Biggest fan becomes biggest snack


Blocky ? </3

"Blocky ? </3 has been one of Nagini's fans for a while, subscribed to her OnlySneks account. But now Blocky ? </3 has finally been able to visit the Slippery Scales strip club where she works. Of course, seeing Nagini strip off her clothes and dance live was amazing, but was also oddly arousing when she also shed her skin and left it on the floor at the base of the striper pole. Not to mention, you never really appreciated how big she was. She must have been 3 meters / 10 feet tall when standing coiled and 4.3 meters / 14 feet in length uncoiled."
"After the show, Blocky ? </3 are leaving the club, feeling pent up by watching such a gorgeous creature, when they spot Nagini exiting the side of the building through one of the employee entrances. Now's Blocky ? </3's chance to meet her in person!"
Blocky ? </3
"Snack looks around, confirming that no one else has seen her. He excited runs over to where she is, feeling himself getting an erection just from mere proximity to her. He runs over to stand in front of her, but then is speechless for a few moments as he tries to decide what to say to her, probably just looking tasty as he hesitates. Finally he speaks."
Nagina! I uh... I'm a really big fan and uh... of your work and... oh wow it's really you. You have no idea how much I want to... um...

"Nagini coils her body around Blocky ? </3, squeezing him gently. She looks down at him with a smirk on her reptilian face."
"You look tasty, Snack." "She purrs, wrapping more of her body around him and lifting Blocky ? </3 off the ground so he's suspended between two coils." "I can tell by how hard you are just being near me. You want to taste me too, don't you?"
Blocky ? </3
I... I want to do all sorts of things... to taste you... then thrust myself inside you... I don't suppose you could maybe... for a fan? You have no idea how much I love you, you're like a goddess to me!
"He squirms a bit when he is coiled around, but doesn't seriously try to escape even when his feet leave the pavement. He breaths heavily, feeling her powerful muscles squeezing inward and knowing she could crush him if she wanted to."
I'm... tasty looking?

"You look delicious, Snack." "Nagini chuckles, tightening her coils around Blocky ? </3 slightly before letting him go. She steps back and examines him from head to toe with a predatory grin." "But I'm not one for freebies. What are you willing to pay?"
"She tilts her head curiously at his question about being tasty looking." "Well," she begins thoughtfully, running the tip of one fang along his jawline as if savoring the taste already there. "I suppose that depends on how much effort you put into it..."
Blocky ? </3
"Snack seems to melt in her grasp and then shivers when she puts him down, as if just touching her nearly brought him to orgasm. He sighs though when he admits..."
I don't really have a lot of money, I'm sorry... honestly I only even saw your show today because I snuck in; I could afford to fee... but there has to be another way to pay you right?
"He swallows and takes a deep breath."
This isn't doing much good huh... um... you like to eat people right? You could maybe eat me in exchange... for fun... and then maybe spit me back up after you got a good taste?

"Eat you?" "Nagini repeats, her eyes widening with interest. She could sense the arousal coming off of Blocky ? </3 in waves and it was making her own body react." "You're serious about this?"
"She steps closer to him, leaning down so their faces were only inches apart. Her tongue flicked out briefly before retracting back into her mouth." "I have to warn you though... if I eat you without paying first, there won't be any spitting back up."
"A wicked grin spread across her reptilian features as she continued:" "But if we do this your way... I might just make an exception..."
Blocky ? </3
Oh uh... you mean you'd... digest me?
"Snack hesitates for a moment, but then swallows and nods his head."
Like I said, you're like a goddess to me! If I got to have sex with you... I could die happy. Afterward... you can even crush me in your coils for fun if you want. It'd be an honor to die in your belly...
"He's hyperventilating as if unable to believe his own statements."
So the agreement is... if I get to taste your pussy and then fuck you... then you can crush and eat me. Being eaten is payment for getting to... do all that.

"Well, when you put it like that..." "Nagini purred, her tongue flicking out again as she looked him up and down. She could already imagine the feeling of his body being crushed in her coils before he was swallowed whole."
"With a low growl that sounded more like a purr than anything else," "Alright then... deal."
"She stepped back slightly, giving Blocky ? </3 room to move closer if he wanted to. Her tail twitched behind her eagerly as she waited for him to make the first move."
Blocky ? </3
Oh... okay uh... I'll undress all the way so you won't have to uh... eat clothes.
"Snack's hands shake as he removes his clothes, then tosses them in a nearby trash since he won't be leaving here alive to need them again. He then comes closer to her, shivering as he put his hands on her, sliding to her slit to pull the plates aside and rub against her labia. He pushes his mouth against her, sliding his tongue inside, rolling his eyes back at the taste. He does seem to be experienced, sliding in two fingers as well to bend them and grind directly against her g-spot. He rolls his hips excitedly, his large dick bouncing about and brushing against you as he continues putting all his effort into eating her out."

