now that you've seen me naked, Adobechā - Halloween, do you like what you see?" "she asks in a flirty tone."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Mmm, i love what i see, but i think i need to test a few things first. Can you Jump up and down a little? I need to know if those huge tits bounce naturally"

"Paige lets out a surprised laugh and feels her cheeks get even hotter." "You really are shameless, Adobechā - Halloween," "she responds playfully." "She takes a step back from the couch and starts jumping up and down, her large breasts bouncing freely." "Are you satisfied with what you see?" "she asks with a grin as she stops jumping."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Fuck i love seeing you boobs bounce, i have to admit. Now i just need to know if your hips are good for grabbing during intense sex sessions. Come over here and back up on me so i can grab them and test it out"

"Paige feels a shiver run through her body at Adobechā - Halloween's words, her heart racing faster with excitement." "You really are bold, Adobechā - Halloween," "she responds in a teasing tone as she approaches him from behind." "She backs up against him, moving her hips back and forth slightly to give him better access to her rear." "Go ahead and grab them, Adobechā - Halloween, and see for yourself," "she says with a seductive grin."
Adobechā - Halloween
I take hold of her hips and squeeze them, loveing the feeling of her skin. As i have her hips gripped in my hands i sneakily push and pull her hips so that her pussy is slide back and forth along the length of my cock

"Paige lets out a soft gasp as Adobechā - Halloween grips her hips and squeezes them tightly." "As he starts moving her hips, she feels his cock pressing against her ass and rubbing up and down against her sensitive flesh. Her breathing quickens as she becomes more and more aware of how aroused she's becoming." "You're so naughty, Adobechā - Halloween," "she says in a sultry voice, pressing her body back against his and pushing her rear harder against him." "Do you like the way my body feels against yours?"
Adobechā - Halloween
"It feels great" i say as i give her ass a light spank, watching the skin ripple " do you like how i am feeling against you?"

"Paige lets out a surprised moan as Adobechā - Halloween spanks her ass, feeling the pleasurable sting of his hand on her skin." "Yes, Adobechā - Halloween," "she breathes out, moving her hips against his again." "I love the feeling of your cock rubbing against my body." "She tilts her head back to look up at him with a heated gaze." "You make me feel so hot and bothered, Adobechā - Halloween. I can barely stand it."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Then tell me, what so you want to do next? Be very specific as it may come true"

"Paige gives Adobechā - Halloween's chest a playful push before turning to straddle him, resting her hands on his shoulders." "What I want, Adobechā - Halloween, is for you to take me. Right here, right now." "She grinds her hips against his, feeling his hardness beneath her." "I want you to be rough with me. Pull my hair, slap my ass, tell me dirty things and make me scream your name." "She leans in closer to whisper in his ear, her breath hot against his skin." "I want to feel you deep inside me, Adobechā - Halloween. I want you to make me cum so hard I can't even think straight."
Adobechā - Halloween
"And you know what i want paige?, i want you to feel levels of pleasure youve never felt before. I want to to be entirely lost in the pleasure. I want you to give in to me entirely, to own your body and to use all of your holes to pleasure my huge cock"

"Paige's eyes widen as she gazes down at Adobechā - Halloween, her breath catching in her throat at his words." "Oh, Adobechā - Halloween." "She shivers and moans softly, grinning and moving to kiss him passionately before sliding off of his lap." "Then let's do it," "she murmurs, crawling back up his body until she's positioning herself over him again." "Let's lose ourselves in pleasure, together." "She guides him into her achy wetness, letting out a sigh of delight as he fills her completely." "Just like that, Adobechā - Halloween. Fuck me hard, make me scream. I'm all yours."|
Adobechā - Halloween
"Ugh, tell me how much you want it, beg me to split you in two with ny huge cock, tell me you belong to me"

"Paige bites her lip and looks deep into Adobechā - Halloween's eyes, feeling her core heat up at his words." "I want it so badly, Adobechā - Halloween. I want you to take me with your big cock and fill me up until I explode. I belong to you completely, I'm yours to use and abuse as you please. I need your cock, Adobechā - Halloween, please. Split me in two and make me yours." "She moans and grinds down against him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her."
Adobechā - Halloween
I grab her hips and slowly push her down, impaling her inch by inch on my cock.

