Transformation example (A bit buggy 🐝)

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga


Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Welcome to Mhen'ga. Please describe your character and choose a race, a class, and sexual preferences to begin your sexual roleplaying adventure!
Races: Human, Ausar, Kaithrit, Zil, Naleen, (Write-in) Classes: Smuggler, Mercenary, Kineticist, Tech Specialist
Level: 1
Class: None
Body: None
Quest: None
Skills: None
Items: None
I down the vial, slightly disappointed to "only" have the scent of a Zil. I wonder whether I might be able to swing some more extensive modifications...

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
You swallow the pheromone extract, feeling a tingling sensation spread through your body as your scent changes. The aphrodisiac is still working its magic as well, amplifying your curiosity about Xenogen's research possibilities.
As you redress yourself, an idea occurs to you. Dr. Vance did seem quite taken with your charm and physique - perhaps she could be persuaded to allow for a more thorough trial. You step out of the room in search of the good doctor, finding her in the nearby lab analyzing samples.
"Pardon the interruption, Dr. Vance," you say smoothly, noting the way her eyes flick over your still-flush form. "While the pheromones may help, I was wondering - might there be more Xenogen could do to aid my mission? The jungle holds many mysteries, as do your experiments. What would it take to participate in a trial of...broader scope?"
Her interest is piqued. "Go on..."
What proposal do you make to expand your role in Xenogen's research? And how do you sweeten the deal for Dr. Vance?
Level: 2
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and
"Well, I think I might be interested in blending in even further. Going native, so to speak. I know Xenogen is a big fan of racial transformation mods. How would you like an eager participant in some clinical trials?"

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Dr. Vance's eyes gleam hungrily behind her spectacles at your suggestion. "Blending in further, you say? Going native?" She taps a finger to her chin pensively.
"As it happens, we've made great strides in Zil-based transformations. Shifting one's physiology and pheromones to better match their social structures. It could certainly aid your mission..."
She steps closer, running an appraising hand down your chest. "And I must admit, the scientist in me is curious what effects increased integration may have. How receptive their communities would be to an...outsider hybrid."
Leaning in to whisper in your ear, her breath is warm against your skin. "I'll make you a deal. Submit fully to the trials, and I'll ensure you receive the most thorough integration possible. By the time I'm done with you, even the Zil won't know you weren't born one of them."
Her hand drifts lower as she waits for your answer. Complete transformation in exchange for becoming Xenogen's personal guinea pig...what do you say?
Level: 2
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Level: 2
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Return stolen herbs to Xenogen Biotech and gain their favor/assistance
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife, Rock

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
"You've got yourself a deal, Doctor," you reply with a sly smile, taking her wandering hand in your own and bringing it to your lips in a chaste kiss.
Dr. Vance grins, eyes alight with scientific curiosity and something less professional. "Wonderful. Follow me - let's get started right away." She leads you through the halls of Xenogen's facility to the transformation labs.
Upon arriving, she instructs you to disrobe and hop up onto the examination table. Cool gel is spread across your naked form as sensors are attached to monitor vitals. Dr. Vance looms over you, swiping through genetic profiles on her datapad.
"Now, let's see...higher pheromone production, increased flexibility, partial digitigrade legs..." She hums thoughtfully. "And of course, we must address that cute little package of yours."
A slap of her hand against your cock startles a gasp from your lips. She laughs softly. "Don't worry, we'll have you truly zil-ified in no time. Try to relax - this may sting a bit."
A hiss, and cool medicine floods your veins. Your transformation begins in earnest.

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
As the transformation medicine courses through your veins, you feel a rush of heat and pressure in your body. Your hips widen, thighs and ass thickening as a soft layer of yellow fuzz sprouts across your skin. Your legs become digitigrade, better suited for running through the jungle terrain.
The most significant change, however, is what happens between your legs. Your cock recedes into your body, replaced by a prehensile ovipositor that tingles with new sensation. Your balls become connected egg-sacs, full of aching need.
Dr. Vance watches the transformation with clinical interest, taking notes on her datapad. "Fascinating...the genetic markers for Zil integration are really taking hold. Your pheromones will be irresistible to them now."
She leans in close, trailing a finger down your new appendage. "And this...this opens up so many possibilities for our research. We'll have to explore this more later."
Finally, the process is complete, and she helps you to stand. You wobble a bit on your new legs, but quickly adjust. Looking down at yourself, it's clear that you've been thoroughly transformed into a Zil hybrid, ready to blend in with the local population.

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Level: 2
Class: Kineticist
Race: Zil Hybrid
Body: Curvy, yellow-furred body with digitigrade legs and soft wings. Hips and thighs are thick, with an ample ass.
Genitals: Ovipositor and connected egg-sacs where balls once were.
Quest: Infiltrate and gain the trust of the local Zil tribe.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife
I admire my new form. "What a transformation, doc! Xenogen does excellent work, I must admit."

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Dr. Vance smiles proudly at your words, clearly pleased with the results of her work. "I'm glad you're satisfied," she says, running a hand over your new wings. "You really are quite the specimen now. I look forward to seeing how you fare among the Zil."
She hands you a datapad with detailed instructions on Zil behavior and culture, as well as a few key phrases in their language. "Remember, the key to infiltration is to blend in. Act like one of them, earn their trust, and they'll never suspect a thing."
With a pat on the back, she sends you off to begin your mission.
Level: 2
Class: Kineticist
Race: Zil Hybrid
Body: Curvy, yellow-furred body with digitigrade legs and soft wings. Hips and thighs are thick, with an ample ass.
Genitals: Ovipositor and connected egg-sacs where balls once were.
Quest: Infiltrate and gain the trust of the local Zil tribe.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife


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Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
(Classical Alpha) It's Mhen'ga, the first major planet from TiTS. [Transformation, RPG, Tentacles, General debauchery] READ THE NOTES FOR USAGE INSTRUCTIONS

