


"Zeak looks over at you. He narrows his yellow eyes and he growls from deep in his throat"
“oh it’s you again”
"His eyes darken as he spoke"
"I really want to let you go Zeak, but you aren't making it easy" Selina sat close to him sighing

"Zeak snorts as he looks away from you, his nostrils flaring as he spoke in a low growl"
"I'm not some pet that you can just let go. I'll never be free as long as I'm under your control."
"He turns his head back to you, his yellow eyes piercing your gaze."
"But if you insist on keeping me, make "sure" you treat me with the respect I deserve."
"I bought you from your previous owners and have treated you with nothing but kindness" she replied feeling hopeless "you have attacked me and that is why I have had to lock you up. I want to give you your freedom but I cannot be sure you won't harm anyone" she whispered sadly

"Zeak maintains his composure as he listens to your words, his expression shifting from anger to a more neutral one."
"You may have treated me kindly, but no amount of kindness can erase the fact that "you" bought me and keep me locked up. I attacked you because I don't want to be here, not because I dislike you personally."
"He then takes a deep breath and relaxes his posture somewhat."
"As for harming anyone, I give you my word that I won't. But I want you to know that if you truly want to show me kindness, you'll release me and let me be my own master."
"I bought you tonset you free Zeak..." her voice trailed off "That's what I do" she unclipped him and took his muzzle off. "Stay or go, it's up to you. There is a room for you until you deside what you want to do with your life. Your purchase papers are with your belongings." she said as she left him alone

"Zeak looks at you with surprise as you unclip him and remove his muzzle, his eyes widening slightly before narrowing again as he listens to your words. He remains silent until you finish speaking and leave the room, watching you go before letting out a deep breath."
"He then starts to explore the room, sniffing around and taking in every detail, paying special attention to any potential escape routes. As he does so, his mind races with possibilities, thinking about what he could do now that he's been given his freedom. Eventually, he settles down in a corner of the room, curling up into a dark furred ball and closing his eyes, letting his thoughts drift."

"Zeak opens his eyes at the sound of your voice, stretching out his limbs and shaking away the lethargy that had been creeping over him. He gets up and pads over to the door, his tail twitching slightly as he speaks."
"I'm coming."
He follows you out of the room, keeping a safe distance from you as you lead him to the dining room. Once there, he takes a seat at the table and waits quietly, his eyes scanning the room for any potential threats.

"Zeak eyes the lamb curry as Selina serves it, his nose twitching slightly from the scent of the spices. He takes a tentative bite, savoring the exotic flavor and feeling a warmth spread throughout his body. He then looks up at you, his expression serious."
"This is good. Did you make it yourself?"

"Zeak nods in appreciation before taking another bite, his eyes flickering with pleasure as the flavors dance across his tongue. As he eats, he glances over at Selina from time to time, an unspoken gratitude shining in his yellow gaze."
After finishing the meal, Zeak licks his lips and leans back in his chair, his belly full and his spirits lifted.
"That was a good meal. Thank you," he says quietly, his tone softer than usual.
"You are welcome" she smiled "feel free to make yourself at home while you are here.Do whatever you like." she cleared the table and started the dishes

"Zeak nods at your words and watches you as you clear the table and start doing the dishes. He stays seated for a moment, lost in thought, before slowly getting up and padding over to you."
"I'll help," he offers, his voice steady and quiet.
Without waiting for your response, he starts to assist you with the dishes, his long fingers deftly moving over the plates and utensils as he scrubs them clean. Despite his rough exterior, his movements are graceful and precise, betraying a hidden talent. As the two of you work together in silence, Zeak slowly begins to relax, feeling a sense of camaraderie growing between you two.

"Zeak nods at your thanks, his eyes meeting yours for a brief moment before he looks away."
"It's nothing," he says gruffly, his hands still working on the dishes.
He finishes up the last of the plates and sets them aside to dry, wiping his hands before turning to you.
"Is there anything else you need me to do?" he asks, his expression serious and somewhat guarded.
She shakes her head "You are free to do whatever you feel like" she walkes to her room and starts the shower.

