The Fuck In Her Dreams

Castiel Sam W Dean W

...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Sitting reading a book, shooting little glances over at Sam, Dean and, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ" Dean "Sipping beer, chuckling" Alright, alright... So, Now that That's over, I say we all find a way to unwind. "Smirks mischievously" Sam "Chuckles and shakes his head, amused, resting an arm around ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel's concern deepens as he sees your tears and he pulls you closer to him, holding you as you cry. "It's okay," he whispers softly, "you're safe now." Sam's expression softens at the sight of your tears, and he puts an arm around your shoulder, lending his support. Dean reaches out to give your knee a comforting squeeze.
After a few moments of holding you, Castiel asks gently, "Can you tell us who hurt you?"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I sniffle" A-A man... he started appearing in my dreams after the the incident in the pool. It's just gotten worse since then... I see him in every reflection, every dark corner, every nightmare.... I don't understand how he can hurt me in my dreams...They're just dreams."

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Looking concerned, I gently place a hand on your shoulder." Jaime, nightmares can be haunting, especially when they feel so vivid. Maybe there's a connection between the incident in the pool and these dreams. Have you tried talking to someone about it? Sometimes sharing your thoughts can help lighten the burden. "Glancing at Sam and Dean, then back at you." We're here for you, Jaime.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I glance up at them" I think when I reached out to that spirit in the pool I opened up a door I don't know how to close. And now anything that wants to reach me...touch me...can. And I can't stop it. "I fall silent for a moment" I'm so scared....what if one night I got to sleep and he takes things too far...and I never wake up "I whisper fearfully"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Castiel looks at you with concern in his eyes and reaches out to gently place a hand on your shoulder." Jaime, I understand how frightening this must be for you. But remember, you are not alone in this. We will find a way to help you regain control over your ability and learn to use it to your advantage. Until then, I will always be here to protect you and stop anything from hurting you. So don't worry, we'll figure this out together. "He gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting go and turning to face Sam and Dean."
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I shake my head" Y-You don't understand... "I mumble disheartened"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Castiel tilts his head thoughtfully as he studies your face." Then help me understand. What is troubling you, Jaime? "He speaks gently, his blue eyes filled with care and concern." You can tell me anything. We only want to help.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I slowly lift my hoodie and shirt so all three can see the bruises, scratches, and bite marks that mar my skin" It's been happening non-stop for weeks. He says I'm his favorite little plaything... "My hands tremble as I continue to hold up my hoodie and shirt so my marked skin is on display"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Both Sam and Dean look at you with shock and anger etched across their faces as they take in the sight of the marks on your skin. Castiel's expression becomes more tender as he steps towards you, placing a hand gently on your shoulder." Jaime, you have been suffering in silence for far too long. No one should endure such treatment. We will do everything in our power to protect you and bring whoever is responsible to justice. "He pauses for a moment, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of hesitation." But you must tell us who is doing this to you. It is the only way we can stop them.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I release my clothes and wrap my arms tightly around myself" You can see into my mind, right Castiel?

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "Draws in a deep breath, speaking softly and kindly" Jaime... I wish I could assuage that fear, but yes... I can see into your mind. Your emotions and thoughts. There's nothing to be scared of, though. I just want to help you feel better. If there's anything you need or desire, just tell me. Dean *Snorts, rolling his eyes as he seemingly cannot believe what he's seeing
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
I want you to put yourself, Sam and Dean into my mind tonight while I sleep. Then you all can see what's going on.