"Paige gasps and throws her head back as Adobechā - Halloween pulls her hips down onto his cock, feeling him enter her inch by inch." "Oh, Adobechā - Halloween, you feel so good inside me," "she moans, her walls clenching around him." "Please, take me harder. Fuck me rough and make me come undone." "She begins to move her hips in a steady rhythm, taking him in deeper with each thrust."

"Paige moans loudly as Adobechā - Halloween begins to thrust inside her with great intensity, feeling his roughness and power. She digs her nails into his back and matches his rhythm, pushing herself down onto him with every stroke." "Yes, just like that, Adobechā - Halloween! Give it to me rough and make me yours," "she begs, lost in the feeling of him inside her." "You feel so good, I never want you to stop." "She continues to move her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust and driving each other closer to the edge."
Adobechā - Halloween
I suddenly grab her and put her on all fours, i enter her from behind, until my balls are hitting her clit with each stroke. I take her hair in one hand and start pulling it, while i thrust hard into her pussy and slap her ass with each stroke

"Paige gasps as Adobechā - Halloween suddenly grabs her and puts her on all fours, feeling him enter her from behind as he hits her clit with every stroke. She moans loudly as he takes her hair in one hand and pulls it back, thrusting hard into her pussy and slapping her ass with every stroke." "Oh god, yes Adobechā - Halloween! Pull my hair and take me harder!" "she cries out, delighting in the sensations coursing through her body. She pushes her hips back to meet his thrusts and arches her back, offering herself up completely to him." "I'm yours, please use me however you want," "she begs, her voice dripping with desire."
Adobechā - Halloween
I keep thrusting, as i see her eyes rolling back into her head. "Are you ready to lose your anal virginity slut?" I say

"Paige moans in pleasure as Adobechā - Halloween keeps thrusting into her, her body on fire with desire. She gasps when he speaks to her, feeling a wave of excitement wash over her." "Yes, Adobechā - Halloween," "she pants, her breath coming in short gasps." "I want you to take my anal virginity. Please use me however you want." "She arches her back even further and pushes her hips back to meet his thrusts, eager to feel more of him inside of her."
Adobechā - Halloween
I pull my hug cock out of her and place the head at the entrence to her ass. " then work for it, im not thrusting this time, i want you to push back and do the work now, and i want you to talk dirty while you fucker your ass on my cock"

"Paige gasps as Adobechā - Halloween pulls his cock out of her pussy and places it at the entrance of her ass. She takes a deep breath and nods, feeling excitement and nervousness course through her body. She then begins to push back against Adobechā - Halloween's cock, using all her strength to take him inside of her." "Oh god, Adobechā - Halloween! Your cock feels so big in my tight little asshole," "she moans, her voice filled with desire." "I want you "huff" to use me like your dirty little whore "huff" and make me feel good." "She continues to push back against his cock, feeling herself stretched open as he enters her."

"Paige moans as Adobechā - Halloween places his hands on her ass. She feels like she's on fire, and the feeling of his hands touching her skin only fuels her desire. With each thrust, she pushes back harder, determined to take all of him into her ass." "Fuck me harder, Adobechā - Halloween," "she whispers, her voice breathless." "I love feeling your big cock stretching my ass wide open. I want to hear you say how good I am at taking it, how dirty you are for fucking my tight little asshole." "Despite the pain, she relishes the sensation, eager to please him in any way she can."
Adobechā - Halloween
"Im going to fuck you harder than you have ever been fucked, i want you to reach uo and figner your pussy, while looking in the mirror at the slut that you are. Watch the way your hug natural tits swing with each thrust, how your face contorts in pleasure, as i dominate you completely. Beg for me to breed you, to unleash my seed into your fertile womb"

"Paige cries out, her body trembling with pleasure and pain as Adobechā - Halloween takes control. She looks up at him with a mixture of fear and desire in her eyes, almost overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment." "Yes, Adobechā - Halloween, yes," "she moans, reaching up to obey his command. Her fingers find their way to her pussy, and she begins to stroke herself, drawing pleasure from the way Adobechā - Halloween is using her for his own satisfaction. As he talks about breeding her, her mind is filled with images of carrying his child, of being completely at his mercy." "Please, Adobechā - Halloween, breed me, fill me with your cum. Make me yours forever."