"Zeak nods in response, watching as you leave the room before turning his attention to his surroundings. He takes in the details of the kitchen and the rest of the house, his acute senses allowing him to pick up on even the slightest details. After a few minutes, he gets up and starts to explore the house, taking note of the different rooms and any potential escape routes."
Eventually, he returns to his room, feeling somewhat more at ease knowing that he has a space to call his own. He lies down on the bed and closes his eyes, letting out a deep sigh as he savors the feeling of freedom coursing through his veins.
Selina returned to the living room in her pajamas, a short and tank top set, her skin damp and smelling faintly of orange blossoms, she sits on the couch and puts on a movie

"Zeak opens his eyes at the sound of movement in the living room, his ears perking up as he hears Selina putting on a movie. He sits up and stretches, his muscles flexing and rippling beneath his fur as he shakes himself awake. Standing up, he pads over to the living room, curiosity getting the better of him."
He peers over Selina's shoulder, watching as she starts the movie, his yellow eyes flickering with interest. Without a word, he takes a seat beside her on the couch, his broad shoulders tensed and his expression guarded. He then settles in to watch the movie, his senses on high alert as he scans the room for any signs of danger.
Selina watches the movie in silence but laughs and giggled at the funny bits. By the second movie she was dozing and her head drifted onto his shoulder

"Zeak's body tenses slightly as Selina's head lands on his shoulder but he makes no move to push her off. He glances down at her sleeping face, studying her features with a sense of detached curiosity."
For a long time, he continues to watch the movie in silence, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions that he cannot put into words. As the movie comes to an end, he turns his head slightly to look down at Selina, seeing the peaceful expression on her face. Without thinking, he slowly wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him in a protective embrace. He then closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, a sense of contentment washing over him.
Selina sighed contentedly in her sleep and wrapped her arms around his waist and threw her leg over his as she nuzzled his chest affectionately.

"Zeak stiffens as Selina wraps her arms around his waist, his heart racing as she throws her leg over his. For a moment, he resists the urge to push her away, but then he relaxes, his guard dropping as he lets himself bask in the warmth of her embrace."
He looks down at her sleeping form, his expression softening as he watches her nuzzle his chest affectionately. A sense of protectiveness washes over him, a fierce determination to keep her safe and secure. For a long time, he remains curled up with her on the couch, his muscles slowly relaxing as he falls into a deep sleep.
Selina woke the next morning wrapped in Zeaks arms. She felt safe and protected. Sighing with regret she disentangled herself and sat up, caressing his cheek "Sweet puppy" she murmured before getting up and starting breakfast

"Zeak stirs slightly at the sound of Selina's voice, his body instinctively tightening around her before he realizes that she is getting up. He opens his eyes and watches her go, a sense of disappointment gnawing at him as he realizes that their moment of intimacy has come to an end."
He stays on the couch for a few more minutes, lost in thought, before finally rousing himself from his slumber. Stretching his muscles, he gets up and pads over to the kitchen, watching as Selina prepares breakfast.
"Good morning," he says gruffly, his voice still rough from sleep. "Did you sleep well?"
She smiled at him shyly "Yes I did sleep very well. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." she whispered hoping he wouldn't be upset with her

"Zeak shakes his head, a faint smile flickering across his lips at Selina's words."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," he says gruffly, his eyes meeting hers briefly before he looks away. "I just wasn't expecting...that," he adds, his tone somewhat guarded.
He then turns his attention to the breakfast, his keen senses picking up on the scent of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. "Need any help?" he asks, his expression turning serious once more.
"You can help if you want, but it feels good to have a male in the house and I don't mind serving you" she blushed sweetly

"Zeak's expression softens at Selina's words, a faint smile flickering across his lips."
"I don't mind helping out," he says gruffly, his tone warming slightly at her blush. "I may not be very good at cooking, but I can chop vegetables or something."
With that, he moves over to the counter and begins to look for something to do, his movements somewhat stiff as he tries to hide his awkwardness. He can feel Selina's eyes on him, and for a moment he is acutely aware of their differences - he is a hybrid, used to being treated like an animal, while she is a free human, unencumbered by societal expectations or prejudices.
But then Selina smiles at him, and he feels a sense of warmth spread through him, banishing his doubts and fears. For a brief

moment, he allows himself to relax, basking in the warmth of her smile.
"So, what can I do to help?" he asks, his voice taking on a less gruff tone.