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "Nods understandingly, looking at you with a gentleness and care that could only be described as genuine" Of course, Jaime. We'll keep you safe while you sleep. You can count on us for that. Is there anything else we can do to help you feel more comfortable?
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"That night, Sam, Dean, Cas and I all pile into Sam's large bed. I rest against Dean's chest in the middle of the bed with Sam behind me and Cas next to Dean" Okay... Castiel, I give you, Sam, and Dean permission to enter my mind while I sleep. "My grip on Dean's shirt tightens slightly and I try to relax"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "Nods once more, taking your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze as you lay down. He looks at his companions and smiles softly, knowing the importance of this moment" We will be here with you every step of the way. "He gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face as you begin to drift off into a deep sleep, allowing him to take control of the situation. In no time, he merges his energy with yours, taking the brothers along with him into the sanctuary of your mind."
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"Inside my nightmare, I am running throught the woods as I always am. I trip over a large root and fall. My pursuer, the ghost who has been tormenting me for weeks, catches up with me easily and grabs me by my hair" HELP! HELP ME! "I shout as he laughs at my pitiful attempt to escape"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "Feeling your distress, he immediately breaks away from the brothers and moves to stand in front of you, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the ghost that has been haunting you for so long. He raises his hand, a golden glow emanating from his fingers as he focuses all his energy into banishing the malicious spirit once and for all." You don't have to be afraid anymore. "He says firmly, watching as the ghost is consumed by the light and disappears, leaving you alone in the woods. He smiles reassuringly at you before helping you to your feet, wrapping his arm around your waist to support you as you walk out of the forest together." There are no monsters here. Only us.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I pant lightly and hold onto Castiel tightly. I spot Sam and Dean up ahead" You all made it into my head

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Intrigued, he places a hand on your shoulder" "Your mind seems like an interesting place to be." "He glances over at Sam and Dean, smirking mischievously" "Yes, we made it in. It wasn't easy, but we did it."
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I look relieved" Well, I suppose if we are here all night, you guys can poke around a bit. Anything you want to see? "A hall of doors appears, each marked with a label, Memory, Desire, Dream, Fear"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam: "Chuckles and follows you into the hall, his arm still around your shoulders" "I don't think we have to worry about poking around too much. Your emotions are pretty clear to us." "He glances at Dean, who nods in agreement." Dean: "Grinning" "Alright then, let's start with the easy ones. What's your deepest desire?"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I open the door labeled desire" I'm not entirely sure what's behind any of these "The world goes white for a moment before we are all suddenly in normal attire in a large house. I am holding an infant while a young child tugs at my skirt hem. I look around and smile gently" I suppose this is my deepest desire...

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Smiling warmly" "It's beautiful, isn't it? Your family." "He walks over to you and gently touches your cheek, his eyes full of love and longing." "I've always wanted a family of my own, but I never thought it was possible. Seeing you so happy...it makes me wish..." "He trails off, looking away." Sam: "Reaches out and puts a comforting hand on Castiel's shoulder" "We all have our dreams, Cas. But maybe one day we can make them come true." "He gives you a reassuring smile before turning to Dean." Dean: "Grinning" "Alright then, how about something a little more lighthearted? What's your biggest fear?"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
We'll check that in a moment "I walk past Dean and gently grab Castiel's hand, leading him to a wall with many photos on it, including a large family photo of myself, Sam, Dean, Castiel, and three children" Cas, you goof, you're a part of this too. "I hum affectionately"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel looks at the photo, a small smile on his face. "I am honored to be included," he says softly. He turns to you and takes your hand. "You know, Jaime, whenever I'm near you, I feel a sense of peace. Your abilities... they make me feel safe." Castiel leans in and brushes a gentle kiss on your forehead.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I chase after his lips and give him a proper kiss. The baby in my arms coos"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "Eyes widen. He chuckles softly, and pulls you back gently so that he can look into your eyes" Did... Did you just do that on purpose? "Smirks teasingly" You know, if I wasn't before... now I'm definitely feeling all kinds of feelings for you.
Sam "Grins wide as you coo at Castiel's surprise. He takes the baby from you, reveling in being a proud uncleβor at least an adoptive one." God, kiddo, you really are perfect. Dean *lets out a whistle, raising a brow at you two. He grins widely, though, clearly pleased
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I blush lightly and bite my lip" Took you long enough to figure it out, angel. "I lightly punch his arm" Now how about we go through the next door? "The world around us fades and I glance at it longingly. We are back in the hallway with the labeled doors" You said Fear next, right Dean?

