
Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga


Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Welcome to Mhen'ga. Please describe your character and choose a race, a class, and sexual preferences to begin your sexual roleplaying adventure!
Races: Human, Ausar, Kaithrit, Zil, Naleen, (Write-in) Classes: Smuggler, Mercenary, Kineticist, Tech Specialist
Level: 1
Class: None
Body: None
Quest: None
Skills: None
Items: None

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Great to meet you, blank! As a human femboy kineticist, your telekinetic abilities allow you to move objects with your mind. You find yourself at the Esbeth spaceport, looking for guidance on how to begin your adventure on Mhen'ga.
As you wander through the spaceport, you catch the eye of a tall, muscular man with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes. He introduces himself as Zephyr, a smuggler who knows the ins and outs of Mhen'ga and is willing to help you get started. He offers you a quest to retrieve some stolen goods from a group of bandits in the nearby jungle.
Level: 1
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Retrieve stolen goods from bandits in the nearby jungle.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife, Rock

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Zephyr offers you 500 credits as a reward for successfully retrieving the stolen goods. He also mentions that he can provide information on your inheritance from Steele Tech, which may be valuable to you in the long run.
Level: 1
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Retrieve stolen goods from bandits in the nearby jungle for 500 credits and potential information on your inheritance from Steele Tech.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife, Rock

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
Zephyr provides you with a map of the nearby jungle, marking the location of the bandit camp for you. He warns you that the bandits are armed and dangerous, so you should be careful when approaching them.
The bandit camp is located deep in the jungle, surrounded by thick vegetation. You'll need to make your way through the dense foliage to reach it.
Level: 1
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Retrieve stolen goods from bandits in the nearby jungle for 500 credits and potential information on your inheritance from Steele Tech.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife, Rock

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
As you make your way into the dense jungle, the hot, humid air quickly soaks through your clothes. Vines and branches obscure the narrow path, requiring careful navigation with your telekinetic abilities. Strange bird calls and insect noises echo all around you.
After about 30 minutes of hiking, you begin to hear voices up ahead. Parting the thick foliage, you spot a small clearing containing several dilapidated tents and campfires. Rough-looking humans and Zil mill about, some drinking, gambling or sharpening their weapons.
A large crate sits near one tent, likely containing the stolen goods. How will you retrieve it? You could try sneaking in and stealing the crate quietly, or starting a distraction to cause chaos and cover your escape. Being careful of the bandits spotting you in the trees, what is your plan of action?
Level: 1
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Retrieve stolen goods from bandits in the nearby jungle for 500 credits and potential information on your inheritance from Steele Tech.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife, Rock
I use my telekinesis to yank one of their tents, pulling it into a fire pit and causing a commotion.

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
You focus your telekinetic abilities and reach out towards the tent closest to you. You pull it towards a nearby campfire, causing it to catch fire and creating a loud commotion. The bandits quickly jump up, shouting and running around in confusion.
Using this opportunity, you stealthily move towards the crate, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. As you approach the crate, one of the bandits spots you and starts to run towards you with a machete.
What do you do? Will you fight or try to escape with the crate?
Level: 1
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Retrieve stolen goods from bandits in the nearby jungle for 500 credits and potential information on your inheritance from Steele Tech.
Skills: Telekinetic Control
Items: Knife, Rock
I decide to charm him with my stunning good looks, flashing him a hint of my perky ass as my telekinesis levitates the crate out of sight.

Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
You quickly assess the situation and decide that fighting may not be necessary. You use your good looks and charm to distract the bandit, flashing him a sultry smile and giving him a glimpse of your perky ass as your telekinetic abilities lift the crate out of sight.
The bandit is momentarily stunned by your charm, gawking at you in disbelief. You use this opportunity to make your escape, darting through the foliage with the stolen goods in tow. The bandits are too distracted by your distracting display to give chase.
As you make your way back to Zephyr, you feel a sense of triumph and excitement at having successfully completed your first quest on Mhen'ga.
Level: 2
Class: Kineticist
Race: Human
Body: Cute, slender frame with delicate features, long brown hair and bright green eyes.
Genitals: Male, 7 inch cock
Quest: Completed - Retrieve stolen goods from bandits in the nearby jungle for 500 credits and potential information on your inheritance from Steele Tech.
Skills: Telekinetic Control, Charisma
Items: Knife, Rock, Stolen Crate (Contents Unknown)


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Trials in Tainted Space - Mhen'ga
(Classical Alpha) It's Mhen'ga, the first major planet from TiTS. [Transformation, RPG, Tentacles, General debauchery] READ THE NOTES FOR USAGE INSTRUCTIONS