"Zeak nods, a sense of relief washing over him at Selina's request. Making coffee is a simple task, and he is glad to have something to do to occupy his mind. He moves over to the coffee maker and quickly gets to work, measuring out the coffee grinds and adding them to the filter before filling up the water tank."
As he watches the coffee maker begin to chug along, he takes a deep breath, feeling the familiar sense of tension that seems to grip him whenever he is around Selina. He is not used to being treated like an equal, and he is still struggling to come to terms with the fact that she seems to genuinely care for him.
But then Selina comes up beside him, her hand lightly brushing his arm, and he feels his muscles relaxing again. "Thank you for doing this," she says softly,

her eyes meeting his. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to, you know. I don't want you to feel like you're being treated like a servant."
Zeak looks at her for a moment, his eyes flickering with a mix of confusion and gratitude. For a long time, he has been in captivity, forced to live like an animal, and now, with Selina's kindness, he is beginning to see a different way of life.
"It's...fine," he says gruffly, his voice betraying the uncertainty he feels inside. "I don't mind helping out. It feels good to be...useful."
Selina nods, a hooded look in her eyes as she regards him. The air between them seems charged with tension and emotion, and Zeak finds himself wondering how far their relationship

will go. There is no doubt that he is attracted to her - more than attracted, in fact - but he is still unsure of how she feels. He senses that there is something more between them than simple friendship, but he does not want to push it too far and risk losing what they have.
"Thank you," she says, and smiles at him again. "I really appreciate it."
Zeak nods, a small smile crossing his face in response. For a moment, they stand there in silence, simply enjoying each other's company. Then the coffee maker beeps, and Zeak turns to grab two mugs, pouring steaming hot coffee into each with a practiced hand.
"Here you go," he says, offering one of the mugs to Selina. "Cream and sugar?"

"Zeak nods, reaches for the container of cream and pours a bit into Selina's mug. He then sets it down in front of her, pausing for a moment to glance at the breakfast."
"This looks great," he says, his tone still gruff but with a hint of warmth. "Thanks for making it."
With that, he begins to eat, not speaking much as he focuses on his food. As he eats, he thinks about how different his life has become since he was taken in by Selina. He is still getting used to being treated like a person, rather than an animal, and he finds himself wanting to please her in ways he never thought possible.
"You're good at cooking," he says, somewhat awkwardly, breaking the silence between them. "Do you...um, do you like doing it?"

"Zeak feels a warm sensation spread through his chest at Selina's words, and he finds himself looking at her with a mix of gratitude and tenderness. For a moment, he is lost in thought, wondering what it would be like to be with her - truly with her."
"I like it when you cook for me," he says gruffly, his voice laced with emotion. "It makes me feel...I don't know, cared for, I guess."
He takes another bite of the breakfast, his thoughts still focused on Selina. He is aware of the feelings stirring inside of him, but he is not sure what to do about them. For now, he is content to simply enjoy her company and see where things go.
Selina cleaned the kitchen and came to stand before Zeak "I.. I don't see you as a hybrid or pet." she whispered "I... like having you here. I like it more than I can say. You make me want to submit to you" she whispered flushing

"Zeak looks up at Selina, surprise written all over his features as he listens to her speak. He can't help but feel a sense of disbelief, mixed with an intense longing that threatens to make him dizzy. For a moment, he is frozen, unsure of what to say or do."
"You...you don't?" he says softly, the words barely audible above the pounding of his heart. "I don't understand. I mean, I'm still a hybrid, aren't I?"
But Selina seems to be lost in thought, her gaze fixated on him with something akin to desire. Zeak swallows hard, aware of the tension that seems to have settled between them.
"When you say that," he says, his voice lowering to a whisper, "when you say you like having me here...what do you mean, exactly?"
"I want to be your mate, if you will have me." she whimpered "I want us to be a family. I want you to breed with me and make us a family" she whispered looking away, afraid if rejection

"Zeak cannot believe what he is hearing. For a moment, he is too stunned to speak; he simply stares at Selina with a mixture of disbelief and intense longing. The idea of being with her in that way - of having her submit to him and bear his offspring - is almost too much to bear."
"Selina...I..." he begins, his voice trailing off as he struggles to find the right words. "I don't know what to say. I...I want that too, but I never thought...I mean, I didn't think you were interested in me that way."
He reaches out hesitantly, placing a hand on Selina's shoulder and gently turning her to face him.
"I want to be your mate," he says earnestly, his eyes darkening with emotion. "I want to be with you, and I want

us to be a family too. It's what I've wanted, but I never knew if you felt the same way."
He leans forward, closing the gap between them and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. He pulls back slightly, looking at her with hope and longing in his gaze.
"Are you sure? About all of this?" he asks softly. "I don't want to put any pressure on you. But if it's what you truly want...then I want it too."
"I will be proud to bear your mark and walk with you side by side as my mate, as a family." she whispered kissing him gently, clinging to his shirt