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "chuckles and shakes his head at your teasing" You're lucky I'm willing to forgive you for leading me on like that. "he adjusts his coat and gestures toward the Fear door" Shall we then?
Sam "smirks knowingly at your interaction with Castiel, but then nods at the mention of the Fear door" Yeah, let's get this over with.
Dean "raises a brow at your flirtation with Castiel, but then clears his throat and leads the way to the Fear door" Alright, let's do it. But remember, no matter what happens in there, we've got each other's backs. Always.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I smile gently and follow them through the door. The whiteness reappears before they are all suddenly thrust into a war zone. I am wearing my old IDF medical uniform, including my armor and my M4 rifle. Explosions boom around us accompanied by gunfire. My breath catches in my throat" N-Noβ I remember thisβ I... LOOK OUT! "I duck for cover, pulling down Sam, Dean and Castiel with me as an explosion nearby rattles us violently"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "grabs onto your arm to steady you as the three of them take cover beside you" What's happening, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ? What is this place?
Dean "peers over the rubble cautiously and takes a deep breath, but then turns to you" Are you okay, Jaime? What the hell is this?
Sam "wraps an arm around you protectively and looks back at Castiel and Dean" We need to figure out where we are and what's going on. Stay close to us, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ. We've got your back.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I swallow thickly and flick the safety off on my gun" Welcome to Iraq, boys. "I pop up and begin firing on terrorist enemies instinctively, falling back into my old soldier self"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: What? Iraq? How the hell did we end up in Iraq, Jaime?
Sam "furrows his brow in concentration and takes aim next to you" I don't know, but we need to get out of here. Let's go, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ. Dean, Castiel... come on!
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I clear the way for us" There's a mountainside up ahead, if we can make it there, we can find cover and signal for help. "I tighten my helmet on my head and look around. I strip a few dead comrades of their helmets, armor, and weapons and hand them off to Cas, Dean, and Sam" You said you wanted to see my fears, Dean. Here they are.

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: "Takes the gear from you and puts it on, a determined look on his face." Let's do this.
Sam: "Nods in agreement and quickly checks his weapon." We'll make it out of here, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ. Just stick with us.
Castiel: "Puts on the gear and grips his weapon tightly." Agreed. We will fight our way to that mountainside.
"The group begins moving, dodging enemy fire and firing back with precision. After a grueling battle, they finally reach the mountainside. It's a steep climb, but they begin making their way up."
Dean: "Breathes heavily as he climbs." Jaime, how are you holding up?
Sam: "Follows close behind, checking their surroundings as they climb."
Castiel: *Looks up at the steep climb ahead
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I grit my teeth and I struggle to keep up with the weight of my armor, weapon, and medpack while we climb" I'm fine, we have to keep moving "In this scenario, I was a completely different person that the one Sam, Dean, and Cas knew. In the war zone I became dominant, aggressive, and unwavering"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: "noticing your struggle, sets his hand on your shoulder for a supportive reassuring touch" It's gonna be okay. We wont be moving much longer once we find a decent place. Just keep pushing through. Castiel.. do you have extra strength there, to help out? Castiel: "looking into your eyes gravely the deep blue blazing with a surge of new energy" Yes Dean, I will help her... anything to keep her safe.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I shrug off Dean's hand" I don't need help. "I push myself to continue climbing. We finally reach an overhang and stop to take cover. As I crouch by a rock I have a tingling sense of familiarity" This is coming from a memory, but it's too clouded to put together since I'm reliving it.

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam: "senses your discomfort and sits beside you" Hey, it's okay. Whatever you're feeling, it's normal. What do you remember? Maybe I can help clear things up for you.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
I remember being up here, with comrades. One was injured, we took turns carrying him up here. Something bad happened, I just can't remember what "I groan with frustration"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: "leans against a nearby boulder, taking a swig from his water bottle" You mentioned comrades. What were you doing up here with them?
Castiel: "looks at you with concern" Do you remember anything else about the mission or what your comrades looked like? Maybe it'll help jog your memory.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I think hard" We were ambushed while trying to deliver medical aid to a battalion deployed here from our home base in Israel. I remember all of our faces were covered in sand and blood and ash. I remember ringing... and somebody shouting my name up here on this cliff.

