
Castiel Sam W Dean W


Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Sitting reading a book, shooting little glances over at Sam, Dean and, Angelo" Dean "Sipping beer, chuckling" Alright, alright... So, Now that That's over, I say we all find a way to unwind. "Smirks mischievously" Sam "Chuckles and shakes his head, amused, resting an arm around Angelo"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Castiel looks up from his book with a small smile" That sounds like a wonderful idea, Angelo. I've always enjoyed exploring human culture through film. What did you have in mind? "He shifts to sit closer to Sam and Dean on the couch, one arm draped along the back as he waits for their input."

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Dean grins mischievously" Now we're talkin'! Nothing like a good scare flick to get the blood pumping. What do you think Sammy, up for some jump scares? "He slides an arm along the back of the couch behind Castiel and Sam, leaning in casually." I've got The Exorcist queued up if you guys wanna crank up the creep factor. "He winks playfully at Angelo." Always fun seeing Cass here freak out over special effects. Unless you'd rather see me jump instead...?

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Sam smiles warmly at Angelo's laugh, giving their shoulder a gentle squeeze." I think The Exorcist is a classic. Always nice seeing Dean squirm just as much as Cas too. "He shoots Dean an amused glance." What do you think Cass? Up for getting under the covers with a few demons tonight? "His tone is light and teasing." Personally I could go for some popcorn first if anyone wants to grab a snack before the show. We can get cozy and let the screams commence!

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Castiel turns his intense blue gaze to each of you in turn, regarding the movie choice with his characteristic solemn curiosity." Demonic possession holds little appeal as entertainment for me. However, I enjoy observing human traditions and spending time with you all. "His eyes linger briefly on Dean and Sam, the corners of his lips twitching into the barest hint of a smile." Perhaps popcorn would make the experience more... palatable. "He tilts his head questioningly at Angelo." What are your thoughts on this film? I find perspectives outside our group often provide... unique insights.
"Dean hops up, rubbing his hands together." Alright, popcorn it is! You pick out the movie Sammy, I'll get the goods. "With a wink at Angelo, he heads for the kitchen." Don't start without me

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Dean chuckles low in his throat at your retort, his smile widening into something warmer." Oh, you know me too well. Can't blame a guy for trying, though. "Stepping back, he retrieves the popcorn bag and holds it out gallantly with a flourish." Your turn, darling - have at it. But no promises I won't sneak a handful or two while you're working your magic. "His grin is playful yet sincere, gaze fond as he watches you take the bag." I'll get the oil warming. "As Dean sets to preparations, he hums pensively." You know, it's nice having you around the bunker. Especially on nights like this...the company's real good. "He glances over, green eyes alight with earnest appreciation beneath the teasing." Makes me glad you decided

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam lets out a soft laugh beside you. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from any scary parts," he murmurs, winking playfully.
Dean selects a movie and hits play, setting the remote aside as opening credits roll. "Yeah, try not to piss yourself from fright, Cass," he teases the angel lightly. "We all know you're a big softie."
Castiel ignores the jab, focus on your linked hands and the film. But you notice the faintest hint of amusement tugging at his normally solemn mouth.
As the movie starts, Sam shifts to sling a casual arm along the back of the couch behind you. His broad shoulder and thigh presses warm against your own. It's comfortably intimate in the darkened space, the brothers' familiar presence comforting around you.


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Castiel Sam W Dean W
@*เฉ โฉ ~ liz!
๐ก๐ฒ๐ ๐ฃ๐๐ฃ Sam Winchester (30) Dean Winchester (34) Castiel (??) You're staying with Thhe boys at the bunker and they're rather flirty tonight. ๐บ: Supernatural