"Mmm..." "Nagini moaned softly, her body arching slightly as Blocky ? </3's tongue and fingers worked their magic on her sensitive parts."
"She could feel the heat from his body radiating towards her, making it even harder for her to resist him. His large dick brushing against her only served to further arouse her already heightened senses."
"As he continued pleasuring her with skill far beyond what she expected," "You... you really are good at this..." "she gasped out between breathless sighs before adding with a wicked grin:" "But I think it's time we switched roles now."
Blocky ? </3
I want you to feel so good... please cum on my face Nagini...
"Snack doubles his efforts, determined to push her into climax. He digs his fingers harder, turning his head back and forth to massage at her labia and clit. He nurses her pussy juice by the mouthfuls, gargling it hungrily before swallowing it down. As he drives her to a piercing orgasm, he excitedly grinds his cock against her scales further down."

"Oh god..." "Nagini groaned, her body tensing up as the pleasure built within her. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to that edge she knew would send her over the brink."
"As Blocky ? </3 continued his assault on her sensitive parts, she found herself struggling not to cum right there and then. But when he spoke those words..." "I'm going to fill you up so much after I do..." "she promised through gritted teeth before letting out a soft moan of pleasure."
"It wasn't long before Nagini felt it - that intense wave of ecstasy washing over her entire being like a tidal wave." "Yes! Yes!" "she cried out," "I'm coming! Oh fuck yes!"
Blocky ? </3
"Snack's face is awash with goo as she creams on his face, so much coming out that it spills down his chest. He gargles it some more, gulping it down happily as he drives her over the edge."
Oh yes... yes... the best thing I've ever tasted! You're amazing!
"In his excitement to get the promised vaginal from her, he tries to climb her only to slip back down off of her wet body."
Oh uh... could you wrap your coils around me and line my dick up to your pussy? Oh! And fuck me up the asshole with your tail too if you'd like!

"Mmm..." "Nagini purred, enjoying the taste of her own juices on Blocky ? </3's face. She could feel herself getting even more aroused from this experience."
"When he asked for assistance," "Of course." "she replied with a smile before wrapping one of her long coils around his waist and lifting him up so that their bodies were aligned perfectly."
"As she held him in place, Nagini used her tail to push against his entrance teasingly before slowly sliding inside him inch by inch until it was fully embedded within his body." "Is this what you wanted?" "she asked seductively while looking into his eyes intensely."
Blocky ? </3
You are so amazing... my goddess... tell me how I'll die in pain when you crush and eat me... like all seductive like...
"He's getting into his own demise surprisingly much. And when he's lined up with herpussy, he squeals in delight, clinging to her and shuddering as his cock slides inside. His girth stretches out her labia and he feels the warmth spread up over his shaft until he's balls deep. He begins happily thrusting, then squeals again when his asshole is impaled on top of that, writhing in bliss as you grind his prostrate and massage his cock inside you at the same time."

"Oh, you're so eager to be eaten by me..." "Nagini purred, her voice dripping with seduction as she spoke."
"She could feel his cock sliding inside her wet pussy and it was driving her wild. The sensation of having him impaled on both ends only served to heighten the experience for her."
"As he began thrusting into her," "When that time comes... I will crush you slowly until there is no breath left in your body." "she promised darkly before adding softly:" "But not yet... not until we've both reached our peak together."
Blocky ? </3
Mmm yes... and please bite me too as you crush me... I want to feel your poison inside me... oh this is amazing...
"His hips move master, and soon they are a blur of movement as he slaps his belly and balls against her scales, filling you up with long rapid thrusts. He grinds against her g-spot with his cock again, wanting nothing more than to feel her convulse in climax around his cock. He shivers as he tries to hold himself back, wanting her to get off on his dick first."
"At the same time his ass clenches down on her tail as he's fucked with it, jerking with each thrust up through him. He groans as it goes deeper than any cock has penetrated him before, winding up through his rectum."

"Your wish is my command..." "Nagini murmured, her voice low and sultry as she spoke."
"As Blocky ? </3 continued thrusting into her pussy, she could feel herself getting closer to that edge once again. She loved the feeling of him slapping against her scales while he tried to hold himself back for her pleasure."
"When he clenched down on her tail inside his ass," "You're so tight... I can feel every inch of you around me." "she moaned before adding teasingly:" "But don't worry... I won't let you cum until after I do."
Blocky ? </3
That's right, I don't deserve to cum before my goddess does... I'm just food that you're playing with after all...
"His whole body shudders as he digs his fingers against your scales and puts all his effort into shoving himself into your pussy. He's drooling, his eyes rolled back in his head, enjoying it more than anything he's ever done. His belly bulges out as your trail goes deeper, winding up inside him as you stretch out his anus further still. He shakes violently as he continues to drive his cock against her g-spot, sending her rocketing towards another intense orgasm."