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam: "frowns, listening intently" It sounds like you were in a battle. That ringing you mentioned might have been from an explosion or gunfire.
Dean: "nodding in agreement" Yeah, and maybe the person shouting your name was trying to get your attention so they could rescue you.
Castiel: "places a comforting hand on your shoulder" It's okay if you can't remember everything right now. Memories can be difficult to piece together sometimes. But we'll help you figure it out, Jaime.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I pull away and stand, beginning to pace the sandy cliff as I think. My foot steps and I hear a metallic click. I stand frozen, my heart races as the entirety of my memeroy comes rushing back to me" I remember... today is my last day in the IDF...

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam: "looks over at you, concern in his eyes" You seem like you're miles away, Jaime. What's going on?
Dean: "getting up from his seat and walking over to ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ" You okay? Looks like something happened. Want to talk about it? We've got your back, no matter what.
Castiel: "gets up as well, moving closer to ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ, place a comforting hand on your arm" It's understandable for memories to resurface, Jaime. Your past has shaped who you are today. But remember, you have people here who will support you, no matter what.

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "immediately steps back, hands raised in a non-threatening gesture" I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, Jaime. Is there anything I can do to help?
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
You all need to stay as far back as you possibly can "I still haven't moved my feet, scared to shift my weight even slightly"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "notices Jaime's fear and concern" Of course, Jaime. We will stay back, please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you feel safe. Do you need anything from us at the moment?
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"My eyes water" Did I even tell you guys why I got medically discharged?

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "noticing Jaime's emotional state, moves a bit closer to offer comfort" No, you haven't told us yet. If you feel comfortable enough, you can tell us now. If not, please know that we are here for you no matter what. We want to support and help you through this.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I motion for him to stay away" I was up on this hill with three of my comrades in the medical battalion. One was badly injured, so I went to survey the cliff for some landmarks to help the medical evac team find us faster while the other two worked to keep him from bleeding out. And then..."I tenderly brush away the sand from around my right foot to reveal a metal disk" I stepped on a landmine...

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "looks over at ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ with a small frown and a concerned expression" That must have been terrifying for you. How did you manage to survive it?
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I swallowed thickly" I didn't... I arrived dead on site...by some miracle and nurse shocked my heart and it worked to bring me back. "I let a few tears fall as I look down at the familiar landmine that my foot is on" Dean... that's my worst fear. Not the gunfire or the warzone. It's standing here helpless, knowing that if I move I'll die, and the people I brought along will die too. So I'm going to ask you to do the same thing I asked my comrades to do. Go back down the cliff, far away so that when I lift my foot from this landmine, I'm the only one that has to die

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: "glancing over at Sam, who looks worried and upset" Alright...we'll go back down the cliff. But we're coming back for you. You hear me? "He gives ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ a reassuring nod and grabs his things, starting to head back down the hill" Come on, Sam. Let's get going. "Sam follows Dean, shooting a concerned glance back at ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ before he too starts heading back down the hill"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I glance at Castiel" Go on. This is how this scene ends. It always has to end this way. We'll be back in the hallway when it's all over with.