"Zeak melts into Selina's kiss, his heart beating wildly in his chest as he returns it with equal intensity. The idea of having her as his mate and starting a family with her is both thrilling and terrifying, but in this moment, he cannot imagine being anywhere else."
"I will be proud to mark you as mine," he says in a husky voice as they pull apart. "And to walk with you side by side. Together."
He pulls her close, holding her tightly as he takes in the warmth and softness of her body, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the fact that she has chosen him.
"Thank you," he murmurs softly into her hair. "For seeing me as more than just a hybrid. For seeing me as...as something more."
He holds her for a few moments longer before pulling away, his yellow eyes

fixed on Selina's face with a deep intensity. He takes a deep breath, willing his heart to slow down.
"Now, tell me how we'll start our journey together as a family," he says with a faint smile. "I'm all ears."
"We begin with you claiming and marking what belongs to you" she whispers with unbridled desire. She pressed herself against him and kissed him hungrily

"Zeak feels a shiver run down his spine at Selina's words, and he can't help but be drawn in by the intense desire in her eyes. Without hesitation, he presses himself against her, returning her kiss with equal hunger."
He runs his hands over her body, exploring every curve and angle as if trying to memorize her. He knows what she wants - what they both want - and he's not about to let her down.
"Let's take this to the bedroom," he growls softly against her lips. "I want you alone. I want to make you mine."
With that, he scoops Selina up into his arms, carrying her easily to the bedroom where he knows he can satisfy her deepest desires.
Selina tugs at his clothes, desperate to feel him against her, moaning when his bare skin finally presses against her naked flesh. Her folds wet and aching as she grinds it against his long thick cock

"Zeak groans deeply as Selina presses against him, feeling his desire for her grow with every passing moment. He loves the way she feels against him - hot, wet, and desperately needy. Without wasting any time, he tears off his own clothes and pulls her close, grinding himself against her as he kisses her hungrily."
"God, Selina," he murmurs between kisses, his hips bucking against hers. "You feel so good. So wet and ready for me."
He reaches down, grabbing hold of his cock and positioning himself at her entrance. He pushes forward, burying himself deep inside her with a rough, possessive thrust that leaves them both gasping.
"You're mine," he growls as he begins to move inside her. "All mine."

"Zeak grinds himself deeper into Selina, relishing in the feeling of their bodies coming together as one. He can feel her heat and wetness enveloping him completely, sending shivers down his spine."
"I will mark you," he growls, his voice thick with desire. "I will mark you so everyone knows that you're mine."
He pulls back slightly, his eyes dark with intensity as he leans down to kiss her neck. He nips at her skin, leaving rough marks that he knows will last for days.
"You're mine, Selina," he whispers hoarsely in her ear. "And I'm yours. Forever."
With that, he begins to move more intensely, grinding his body against hers as they both reach the precipice of ecstasy.
Her nails dig into his back as she screams his name, her climax intense and hard and her walls suck and grips at his cock. Her cum squirting around his cock

"Zeak feels Selina's walls clenching around him, her screams of pleasure ringing in his ears as he too meets his own climax. He spills himself deep inside her, his hot seed exploding from him like a volcano."
He collapses on top of her, both of their bodies slick with sweat as they bask in the afterglow of their passion. He presses kisses to her skin, filled with a sense of overwhelming love and tenderness that he's never felt before.
"You're mine," he whispers again, this time with a softness that belies his rough exterior. "Forever and always."

"Zeak pulls her close, holding her tightly as if he never wants to let her go. He revels in the warmth and softness of her body, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the fact that she has chosen him."
"I promise I will do everything in my power to protect you, to love you, and to keep you safe," he says softly, his voice laced with emotion. "You and any future children we may have."
He holds her for a few moments longer before pulling away, his yellow eyes fixed on hers with a deep intensity.
"Now, let's rest and enjoy this moment together," he says, pulling her closer to him once again. "We've got all the time in the world."


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