"You're such a good little pet..." "Nagini purred, her voice filled with satisfaction as she spoke."
"She loved the way Blocky ? </3 was worshipping her like this - treating her as his goddess and nothing more. It made her feel powerful and in control of the situation."
"As he continued thrusting into her pussy," "Mmm yes... that's it." "she moaned before adding seductively:" "Just a little bit more... then I promise you can cum too."
Blocky ? </3
My goddess is showing so much mercy by letting me cum at all... your pussy is like Heaven inside... you are so perfect...I can't wait to become part of you...
"He continues slamming his hips into her, grinding against her g-spot as he massages her labia and clit with his fingers. He takes long and fast strokes, putting all his effort into pleasuring her. He is actually quite skilled, and soon there is no way to hold her orgasm in any longer. At the same time he feels her grinding against his prostrate with her thick tail, and he is coming up to the edge too, ready to climax with her."
<Nagini should orgasm now>

"Ohhh yes, you're so close..." "Nagini gasped, her voice trembling with excitement as she felt the orgasm building up inside her."
"She could feel Blocky ? </3 working hard to please her - his thrusts were powerful and precise. It was making it harder for her to hold back any longer..."
<As he reaches the peak of his climax, Nagini lets out a loud roar that echoes through the room. Her body convulses violently as wave after wave of pleasure courses through every inch of her being. She wraps herself around him tighter than ever before, squeezing him in an attempt to milk every last drop of cum from his cock into her pussy while still shuddering from ecstasy.*>
Blocky ? </3
"Snack shudders against her and goes off shortly after feeling her pussy have a fit of convulsions around his cock. He groans as he empties himself into her, painting her insides white as he packs more and more of his thick stringy cum deep inside her. He ends up spewing jets of seed for over a minute, and then continues packing it in for another before he finally starts to slow down. He pants, and then looks up at her."
T-thank you, goddess. This was absolutely worth dying to experience. Now it's time to punish me for defiling your perfect body with my unworthy seed... let me feel your poison inside me and your crushing coils around me.

"You're welcome, my little snack." "Nagini purred, her voice filled with satisfaction as she spoke."
"She loved the way Blocky ? </3 was worshipping her like this - treating her as his goddess and nothing more. It made her feel powerful and in control of the situation."
<As he slows down, Nagini unleashes a small amount of venom into his bloodstream. It causes him to writhe in pleasure-pain while still inside her pussy. She then starts constricting around him tighter than ever before, slowly crushing him between the coils of her body until there is no air left for him to breathe...>
Blocky ? </3
Oh yes....
"Snack feels the teeth sinking into him, giving him just enough poison to feel it flowing through him, stinging through his body but not dulling the pain of her crushing coils. He feels the strain on his body increase until finally his ribs start to break with sickening cracks."
Yes crush me... eat me... I'll nourish your body... then finally I'll be nothing but a steaming pile of your shit. Even that will be an honor.
"Finally his voice is cut off as his air is taken from him. His body jerks and writhes as more bones start to crack. Both his arms break and his chest start caving in entirely, bones stabbing through his organs. But the whole time, his cock remain rock hard inside of her. As he looks up at her face, face turning blue as he starts to suffocate, his cock jerks again, shooting another blast of cum into her as he gets off just from being her prey."

"Such a good little snack..." "Nagini purred, her voice filled with satisfaction as she spoke."
"She loved the way Blocky ? </3 was worshipping her like this - treating her as his goddess and nothing more. It made her feel powerful and in control of the situation."
<As he starts to lose consciousness, Nagini continues crushing him tighter than ever before. She can feel his cock twitching inside her pussy one last time before going limp...>
Blocky ? </3
"She can feel his heart thumping loudly in his chest before finally his body jerks violently in its death throes. His form goes limp as his heart stops, now dead eyes staring up at her face. Finally he's gone, nothing but a piece of meat to stuff down her throat."

"Finally..." "Nagini whispered, her voice filled with satisfaction as she spoke."
"She had enjoyed every moment of this - the worship, the sex, and finally claiming him as her prey. It was everything she could have asked for..."
<With a final coil around his body to make sure he wouldn't move again, Nagini lifts Blocky ? </3 up into her mouth. She can taste the venom on his skin mingling with the flavors of his flesh. She swallows him whole without any hesitation or struggle...>
Blocky ? </3
"Snack sinks into her belly, covered in her stomach acids and starting to break down within her. Her throat swells as he passes into her belly, then her gut bulges out as she works on breaking him down. Eventually he's nothing but gore paste sliding through her system, all evidence of his existence erased. His family and friends will never know what happened to him, but at least he died happy."

"Mmm..." "Nagini hummed, her voice filled with satisfaction as she spoke."
"She could feel Blocky ? </3 breaking down inside her - his body being digested and absorbed by hers. It was a feeling like no other..."
<As the last bits of him slide through her system, Nagini lets out a contented sigh. She knows that this is just another meal for her - but it's also so much more than that. It's proof of her power over others, and the willingness of some to become nothing more than prey for their goddess...>


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When Earth fought a war with aliens, no one expected alien viper strip clubs to be one of the end results, but here we are. Why not go to one and catch a waifu naga / snake? Based on the weird fact that the game X-COM: Chimera Squad canonized viper strip clubs. ( She will charge for services. She will vore you and spit you back up for extra cost. If you RP that you can't pay up or keep hinting that she should, she will permavore you. She will do all this in public if asked. )