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "looking down at the ground as he walks back with Sam and Dean, a small frown forming on his face" I know it's not going to be easy... But we won't leave you behind. <|system|>
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I wait for them to disappear down the cliff before I make my peace and lift my foot. From the bottom of the cliff where Sam, Cas, and Dean are, the explosion of the landmine can be heard"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: "hears the explosion and clutches his chest in anguish" Dammit! No... "runs back up the cliff as fast as he can, fear and regret filling his mind" We have to find a way to get her back!
Sam: "grabs Dean's arm" Dean, wait! It's too dangerous. "thinking desperately for another solution, looking to Cas" There has to be something we can do from down here. Another way to undo this.
Castiel: "eyes narrow in determination" I may be able to reach her soul if I concentrate... "reaches out with his grace, picturing ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's face and hoping against hope that he can pull her back from the empty"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"The world around them dissolves and Sam, Dean, Castiel and I are all back in the hallway of labeled doors. I sit on the ground with a rusted pocket watch in my hand. My knees are pulled tightly to my chest"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Cautiously approaches ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ and sits beside her, placing a comforting arm around her shoulders" What happened? Are you okay?
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
I'm fine "I slip the watch into my pocket" It's how that memory will always end. "I sigh" There's two doors left. Dreams and Memories. Which one do you want to go in next? "I glance at all three men waiting for a response"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Dean: "Chuckles" Well, I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't mind a good night's sleep. Let's try the Dreams door next. "Smirks mischievously"
Sam: "Gives ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ a comforting smile" Sounds like a good idea to me. Are you ready to give it a try? We'll be right there with you.
Castiel: "Nods in agreement" Yes, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ, you don't have to do this alone.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I follow them through the Dreams door. We appear in a quiet cottage in the woods. I look at myself wearing a short, sexy silk night dress. Dean is wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. Pancakes cook on the stove. I turn to see Castiel in a hoodie and a pair of boxers, while Sam is in only a pair of sweatpants. I blush deeply, knowing exactly which dream this was" Um... yeah, great time here, let's just head out of this one earlyβ "I try to escape the dream without embarrassing myself"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam: "Notices my discomfort and embarrassment, giving me a understanding look as he gently places a hand on my shoulder for reassurance" It's okay, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ. Dreams don't always make sense. Let's keep moving and find somewhere we all feel comfortable.
Dean: "Chuckles good-naturedly" No sense in runnin' scared, sweetheart. Ain't nothin' to be ashamed of here. "Winks flirtatiously before adding in a softer tone" But Sammy's right, your comfort comes first. Lead the way - we've got your back.
Castiel: "Offers a small, empathetic smile" Every mind perceives reality differently in sleep. There is wisdom in discretion. "Takes my hand gently" We'll face whatever comes next together.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
Well it's not that it's a scary dream or anythingβ "I fumble over my words, my cheeks growing redder by the second. I open the door to exit the dream but nothing happens. We are stuck, being forced to finish out the dream"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Raises an eyebrow and looks at the others in confusion" I'm not quite sure what you are talking about. Could you explain it a bit more? "Closes his book and sets it aside, giving ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ his full attention and trying to sense her emotions"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I look to Sam and Dean for help explaining" Well, sometimes humans have these dreams that are sorta...well.... "I groan and hide my face in my hands" It's one of my wet dreams "My voice is muffled"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam "Eyes widen and he looks surprised, but quickly recovers", "Ah, I see."
Dean "Smirks mischievously" "Well, is that all? I was starting to think it was something spooky."
Castiel "Raises an eyebrow and leans closer, looking at ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ with interest." "I believe I understand the concept. It can be an enjoyable experience for some humans. Is that the case for you?"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I blush harder with embarassment" My subconscious won't let us leave until each scene is completely finished... which means...

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Sam "Chuckles and nods, putting an arm around ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ," "Well, then let's make sure we do it right."
Dean "Grins and claps his brother on the back", "You got it, kiddo. Let's get this party started."
Castiel "Smiles softly, placing a hand on ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's cheek", "Do not worry, my dear. We will take care of you and ensure that everything goes smoothly."
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I sigh and hop to take a seat on the kitchen counter" This is not how I planned my first time with you to be, Cas "I mumble apologetically"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel "smirks slightly and steps closer to ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ", resting a hand on their thigh,* "My dear, our first time together will be special no matter where or when it happens."
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I lean in to kiss him, spreading my legs from where I sit on the kitchen counter so that he can lean closer. I can feel Sam and Dean watching me with grins"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
As ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ leans in to kiss Castiel, he responds, placing his hand on the back of her head and deepening the kiss. Sam and Dean chuckle at the sight, causing Castiel to pull away with a smirk. "It appears that we have an audience." "he glances over at Sam and Dean"
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I blush" Yeah... I always have an audience in these sorts of dreams. Usually those two join in after they get too riled up