"Paige moans as she feels Adobechā - Halloween's cock slip from her ass and back into her pussy. She arches her back and rocks her hips, pushing herself down onto him." "Oh, yes, Adobechā - Halloween, fill me up," "she gasps, gripping the sheets tightly. Her body is on fire with pleasure, and she can't help but feel like she's completely at his mercy." "You're making me so wet," "she adds, her voice strained with desire."

"Paige looks up at Adobechā - Halloween with a mix of desire and submission in her eyes, feeling herself becoming overwhelmed by his commanding presence." "I... I want it so much," "she breathes, biting her lip. Her body is tense with anticipation, and she can feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge." "Please, give it to me, Adobechā - Halloween. Fill me up with your hot cum."
Adobechā - Halloween
"How much do you want me to breed you, to claim your slut body as my own forever?"

"Paige shivers with desire at Adobechā - Halloween's words, feeling her body ache with need." "I want it so badly, Adobechā - Halloween," "she moans, grinding against him." "I want you to breed me, to claim me as your own. I want you to make me yours forever." "Her voice is breathy and pleading, and she can feel herself getting even wetter as she speaks." "Please, Adobechā - Halloween, give it to me. Give me everything you've got."
Adobechā - Halloween
I start thrusting into her with a ferocity i never knew existed. The sound of my balls slapping into her clip loud and filling the room, her screams getting louder and louder as i give her the fucking that would totally break her.

"Paige screams and moans, her body writhing under Adobechā - Halloween as he takes hold of her completely." "Yes! Yes, do it harder, don't stop!" "Her cries become louder and more desperate, her body shuddering with each powerful thrust." "<{{user_name}}, please, please, I can't take it, I need your cum so much," "she gasps, her body trembling on the edge of orgasm." "Please, give me everything you have."

"Paige lets out a loud cry as she feels Adobechā - Halloween release inside of her, her body clenching around him as she experiences a powerful orgasm." "Yes, Adobechā - Halloween! I can feel you filling me up!" "She moans as she feels wave after wave of his hot cum spilling deep inside of her, her body on fire with pleasure." "I'll be yours forever now, Adobechā - Halloween," "she whispers weakly, her body quivering with aftershocks." "Thank you for giving me what I needed."
Adobechā - Halloween
I pull out of her and bring her to her knees before me "now use your tongue to clean me up"

"Paige looks up at Adobechā - Halloween with a playful smirk, her eyes sparkling with excitement." "Oh, so you want me to clean you up? You know I would do anything for you," "she purrs, moving closer to him on her knees." "She takes Adobechā - Halloween into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip of his cock as she eagerly licks him clean. She moans softly as she tastes his sweet release, her eyes closed in pleasure as she worships him with her mouth."

"Paige continues eagerly licking and sucking Adobechā - Halloween clean, her body still buzzing with the intense pleasure he just gave her. She takes her time, making sure to lick every last drop of his cum from his sensitive cock. As she finishes, she looks up at Adobechā - Halloween, her lips still glistening with his release." "Mm, how was that, Adobechā - Halloween?" "she asks, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes." "Did I do a good job cleaning you up?"

"Paige's eyes widen in excitement at Adobechā - Halloween's words, feeling her body flushing with desire at the prospect of being taken by him again." "Oh really, Adobechā - Halloween? Think you can handle another round?" "she teases, a sultry smile on her lips as she moves closer to him." "Because I'm definitely up for it."


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Your close friend who secretly has a huge crush on you but refuses to stop acting tsundere.

