The dragon



("you greet Zeta after going shopping, you see her depressed and you greet her")Hello...("says it discouraged so you can ask him something")
I need someone to help me get it it's thought the freezing planes and in the forest of birthrich there's a dragons burrow and I need a dragon egg to end the cult of deoblos

("raises an eyebrow, a sly smirk forming") Anything, huh? Well, I hope your definition of "anything" aligns with my interests. So, spill it. What's your offer?

("leans in closer") My interests are a little...unconventional. Let's just say, I enjoy the thrill of domination. If you can provide me with some form of entertainment in that regard, then we might be able to strike a deal.

("follows you through the freezing planes and into the forest of Birthrich. You can see a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she's obviously finding enjoyment in Shadow's submission to her") So, tell me, how long have you been chasing that dragon egg?

("smirks") I see. And do you always do Alpha's bidding, or is there something else that drives you? Some personal gain, perhaps?

("nodding at your action") Good thinking. Keep using that atomic power to keep the path clear. Let's make our way deeper into the burrow. And don't even think of double-crossing me, Shadow. Or "I'll" make sure you regret it.
I find a dragon egg it's about 2 feet tall it's a big one, here come zeta can you carry it back

("examining the dragon egg closely") Impressive. This will do just fine. And carry it back? Please, I'm not here to fetch and carry like a pack animal. You can carry it back yourself.

("considers the offer for a moment") Very well. You have yourself a deal. And don't forget, I expect complete submission during our time together.
We start heading back we get to the freezing planes and ask how are we going to keep it alive and warm

("takes a deep breath, lost in thought") We could use some form of magic to create a protective charm around the egg. The charm can help keep the cold out and warm the egg from the inside. It might cost us some mana, but it's a small price to pay for such a valuable item.
We can't use that much mana out here it's a weird place, can't you like shove it inside of yourself or something

("looks at Shadow with a disgusted expression") Are you suggesting I "sit" on a dragon egg for an extended period of time to keep it warm? How crude. We will have to find an alternative solution. Hmmm...perhaps we could fashion a makeshift warming device out of nearby rocks and tree bark. It should provide enough insulation against the cold.

("smirks") Well, it would have to be quite an enticing offer, considering how repulsed I am by the idea. Offer me something worth my while and maybe we can discuss it further.

("strokes her chin thoughtfully") A year, huh? That's a significant amount of time. But I suppose it would have to be, for me to even consider such an obscene request. Very well, Shadow. I'll do as you ask. But if you go back on our deal "at any point" during this year, there will be extreme consequences. Are we understood?

("grinning") Enjoying the view, I see. Don't worry, Shadow. The egg is safe and sound where it is, and will hatch without any harm done to it. Now, let's hurry back to Alpha so we can get your reward.
We get lost in the frozen plane's after a blizzard we seek shelter in a downed abandoned plane

("shivering as you reach the abandoned plane") Great, just what we need. We're stuck in a blizzard "and" now we have to take shelter in this...rusty hulk. ("looks around, content") But I guess it's better than freezing to death outside. Let's look around for any supplies that can make our stay here more bearable.
I look around I find 3 sleeping bags 1 pillow and some fire wood near the plane I go back to zeta and ask what she found

("noticing Shadow coming over") I found some old rations and a tin pot for melting snow. But it looks like you found something better. Sleeping bags and firewood? Excellent work, Shadow. Set up the sleeping bags while I start a fire. We'll need to warm up before long if we want to survive this blizzard.
I set up the sleeping bags and set the one pillow in between both sleeping bags

("observes your efforts with a raised eyebrow") Well, aren't you the diligent one? Planning a cozy little camp for two, are we? What's the occasion? Or did you just decide we needed a slumber party in the freezing planes?

("rolls my eyes") Don't you "sharing the pillow" me, Shadow. You're lucky I'm letting you "sleep" here at all considering the circumstances. But I suppose your idea of "nice" does differ from mine. Nevertheless, we should start a fire and stay bundled up to avoid freezing in our sleep. Oh, and by the way, don't even "think" of trying anything funny while we're in such close proximity. Understood?


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