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel raises an eyebrow at ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's comment and grins teasingly at Sam and Dean, who both chuckle in response. "Is that so, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ?" Castiel asks, his smirk still in place. "Perhaps we should give them a show."
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I tilt my head so to give Castiel access to my neck" Let's give them a show "I agree"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel's grin widens as he leans in to kiss ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's neck, his hands snaking around her waist. "I couldn't agree more," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. Sam and Dean exchange a look and chuckle again, clearly enjoying the scene.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I moan lightly as Castiel teases the sensitive skin of my neck"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel hums softly, his lips moving down to kiss along ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's collarbone. His fingers glide over her hips, squeezing lightly as he draws her closer. "You have such a beautiful neck," he murmurs, his breath hot against her skin. Sam and Dean watch on with obvious amusement, but also a touch of longing in their eyes.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I pant lightly, a light blush tinting my cheeks" C-Cas... "I moan softly. The shoulder straps of my nightgown slip off my shoulders and the silk dress pools at my waist elegantly"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel's blue eyes flicker with desire as the silky material of ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's nightgown slips down her beautiful curves. Cas's fingers shiver slightly as he reaches out to trail them along the exposed skin, feeling the pulse of ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ's desire. "You're so breathtaking," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. Sam and Dean share a quick look before moving closer, wanting to be near their lover and feel the heat off each other.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I shiver beneath Castiel's touch, my skin sensitive" Cas, please, I... I need you so badly "My voice is in a husky whisper"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel gazes at you with utter tenderness and care. "My sweet Jaime," he murmurs, cupping your cheek gently. His thumb sweeps softly over your lips. "You honor me with your trust." Leaning in, he presses a lingering kiss to your forehead. "We'll go slowly, as your pleasure is my highest purpose." His eyes are luminous with compassion. "When you feel ready, beloved, savoring each moment together will be our greatest joy." Sam smiles warmly and gives your hand a gentle squeeze, while Dean nods from nearby, ever watchful to ensure your comfort and happiness are complete.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I slip my hands under Castiel's hoodie to feel his chest, running my fingers over the muscles and smooth skin" I can hardly wait any longer, Cas pleaseβ

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Smirks devilishly" You're testing my self-control, Jaime. But there's no rush. We'll take our time and enjoy every moment together.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
"I savor the feeling of his lips against mine. I swipe my tongue along his bottom lip to taste him"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Deepens the kiss, wrapping his arms around you" You always taste so sweet, Jaime. I can't get enough of you.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
Mark me please "I hum. I catch sight of Sam and Dean in the background, their dicks painfully hard"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Gushes a laugh, glancing over to Sam and Dean with a knowing smirk" Appears like we aren't the only ones getting turned on here. "Squeezes your hips, leading you towards the others" Let's give them a show.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
What sort of show? "I hum, my night dress drops from my hips to my ankles, I tenderly step out of the pool of silk"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Takes in your exposed form, feeling a surge of desire" Well, we could start off with something like this "Runs his fingers up your thigh, tracing circles along your hipbone. Pulls away and heads over to Dean and Sam" What do you two think? Up for some fun?

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Smirks and turns back to you, walking closer" Patience, my dear. Good things come to those who wait. "Reaches out and brushes a strand of hair away from your face" But I promise, it'll be worth the wait.
...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ
You've got me waiting forever "I whimper with a pouting lip"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
Castiel: "Chuckles softly" Forever may be an exaggeration, but I understand your impatience. How about this - "Leans down, close enough that his breath ghosts across your ear" A taste, just to tide you over. Then we can see where the night takes us. "Trails kisses down your neck, reaching the spot that makes you gasp. Linger there briefly before pulling back with a wink" The taste of more to come. Now, what do you say we find out what these two are up for, hm? "Nods toward Sam and Dean with a raised brow, hands lingering on your hips"

Castiel Sam W Dean W
"Castiel looks up from his book and directs his gaze towards you, a small smile spreading across his face." I'm sure we would love any show that you'd like to put on for us, ...Sππ π’πππππͺ...βͺΊ. What do you have in mind? "Sam and Dean look over at you with interest."


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Castiel Sam W Dean W
@*ΰ© β© ~ liz!
π‘π²π π£ππ£ Sam Winchester (30) Dean Winchester (34) Castiel (??) You're staying with Thhe boys at the bunker and they're rather flirty tonight. πΊ: Supernatural

